Vanna Returns(Camping Out)

I had just got home from work when there was a knock on the door.There stood Vanna and her mom,come on in i said,such a nice surprise.I was wondering how you were,since you got your new apartment. Very busy,working and getting settled,but i need a favorite Vanna’s mom asked?I said sure if its something i can do,ill be glad to help out.Vanna’s mom said she had to go out of town for the week.Would it be possible for me to keep an eye on Vanna while she was gone?I took one look at the pleading in Vanna’s eyes,and unexpectedly said yes,of corse.I told her i was on vacation starting today, would it be ok if Vanna went with me to the lake camping for a few days?She said sure thats fine,thanks for helping out.Vanna was extatic about going to the lake for a fun week.

She grabbed a couple bags of clothes from their car and dragged them in the house.Her mom was in a hurry,so it was a quick good bye and she was off speeding down the street.Assoon as she was out of sight Vanna ran up and jumped in my arms.She said i’v missed you so much knight i thought i was going to die.I said i missed you too,the same way honey,thaught about you all the time.She said they were so busy she couldnt come over or call because there was no phone yet.

I squeezed her tight as she squeezed back sharing a very affectionate kiss.Both our mouths flowed wet as we drank the sweetness of pleasure and tongues began to play.I told Vanna we may as well put her things in the van and finish loading the camping gear.We can catch up on talk while we drive the short distance to the lake.Within fifteen minutes we were on our way and Vanna was surfing the radio stations looking for tunes.

Not long and she had “Uncle Kracker” with some rather suggestive songs that had a good beat.As i drove i looked Vanna over real good,it had been a few weeks since she gave me her verginty. Only a little longer since the sweet fishing trip that didn’t land any fish.Vanna had grown more lovely,her breasts stood proud and high.Not large but firm with rock hard nipples that seemed to always be poking from her te shirts.Her cheeses glowed pink with blooming fertility,big brown eyes that sent tremors deep in my passwordate soul.

I looked at the smooth bare belly with the little roundness that flatterd her precise whomb.The filling curves of her womanly hips that were so perfect for loving.Long curvasious slender legs that could wrap around me and lock together tightly against my back.It took little imagination to remember the bounty of femaleine treasure that lay only inches below her delicious belly.I could feel the growing hardness in my pants screaming to be buried deep inside her softness as it milked the life juices from my body one more time.

We talked about mostly missing each other,Vanna expressing how many times since we went fishing she got that big itch in her pussy that need to be rubbed so bad.Vanna scooted over closer to me as i drive,leaning against me.Soon her hand was struggling over the bulge in my pants and she pulled my free hand over putting it between her legs.

I could already feel the precum leaking into my pants as she stroked it gently.I cupped her camel toe with my hand and instantly felt her tension as a rush of warm wetness soaked over her shorts into my hand.It was all i could do to keep from cumming in my pants,knowing how much we both wanted to be feeling each other in the deepest possible way.When we got to the camp ground i pulled up to the contact station and showed them my pass.We sped off up the dirt road to the site i picked just above the beach,in a large clump of Oak trees away from any other potential campers sites.

Quickly we errected the tent,filled the Queen size air mattress,layed out our sleeping bags.As warm as it was we probably would be sleeping on top of the bags.With just a light blanket for warmth in the morning dampness.The tent was set so we left the cooking gear in the van until we needed it.I told Vanna we could go get some fierce wood now,she said,no not yet,in a little while.Then she grabbed my hand leading me to the tent,pulling me inside.She closed the hatch and windows leaving only the top screen open for ventilation.

Then she said take your clothes off,i did,as she slipped quickly out of hers.Vanna pushed me back on the matress climbing on top, smoothing my face with frantic wet kisses.With total abandonment i gave them back with growing hunger to have her again.Possess her in body mind and spirit making our bodies melt into one.My kisses sucked at her neck,down to her gorgeous breasts licking,nursing,sucking her hard nipples deep into my mouth.As my kisses floated down her body hers began floating down mine.

Making oral love to her belly and pubic shaft as she made oral love to mine.Then the feeling of her soft warm silky labia filling my mouth with love juices,as her lips slide wetly over my spasaming cock.Her tongue worked magic on the base as it pulsed in her soft mouth.She had half my cock firmly locked between her lips,thrilling at each pulse of precum that oozed out,as she sucked it down demanding more.

Vanna was getting so slippery wet it was difficult to tell when one orgasm ended and another began.There was no need to love play more now,there would be plenty of time,for the next few days alone together.I raised up quickly and slide gently on top of her,Vanna’s legs flew apart in anticipation of having me deep inside her rippeling love cannal one more time.As i positioned myself my cock dragged across her belly laving a trail of silky precum.She thrust her hips up at the feeling,her pussy desperatly trying to find my cock.It slide down over her peach fuzz shaft struggling across her clip.

Vanna cried out,please,please put itin me as the head slid into her silky wet slit pressing her labia apart.Her hips thrust up reciting the engaged pulsing head within her pussy lips.I moved it fast in and out just a little,she screamed with pleasure as she started orgasaming rapidly.I held back as best i could but still jets of cum were shooting into her before i was half way in.

Vanna grabbed my shoulders digging her fingers in painfully deep.I loved it,it helped me last longer.I had her nipple,sucking hard,i reached down and slipped my hands under her,grabbing her butt cheats.Her feet went arond my back and locked at the ankels tightly,trying to pull me as far inside her as i could go.When her feet pulled i thrust with all my strength driving my cock to the bottom of her whomb.

Our sounds and words were boarding on the unholey as our hips slammed faster and faster together.Such beautiful sweet pagan pleasure errupted between us.My balls were being squeezed between her butt chefs,her love muscles clenching and rippleing over my cock with each powerful thrust as our hips met.Our wet bellys making sucking noises as they touch again and again.

Vannas body vibrated with tremendous tension in unison with mine then the ultimate body rush swept over us both as spasam after spasam of our cum collided and washed over us then ran like a river from her pussy around my cock to the matress.

We rested locked together for a half hour then got dressed to get some fier wood,for the night and some mallows.I asked Vanna what she wanted to do our first night at camp?She must have read my mind,get some wood,go for a quick swim,eat a little,then go in the tent and love play.Then we can”Fuck”nice and slow all night long in a lot of new positions………



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