Heather&Asia Furthering Education

The girl’s were loving the extra tutoring as much as i was.No doubt they were destined for an A+ average in my class,until they graduated.Although,i had a feeling they would be more than eager for the post grad scene.Probably,really hot for some summer school,when the time came.Knowing their mom’s were overjoyed at the operation for extra tutoring at no change,really put my mind at ease.

We joked about the trick they had played on me at the pool.I admitted i deserved it and was truly feeling guilty about being so greedy.My only excuse was,i cared for them both not wanting to lose or hurt either one.My intent was not totally selfish,i had just not delt with it honestly.

Peace came easy,Heather&Asia were very fond of each other.Rapidly becoming more fond in deeper ways,our desiers all complimented each other enhancing the tone of closness.The first night we were together for extra study was new ground.Finding what routine was the beast for our,mutual enjoyment.We found that doing everything together was the best.Making dinner,bathing,tiddying up the house, or even a midnight dip in the pool was shared equally.

They only require that my attentions were given equally between them.A very easy thing to do because they were both beautiful and incredibly desierable.When we made dinner there was a lot of laughter.Teasing and playing,like when Heather wanted to use my cock to stir the battery for the cake she was making.Asia saying,kool,can i lick the spoon?Just the thought made my cock want to jump out of my shorts.

I had defeatly gotten myself into a living fantasy totally by accident.I’d watch Heathers bottom wiggle as she stabilized the cake batter.Pat it softly while i was sucking tonges with Asia, playing with her sweet titles with my free hand.Both of them commenting about how we needed to worry up and finish dinner.So we could get down to some(hard)studying very soon.It took about an hour for the meal to be ready.The cake taking the longest,while we devoured the fried chicken and the rice pilaf that Asia had made.I got to make the jello and put it in the ice box to chill.To have with whipped cream when the cake was finished.

The three of us sat on the sofa with our cake and jello,after the main corse.Asia and i commented that the cake was delicious,even taking turns feeding each other for fun.I didn’t get any compliments on the jello,but when i got out the whipped cream.I nearly got a standing ovation,Heathers top cam off saying,put some on my title’s!! She giggled and screamed a little when she realized how cold it was.Heather’s nipples stood up like soldiers at attention,a lot more when Asia and i began licking it off.Sucking her nipples like they was the source of the sweet cream.

Not long and Asia’s top came off too, wanting her equal share of the attention.Heather and i were more than willing to give her equal attention.Alternating between her breasts and the whipped cream that had dripped on her belly.We were all getting pretty sticky by then in a lot of different ways.I was happy enjoying the licking party when suddenly both girls looked at me.Then down at my bulging shorts saying,”Aw”poor baby’s getting left out of the fun,then they yanked off my shorts.

Asia pushed me down on the Bear rug in front of the fier place.Heather ran into the kitchen for something that evaded my knowledge.Asia had my cock covered with whipped cream when heater returned with two squirt bottel’s,strawberry&cocolate syrup.Next thing i knew i had two hungry mouths feasting on a cock float.Two very excited pussys real close to my mouth.One coated with strawberry,the other with chocolate syrup.I said wisely, this is going to be very fattening!! They both assured we not to worry, they fully intended to make sure i got plenty of sexcercise tonight.The calories would just be cummin right off me big time.

In short order i had licked away all the extras,down to a steady sweet silent flow of pussy juice.The whipped cream was gone off my cock,even the excess that ran down over my engaged balls had been licked clean.I had worried that maybe so much excercise for my cock would make it refund to get hard after a while.On that point i was way off base,it felt like no matter what happened.Or how much cum i had spent,my cock was going to be hard nearly permanently.That eased my mind a great deal.I could not think of anything worse than not getting it up for these two delicious lovelys any time they wanted it.

We never saw the end of the movie that was on,i don’t even remember what it was.Heather&Asia had captured my attention as well as my body for the whole evening. They looked at each other,then at me saying come on,we need to go to bed,now!!I agreed,as they pulled me towards the bedroom.Leaving only the night light on in case of a toilet call during the night.The king size bed was plenty big enough for the three of us.We had a nice tri hug then,with a laugh i said,good night ladies.

That wasn’t what they had in mind,me either,thats for sure.It was pretty dark,i think i was sucking on Asia’s titles while i fingerd Heather’s juicy pussy.It didn’t matter,they kept swimming off so often i couldn’t keep track.Between the fingerprinting and sucking my cock was a throbbing mass of waiting orgasams.When i kissed Asia the next time,she slipped her breasts up into my mouth.Then went all the way up so i had access to her creamy silk pussy.Heather was sucking cock,working her magical tongue over the head and bottom.

Asia started to moan loudly when my tongue slid into her groov,thrusting in,then darting to lick her clip.Simultaniously i feel Heather’s labia rubbing wetly on the head of my cock.Humpping itin and out of her soft pussy lips.Heathers hands wrapped around Asia, massaging her breasts.As Asia rode my tongue like a rodeo bronco, reaching orgasam after orgasam,flooding my face.

Heather slowly lowered her slippery pussy,untill my cock bottomed out in her whomb.As she began to ride my cock hard and fast,squeezing Asia’s breasts harder,they both screamed in pleasure.The bed was rocking so hard i thought sure it was going to break.Then they both orgasamed like fountains of pussy cum together.The three of us lay there panting breathlessly for a few minutes.Then they both braught my cock back quickly to full hardness,with there hands and mouths.

My turn,Asia announced,she was on my cock working the head in her sweet little juicy slip in seconds.Heather was mounting my face like a saddle ready for a long ride. They agreed that i could cum this time, because Asia wanted to feel my cock shooting hot stuff inside her whomb.But i had to make sure there was plenty of cum left for Heathers pussy too.When it was her turn again for a cock ride.I assured them that there would be more than enough to share.All night long,if thats what they wanted.The next words were giddy up “teach” faster faster,then lots of screaming and bucking as i felt pussy juice shooting all over.My cock felt like a volcano as spasams of molten cum shot up my cock deep in Asia’s whomb.

I think Heather got a little more cum in her whomb,the extra thrust when Asia’s pussy wet finger slipped up my anus was like a cock super charger.Hard to say how many times we orgasamed during the night.When we awoke the next morning Heather&Asia both wanted some cock before school.So they could sit in class feeling my cum leaking into their undies while i was teaching class.I knew they would both get an A+ on the pop quiz i was giving that day.

We were running lat so we had a quick brunch then headed out for school.The day went well,although i was feeling a bit more tierd than normal.(wonder why?)I had a note on my desk at the end of the day.When i opened it it said,”Our mom’s are going out tonight,so we will be over for more tutoring tonight”Love,Heather&Asia….(to continue)



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