I had worked later than usual missing the bus i always take.Rushing with my brief case in hand i managed to catch the last bus headed for home.Jumping on,i gave the driver a twenty saying keep the change.I just wanted to get home and have a stiff drink then get some rest.I had tomarrow off and fully intended to go out and get layed.It had been nearly a month of work with no social life or affection and i was getting desperate.
The bus was extremely clouded,standing room only.At least until a few got dropped off at the next few stops hopefully.Not a fun trip for sure,people were packed like sardines in a can.Smells of sweat and alcohol filled the air along with many scents that were hard to identify including sex.I had to hold tight to the hand stick and brace my feet as the bus turned,rocking constantly from side to side.People bumping people,not Really even room to turn enough to see behind you.
To my right sat a young lady with bright red lip gloss,blond hair,with extremely tight fitting clothes.I thught maybe a lady of the evening,she was dressed for the part.To my left a very young girl about 16,i thught.I wonder what she was doing out so late in the city,apparently alone.I couldnt see who was behind me,there wasn’t room enough to turn and look.In front was a dark haired girl,about my height 5’10”.Nice figure,but hard to guess her age without seeing her face.My guess was in her early twentys,maybe a little younger.
I was unfortunately close to the dark haired girl because of the crouding,it couldnt be helped.Each time the bus rocked we bumped against each other.I said,sorry,a few times but there was no reply so i just prayed. That soon there would be room enough to move back away from her a little.The bumping was very embaracing,even being totally innocent.
I looked down to watch the connection we had out of curiosity.She had a short skirton,a nice round bottom,shapely legs.What i could see of them anyway,wich wasnt much.Then another sway in the bus and i could see my hips rock forward as her bottom came back against me.It was obvious that she was just tall enough with long legs so that if i had a hard on it would be poking right strait between her legs.
Not a good thing to see when you really need to get layed.I strained to push back away from her,when i started to feel my dick getting hard.I only managed to gain a few inches of safety buffer.Then i could feel my error twisting at my pants,like it had a mind of its own.Glancing over to the sitting,blond i could see she was stairing strait at my cock.I couldnt let go and adjust it or i’d loose my balance,so i just had to hang on and wait.
We hit a pot hole and the bus lurched to one side.Every one was toss back then the mass of bodies lunged forward.The dark haired girls legs must have been spread a little for balance.Becuase i felt the light pressure of her dress on my dick as it slipped between her legs.I expected to hear a scream,but there was only the sound of the bus.With the constant rocking motion,it seemed my best choice was to move as she did so my dick,didn’t.
Apparently she was standing there sleeping or she didn’t mind the rather obscene intrusion.On the other hand the sitting blond looked to really be enjoying the show.She had a book on her lap but obviously had her hand under the book stroking her poke while she watched my dick in its rather dangerous position.Finally the bus stopped briefly,to my dismay at least four more people got on and no one got off.Then away we went rocking down the highway again.
People kept pushing harder against my back side,but there was no place ot go except tighter to the dark hair girls bottom.I was getting a lot of feeling in my dick that was uncontrollable.One more big jolt as the bus hit another hole and whaten i looked down the dress had worked its way up over my error.So now obviously it was my pants and her undies seperating some very initial touching.It was way to hot in there and getting much hotter,beads of sweat were trickeling down my face.
I could feel the heat of what was between her legs on my dick and it made it start to throb uncontrollably.This was going to be very difficult to explain away if I ever got the operation.I glanced over at the blond again,she looked up at me with the most delightful evil smile.I just smiled back and shruged my shoulders in a,matter a fact habiture.Hopeing the ordeal would soon be over and i would be home.
That was wishful thinking, as i watched the blond inch her hand towards the dark haired girls leg.She moved her book so i could see her hand under her mini skirt rubbing her magic little button.Then her other hand slide farther up under the dark haired girls dress rubbing her leg at the panty line.Amazinglyi felt her legs part farther allowing my dick to rise up more firmly against her love gap.She began rocking a little more than the bus was on my dick, i was sure i cold feel something wet.
Then not only the dark haired girls love nest.but the blonds hand rubbing down over the dark haired girls mound,then over my throbbing dick.She even pushed my dick up tighter into the dark haired girls wet heat.I was beginning to enjoy the wierdness that was happening,then i tried to pull back before it got out of hand.That didn’t work as i had planned it,the blond moved off her seat closer and unzipped my pants.Reaching into my boxes releasing my dick,it was pointless to resisit or try to create a riot in the bus.
The blonde pumped it a few times then a few licks and she was nursed the head like a hungry lamb.My dick in her mouth,one hand working her love button while the other was working on the dark haired girls love button.All i could smell at that momentt was very excited pussy.The blond let my cock slip from her mouth as she licked the precum off the tip.Then tasted the fingers that had been on her snapper,then the ones that had been working on the dark haired girl.
I was interested but was more wishing she’d finish off my nob job so my dick would relax.She lifted the dark hair girls dress so i could see she didnt have any pantys on either.That explain in part why i felt so warm and wet so easily before when my dick was between her legs.The blond guided my cock back over to the dark hair girls bottom then forced me to follow it way up between her legs.
Yup, there sure was some hot wet pussy there with a very warm camel toe.The bus and the dark haired girl didnt need to rock much before a good six inches of my dick,worked its way up inside some very hot wet pussy.A lot of things were rocking for a while then i felt the dark haired girl drop down a bit and spasm as her orgasam flowed downover my cock.Thats all it took and my dick went off like a rocket squirting a healthy load of gizz fully into her love tunnel.
My dick eased its hardness a little bit,then the blond started nobbing again making it pop right back up.She obviously wasnt finished with me yet.She stood up against the front of the seat and pulled at me to come towards her.I had to sit,there was no other place to go.Then she sat right on my lap very firmly.The blond reached between her legs pumping my cock then stood a little aiming it right at her love box.Then sat down hard driving it way up inside until it hit bottom.
She braced her hands on the seat back in front of her and thrust back fast and violently as the bus rocked and bumped.I had to hold her hips so she wouldnt hit the roof before she drove down again and again.I could feel her body tensioning as she got ready to release then she let out the loudest scream”Oh,Lordy,Cum Again!!! She came like a thunder show and i did too like bolts of lightening way up in her whomb.
You could hear a pin drop on the bus for a second then about twenty people said”HU???”simultaniously.It was all quiet for the next ten minutes until the bus stopped at my,off point.I slipped my dick back in my pants and quickly zipped up as i climbed down from the bus.I stood there for a few minutes catching my breath and getting my compsure.As i got ready to walk away i turned briefly and saw a blond and a brunett talking.I started to turn away and they said.Hey?I asked you mean me?Yes,the blond said,i’m Cheryl and my frind here is Lisa,i said,Hi pleased to meet you i’m Knight.
They said they lived close by,what a conflict so do i,i live right here,care to come in for a drink? They said sure,we had a few drinks,a lot of talk,finding we had very much in common. They both spent the night in my bed.Needless to say i didnt need to go out to get layed and they didnt either,we all worked in the same company.Had to catch the late bus and we were in a hurry to get home to relax.Go out to the same club looking to get hooked up for the night.Small world isnt it?……
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