Stupid title,hope the stories better,i need a change of pace,does the Vergin Islands Recycle Vergin’s?
I got to tell you about ‘Steff'(fact mixed with fiction).I met a lot of girls that i knew were vergin(young),a few that may be(over 12 under 18),then i met Steff.I didn’t really like her but,almost 24 and no doubt she was Cherry.No sense of humor, very small build,blond of corse.
Steff had nice little titles, an interesting round butt that bubbled out a little.She walked like a duck that was trying to keep an egg from falling out of her pussy.This i presumed signed that she was probably extremely tight.
As they say,curiosity killed the cat,certainly i am not a cat but Steff sure did arouse my curiosity.Steff would come over with the other girls to play my games and watch tv on the big screen and some times they talked me into looking at a bit of porn on the net.
I always teased Steff a lot about sex but she didnt respond much like she was ignoring my teasing.I thught it was odd that she always seemed to have some bump or pain she wanted me to take a look at.I felt her legs and arms,checked her pulse and feel her heart beat.The resperation i checked by placing my hand real close to her title to feel her heart beat and lungs fill.Steff liked the touching as long as it was for medical reasons,a little wierd but what the heck,a cheap feel.
I mentioned birthday spanking many times,i didnt get a response until i patted her ass squeeze a little.Then Steff simply said,your touching my ass?I said yup and did it again,after that when she came over she always asked?Arnt you going to spank me?Then i’d give her another goose or a few.
I had pretty well concluded she had a very nice ass although it was small for her age but fit her body appropriately.Often Steff would go to the park down the street and sit on the swings until very late at night.Seldome was any one there after 9 except her,swinging and talking on her cell phone until she went to her little apartment where she lived alone.
Steff was a lonely most of the time because the other girls that she was a drag,defenetly a boering person.Her idea of fun was going to bingo or shopping at the dollar store for collectable toys.It was very interesting when she started talking about’fucking’spreading her legs for a guy until they hurt.
I would have gladly helped her with that but i knew if i tried shed freez up like a clam.Steff caused me some problems with one of the girls i was close to having in the sack.A real sweet one and it pissed me off to no end when i couldnt even get close, after Steff ran her big mouth.In the beginning i didnt want Steff around any more.Then i gave it some thauught?
I could fuck Steff and even up the score!! That wasnt going to be an easy job,so i did some planning for setting her up for a quicky.Making sure i had a back up plan in case it didnt work out,so i would fuck her anyway a little more cruelly.
Steff was always a sucker for dares ,or saying she coudnt do something ,then she would do her best to make you wrong.About a week later Steff stopped by in the evening with the excuse she was looking for the other girls.I told her i hadn’t seen them tonight,she came in anyway and started watching tv.
I offer her a wine cooler but before she could answer i said,Oh no,you dont know how to handel alcohol.She got pissed as i hoped, saying yes i can give me one!!! I said ok but thats all you can have more than one is to much for you.I could see the first sip went down hard because she certainly wasnt use to drinking at all.
When i said , that all you want?She tipped it up and sucked down the whole thing asking for another. That seemed to godown smoother and she was getting a little glow on.When i got her the third i sat beside her on the sofa,we talked a little as we watched the movie.I put my arm around her,that worked ok,rubbed her shoulder,that was fine too.
I blew in her early gently a few times,no problem,so i gave her a little kiss.That was ok but i felt her tension up a bit,i manged to accidentally brush over her breasts a few times without trouble.Then i let my hand rub on her upper leg over her belly and across her public shaft.I even got my fingers under the elastic on her pants and started working them down inch by inch.
I was becoming confident that soon her ripe old cherry was going to be impaled on my nice fat cock.Then ‘nuts’ her friggin cell phone started ringing in her pants pocket.She pulled her pants up,get her phone out and yack yack yack with some girl.I was really pissed,she was pretty drink on 3 and now she said,she was going to the park to swing and talk onthe cell phone.
Now i had to try to explain this to my cock?Hornier than a 3 peckerd billion goat and my cum felt like 10 pounds in a 5 pound bag.Combining the cock situation with needing to settle a debt i decided that Steff was a prime target,defenetly no match to resist if i really wanted to fuck her silly.
It was very dark out except for a dim street light here and there.Steff would be sitting on the swing at the playground and it was unlikely that anyone would be out this late ,in this part of town.I went to the closet put on some dark camo clothes then slipped the ski mask over my head.I figured some nylons would be great to tie her up,she wasnt very strong and i know a few threats would shut her up fast.In case of need i got a little duck tape for her mouth.Good old duck tape,that stuff has more uses than gold.
I figured i’d go out my back door, across the laws the few hundred feet to the park.Steff would be on the swing,i’d be behind her, near the clump of trees in the darkness. Near the school where no one ever goes at night.
Sure enough there she was swinging ,yacking on her cell phone, sounding more drink than at the house.It seemed to easy yet still a challenge,my mind was working fast as was the cock in my pants as it started throbbing like it was ready to have some wet pussy.
I moved closer as quiet as the indian that is in my blood.Listening to her conversation as i crept closer.When she said bye bye see you tomarrow,i lunged forward as she swang back wrapping one arm around her middle holding her arms and body as she grasped the swing chain affraid to fall.I put the other hand over her mouth draggng her backwards off the swing.Steff wasnt heavy so it was easy to drag her with feet thrashing back to the darkness of the trees away from any eyes that passed by.
I had a wad of gum in my mouth and did well at slurring my voice so she couldntrecognize it.I told her ,you fight your dead!!! You scream your worse than dead!!! Then i duck tapped her mouth to be sure she couldnt call for help.Steff guilt a little but she was way to weak to resist anything i wanted to do.Between the alcohol in her system and the fear she was like a wet noodle in my hands.
I thught it a good idea to duck tape her hands behind her so mine were more free to do my evil deeds.That worked well all she had free were her feet and it wasnt likely that she could do much more than fall down if she tried to run.
“Aw” ,sweet revenge felt near,grabbing the bottom of her tank top i pulled it up over her head and down her back to her bound wrists.Then i did some long over do title squeezing,cupping those sweet little oranges i milked them hard like a cow.Then i rubbed the nipples real hard and pulled them out as far as i could without pulling them off.
Steff had more fight than i thaut, only problem was that slamming her ass into my hard cock was just making me enjoy it more.I let go of her titles, with one well planned swoop i yanked her pants down to her ankels.Now running was out of the question for dear little Steff.
For good measure i started sucking at her neck,biting hard enough so she would have marks but not enough to draw blood.My right hand went back to titty land for some very hard milking.The left down over her belly to that peach fuzz blond mound that had never known more than possably masterbating.
Steff was very soft as i squeezed her puffy little mound,the more i feel her pussy the more she slammed her ass into my cock,Steff obviously wasnt like this but i sure as hell was get extremely aroused.My cock was straining for some relief from the confines of my pants so i helped him out letting them slip down enough so he could pop out.”Aw” what freedom,then Steff slamed her ass into me again.”Oh ya”
If she had any idea how good that felt she sure wouldnt be doing it.When she realized that my naked cock was poking her in the ass she stopped.”Dam”Steff was way to short for impaling this way but i was in no rush for the inevitable plowing and planning.I squeezed her titles again hard as i let my fingers cup below her pussy mound.The middle slideding up and down her moist slit,the two beside it rubbing hard against her swollen labia.While i waited for the moment i would slip that middle finger inside her.Her clip was small but when i ribbed it hard and fanned my fingers over it,it was defeatly getting hard.
It also made her ass start ramming into me again,ether way she went she got finger or cock.At the moment i was enjoying the best of both so why rush?My hard cock rested between her ass cheats pointing down and its hardness wanted to go up.A very interesting situation,when i slipped my middle finger in deeper,Steff pushed back on my cockharder.I was rubbing deep in her ass crack trying to feel what my cock was touching,it seemed long enough even as short as she was to be rubbing close to her pussy or anus?Didnt matter,it felt real good,in fact it felt like getting more very fast.
With muffled voice i whisperd insanely,”Fuck time”!!! I had to about the grass under the trees but,naw,to dirty.A few feet away there was a picnic table,what a great place for some satisfaction.I really didnt want to deal with her feet so when i dragged her to the table i just laid her face first over the edge.Her ass at perfect level for dippin my hot rod in what ever hole i wanted or maybe both.
It was easy to hold her down,her feet were off the ground,When i stepped between them the only way they could move was farther apart.How perfect, my cock was pointing up aimed like a cannon at her tight little pussy.”Here i comes”bitch,the head of my cock pressed hard at her pussy lips forcing the front of her legs painfully hard into the edge of the table.It hurt enough so she pushed back forcing my cock head into her labia fully.
I gave her short thrusts with just the head,she squirmed and wiggled a lot but it only allowed me to slip into her deeper.Steff was starting to get wet,i wasnt sure if that was normal or maybe she was getting a little pleasure.Enough playing,i grabbed her hips and slammed it past cherry land until it bottomed out in her small whomb.Steff was very wet now from what ever was taking place in the dark.I stopped a while at my convenience to let her muscles stop spasaming so tightly on my cock.
Steff’s pussy was tight as a vice clamping hard on my cock.As she loosen a little i started thrusting in long smooth strokes,all the way in,all the way out.I wanted to cum but the tension was to great at the moment from excitment and fear of getting caught. That eased after i fucked her slow until it went in and out fairly easy.Then i picked up the pace until it was slamming in and out like a pile driver.I had to hold my balls from slapping her legs and making to much noise.
I thought about her other hole but figure i best not push my luck this time.The slamming was getting me ready to cum,a few more interesting thrusts and i drive it home and held her hips as my swelling cock got ready to blow all the way in.I tried to whosiper,not easy in this state of emmotion,”Here It Cumms”.My cock was twitching up a storm as it shot the whole load with intrest fully in her whomb.
I cant remember ever cumming that much before,what a body rush,my legs felt like quivering jello.Steff was motionless,slowly i pulled my still half hard cock out,pop,then a pussy fart as some air that had been trapped came out.I felt her pussy,totaly wet with cum dribbeling out and down her legs.I knew it would take her a while to regain her senses enough to do anything so i undid her handsso she could get the duck tape from her mouth later then i ran in the opposite direction from my house looped around and went in the back door.
I toss the clothes and ski mask in the neighbors trash then jumped in the shower.My cock was coated with a lot of cum and a small amount of blood,so i guessed i hadnt hurt her to bad,at least physically.I washed good then put on my night clothes and sat on the sofa watching the news.I anticipated seeing the lights of a police car down the street,but nothing,after 30 minutes there was a rap on my door.”Oh shit”i wonderd who? They didnt rap very loud and i hadnt seen any car lights.
I went to the door,opened it and to my surprise there stood Steff.What a mess,she had her clothes on inside out,hair in a rats nest,traces of duck tape on her chin.Being wise i said,what the hell did you do?She said,you wont believe what happened?I said,try me? Then she went on about how some guy had dragged her in the bushes tied her up and raped her!!! “Oh my God Steff”i sad,we better call the police right now!!!
Steff said ,”God No” my mom told me not to go there and if she found out shed kill me.”But we have to”!!! “NO”absolutly not,ill be fine, he really didn’t hurt me a lot, only when he broke my cherry.Then it actually started feeling really good.I think i’d let him do it again if my mom didn’t know.But if i went to the park a lot at night he may think i’m a slut, if i was there again alone.
This was to good to be true,totaly unbelievable,i told Steff to put her clothes in my wash and take a hot bath to wash off the mess.She still acted a bit tipsy on booz so i started the shower for her.She came in and had a hard time getting her clothes off so i offer to help.Steff said,sure why not,i guess being naked isnt a big deal any more with guys.I was very helpful,even helped her wash all that cum off her legs and helped myself to some excellent feelings of titles and pussy.
I asked Steff how she felt?She said fine but my pussy feels a little funny.I said what do you mean Steff?Well it kinda feels like it wants something in there again, to fill it up so it don’t feel it’s it.I said,Oh really,i see what you mean,something like a cock right?”YUP” thats exactly what it feels like for sure and she started rubbing her mound.
(Opertunity always knocks twice so they say)Put this robe on Steff while your clothes wash and dry and we can go sit on the sofa and have a wine cooler so you can relax.Steff shut her cell phone off so if her mom called shed think she was home in bed then we sat on the sofa close together.I massed Steff’s shoulders complainingly as i gently kissed her neck.
I mean it was the cristian thing to do considering the ordeal the poor girl had indured at the park with that beast taking advantage of her like that.It only took a few drinks and sympathy and i had her robe open do anything i wanted including having her hand pumping my rehardening cock.Steff spent the night in my bed so she would be safe with a nice guy like me.She learned how to suck cock finding cum taste pretty good ,she said.Steff really liked getting her pussy licked and her tittys sucked while she was sucking cock.
When i unloaded my third load of cum in her whomb she said,she was right,a nice big cock did feel really really really good fuckin her deep and hard making that hot cum stuff shoot inside her.Steff came over every night after that so she knew she would be well protected from any villas that may be around the neighborhood…….
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