I had been making plans all week for a trip to the lake for some long overdo fishing. The past week when I got stuck sitting Tasha had become less vivid in my mind. Things had gotten way out of hand with expressing affect. Not that it wasn’t a sweet exciting experience,more like a inapropriate interaction. Something we should avoid in the future, should a similar situation arise.
It was hard not to miss the excitmnet when Tasha was around. Always running from one thing to another,a multiitude of curiosity questions. At least the days were never dull and boering with her abundant energy.
Some things should be thought,not said. Always in the back of my mind floating around the memory of being more than proper. Tasha’s constant teasing entwined with her perfect young body made wanting to be closer irrisistable. Just her developing breasts could complete an errotic day dream. Or should i say,full cherry nipples that rested atop breastly ariolas. Far less than a mouthful, but tremendously suckulent as Tasha squirmed squeeling with pleasure.
Here i sat getting hard again,after i had swore i was going to keep my mind off sexual thoughts. Sexual thoughts that concerned Tasha at least. Well time for some fishing then all the naughty thoughts would slip away. I had the van all loaded up ready for the back woods,eager to be off on a new adventure.
I had almost got in the van when I could hear my cousin yelling from down the street. I wasn’t sure what was up but figured it was bound to screw up the fishing trip. Cheryl said she had to go in to work again and the sitter had gotten sick. I told her,i wish i could but i was ready to head off for the mountains. It really would be difficult to change my plans now. Cheryl looked very unhappy,not sure what she could do to take care of work responsibility. Certainly bringing Tasha with her was out of the question.
Tasha came bounding down the street pumping her foot to increase the speed of her skate board. Cheryl and i talked as Tasha came over closer leaning back against me with affectionate recognition.She saw that i was trying to avoid watching her from the context of our conversation. My resistance to Cheryl’s request eased drasticly when Tasha’s hand went behind her and began squeezing my cock.
I agreed real quickly,hoping Cheryl would be off on her way to work. She wouldnt need to observe for long to realize that Tasha was being a very naughty girl. I told Cheryl we would figure something out so she could get to work before she was late. Cheryl went off down the street saying she would be back in the morning to pick Tasha up. I leaned into Tasha saying honey behave before some one sees what your doing. One more big cock squeezez and thankfully she let go.
Tasha and I went inside to plan what we were going to do for the day. Obviously fishing was not on the agenda for today,that would get a rain check for now. I went in the kitchen and got a couple sodas for Tasha and I to sip on while we came up with some entertainment plan. We concluded that swimming in the pool,some board games and her skate board would be enough to fill the day. Later call out for pizza and some movies would be just fine to end the day.
Tasha wanted to go swimming first thing,I asked if she had her swim suit. She said no,we concluded that undies would be fine,seeing her not fully clothed was certainly nothing new after or last experience together. I left my shorts on,for propriety,to much nudity wasn’t a great idea if some one happens to stop by. Tasha wanted to use the diving board. I insisted I stay in the pool in case she had a problem. Better to be safe than sorry when water is part of the entertainment.
We had the music on to set the mood for a more relaxing swim.Every time Tash dove in she screamed like crazy,asking how her form was.Even the bellywoppers were Olympic quality,or so I said to make Tasha happy. I loved watching her climb up the ladder out of the pool. Her wet silk panties stuck tight to her body becoming nearly invisable against her delicious treasures. Her hard titty’s jutting out like small pyramids into the thin fabric of her tee shirt.
It was real tempting to wait by the ladder and slide my tung up the crack of her butt every time she went up for another dive. I was starting to get a little pruney from soaking in the pool. Good time to watch from a sitting positon on the pool edge letting just my feet danger in the water. Tasha dove one more time then swam over between my feet looking up at me with those wide brown eyes. Real sweet like a water nymph or a maturing mermaid tempting errotic thauughts.
Tasha had her hands on my legs stairing up curiously waiting for me to say some thing. All i could think of was to admier her and compliment her improving diving skills. Her head was about the same level as my navel,every time she exhausted i could feel her breath warm on my belly. The sensing made my cock swell slowly in my shorts,as Tasha watched the reservation. She giggled like crazy when the head began pokeing out under the leg band. Tasha looked up grinning when she said we got a visitor. I looked all around nervously for some one in the back yard. Tasha laughed even harder saying,no silly,down here in your shorts.
I blushed bright red saying,oh,realising how absent minded the arousal was making me. Tasha was stairing,admiering the new view her breath had created from my shorts. As i looked around the yard conferming that we were alone I felt Tasha’s tung swirrling over my cock head. Quickly the teasing made more swell from my shorts,Tasha giggeling excitedly while her mouth softly consumed the head. Her tung working rapidlyagainst the bottom drawing the first drops of precum into her mouth.
Defenetly very wrong to allow her to pleasure her desiers this way yet how could i resist what was feeling so very good. Tasha’s mouth had locked on feverishly sucking harder,her soft tung flayling against the sensitive areas she had learned drove me into powerful desier. Precum was seeing more and more rapidly for her hungry mouth getting very close to becoming a flood. I had to tell Tasha to stop,your going to get to pruney in the pool if you stay any longer honey. Your also going to get a lot of cum in your pretty little mouth real soon. We better go take a rest in the chain locker and get sun dried right now.
Tasha was agreed,so i lifted her out of the pool being sure to give her a little thank you kiss for her oral delights. Not failing to give her little breast buds a nibble and her pussy shaft a quick hard kiss before her feet hit the deck. We went rightover to the chain and lay down. Within seconds we could feel the warm sun drying our saturated bodies. I knew then we were going to have another very interesting evening learning much more about each other………
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