britney (part 1 continued)

(Cheating bride part 2)

It has been two years since I moved to California. My husband Jeff still is flying for a small company, I just had my 27th birthday and I am now working at a fitness center close by a small condo where Jeff and I live. My main job is to smile and greet people coming in to work out. I work with a guy named Chad he is a trainer and we have been friends for about six months now.

It was a typical slow Wednesday morning, and Chad and I were in a heated game of computer golf when my sister Cara walked in with Kayla her eight month old baby girl. She dropped her off at a day care center that is part of our gym. They take care of kids while there parents are working out. The babysitter lady took Kayla from my sisters arms and brought her over to the critic so she could take a nap. Cara turned around and grabbed her gym bag and walked to the front desk where Chad and I were sitting.

“Hey guys, how’s it going this morning.” she said in her usual friendly tone.
“Cara this is Chad.” I said

Chad stood up and he shook Cara’s hand. They began chatting and he looked deeply into her eyes and seemed a little flustered by talking to her. Chad is a somewhat shy person. He has a muscle build with dark brown hair and soft brown eyes. He is one of the sweetest nicest guys I have ever met. He was one of those people that you feel comfortable around, He is not cocky or full of himself, Although he could be, but he is just the opposite, with a soft spoken voice and a very easy going peaceful nature about him.

“Well it was very nice to meet you Chad.” She said smiling.
“And you Cara.” He said

“Hey girl, we are going to Brad’s family reunion this weekend. I will be back Monday afternoon and Brad and Kayla are going to be back on Wednesday morning. Would you mind house sitting for me? I just need you to stay there and watch the house and feed the horses twice a day.” She said

Brad is my sisters husband to be. They have a wedding planned two months from now. They have been together four years and they had Kayla last year and they now live together in a nice house in the country up on a hill where the nearest neighbor is at least a mile from them.

I told my sister that I would be happy to house sit for her. My sister grabbed her gym bag. I glanced over at Chad and noticed his eyes wandering down to my sisters butt as she walked towards the ladies locker room.

Cara and I were a year a part, she is twenty eight now. Cara and I look almost exactly alike. We both have long thin light brown hair, and hazel eyes. We are built exactly alike, she is more of a fitness nut then I am, she usually runs three miles a day, works out with weights, and does her yoga class twice a week. I usually get on the treadmill once a day for a few miles, and try to get it over with as quickly as possible. My sister gaineda little weight after her pregnancy, and she got back to her old figure within two months.

When Cara came out she was wearing red spandex shorts that showed off her tight figure. Her panty line showed through her shorts, and her white tank top brought out her smooth tanned skin. Her spandex were skin tight and wrapped around her tanned legs and showed camel toe. That was the main difference between my sister and I she loved to show it off, and I was always a lot more modest in the way I dressed.

Chad stared at my sister as she got on the stair stepper. I have caught Chad a lot checking out all the pretty girls that come in the gym, but he seemed to be especially interested in Cara. His eyes were glued on my sister as she moved up and down on the stair stepper.

When my sister was done working out she went and picked up Kayla and came to the desk to chat with me. Chad sat next to me and stared at her. Her face was wet with sweat and her shirt was soaked down to her nipples making them stick out. Chad’s eyes worked from my sisters erect nipples down her tanned stromach and to her crotch where the outlines of her vagina stick out of her spandex workout shorts. When she turned around and looked at him his eyes quickly met hers. Chad’s face blushed knowing that she caught him looking at her. She gave him a smile and he shyly smiled back.

“ It was nice meeting you Chad.” My sister said as she walked out the door with Kayla on her left hip.

I looked over at Chad and every time he gets done having a conversation with a girl at the gym he seems to get a frustrated look on his face. I always think he is going to ask them out but he never does. The thing I love about Chad is his shyness, he is a well built good looking guy, but girls make him shy. I have had several dreams about being in bed with him. I swore to my husband and myself that I would never cheat on him again, but I can’t help to think about it…. I think about it quite a bit actually, a lot more then I should.. Chad has never made a move on me I think that he respects that I’m married, but I get jealous when he checks out other girls.

“Your sister is really pretty.” Chad said
“Yea I could tell that you liked her, your eyes were glued to her ass the whole time she was here.” I said
Chad paused for a moment and he blushed.
“I was just thinking the whole time how her ass looks just as perfect as yours, I guess that makes since, being sisters and all.” He said
“You think my ass looks as good as my sisters.” I said
“Oh yea better actually but you have to take in consideration that she’s had a kid.”
“Thank you Chad that is really flattering coming from a guy as good looking as you.”

My face blushed, it had been along time since I had a compliment. I felt bubbled the rest of the day it made me feel like I did when I was in the fifth grade and I found out a boy had a crush on me. I went in the bathroom a few times just to look at my ass in the mirror. I thought about it even more on my drive home.

That night I lied in bed, with Jeff sound sleep next to me. He had just gotten home from a four day trip. It has been several weeks since we’ve had sex. He gets home, sleeps then he has to go right back out again. Our marriage has gone down hill since we both found out that we cheated on each other. We both had a great time in our foursome with Lisa and Todd, but I think I speak for the both of us when I say that we have lost trust and respect for each other. It seems our marriage has become more like business partners. Where I do my part and does his. I miss the fire we had in the beginning where he was the only person in my world that mattered.

I lied awake watching Jeff think with a lot of thoughts running through my mind. I thought of what Chad said to me today. I felt an exited feeling go through my body and I kept geting more and more aroused as I lied there thinking of Chad. I got up to go to the bathroom, and I locked the door and sat on the floor against the wall. I had on sweat shorts panties and a white t-shirt that I always wear to bed. I slide my hands down my panties and rubbed my clip with my middle and index finger.

I sat there starring at the wall realizing how often lately I have been masturbating. Ever since I was sixteen I have always had a healthy sex life and I never used to feel the urge to masturbate as often as I do now. I asked myself if I was going to do this the rest of my life, have sex with Jeff once every few weeks and spend the rest of my nights pleasure myself. I could just fuck Chad when Jeff is out of town and he would never find out about it. I gritted my teeth together and I started feeling depressed and angle. I got up and tore my clothes off quickly I put my middle and index fingers in my pussy and I pressed up hard against my public wall and beganpumping my fingers hard in and out of my cunt.

My legs began shaking and I nearly collapsed as I withdraw my fingers and cum squirted out splashing on the floor tile. My legs grew very weak and I slide my back down the wall till I felt the coldness of the floor on my ass. I sat there and stared at the wall again catching my breath. I started feeling guilty, for having those thoughts.
“don’t think about that anymore.” I said to myself

I returned to bed and I laid there watching Jeff sleep again. Jeff and I first met when I was 17, I am 27 now he is 28. I started thinking about the old times with him and the romantic cruises we’ve been on. I was getting horny thinking how much I love him. I started licking his ear, he moved slightly but remained asleep. I worked my hand down slowly and started massaging his dick. He took a deep breath and his eyes opened.

“What are you doing.” He moaned half sleep
Before I could answer his eyes closed and his breathing pattern of his sleep continued. I quietly worked my head down the to his lap and worked my tongue in between the hole in his boxers till I found the tip of his penis.

He woke up and thrust me away.

“Britney do you have any idea how much I have been working, I flew 20 legs in four days. And all I ask for you to do is let me sleep!!!” he shouted

“I’m sorry honey, I just been missing you. Your gone all the time now.” I said

“So your pissed when I’m home cause I don’t make enough money, and now your pissed that I’m working a lot and I’m making a lot of money.” He yelled

“NO I was pissed at you when you were home because I would come home from work and the house looked like shit you wouldn’t mow the lawn, or do the dishes. At least when you are working I take care of everything around the house, I clean all your shit up so things are nice and neat when you get home!!!” I yelled with my voice starting tocrack.

“You know what, I am too tired for this shit. You want to do a good deed? You want to be a good wife, fine you could start right now and leave me the fuck alone. So I can get some FUCKING SLEEP!!!”

I jumped out of bed furious, my face filling with blood.
“GET YOUR SLEEP THEN YOU FUCKING PRICK!!!” I shouted slamming the door.

I went in the living room and laid on the couch I could feel every pulse in my body pumping. I was so pissed off, I don’t think Jeff has ever yelled at me like that. I laid there for a half hour staring at the bedroom door waiting for him to come out and apologize. I finally got up and peeked into the bedroom and he was sound sleep.
I returned to the couch and began to cry.

I cried myself to sleep and I woke up about an hour later I started thinking about what Chad said to me at work. I laid there and thought for a long while about my life and my marriage, I was really growing lonely and unhappy. And I remember back in high school when I gave my graduation speech. And I told the whole class that life is an adventure and to never let yourself become a prisoner. I thought about Chad again. And then I said out loud to myself. “Just ask him and see what he says.”

It was Saturday morning now and I showed up at work. It was 9:00 and I was getting off at 3:00 then i was going to head for my sisters house. Chad showed up about ten minutes late and sat down rubbing his eyes looking like he just got out of bed.

“You look tired Chad you must have had a hot date last night.” I said, In the six months I have known Chad I have never heard him talk about any kind of girlfriend, I know he lives alone in an apartment. I wondered what he does at night cause he always comes in looking tired. I also wondered why he didn’t have a girlfriend he was a real cute guy, and guys like him usually have a pretty Girlfriend they go home too. He seemed a little secret at times he never talks about what he does outside of work. I know he’s not gay, because he never has missed an opportunity to check a girl out.

“Nah I just didn’t sleep very well.” He said
“I didn’t either My husband and I got into a huge fight last night.” I said
“What where you fighting about?”
“He was being a fucking asshole.” I said
“That sucks, If you need anyone to talk to I’m here.” He said
“Yea when we get off work I’ll by you a beer and you can tell me all about it.” He said
“That’s sweet Chad, I’m glad to have such a nice friend.”

3:00 rolled around and I called Cara and told her I had to do a few things and then I’d be over. Chad and I walked over to the restaurant across the parking lot. We sat in the corner of the restaurant. We both put away a few beers pretty quickly and I felt very relaxed.

“Alright” Chad said pouring more beer from the pitcher into my glass. “What did you guys fight about last night.”

“Its just he don’t even act like he cares weather I exist or not anymore. He is so into his job and he’s gone all the time. And even when he does get a chance to come home and see me, he goes and hangs out with his work friends. Then when I say something to him he just makes me feel like a bitch and that I’m hassling him.”

My eyes started to tear up and I rubbed my eyes and took a breath.

“I just feel so lonely” I sobbed. “Have you ever been with someone and you could be having a conversation with them and they look at you as if all that matters in the whole world is what is coming out your mouth, and there is no one in the whole world that they would rather be talking to then you. And you feel the same way about them. That’s how it used to be with Jeff and I. But now this person that I love and cherish more then anyone won’t even give me five minutes of his day.”

“I believe I can understand what your saying. Iwas dating a girl named Kelly, about 8 mouths ago, and I felt that way about her. She was all I could think about when I was with her and just the thought of her would made me happy. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her, I loved her so much. Then one day for no reason at all she broke up with me. She still wanted to be friends, and we talk on the phone sometimes, and just hearing her sweet voice torques me. I’ve had a lot of other relationships that just seems to be a disaster at the end. And its just getting to the point where I don’t even look for girls anymore. I don’t want the heartache anymore and I’m just better off on my own.”

“Chad I am so sorry, don’t give up I promise you will find someone perfect for you someday. All you have to do is not give up.” I said
“Thanks buddy.” He said

We chatted on for the next hour and time passed so quick I forgot I had to meet my sister.

“ Lets have these talks more often ok. Your nice totalk too.” I said
“For sure but next time you have to buy the beer.” He said smiling

I grabbed my purse and throw it around my shoulder

“I have to get going thank you for the beer.” I said
I sat up and looked down on him.
“So what do you have planned tonight?” I said
“I’m just going to go home to my lonely apartment, I guess.” He said
I stood their and looked down at him, I hesitated and my heart raced.
“You want to come over and help me watch my sisters house tonight?” I asked “That way you don’t have to be lonely tonight.”

Chad’s eyes widened
“Yea I would like that.” He said
I got on one knee in front of him and wrote his number down on a napkin. I looked at him and my face was close to his and I gave him a sexy look.

“I’ll give you a call when I get there and give you directions ok.” I said softly to him, his eyes moved down my face and he studied my mouth. He leaned his face even closer to mine and paused. I looked at his lips and moved my mouth close to his to where we could feel each other breathing I kept my lips close to his and didn’t let them touch teasing him staring in his eyes.

“See you tonight?” I whispered
He nodded his head and I stood up smiling at him, turned around and walked out the door.
I got to Cara’s, and she was putting Kayla in the car seat. Brad walked out, and gave me a hug and they got in the car. I kissed Kayla on her forehead. Brad started the car and I waved at them as they drove off.

I went inside and called Chad and told him the coast was clear, and gave him directions. I walked in the bathroom and got naked. I stared at my body in the mirror, ever since I started working at the gym I was working out a lot more and I was very pleased the way my body looked. I grabbed my 34B breasts and ran my hands down my tanned tight stomach and rubbed my pussy. My sister had a double mirror and I lookedat my back side and I was very happy with the way my ass was looking. I grabbed my cheeks and pulled them apart and slapped my butt admiring myself. I continued rubbing my cunt looking at my body imagining Chad was standing there watching me.

I sat on the toilet and I took a shit, and waxed my pussy at the same time, till it was as smooth as the day I was born. I got in the shower washed my hair I used my favorite body wash and covered my whole body in it. I held my legs, then douched my asshole.

I got out of the shower and put on my favorite pair of Victoria secret panties and some tight jeans and put on my cutest shirt that showed all of my tanned arms and showed a little cleavage. I did my hair and put on my makeup while I waited for Chad.

I finally heard a knock on the door, and I gave myself one last glance in the mirror then walked towards the door. I opened the door slowly, and my eyes met his. I gave him a big smile and his face immediately lit up and he looked me from head to toe.
“Hey come in.” I said

We both looked at each other and we started giggling and blushing.
“how’s it going.” He said still laughing.
“Not bad.” I said
We stood there and stared at each other I couldn’t stop fidgeting.
“This is a kind of awkward” he said
I shook my head still moving my body nervously.
“Why don’t we just break the ice.” I said

I stepped up to him and put my hands softly on his cheeks and slowly moved my face up to his till our lips met. We kissed softly for a moment, then I opened my mouth inviting his tongue in. We rolled our tongues in each others mouths for a few moments, then his hands came down on my hips. He began rubbing my hips and stomach and worked his hands up my shirt. His kiss became more aggressive and I grabbed his shirt and broke our kiss, I pulled his shirt off and grabbed the back of his head kissing him again. We both worked each others clots off. He was down to his boxes and he pulled my jeans off and he looked down at my sexy panties. I pressed my bare breast against his chest and I could feel his hard on poking my stomach. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around him and he walked me over and laid me down on the couch. He got on top of me and continued kissing me, and he pulled his dick out his boxes and pulled my panties aside and pressed it on the opening of my vagina and slowly pushed in. I winced in pain as my pussy stretched he held his position for a moment, and the muscles in my vagina started relaxing and squeezed around his penis. He slowly pushed in more and more until the full length was inside. I have not had very good sex in over two years and my pussy has gotten real tight. He just held it still in me for a moment as my pussy adjusted to a much bigger cock then it was used to. My cunt relaxed and moistened I let out a soft moan and he began moving himself in me. I started moving my pelvis to match each trust and we moved faster and faster. My whole body tensed up and I put my legs around him and pulled his lower back towards me with all my force. My whole body tensed up and my abdomen muscles started twitching. It kept building and building till I had and orgasm that seemed like an explosion in my pussy. I was cumming as hard as I’ve ever came, and my loud scream turned into a grunt like someone possessed. I could feel my cum all over both of our stomachs as they slapped together.

“You just clawed my back crazy women.” He said
I meant to say I was sorry but I was too out of breath. Chad continued fucking me slower
“I’m going to have to pull out soon Britney.” He said
“No Chad don’t pull out I want you to cum inside me, I’m on the pill. I want to feel your cum inside me.” I demanded

I screamed louder and louder till finally I feel an orgasm coming on again. I screamed as loud as I could and as the orgasm roped through me Chad’s dick tenses up and his warm cum pumped inside me. He slowed down his pace and with each thrust he shot more and more semen in me till he jammed it in as hard as he could and I felt the last of his cum against my cervix.

I relaxed my muscles, and closed my eyes and he held his dick still inside me and I could feel all the pulses racing through his cock. His cock was still rock hard and he waited for a moment then his dick continued moving inside me. He fucked me really slow for a few moments, then he began fucking me as hard as he could. I felt another orgasm coming and this time as I came my body cramped up Chad pumped another load of cum in me and his dick remained hard and I finally had to push him away from me. I never had three orgasm’s in a matter of minutes like that and I was completely exhausted, and I couldn’t move.

I laid there trying to catch my breath. Chad got off and looked down at me. My eyes were closed and my face was soaked in sweat
“Hold on a second don’t move.” Chad said
“I don’t think I can anyway.” I said panting
Chad reached in his back pack and pulled out a camera.
“Do you mind if I take a picture of you.” He said
I opened my eyes and smiled and shook my head.
“As long as you don’t ever show anyone.” I said with a weak voice
“Just for me baby.” He said as he got over me and started shooting pictures with his digital camera.
“God you are so beautiful.” He said “look at your body it is perfect” he said
I sat up a little and rested the back of my head on the couch.
“Chad that was the best sex I have ever….”
“Hold on.” He said turning on the camera to video mode.
“now says that again.” He said
I looked in the camera
“Chad that was the best fuck I have ever had.” I said sternly.
“The best baby?”
I nodded my head, still breathing hard
“Let me just get a shot of your body.”
“Okay turn it off you are makingme nervous.”
“Alright one last thing” he said
He pointed the camera between my legs.
“This is Britney after I just fucked her really hard and this is my cum leaking out of her beautiful pussy.” He said narrowing

I tightened the muscles in my lower abdomen and pushed till the cum spurted out and ran down my inner tigh and landed on the couch.
“Ok that’s enough turn that thing off.” I said

I cooked Chad dinner and invited him to stay the night with me. My sister was not retuning till Monday late in the morning. I made the bed up in the guest room and I crawled in my body was totally soar. Todd crawled in and kissed me and held me in his arms. I fell asleep feeling totally happy, I have not had good sex for a long time. I think I had a smile on my face the whole night as I slept.

It was morning and I was in a deep sleep, when I felt something, I opened my eyes and could only see blur, but Chad was licking my pussy as I slept. I began moaning and I repositioned myself spreading my legs letting his face to have easier access. My eyes finally focused and I looked down into his eyes and he was moving his tongue up and down my folds very slowly.
“Good morning.” He said looking up at me then returning his tongue.
“No one has ever woke me up like that before, that feels so wonderful.” I said in a grocgy voice.
“I have something else for you.” He said getting up and he grabbed a tray, that had hot oatmeal, orange juice, and milk on it. He positioned it under me to where I didn’t even have to move.

My throat choked up and my eyes started tearing and I rubbed my eyes and laughed in embarrassment.
“Why are you being so nice to me.” I said. “I don’t think anyone has ever given me breakfast in bed.”
“To thank you for being nice to me, you don’t have any idea how depressed I was, and you are just what I needed.” He said kissing me softly on the cheese and whispering again. “thank you.”

I pulled the covers over me and began eating my breakfast. Todd grabbed the covers and pulled them off me again. He started licking my pussy again as I ate my breakfast.
“So What do you want to do today.” He said looking up at me
“I would like to fuck you some more.” I said. “but I might have to weigh a few hours, I’m still really sore from yesterday.”

Chad’s tongue continued up and down my slit stopping at my clip with each upstroke. I finished the last of my oatmeal.
“Can I make you something to eat?” I asked
“I’ve already got something to eat.” he said smiling, his lips pressed against my pussy.
I moved the tray aside and sat up and grabbed the back of his head moaning.

He lifted his face up and rubbed his cheek against my public area.
“How do you get this so smooth?” he asked
“I waxed it.” I said “I waxed it just for you Chad.”
He moved his face all around my vagina and I could feel his hot breath on it.
“Your pussy smells so nice Britney” he said putting his nose up between my folds.
“thank you.” I said smiling down at him
“You have something else that smells nice too.” He said as he lifted my lower back raising my ass in the air. He touched his nose on my pussy and then ran it slowly down my cunt and then stopped and sniffed my asshole. He put his nose on my asshole and wiggled it around, then he lifted his face up.
“You smell so nice Britney.” He whispered looking up at me
He kissed my pussy, then he moved down and softly kissed my asshole. He looked up at me and stuck his tongue out moving it in circles around my pink hole.
“Ohh that feels so nice Chad.” I whispered
“Do you like that” he asked
“Yes do that more.”
My legs were spread up in the air and Chad was holding my butt up, and he continued eating my ass for several minutes.
“I have never licked a girl there before.” He said
“Why not?”
“I have never been with a girl that was hot enough that I wanted to do that too.”
My face blushed and I smiled at him.
“Do that all the time okay, that feels really good.” I said
“you got it” he said
“I got to get ready to go, I’m going to be late.” He said as he continued rimming my asshole.
“I’ll wait for you all day ok.” I said
I brought my finger up and massaged my clip.
“Your tongue feels so good on me, I wish you could stay and do this to me all day long.” I said
“When I get back I will pick up right where I left off. Then I want to fuck you.” He said “I want to fuck you here where my tongue is…. You going to let me do that to you?”
“You can fuck me anywhere you want Chad, I will get it ready for you while I’m waiting.” I said
He stopped licking and he gave my asshole a soft kiss, then kissed my pussy, then worked his way up kissing my stomach, tits, then a soft kiss on my cheek then finally gave my mouth a long gentle kiss.

He stood up and I lied naked on the bed and watched him get dressed. I blew him a kiss, and he blew me a kiss back and then blew me another kiss between my legs. I laughed as he walked out the door.

I heard the front door close and his car drive off, I got out of bed and walked in the kitchen naked, I was still pretty sore my stomach muscles were killing me. I sat at the kitchen table, I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face Chad was making me so happy. I started thinking of something I could do to surprise him

I took a shower and got dressed and I headed in town to visit an adult book store that I passed after work each day. I never been in one of those stores and I was always curious and I knew they had sex toys, and I wanted to get something for Chad and I that night.

When I arrived I pulled up in the back. I went in, and there was a woman working the counter and there were a few old guys looking at the movies. I walked over to the sex toys. I looked around and became fascinated by all the varieties. I have never even owned a dildo before. I always wanted one but was always too shy to walk in the adult store to get one. But all my shyness went out the window, after letting Chad video me blowing his cum out my pussy, and letting him sniff my asshole this morning.

I went and grabbed a hand cart and filled it up with a few different size dildo’s, a vibrator, some anal lube, a butt plug, a strap on dildo, and an easy restraint system that locks your wrists to your ankles. I walked up to the counter to pay and the lady smiled at me.
“Looks like you have a fun night planned.” She said
I blushed and let out a giggle.
“I actually had lots of fun last night and this morning.” I said “But now I can go have fun by myself while I’m waiting for him to get home tonight.”
The lady was ringing me up and putting the toys in bags.
“You must be a newly wed.” she said
“Why do you say that.”
“I see that big rock on your finger and only someone that hasn’t been married too long could be so exited about getting home to have sex.” She said
“I have actually been married for several years but those aren’t for my husband if you know what I mean.” I said
“They never are dear.” She said laughing (Pretty Women quote)
“Here is my card, please call me if you ever have questions. I am the owner here and I can give you discount on toys, or anything you need.” She said
I took the card and nodded at her. And grabbed my sack of toys. The old men were all staring at me at me as I was walking out. I was in the best mood I have been in a long time, and I smiled and said “see ya guys.” As I walked out the door.

I was in great mood as I drove back to my sisters house on a long country road. I had the top down my hair was blowing, and the tunes were craneped in my new convertible corvette that I saved for two yearsto get. Life was good as I glanced at the dildo sticking out of the sack in the passenger seat. I started planning what I was going to do when I get back to Cara’s hour. I planned to lay on my sisters couch and ram the dildo up my cunt for a while, then I’m going to get the lube, and the butt plug and get my ass ready for Chad’s cock when he gets there tonight. I remember when I was 16 my first boyfriend was fucking me over at my parents house, and without telling he shoved his dick up my ass. It hurt so much, I remembered being mad at him and my ass hurt for about a week. And I swore that I would never let a guy put his dick in there again. But two years ago I remember Todd had me on my stromach and I was sucking his cock. And he was wearing Jeff’s underwear, and he was sticking his finger in my asshole then would bring it up to my mouth and make me taste it. I remember thinking if he tries to put his dick up my ass I’m going to tell him that he can’t. Then he got my husbands tooth brush and said he’s going to fuck his future wife up the ass and then cum on his tooth brush. I remember being so turned on that I just let him. Although Todd never really asked if it was ok if he did something he just did it.

As I continued down the road I started comparing Chad and Todd together. I remember I had feelings of hatred for Todd. I think that’s one of the main thing that turned me on about him. Fucking someone you hate is kind of kinky. On top of that he would degrade me and humiliate me. And that turned me on as well. Chad is the complete opposite. He is really mature, and well rounded but he is probably every bit as kinky as Todd was.

My thoughts continued about how I am cheating on my husband again and this time I don’t feel guilty about it. Not one bit. In fact I’m getting off on the fact that I screwing around on him. Why is this? Why two years ago when I was doing the same thing, did I feel so guilty and ashamed of myself and I feelthe exact opposite now. Then the thought hit me, maybe because back then I was in love with Jeff, and this time I’m not.

The thought that I was not in love with my husband saddened me a little bit. I told myself to stop thinking about it, and worry about it another time I was having a wonderful day, and I felt as free as bird driving down the road with the warm California air running through my hair.

I reached over and grabbed the dildo out of the sack and looked at it. My pussy got wet, and I could not wait any longer. I pulled over and took the eight inch plastic cock out of its package, and I stepped out of the car and looked both ways to make sure the coast was clear and I pulled off my jeans and throw them in the back seat, and sat back in the car with only my panties and tank top. I got back on the road and drive slow and Parted my panties aside and inserted the dildo in me. I crane the tunes as load as they could go and I continued down the road leaning back in my seat and stoked the dildo in and out of me. My mind was barely able to concentrate on the road the cock felt so good in me and I was building towards orgasm when I heard a honk that overpowered my music and I quickly looked to my left to find a big 18 wheeler truck beside me with two guys staring at me through the window. I quickly covered myself, and put my hand over my face hiding my eyes.
“Don’t let us stop you honey!!!” they yelled
I looked up at them and my face was beat red. There eyes were glued on me, which started turning me on. I pulled the dildo out of me and held it high in the air.
“WHHOOOO!!!” I yelled shaking it at them.
I smiled at them, and put the dildo on the dash, and took my foot off the gas, and the truck slowed down with me I tore my shirt and bra off with one hand while my other hand stayed on the wheel. I put my foot back on the gas and maintained 30 MPH. I looked up at them as I cupped my left boob and put my lips on mynipple, circling it with my tongue..
“PUT IT BACK IN!!!” They yelled
I repositioned myself in the seat and worked my panties off with my free hand. I was totally naked now and I put my knee up on the door giving them a clear view between my legs. I kept my right hand on the wheel and grabbed the dildo with my left The two men watched as I rammed the sex toy back up my cunt. I tried to keep the car going straight as I fucked myself.

The man in the right seat raised himself up to the window and showed me his hard cock giving himself a hand job. I looked up at him and gave him a thumbs up. We continued for a few moments and they started motioning me to pull over. I shook my head at them and they persisted. The moved in front of me and put on their right blinker trying to get me to pull over. I started feeling scared and I hit the gas and passed them and sped up to 100 MPH and watched them disappear in the rear view mirror. I was relieved when I took a left turn on the dirt road leading to Cara’s house where I knew they would never think to turn if they were following me.

I pulled up to my sisters house and I stepped out of my car still naked. I smiled and took a big sight “What a day” I said to myself. I grabbed the toys and my clothes and walked up to the porch. I remembered I had to feed the horses, and I started putting my clothes back on, and I told myself “Fuck it” and throw my clothes on the porch swing and walked naked to the back yard. I felt so sexy walking outside feeling the warm breeze on my naked skin.

I got to the haystack and the two horses walked up to me and I throw a handful of hay to both of them. Rocky the male horse stuck his head over the fence at me and I ran my hand down his nose. I looked down and his huge dick was fully erect. I smiled at him.
“I’m just turning everyone on today.” I said. “No offense Rocky but your too big and ugly for me.”
I kissed him on the nose and turnd around and headed towards the porch again. I grabbed my clothes and the toys and walked inside. I sat naked on my sisters couch and reached in the bag, and pulled out one of my new toys. I put my feet on the coffee table and spread my legs and shoved it in me, and pressed the vibrate button. I fucked myself with the dildo for a few minutes and then I took it out.

I went in the bathroom, and douched my asshole again. Then I took out the anal lube and put some on my finger and worked my finger in my ass. I took out the butt plug and worked it in my ass. I didn’t like it at first and then I started getting used to it. I kept it in for about 20 minutes then I shit it out. My ass now feel different. It didn’t hurt though I took the 8 inch dildo out again and shoved it in my ass. It actually felt good now I began working it in and out of my ass and fingered my pussy at the same time. I worked it in and out of my ass until I came which was a totally different feeling then an orgasm straight from the vagina.

Chad called me and he said he was going to be late and he didn’t know how long. I waited for him what seemed like forever and I finally fell asleep on my sisters couch at 10:00. I woke up and heard Chad walk in the door and he walked over to me and kissed me.
“Britney I have been thinking about your sexy body all day.” He whispered kissing me working his hands up my shirt.

My eyes were really heavy and my body felt weak, all I wanted to do was crawl into bed and go to sleep.

“Chad I am so tired, do you mind if I go to sleep and I will have sex with you in the morning.” I said
Chad’s face changed a little, I could tell he was really disappointed.
“Yea that’s fine.” He said.
“Will you sleep with me tonight, Chad.” I said
“of course I will.” He said, then he kissed me softly and picked me up and carried me in the bedroom, it has been along time since a guy has carried me to bed, and brought me breakfast in bed, and treated me like a queen. In fact I don’t’ think I have ever been treated this well. Chad laid me in bed and pulled the covers over me and climbed in next to me and held me close to him.

I woke up, and the clock said 5:00 am Chad and I have to be at work at 8:00. I looked over at him and he was sound sleep. I went to the bathroom and got out the sex toys and I took off my clothes and stepped in the shower. I got out and dried off, and lubed up the butt plug and stuck it in, I put on a pair of cotton panties on along with my shorts that I work out in and a grey t-shirt. I quietly walked back in the bedroom where Chad was sound sleep. I snuck in very quietly and lifted the covers. Without making a sound I ran my tongue gently on his balls. I kept my eyes on his face and he still didn’t wake up. Then a little bit harder I ran my tongue up his balls and up his soft dick. His face moved slightly but he still didn’t wake. With my saliva on him nowI blew on his cock and balls till his eyes slowly opened and his dick began to grow. He looked down at me and smiled and he moaned as I took his cock in my mouth and rubbed his balls. I sucked him for several minutes then I started licking his balls and jacking him off at the same time. Then I went down farther and put my tongue on his asshole. Chad repositioned himself so I could stroke his cock and eat his asshole at the same time.

“Britney whatever you do please don’t stop doing what your doing right now.” He said
With that said I started moving my tongue faster around his asshole and with my left hand rubbed his ball and my right hand jacked him off faster and faster. I could feel his body start to tense up and I jumped up on my knees and with both hands I squeezed his dick hard. His dick was jerking and he was trying to ejaculate but I squeezed his dick so cum couldn’t come out.
“Why did you do that?” he said
“Because we have a lot to do before wego to work and I want you to keep that tasty cum inside you for a while.” I said
Chad smiled at me as he stretched his arms. I kissed his neck then whispered in his ear.
“I want you to pick up where you left off yesterday.”
“Where was that.” He said
“you know.” I said shyly
“If you refresh my memory I will do it.” He said
“I want to feel your warm tongue on my asshole again. I want you to kiss it and lick it like you did yesterday, and this time I want you to stick your tongue in it. I want to feel your tongue up my ass, then I want to feel your big fat hard cock slide in my asshole.”

He was listening to my words rubbing his dick and he kissed me then grabbed my arms to repositioned me. He gently pushed my shoulder and I slide down the side of the bed landing on my shoulders, and my ass sticking in the air in the pile driver position. He pulled off my shorts and worked my panties off with his teeth, then looked down at my ass.
Helooked at the butt plug then he smiled at me

“I went a bought it yesterday, I told you I was going to get ready for you.” I said
He grabbed it and slowly pulled it out watching my asshole stretch around it. It popped out and he pushed it in and back out again, then set it on the bed. He watched my asshole close and I relaxed it till it opened up. He stuck his tongue out and guided it in my open hole. His tongue felt wonderful going in and he was moving his tongue around the walls in my ass. He pulled his tongue out and ran it up to my pussy and back down to my asshole several times. He kissed my asshole and looked down at me, where I was studying his face. He stood up and guided his dick in my asshole. He pushed in slowly and it slide in very easy. He pushed all eight inches of his cock up my ass and slowly pulled it up watching my hole squeeze around his dick.

He rubbed my pussy as his pace got faster and faster I began screaming, and cum gushed out my pussy dripping on my face, I kept on screaming as his dick exploded deep in my ass. He milked all his semen in my asshole, until he popped out and his warm cum gushed out my ass and ran down my pussy and dripped on my face. Chad grabbed his camera and shot a picture of his cum leaking out of my glapping asshole. I turned around and laid on my stomach and Chad helped me to my feet and he kissed my mouth.
“That was so incredible I have wanted to do that my whole life.” He said
“You feel so good inside me Chad. We will do that a lot ok.” I whispered
We laid back on the bed and fell asleep again. I woke an hour later and It was almost time for work and Chad was all ready sitting on the couch. I walked in my sisters bedroom to make sure I didn’t leave anything in there. Chad got off the couch and came in to see what I was doing. He picked up a picture of my sister standing next to Brad, off the dresser.
“Your sister is so hot.” ​​He said. “you guys look exactly alike.”
He laid down on the bed holding the picture in the air.
“I love watching her working out at the gym, her ass looks so good in those spandex.”
I sat down and watched Chad laying on my sisters bed.
“your so naughty Chad, you turn me on so much.” I said
I stuck my hand down my pants and fingered my pussy.
“Does me fantasizing about your sister turn you on.”
I bit my lower lip like I always do when I’m turned on. I nodded my head at him.

Chad walked over to me still holding the picture, and kissed my lips softly and then ran his fingers through my hair and started kissing my neck.
“does it turn you on, me talking dirty about your sister.” He whispered.
I worked my hand down to my wet pussy as he kissed me. I moaned and closed my eyes.
“keep talking dirty to me Chad, I love it.” I said
He sucked on my ears.
“I want to fuck your sister, Britney.” He said. “I want to fuck her up the ass, just like I did you.”
He lifted my shirt and rubbed my tits and sucked on my nipples.
“And I want you to watch and finger your cunt just like your doing now.”
“Chad I’m horny again I want you to fuck me.” I whispered.
I laid down on the floor and started working my clothes off. Chad took off his shirt, and he leaned on the closet door knob to take his pants off. The door came open and Chad saw my sisters gym bag. I sat on the floor naked and watched him take the dirty clothes out of the bag. They were the same clothes that she wore when Chad met her the other day at the gym. He took her dirty pink panties out and put them up to his nose. He walked over to me, pulled his cock out and stood over me.
“How do you want to get fucked Britney.” He asked
“Fuck me wherever you want Chad.” I said “fuck me hard I want it rough.”
He told me to turn around and get on my hands and knees, he got on his knees and pulled my cheeks apart and barrier his facein my ass. Then he stoked his cock till it was fully erect and shoved it up my ass. He pulled my hair, as he fucked me.
“Fuck me hard, Chad I love it rough.” I shouted.

He pulled my hair harder pulling my face up. He stopped fucking and kept his cock in my ass, he grabbed my sisters panties and pulled my hair till my face pointed up at the ceiling. He stuck my sisters panties up to my nose.
“Smell your sisters pussy why I fuck your asshole.” He said
I stuck out my tongue and he rubbed her panties on my tongue where her pussy goes. I could smell my sisters asshole and I could taste her sweaty pussy as I licked her panties. I felt his body tension up against my body, he grabbed my throat and chased me hard and pounded my asshole as hard as he could till I felt hot cum squirting up my ass. He kept fucking and I was trying to scream and his hands were cutting off my air and my body felt like it was going to explode. I tapped his leg, and he released me and Ifell over on my back and I quickly put my hand on my pussy and rubbed my clip hard. Then I held my breath and my back involuntary arched in the air and my cum squirted straight up in the air at least 4 feet and landed on my face soaking my hair.

I collapsed on the ground, and Chad turned me around on my stomach. He spread my ass open and cum was leaking out my ass again, he spooned it back in with his finger and packed it back in. I laid there catching my breath again.
“I want you to wear your sisters dirty panties to work, so my cum will leak out your ass into them.” He said

I looked up at him and before I could answer he took my sisters panties and put them on me.
“Your so fucking dirty Chad, I love it.” I said
I got up and we were now running late and I quickly put on my work clothes and grabbed my purse. I gave Chad a ride to work, when we arrived it was pretty slow at 8:00 in the morning. We both sat next to each other behind the deskand we took every opportunity to stick our hands down each others pants.

Jennifer the owner of the gym came in about 10:00. She was a beautiful woman with long dark hair, she used to be a pro volleyball player and I don’t think she has ever gone one day without working out. She was in her mid 30’s. she and her husband invited all of the employees for dinner once a month at her huge multi million dollar home. I was over at the other end of the gym putting the weights back in their place when I looked over at Chad behind the counter. He was gazing at Jennifer on the stair stepper. I walked back over to the counter and walked behind Chad. Where he was rubbing himself under the counter.

“You like what you see over there Chad.” I said
He jumped and turned his head.
“Oh, Britney you scared me.” He said “yea she is so hot.”
“You want to use my head to jack off with while you fantasize about her.” I whispered to him in his ear. He nodded and pulledhis dick out of his pants under the counter.
I got under the counter and rested my knees with a seat cushion.
“I’m going to suck your dick while you stare at her, and you tap on my head if any one is coming.” I said
I was under there 10 minutes, and Chad had his right hand on my head pumping his cock in and out of my mouth like a sex toy. He grabbed the back of my head with both hands and forced his cock down my throat, and he started cumming down my throat until is balls were drained. I wrestled away and got on my hands and knees and began choking. I was furious after almost being choked to death, and I stood up and spit the cum back in Chad’s face.
“What the fuck was that for!!!” I shouted
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to do that your mouth just felt so good.” He said
I grabbed a towel and wiped the cum off my face. I started calming down and I throw the towel to him. He cleaned off his face and put his dick back in his pants. He leaned over and gaveme a soft kiss.
“I’m sorry please don’t be mad at me OK.” He said
I kissed him back
“I’m not mad at you but please don’t ever do that again.” I said

Jennifer was still on the stair master and I excused myself from desk and went into the lady’s locker room I went in the toilet stall to pee. I heard someone come into the room and I looked through a peek hole in the stall and saw Jennifer come in. She didn’t know I was there and she looked in the mirror at herself and then walked to a bench by a locker. She took off her shirt and her chest was sweaty and her nipples were hard. I took out my cell phone and raised it over the stall and started shooting pictures. Her shorts came off and she was wearing a blue thong. I snapped several pictures as she bent over and stepped out of her panties. She put her dirty clothes in her locker, and she walked naked to the shower. As soon as I heard the water turn on I snuck out of the stall and used my master key and opned her locker and grabbed the panties she just took off and rushed out the door.

I hurried behind the counter with a big smile on my face.
“Chad I got something for you.” I said
“What do you have.” He said
I pulled her panties from my pocket and held them up for Chad.
“Jennifer’s dirty panties.” I said
“Oh fuck you are so assume.” He said
“I got something else for you.” I said
I took out my cell phone and started showing him naked pictures of Jennifer.
“You mind if I take these to the bathroom with me?”
“Of course, that’s why I got them for you.” I slapped his butt as he got up and walked by
“have fun” I said
The phone rang, and I picked up.
“Britney its Cara.” She said
She asked me if I was there the whole time she was gone and she sounded upset. She was home now and she said she thinks that someone broke into her house while she was gone, because she looked in her gym bag and it looked likesomeone took her underwear.
“I’m going to call brad and tell him, and then I’m going to call the cops.” She said
My heart was racing
“No you can’t do that!!” I said sternly
“why not.”
“because I’m the one who took them.” I said “I didn’t have any underwear and I was over at your house and I borrowed yours.”
“Brit” she said laughing “those were not clean.”
“oh” I said
“Well I’m going to come by the gym, today do you want to go to lunch.” She said
I hung up feeling nervous and I began thinking of stories I could tell Cara so she wouldn’t know what happened. Chad walked back to the counter with a big smile on his face and showed me his cum on Jennifer’s panties. He stuck them in his pocket. I told him that my sister called and what she said.

My sister came in around noon, Chad was nervous around her hoping she wouldn’t find out that he stole her underwear. I clocked out and went to lunch with her. We sat down andI tried to keep the conversation on anything but the weekend over at her house.
“If you needed some underwear why didn’t you just, take some out of my drawer, the ones in my gym bag were wadded up, you had to of know they were not clean.” She said
I didn’t know what to say, and I tried to change the conversation.
“Britney I know your not telling me something, we have always been best friends and best friends don’t keep nothing from each other. Now tell me what’s going on.” She said
I paused for a long moment and began telling her the whole story. I told her that I was cheating on Jeff with Chad, and he spent the entire weekend over at her house with me.

My sister and I had a long talk, She was upset and disappointed with me at first, we talked for over an hour. I got back to work and I was late when I clocked in. Chad asked me if everything is ok, and I told him to not worry about anything its all straightened out.

My husband was going to go one more night, and I wanted Chad to come over and fuck the shit out of me in the same place where Jeff and I sleep. I wanted to play some of the same games with Chad as I did with Todd a few years ago. This time I had a lot more fun and I was very sure of everything I wanted to do.

When we first got to my house we went straight to the bedroom and we ripped off each others clothes. I told Chad I want him to put on my husbands favorite pair of underwear and pull his cock out of them and fuck his wife up the ass on his own bed.

Chad looked so cute in Jeff’s boxes, and he was really getting off on this game. I got out my wedding dress, and I was wearing it on my bed while Chad was fucking my asshole, still wearing Jeff’s underwear he pulled out of my asshole and wiped his cock on my husbands pillow. I sucked on his balls while he jacked off with my wedding dress.

He started telling me more about Kelly, his old girlfriend, and he wanted me to lick his butt hole while he talks to her on the phone. He was dialing her number and I put on my wedding dress and I slipped on the strap on dildo underneath the dress over my sisters dirty panties that I was still wearing, when his head was turned. He was laying naked on my husband and I’s bed jacking off talking to his x girlfriend telling her how lonely he was and how much he missed her. I put my wedding ring on the tip of my tongue and rimmed his asshole with it. I got up and went into the bathroom and grabbed my husbands tooth brush. I put some lube on it and rubbed the tooth brush around his asshole. I stepped back to look at him His legs were spread and he was stroking his cock. He was watching me as he was talking to his x and I slowly lifted my wedding dress and my plastic cock sprang out. I bit my lip and looked at him and jacked off my cock. I stepped up to the bed and guided my cock on his asshole and pushed it in.
“Well I got to run Kelly, I’ll give you a call in the next week ok.” He said closing his cell phone.
“What are you doing and where did you get that.” He said
“I got it yesterday at the porn store, along with lots of other toys.” I said “And to answer your other question I’m fucking you up the ass, making you my whore.”

Jeff grabbed his hard cock and put his head on the bed and closed his eyes, and jacked off why I thrust my hips, shoving my plastic cock up his asshole.
“Does that feel good Chad?” I asked.
“Actually no, it hurts.” He said.
“Well you just got to get used to it, then it starts feeling good.” I said
After a few minutes he pulled away from me and said he didn’t want to do that more. He stood up and rubbed his ass in pain.
“I was kind of enjoying that Chad.” I said
“Sorry, maybe another time.” He said “you look cute though wearing that dick. What else do you have in here.”
He looked through the bag of toys, and he pulled out the easy restraintsystem.
“I’m going to put this on you so you can’t get away. That way I can do whatever I want to you.”
I got exited and I told him that he can do whatever he wants to me. He picked me up and carried me into the bathroom, and put the restraint system on me, locking my wrists and ankles together. He stood and looked down at me naked on the bathroom floor with my hands and feet tied together. I moved trying to get out of them, and it was impossible.

He picked me up and put me on my knees in front of the toilet he stood behind me and rammed his hard cock up my cunt. He fucked me and pulled hard on my hair, and then drove my pace in the toilet. I held my breath and he had both hands on the top of my head, forcing me into the water. My forehead was hitting the inside of the bowl from each thrust inside me. I started running short of breath and I wiggled my lower back trying to get him to pull me up. Chad pulled my hair and allowed my face up to get some air. I was gasping hard, then he forced my face back in the toilet. I opened my eyes and looked at the bottom of the bowl and I felt him pull out of my pussy and he put it up my ass.

I was screaming with my mouth closed trying not to open it and let the water in. Then he pulled me up again and turned me around facing him. I shook the water off my head like a dog and when enough water drained off my face I opened my eyes and saw his dick pointing at me. He grabbed the top of my head by my hair and started pissing. I was so horny My nipples were hard and my pussy was num. I love being treated like This. As his piss was splashing off my forehead I looked at him and opened my mouth and he shot his pee in my mouth hitting the back of my throat and flowed in my mouth like a toilet bowl. As his steam began to fade I put my mouth on his still hard cock and sucked it clean. He grabbed my hair hard again drive my face back in the toilet to wash his piss off my face.

He put his cock up my pussy and fucked me, letting me come up for air momentarily. After a few minutes he pulled me out of the toilet and turned me around and jacked off in my face until he shot a huge load of semen on my closed eyes.

He unlocked the restraint as his cum ran down my wet face. We both got in the shower and I used my husbands wash rag to clean the piss and semen off my face and body. We dried off and went and watched TV cuddling together on the couch. I fell asleep in his lap and he carried me to my bed. When he got there he kissed me softly on the lips. I worked his clothes off and he rolled on top of me, parted my panties and began fucking me slowly. He gently kissed my mouth the whole time. I started moaning and I felt an orgasm slowly go through my whole body and down to my pussy, at the same time Chad shot a nice load in me. He rolled off and continued kissing me and a few minutes later drifted off to sleep.

It was 6:00 in the morning when my cell phone vibrated. I got up slowly to not wake Chad. The room was pitch dark and I walked to the front door and opened it slowly, and saw my sister standing at the door.
“Good morning” she whispered
“He’s in the bedroom sound sleep.” I said

We tiptoed through the living room to the bedroom door. Cara was wearing her gym shorts and a t-shirt. I was standing in front of her wearing my rob, and watched her as she took off her shirt and bra, then she pulled down her shorts taking her panties with her. There was a little light from the moon glaring through the window. I stared down at her perfect body. Her tits were small and her pink nipples were sticking out. Her pussy was completely shacked and it stuck out a little and looked exactly the same as mine. The last time I had a good view of my sisters vagina was when we were young and used to take baths together.

“I’m nervous Britney, I don’t know if I can do this.” She whispered
She stood thereand thought for a few minutes.
“If you don’t want to you don’t have to Cara.” I said
She looked in the bedroom and saw Chad’s sleeping body, laying on his back with the covers over him. She looked at me again and gave me a smile. She tiptoed towards the bed, Cara slowly pulled the covers off of Chad’s leg and she looked up at his face hoping he wouldn’t wake. She eased the covers more until she reached his limp sleeping penis. I watched from the door, peeking my head inside the room and I saw Cara put her mouth on his dick. Chad breathed hard and his eyes came open. His cock grow in her mouth, and I put my hand inside my robe and circled my fingers up and down my slit watching my sisters head go up and down Chad’s cock.
“Oh, Britney I love waking up with your warm mouth on me.” He said
The sound of those words completely got me off and I had to bite my lip not to scream as I felt juices dripping out my pussy. Cara held his dick in her right hand and she moved up the bed keeping her head down and climbed on top of Chad swinging her leg over straddling him. She put her face down next to Chad’s head so he could not see her face. Her ass was facing me and I watched Chad’s cock slowly disappear in my sisters pussy.
“You feel so good Britney.” Chad moaned

I think watching this and rubbing my pussy tops all the sex I have ever had, watching a guy fuck someone that thinks that he is fucking you. Chad’s hands grabbed my sisters ass and helped her move up and down on him. My sister was not making a sound, just keeping her head down in the pillow. Chad’s pace started getting faster and faster until he was fucking her with all his force. The bed was shaking making lots of noise, and I could hear their skin loudly slapping together. Then Cara let out a loud scream.
“I’m going to cum.” He grunted “I’m going to fucking cum in you Britney.”
My legs grow weak and I fell to my knees, my robe fall off and I was biting my lip hard. I looked up and saw Chad’s balls bouncing against my sisters ass, and my pussy exploded squirting a long stream of cum. Chad’s hands were on my sisters ass and he pumped my sister until his balls were completely drained.

Cara stopped moving and laid on top of Chad and his dick popped out of her. And they laid on top of each other breathing hard, my sister still had her face down. I sat their on my knees feeling the strength come back in my body as I looked up and saw Chad’s cum leaking out of Cara’s pussy.
“You are incredible Britney, Your pussy just seems to get tighter and tighter.” He said still catching his breath.
I stood up and walked quietly in the room.
“Well thank you Chad you are incredible too.” I said smiling

Chad quickly sat up and Cara rolled off of him with her head still down. Chad just stared at me in confusion for several seconds. Then his head turned and looked at Cara. Cara lifted the hair off her face and her pretty eyes opened up meeting his.

To Be Continued


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