"Trish"One on One Educational Exploration

Trish called me after class to tell me,that Asia had to go to her Aunt’s for the week,to babysit her villas.She said,she hoped it would be ok if she came alone for our tutoring sessions.Grinning into the phone i said,don’t worry sweety we will make the very best of it.Trish said thanks ‘teach’ ill be over just before dinner.Mom’s,going bowling with her new boy friend tonight,then staying at his place.Trish laughed when she said,her mom said,they were going to watch a new movie together.

I gave dinner some thought early,it was to hot for a lot of cooking.Maybe Tacos and some spanish rice, followed with that decatent chocolate moose. That i had chilling, would be a special treatment by candel light,on the deck beside the pool.

Trish rapped on the front door at 6,early familiar to be helpful getting dinner ready.I thught it was sweet how the girls were always so good about jumping in to help with the little things.It made life so much easier for me,much like having a full time life partner,only a lot more exciting in a lot of ways.

I was impressed by the way Trish had dressed for the occasion.Quite Gothic,dark,mysterious with a sleep flowing knee length dress.Her dark eyes accented the nearly white lip gloss,with a slight blush to her rosey cheeks.I think the look was hypnoticly suductive,allusive yet intamitly attainable.Time had eased the concern for age difference.Right or wrong the relationships had become delightful compatable as well as filling all our mutual needs.

We set the table on the patio,beside the pool where it was cooler.Trish lit the candels, that flickerd in the light breez,creating a very relaxing atmosphere.We talked about missing Asia,accepting that there would be times we were not sharing lives little joys.Knowing that it would only enhance the moments when we were together again.

The change of pace dinner was nice, a little spicey, yet making the cool drinks more refreshing.Defenetly giving my chocolate mood that added cool sweet decatance, giving it perfection.As we sat sipping our drinks letting the meal digest,Trish started playing a little footsy under the table.We sat looking deep in each others eyes as we played.Smiles of pending arousal blowmed, followed by,blowing soft little kisses back and forth.

Trish slowly worked her toes up my leg until they gently massaged at my bulging error.I kicked my sandel off,rubbing my foot on her leg too,untill my toes teased at her mound.It was easy to tell that she was already very warm,her silk undies felt so smooth as they stuck to her growing wetness.

I suggested maybe a quick swim was in order to stimulate our bodies ease the rapidly growing desiers.Trish agreed a dip would feel very refreshing,to ease the lazy feeling that good food created.It was a sweet ritual toundress each other.Every beautiful inch of her body becoming the most luscious eye candy.We stood admiering the wonders of our nature,her perfect breasts,the softness of her belly.The soft fuzz of her public shaft so inviting atop those long slender legs.

Trish licked her lips hungrily while her eyes were fixed on my swollen cock.Then she took my hand saying,we better swim before i have to jump on your tummy stick.The water felt cool,we swam a couple laps then floated on our backs a while relaxing.I followed Trish when she got out of the pool.It was the most wonderful sight watching her from below as she climbed the pool ladder.She had the most delicious bottom.She was well aware of it,stopping to wiggle a bit so i got a good view of her wealth of fertile treasures.

She giggled and blushed when she saw that my cock was so errect it nearly hit my belly.Trish winked and said,we better be taking care of that big boy real soon before you stallyourself with it.That made for some laughter and invited a real big hug and kiss.The big boy rubbing nicely in her soft public fuzz.We sat a while drip drying on the chain locker.

Trish looked deep in thught so i asked,what you thinking about beautiful?Trish said,i feel funny asking you this,but,when we go to bed can we make love in a different way?I said,yes,i had been thinking about that too,most of the day.How do you feel about,very slow,for a very long time,feeling the sensitive emmotions?We can enjoy,as we talk occasionally of our feelings and inner desiers?She agreed that would be,extremely intamit,sensually errotic.Creating a new more close relationship that we could share with Asia when she returned.

We went inside,turned on some soft music,put the bedroom air conditioner on high and crawled onto the satin sheets.We kissed softly tasting each others lips analyze each sensitive feeling. Then our hands began exploring savoring the feeling,noticing each point that aroused response.I slowly kissed every inch of her body from her hair to her toes.Lingering on her breasts,her belly,her bottom,then her public treasures. Then Trish did the same to me,we could feel excitment entwined with intense powerful desier flowing all over our bodies.

I asked Trish if she had ever been told about the scissor position?She said,no,but it sounded extremely interesting.I told her i that she would find it very worth while,that the sensings would be more sensitive and fuller than anything we had done before.The words alone made her body squirm anticipating the deeper sense of togetherness.

We played a while gently,making oral love from head to toes.When i had her breasts fully aroused her nipples poked up high and firm for my nurses then we moved to the sixty nine position to achieve greater arousal.Trish nursed at my cock head bringing drops of precum up the smooth shaft to sensitive taste and swollow.Licking her labia gently causing her slit to bubble with her silky juices.Spreading them as i tasted over her love gap,then on to her clip as i teased it gently with my tongue.

Moving up to her mouth i gave her the most sensitive kiss i could create,blending our juices within our lingering kiss. Our tongues rubbed gently then sucked in an slow errotic in and out motion.Trish rubbed the precum around the head of my cock with her finger teasing its sensitive underside.As my hand cupped her pussy i could feel it softening and swelling with desier in my hand.I said,Trish,from now on we will feel the flow of Passion,the position wont allow kissing for a while.But we can more than make up for that with our hands and bodies.

Her only reply was a deep throat,Yes as i slid down putting her upper leg over my hips,the other between my legs.Arching my back i moved our sex closer together.Reaching up i took her hand in mine moving across her bReasts lingering so her hand could feel mine toying with her nipples.Then moving down to massage her belly,tracing her navel as our hands moved down to her shaft fuzz.Leaving her hand there i raised my cock laying it over her shaft so her hand could feel us both,so close to becoming one.

I held her hand against my cock as i pulled slowly over her clip until the head rubbed against it.Her body trembled as she moaned softly anticipating more.The head slipped down over her slide silk almost dipping in from her extreme arousal.I stopped at the bottom rubbing it gently over the entrance to her love tunnel.Trish pushed down gently forcing the head within her labia as she gently began to rock.Matching her motion in rhythm,my cock began to glide in and out of her hot silk.Slowly deeper and deeper as our hands felt the slow rhythmic penetration.

Frequently i would stroke her clip,rubbing all around it,pressing it down slightly to ride my cock asit slipped gently in and out.Rubbing her labia sensitively as it milked my cock deeper and deeper inside.My fingers massed below our connection on the sensitive area between her pussy and anus.Trish pushed onto me more deeply,with the wetness of her pussy silk my finger teasingly probed her anus.

Moving my hips into her more as i arched my back,Trish eagerly open her legs allowing my cock to enter to its maximum depth.Her pussy was swollen three times its normal size with sensitive desier.Her Labia engaged from satisfaction pressing warm and silky, nearly accepting my balls within her.The feeling of her love muscles caresing as they rippled over my throbbing cock was magnificent.I tensed my muscles repeatedly flexing my cock against her “G” spot.Hot rushes of her love juice flowed over my cock.

A steady stream of cum pulsed up my cock squirting slowly int her hot whomb as her muscles caresed milking more from deep inside my fertile loans.We lay impaled in new depths massaging with our hands as our love muscles constantly practiced flexing against each other.The connection had spiritual emmotion as if we were one body one soul existing united in every fatham of existence.When i awoke the next morning,Trish was still in dream land,my cock was still to her deepest connection.Her pussy had tightned to it normal size with my cock held tight within her as if we had grown together during the night.

I rubbed her belly gently as she awoke to find our continuing unity.Trish moved slightly and my cock gently slipped out of her.I anticipated a rush of our combined cum to follow it.But none was to come,her body and her whomb had assimilated every sweet drop of our love juice.Trush said,that was truly beautiful,i agreed.Then we dressed for brunch to discuss planning our new days adventures………



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