Heather&Asia Team Up (parts 2 )

Well, that was the way it was,two sweet young ladies that i was fucking often ,with an outstanding amount of erotic pleasure.Those two young pussys were so soft and hungry for cock,i had a perpetual hard on,thinking bout one or the other constantly.The catch was they didnt know each other,and i was sure that neither one one thought i was fucking any body else.

Now here,in the same class,the three of us,it was likely that the looks we gave each other and the winks with smiles was going to make some one very curious.My instincts said sooner or later i was going to be in a world of’shit’,with at least a lot of explaining to do.

The first day after class my worse nightmare came true.As i looked out the window,there was Heather&Asia talking as they walked home together.I lingerd after school doing some paper work and trying to come up with a plan that would save my ass.Better yet a plan that would allow me tokeep fucking these two beautys on a regulatory basis.

I gave up,it looked like the world i had created was a bit to small to escape ,without a great deal of trouble.Driving home was stressful,hot weather,the stress of wondering what was going to happen next to tortured my soul.Well,i guessed i had earned the outcome considering they were both so young and i was a teacher that shouldnt be fucking his students.Along with being a professional psycologist,what i had done was totally inexcusable. />

When i got home i made a stiff drink with lots of ice and went out by the pool in the shade to relax.Five minutes later the cell phone rang,it was Heather wanting to come over for a while and visit.I didnt dare say no,i needed to know if their conversation on the walk home had gotten to the “teach”.One of two things was going to happen,ei she’d kill me or fuck my brains out,i was hoping for the second option.

I looked upTaking a big strong sip of my whisky that made my eyes water going down,when Heather shut the gate and came around to the back of the house.My heart eased its pounding when i saw she was all smiles and not carrying a shot gun.She came over gave me a nice big kiss with a hug and asked if she could get a cold drink,i said sure,then Heather went inside to the cooler.As she was commng out i could hear her talking to someone on the cell phone.I figured it was her mom or a friend,all i caught was the end of the conversation that ended with,yes,wait a little while.

Heather came over with her drink and laid down beside me on the double locker,every thing seemed fine for the moment and she was obviously extremely horney.Her nipples stuck out of her tank top like rockets ready to blast off.There was a growing wet spot right on her love tunnel.I asked her if she got home ok,trying to get her to volatileer information about their talk.She only said, that she walked Asia home,they talked about school,how much they loved their “Teach” and added that they talked about a few other girl things.

I found that a bit troublening, that they had hit it off so well together from the get go.But soon i blew it off as parinoia,Heathers sweet kissing combined with rubbing my cock, could have made me forget my name.She was more aggresive than usual,i just figured she was extra hornney,it was great,so was i. Thinking there would be time to pump at least three loads of hot cum into that sweet soft clinging little pssy before she had to go back home.

I knew it was safe there to play around,the bell on the gate was like an alarm giving at least three minutes to look acceptable in case of a visitor. That was good , because Heather was all over me,rubbing everywhere where trying to take my clothes off.I didnt put up much of a fight, considering i was undressing her at the same time hungry for some of her sweet loving charms.She turnedthe opposite direction after we had discarded our clothes.Putting her nice tasty bottom up high in my face offering me her delicate charms,for licking or fingering or both.

Then i felt that sweet warm mouth orly fucking my cock head,i played my legs wide giving her access to my balls and all, for whatever she liked.My mouth was eagerly feeding at her ripe pussy,like sucking on a juicy ripe Mango,my finger teasing her anus rimming the saliva i had put on it around and around.Heather was sucking harder than i had ever seen her before bobbing up and down like she had a pogo stick in her mouth ,sucking up a lot of precum that was oozing out.Heather orgasamed twice in my mouth,sweet silky cream like honey dew,that i sucked down eagerly.

I was already to blow my load in her mouth when the bell rang on the gate.”Oh fuck”i jumped up looking for my clothes,,”Shit”they were floating in the pool almost in the middle,how the “hell”did they get there.I turned to Heather,she was rolling around laughing hysterically, naked as a jay bird.It was to late to run,my only thught was to say to the intruder it was just to hot for clothes and it was easier to get a tan.(better than nothin?)

I jumped back on the locker bare assed and tried to look like i was half sleep.Trying to figure out why Heather was still laying on the deck pounding her hands on the boards hysterically.Then i looked up”Oh touch hole”there came Asia around the corner grinning from ear to ear.I didnt dare say”shit” only listen and prepare to be dead real soon.

Oddly Asia said,Hi Heather having fun?Heather stopped laughing and pounding saying,”Yup” just like we planned,then they gave each other a “hi five”.I had to speak,ok, you got me,Kill me if you want i wont put up a fight.They both looked at me sharply saying,well, at first we were going to kill you and we were really big time pissed.But we talked it over and agreed you wouldnt be much use to us dead.So we came up with a better plan.

I was all ears,at least i was going to live and not spend the rest of my fertile years in prison being some big dudes kid.I was really eager to hear their plan,so i asked what was going to happen?Ill agree to whatever you have decided ,i deserve the consaquences.

They said,we decided we are going to try to fuck you to death insted.”Now”if i had of designed their plan i think it would have been very similar at least from my angle.Asia said i feel a little uncomfertable being the only one here with clothes on.Do you mind if i get naked too?No one disagreed and in a flash she was flonting her precious sweet body.

Heather&Asia came over to the locker,Heather on the left,Asia on the right,me sandwiched in the middle.I had a feeling i was really going to enjoy this brutal punishment,imaginingThey taking turns screaming as they bounced up and down on happy cock.They took turns kissing and sucking cock often asking who was the best?I just said i cant tell yet,so far it feels equal,then they put more effort into pleasure me oraly.It took a lot of dexterity to equally fondel two pussys and four tittys but i manged well at making them both cum almost sinistaniously.

That was one lot of pussy juice dripping everywhere where and it was wonderful.One would play with my balls while the other sucked then they’d switch off taking turns.Once Asia got a little to rough trying to slip her finger up my anus but she applogised then got her finger all coverd with Heathers pussy silk, i got use to it slipping in and out.It was amazing what that finger did,my cock got bigger,i didnt really feel like cumming soon.Only laying there feeling those sweet lips suck small amounts of cum out.Some times they’d have my cum on there lips and kiss echanging the taste and commenting on how nice it felt.Probably some tongue action going on the two of them i suspected.

After over an hour of pleasure i had to ask?What time do you dear ladies need to go home? They both laughed a little saying,we have that all taken care of,we need to stay the night so you can give us some extra classes. Our mom’s where so happy when we told them you had offered to tutor both of us at least twice a week.We told them we’d stay over and go to class from here so they could get a break from us and go out if they wanted to.My mouth started wattering at that thught anticipating the nights we’d have together.

The girls said ,we will do just fine with extra education but you may be very very tierd when you go in to “Teach”…(to cintinue)



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