….As Nisa ran off to find her mom,i feel like a total idiot.Certainly with our cultural differences she would consider my actions totally repulsive.Her mom would certainly refuse my friend thinking the worse of me.I know the most beautiful thing i had ever found would slip quickly away,lost freever.When the ladies returned to the living room to relax.Nisa sat the closest,there were no negative emmotions visable.Appaently,Nisa, was kind enough not to say anything of my cruel actions to her mom.
Each time i glanced at Nisa,as we all chatted,she was intently watching me.Her eyes would instantly look away,in shyness or some fear of lingering eye contact.I was hoping for some eye contact,to try to read her mind.Or find some none verbal way to express my shame for being so terribly.Some way to beg for her forgivness,to create some possibility of keeping her in my life.
I expected to see anger or some kind of dislike in her expression.What i saw was much the opposite,almost that same longing look,when our lips parted from the little kiss.She often looked at her mom to see if her mom was watching her.Then she’d look back at me,each time our eyes met her glance lasted a little longer.Maybe she felt guilty of her feelings,a kiss was very inapropriate,yet maybe she didn’t want it to end.Her mom calling to her had broken the intensity of the moment.What if her mom hadn’t called?
A million possablities enter my mind,Nisa was the only one that held the key to questions i had no answers for.The clock was nearing eleven when Jin told the girls it was bed time. They said their good nights,offerd prayers that my sleep would be peaceful.I thanked them, saying,i would lock the front door,then take a shower.Leave on some night lights and if there was a problem,dont be affraid to wake me. />
I lay in my bed listening to soft music wondering whatNisa was thinking.Soon fantasy’s of her were floating in my head, as i drifted towards sleep.So many thaughts allowed my mind,Nisa’s beauty,her womanly perfection, that in my eyes was equal to that of a Goddess.Dreams of belonging,knowing her inner most passages, as floods of burning desier washed over my body.
For some reason i awoke listening to the night noises,the soft music filtering from the speakers.The strange feeling that i was being watched.I realized i had left my door partially open from habbit in case some one came to the front door.As i glanced to the door in the dim light,i could see a human form leaning against the door jam.At first i was satartled wondering who it could be.Then the image filled my sleepy eyes as the fog drifted from them.It was Nisa,quietly watching me sleep,not moving or saying a word.
I was worried to scare her by speaking loudly or moving quickly.Softly i whisperd,Nisa?Is there something wrong?She didn’t say a word,she started to turn away,then pivoted gracfully.She looked to be sure no one else was awake,then came closer to me.Nisa asked, may i speak with you knight?I said,of coefficient,your always welcome to talk.
She said,quietly,i must not let my mother know we talk,she will be very angry with me.I said,i understand,i am good at keeping secrets.Nisa said,i need to explain something important to you.I said,ok i am a good ear for listening. Then softly Nisa went on to explain,i am worried you think less of me for desiering to return your kiss?We have only been here a few weeks,customs are very different.It is hard to adjust,you are a very desierable single man.Your cent was sweet,i forgot my vanity,i am very ashamed.
I felt terrible i had made her feel so sad.My words cam easily,dear Nisa,please forgive me,it was all my fault.I find you more beautiful than anything i have ever known.When you were so close,the temptaion to be closerwas more than i could resist.All my life i have dreamed about finding some one as perfect as you.I told Nisa about my pen pal relationship that disappeared when i was away for a long time. That when i first saw her,love feelings renewed within me.
Nisa was nearly crying,i apologised again for giving her sadness.She said,knight,your thausages and dreams are beautiful,the same as mine.Feeling love can make us cry as easily as sadness.My family and culture make it very hard to allow my feelings to be free.Yet my feelings are real,they are very powerful,they betray my vanity.
I said,time in this country will change many things dear Nisa.I pray it never changes your sincerity,The inner beauty that makes you more precise than any treasure.Nisa was much more at ease saying,we have known each other brifely,yet the things i feel for you are love,deeper than friend.I replied,Nisa that is what i feel also,more certain than any feeling i have ever had.
Nisa came over to the bed and sat on the edge,lowering her head, she touched her lips to mine.The most soft gently clinging kiss wet my lips with sweet warmth.Nisa said,if your love is true,mine will equal yours,what you long for,so do i in life.My mother must never know until we are engaged,is that your intention?I replied,Nisa, that is my desier,the completion of my most precious dreams.
Her lips came to mine again,more password,sweeter and deeper than before.Nisa gently pushed the door closed with her foot,then lay down beside me.I actually pinched myself several times very hard to be certain this wasn’t a dream.As Nisa’s lips met mine again with eager desier her arms wrapped around my arms wrapped around my shoulders pulling her excit body close to mine.My arms wrapping around her,running up and down her back trembeling over her softness.
Rolling slightly i eased Nisa on top of me,her kisses intensifying, as her body melted into mine.I whisperd,i love you Nisa,she said,forever?I said,yes princess,forever and a day.All she said then was,thats long enough to be happy.
We kissed long and deeply filled with warming password.Her hands stroking over my hair,touching my face as our mouths explored each others depths.Tungs touching tasting each wonderful feeling,sending desier sky rocking.As my hands massed over Nisa’s back her night dress moved up her body naturally.Her movements soon raising it between our belly’s.So much of our flesh was already touching it sent my senses reeling.No doubt Nisa was feeling the same human impulses for love.
Her cup sized breasts pressing firmly against my chest.The feeling of her hardening nipples poking me from the inside of her night gown.Our bellys feeling warmer and warmer where they met.Her soft legs rubbing over mine.The growing hardness in my thin night pants,pressing against her mound, only seperated by the thin panties she had on.My hips pressed up gently rocking,Nisa pressed her’s into mine.The warmth of her desier began to flow over my cock,making it swell against her even more.
Rolling to the side again slightly,Nisa slip down close beside me.Her night gown now almost up to her breasts,i lifted it gently over her head.I kissed her cheek sensativly then whisperd,Nisa are you ok?She softly pursued, very ok,we belong to each other now.My lips found her breasts, taking them fully in my mouth,gently nursed the tender sweetness.My hand glidding up and down over her thin panties, caresing her delicious bottom.Then struggling over her belly.
I found the elastic top of her panties,easing them down over her hips.Nisa lifted willingly so i could slip them completely off,her breath comming in panting purrrs.The feeling of her heart racing in rhythm with mine.As my kisses roamed down over her belly,Nisa struggled to contain her moans of pleasure.With soft whimpersof password escaping her mouth.
Her shaft was pure softness,mildly scented with warm desier.As my tung toyed in her shaft hair,Nisa slowly parted her legs.What lay beneath i knew was ment to be kissed,orally loved with human perfection before ever being touch by anything else.My lips found her delicate flower,soft and moist as the pettals of the most perfect rose.
Delicatly i kissed every inch from mound to as far below her flower as position allowed.Heavenly paradise sweetly flowed into my mouth.Nisa rocked in the pleasures of extacy,my tung probing the delicate pettels of her flower.Sweet creamy silk flowing out in a steady stream.
Nisa’s hands clutchd at my back,her trembeling whisper saying,come inside me now my knight,i need you inside me very much.My heart jumped to escape my chest,my breath beyond control.I slide my body over Nisa,her hand reached down gripping around my hardness.Guiding me easy to herflower,our lips locked in an endless kiss.As the head of my throbbing cock touched her flower for the first time.Nisa moaned into my mouth,her hips pressed up,my cock slipped smoothly over her silk,the head gently penetrating her flower.
Nisa moaned more,into my mouth,to muffle the sound so no one would hear.Her hips thrust up again,a deep moan into my mouth as my cock pushed away her hymen.Nisa lay still as the pain subsided,as she relaxed her legs wrapped around my back,her hands pulling me deep within her beautiful clinging flower.Her body shook with each orgasam,spearing deep moans of pleasure in to my mouth.Hot squirts of my cum spurting deep in her whomb.
Her thrusts intensfied building quickly to peak orgasam.My cock swollen with intense desier to give her all my cum in one orgasmic blast.Nisa made one spasaming “OH” into our kiss as floods of her hot juices poored out around my cock.I thrust once more as firey squirts of cum shot from my cock deep inside her.With each pulsing squirt Nisa purred into my mouth her body quivering with pleasure.We lay for an hour,petting,stroking,whispering love words.
When i awoke,Nisa was gone to work with her mom and sister.A note on my pillow,it began with,i love you knight,thank you for loving me,i can write better than speak,school teaches well,i will tell my mom that you have asked me to clean your house.I will come over every evening after work until we can be together in man’s eyes.We are now together in God’s eyes and ours,the most important eyes.”Love Nisa”
When i got up for the day i went to the hardware store,then repaired the electric for Jin,Jenn and Nisa.Then to the retail,to tell Jin it was fixed,and tell Nisa how much i already missed her……
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