I liked teaching,well,it felt right,taking what i had learned and experienced,using it for its greatest value.Instructing the girls was the most enjoyable,they seem more into the aspects of abnormal psychology than the boys.Always asking more questions and commenting on the action way of teaching that i used.I nearly got in trouble a few times for being to agressive in my psentations.Even at times bringing in a few live examples,former clients that had volatileerd to further the public understanding of chronic psychological deficiencies.
It was probably the popularity of my classes that kept me from being fierd.My tallents were in great demand by students that had hopes of getting into the mental health field of employment.This semester awas bit different,both Heather and Asia where in the same class,my class.It certainly looked like it was going to be a very interesting year and not neccesarily in a good way.
BothGirls were graduating high school in two more years. That period when women go from girls to women in leaps and bounds physically as well as in their attitudes.I had known Heather since she was seven,she lived next door to me with her mom.Her father had been convicted of rapee in another state and was doing hard time for a lot of years.I had watched Heather grow from a little girl to a budding beauty,take care of her often when her mom was in need of a sitter or just supervision when Heather had gotten older.
The past few years we had grown very close,so much time together made us at ease so we could talk about anything.Heather obviously had a crush on me since she was very young,a cross between substitute daddy and fantasy lover.Well ,that is until she stayed with me for a week while her mom was out of town.Heather wanted to talk about sex and i was her choice to explain it in detail.
It started ok, then she wanted to do show and tell, nextthing we were making out in my office and both getting very aroused.By the third day of her stay she was getting hands on sex education in every room of the house including the shower.Spending every night in my bed learning the final art of intercorse.She delt with the new knowledge very secretly being careful to keep it between just her and i.
Usually five or six times a month Heather would find a reason to spend the night at my place.When her mom called to ask if she could stay over i knew it was because Heather was feeling that powerful need to relieve her pen up sexual presure and i was more than willing to help her set it free along with mine for mutual pleasure.
That was half the catch 22 for this school year.Now there was Asia,many things in common with Heather,most significant the intamit connection to me.I had known Asia about the same length of time,she would come with her mom to family counciling sessions that i did part time while i followed my teaching career.Her mom had some serious substance abuse problems along with a very uncomfortable family background.It took an expert just to map the who was married to who?Who slept with who when?What parent created a child with who?
At first they came to theropy together, then it seemed both could be more at ease if we did seperate sessions too.When Asia was 12 she was trying to act 20 flirting unconciously, very proud of her budding breasts being sure her shirt was tight enough to show her nipples when she pushed her chest out.Asia was a tall girl for her age, very nicely shaped bottom with the beginning of womanly hips that were extremely attractive.
For a number of obvious reasons i took a special intrest in the case.Seldom charging for the sessions we had to further the process more rapidly.Also making our times together more frequently,bringing us closer together and more at ease.After a few months her mom was convincedto get into detox after i had heped her get funding for the retreat she wanted to attend for 28 days.I even secretly supplied the extra funding that was needed and made all the neccessary arrangements.
The only catch was that she needed a safe place for Asia to stay while she was away ,hopefully getting a handle on her additions.In one of the sessions i suggested that if it was necessary Asia could stay at my place,near her school and i would keep a watchful eye on her.Opening the operation for some extra one on one theropy.Asia refused the idea of foster care saying she would run away if that happen.Familly was out of the question because they were in the same boat as Asia’s mom for stable life styles.
We reached the agreement that my place was the best alternative and we scheduled her to be transported to the retreat the next afternoon.They both spend that night at my house to be sure her mom maintained some semblance of sobriety untill she was taxed to the safety of the retreats environment.We had a good dinner, talked a lot about posative things for the future.Watched a little tv and listened to some relaxing music.It seemed very much like family,Asia cuddled up beside me on the sofa,her mom on the other side.Soon they were falling asleep so i suggested we all turn in for the night,tomarrow was a big day for all of us.
The began very hot so we spent most of it in the back yard pool,managing to joke a little,have some fun,avoiding the anxiety of waiting for the comming seperation.We dressed in street clothes at 2,the transport arrived at 3,after a few difficult good bye’s her mom was off to the retreat for 28 days.It was easy to see her mom had second threats about sobering up,knowing that the first few days were going to be probably the hardest days of her life up to this point.
Asia seemed relieved,happy that finally her mom was going to try to turn her life around rather than end it drugged out in some alley way,most likely within a few years or less.I did my best to take Asia’s mind off the events,we went to a movie,out to dinner,then did some desperately needed clothes shopping for Asia.She had few nice clothes and school was starting in a few weeks so she really needed to dress up.Plus the fact that it would take her mind off the big changes in her life temporary.
Asia loved the mall,a few arcade games then a lot of trying on clothes.She model each for my approval,to my blushes she even wanted to model her night wear,pantys and sports bra’s.Asia was becoming a very beautiful young lady,that was very apparent,the more frilly nightys and undies accented the most lovely developing body.I had to restrain myself a few times when i felt my cock getting hard watching her proud form as she model for me.I guess i was feeling much like being in a strip club and the lap dance was next on the agenda.
We returned home late,nearly 9,Asia took a long bubble bath,put on a new nightgown,we had a small snack and watched tv for a while.Asia was very cuddely,thanking me for the shopping spree as she hugged my arm and held my hand.It felt very nice having her beside me,the feeling of her nightgown and warm body was relaxing as well as comforting,to both of us.At 11 i said we best go to bed now because there was a lot to do the next day.maybe we could go to the beach or for a long hike in the mountains where it was cooler than here in the city.Asia agreed,giving me a very nice kiss on the lips and a strong hug that made a bit more than polite body contact.Then we went off to our rooms to get some well needed rest.
I was fast sleep within an hour dreaming about the day a bit more colorfully.A lot of nudity,suduction,fantasy erotica, with a very young beautiful girl.Ill just call it the perfect virgin dream,it dosnt get any better than that.At 2 am something was causing me to wake up,i listened intently for sounds as i realized my ragging hard on that the dream had created.At first all seemed quietly,nothing unusual,i began to wonder if Asia was ok?Concerned i got up and checked her room,the bed was messed up but i didnt see Asia.I went to the stairs and looked around,still nothing.Then as i tip toed by the bath i could hear Asia inside crying very softly.I tapped on the door saying can i come in honey?Asia said yes please,i didnt want to wake you i’m sorry.
I aid honey thats no problem,if you got a sad feeling its ok to come and wake me i dont mind at all.Putting my arms around her i said come on lets go to my room and talk a while,when you feel better you can go back to your room and fall asleep.Asia thanked me and took my hand as we walked back to my room to talk.She sat on the bed close to me leaning against my chest as i cuddled my arm around her.I asked Asia to tell me what was bugging her and i’d listen,trying to be helpful if i could.
She started out by explaining how she felt about her mom,she missed her a lot(crying) but she new that it was important that she be away to get her life in order for the both of them.Then she explained to me about some personal things that should have been discussed in my office or with preferrably a woman she tusted well.Something that certainly at this point her mother couldnt do properly even if she was here.
Asia began telling about how much she liked modeling for me yesterday.She said it made her feel very sexy,her body feel warm all over and it made her want to hug me and kiss me an awfull lot.She asked if i thught she was pretty?I said yes your a very lovely young lady(beautiful).Asia said no,i mean did it make you feel warm to see me trying on nice clothes,kinda like it was making me feel?
I said,well,yes,i care about you a lot and you are very sexy for your age.She got a bit upset says ing,you mean i’m not pretty enough to turn you on right?I studderd a bit trying to find the right words that wouldnt offend her pride.I let it slip out that,yes,she did effect me in a very strong way that was hard to resist.I didnt tell her that she was strating to effect me that way right now,asi could feel my cock swelling in my shorts like in the dream.Asia said did you know my mom worked in a strip club last year?I watched her practice at home then i practiced in my room,it was fun,it made me feel so sexy and i got really excited,sooo much.I said i didnt know about that but i could easily imagine that possability.
Asia said ,watch,ill show you what i learned,i figured that wasnt a great idea but if it took her mind off crying maybe shed be ready to fall asleep soon.So i said sure if you want,but we need to get some sleep soon ok?Asia agreed,then got up off the bed,walked over in front of me and strted gently swinging her hips back and forth.She ran her handssuductivly down her sides pulling them back up slightly lifting her nighty.She ran them suggestivly over her legs on both sides of her public shaft then up over her belly to her firm little breasts.As she rubbed her palms over her nipples she looked down at them making kissing motions, then rocked her hips in humping rhythm.She moved closer and closer just inches away from touching me.
It was impossible to take my eyes off her adorable charms,she ran her hands down again to her legs slowly lifting her nighty exposing her new silk undies that cover her blossoming public treasures.She slide her gon higher letting the hem brush over her pert little nipples.My mouth was agap as i intently drank in her sweetness with my eyes.Then she slide the gon fully off tossing it on the bed beside me.Her hip gyrations increased as she moved closer touching my legs,her delicious young breasts nearly touhing my lips.
She looked down and smiled with satisfaction easily seeing my protruding error.Her breasts were now touching my lips brushing back and forth against them.I tasted both then helpedly began to nurse on each as she put one then the other repeatedly in my mouth.She moved a little closer starting to rock her love gap on my leg,the heat was tremendous,her arousal was penetrating her undies wetting my leg.Her rocking grow more and more erotic,rubbing her clip harder and harder on my leg.
Asia moaned out loud as an orgasam swept over her tenderer young body.She stepped back looked down at my throbing cock smiling and licking her lips.She pulled the undies down,step out then toss them at my face,i caught them with my hand and mouth smelling and tasting her delicious pussy that had made them soaking wet.
Asia pushed me on my back on the bed,quickly jumping on me brushing her sweet love gap over my pulsing cock.Then she moved higher until her belly was touching my face rocking her hips in and out breathing extremely heavily.Asia lifted a little placing her pussy just above my mouth,her cent was enormous,small droplets of her pure love juice dripped into my mouth.So very delicious,sweet,silky maiden honey dripping from her garden of paradise.
My tongue licked up caressing her labia,stroking over her rapidly expanding clip.She thrust wildly down as i devouerd her hot offer,my tongue dancing in her pussy craving more of her sweetness.My face was dripping with her juices as flood after flood gushed down over it,more than i could ever drink up it came so fast.
Asia orgasamed several times each time harder than the first,then she got off grabbed my shorts and pulled them quickly off.Her lips and tongue unexpectedly went to work on my cock,licking sucking hugrily making “ummm” sounds as she tasted each drop of my precum, taking nearly half my cock in her mouth rubbing her tongue against its bottom as she sucked each drop until it swelled giganticly in her mouth nearing ejaculation.
Asia jumped back on top of me wildly as her lips came to mine and locked in a heavenly password kiss.Her sweet wet womanhood rubbing silky on my cock head,she opened her legs as far as she could and pressed down.The smooth maiden silk accepted my hardness easily within her soft labia lips ,she moaned out uncontrollably slamming her vergin pussy hard onto my smooth cock bursting quickly beyond her maiden head.
A little “oh” as it slipped in fully,then with ease she bounded up and down driving my hard cock deep inside.With powerful thrusts she rode it hard bouncing and moaning.Then screaming loudly as her inner most powerurull orgasam exploited over my cock sendin me into cnvulsive orgasm deep within her vergin whomb.Powerful blast after blast of my hot man juice shooting within her until she was full and it gushed out around our connection mixed with her love juices….(to continue)
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