I had always been facinated by the occupation.Studies for Theology to Philosophy,leading to Spiritual science.What better way to learn than to join the Inner Sanctum for first hand knowledge.At first i didn’t take it to seriously,i figured as many extreme groups it was more words than action.I participated in some rather strange rituals,even some minor blood lettering that would have scared most folks away quickly.Not me,like they say no guts,no glory,i was in to stay.I thought when i learned all i wanted,i could just walk away.
Well i was wrong,they were dead serious about all the oaths that had been taken and i was at the point of no return.The only way i could succeed was to play the game by their rules.At first it wasn’t to difficult,there were a set of cards that depicted certain deeds we had to accomplish.Some easy,some more difficult,i had no idea how hard some were going to be,untill i drew the card.If we failed.the price was enormous we had to pay.Some punishments for failure were monitoring, others were as frightening as death to us or our families,to balance the scales of evil.
The last card i drew was the ‘Sacraficial Lamb’,it was explored to me that i had to search out an innocent vergin.Take her captive and steal her verginity.Adding to the complexity,i had three months to improve her and convince her she wanted to stay with me.Or we would both be sacrificed at the alter by the group as our pentance.
This was defeatly more than i had anticipated when i joined.To much information to late,so to speak.The quest was not easy but after a great deal of thought.I concluded that it may be possible,there really wasn’t an option other than accepting death.Running was out of the question,they would find me eventually.The thught of looking over my shoulder constantly,wondering when the end would come.Was not the way i wanted to live the rest of my life.
My plan was to find some pretty young thing that had little or no close family.Ripe and fertile with youth,unatatched,but probably looking for a mate.Defenetly a lonely,like i would need to become for the next three months or more.I started walking the streets in the evening hours relentlesly.Searching for the ideal candidate to unleash the cruel deed that was my given challenge.
I saw many as i walked,few came close to fitting the description of what i had to find.Then late one night not far from my house i saw a young woman sitting alone on a benchmark in the park.i watched a while,she appeared to be praying or maybe sulking over some deep problem.I approached very slowly knowing that most young women out that time of night were very aprehensive of friendly strangers.With very good reason considering the Crime rate in the city.
She seemed very sad as i walked by,glancing at her briefly.She did how ever look up to see if sherecognized me,then looked away.The third time i walked by i knew she would be getting suspicious of my behavior.Taking a chance i said,hello,she looked up and returned the greeting.I stopped in front of her,asked if she was ok.Saying i thought it unusual for a young lady to be out here alone at night.Adding that i lived close by,hoping it would make her feel a bit more secure.
She said i sit alone often,i don’t have many friends and my mom works nights.I asked if she would mind if i sat down and maybe we could talk a little.To my surprise she said,sure,it would be nice to have some company for a while.Telling her my name was,knight, broke the ice a bit.She said,my name is Anna,pleased to met you,same to you i replied,thanks.Anna was pretty open about her life considering i was a stranger.Returning her openness, within reason to keep the conversation link open as long as possible.
We talked about relationships a little,enough to learn she never had a real boy friend.She had just turned seventeen two weeks ago without a celebration or a card from any one.Even her mom had not done any thing special for the occasion.I told her i was sorry that she had a less than enjoyable birthday day,wishing her a belated one.She thanked me and asked if i wanted to walk with her a while to stretch her legs from sitting so long.I agreed and off we went in the direction of my house.
Anna sid she was a little chilly,so in a gentlemanly fashion i offer her my jacket.She accepted and i put it over her shoulders,Anna said your a really nice guy thanks. That made me feel a bit guilty,but i thanked her for the compliment.While in the back of my mind i was secretly planning her future fate.Soon we were in front of my house,i pointed it out to Anna.Then i asked if she cared to come in for a while and warm up from the chilly night air.She was a bit hesitant, but agreed when a gust of damp night air came over us.
I opended the door and turned the light on in the living room.Walked over and started the electric ferplace for some added warmth.Anna stood close to the heat warming her legs and hands.In good taste i offer her a hot drink,she accepted eagerly.I told her to make herself at home and i went into the kitchen to brew up some hot cocoa.
As i was making the cocoa i thught it a good idea to add a little extra ingredients.A touch of muscle relaxer and a dash of sleep elixer just to make her feel much more at home.Then with smiles i returned to the living room,hot cocoa for her and a brandy for me.I set them on the coffee table then offer for her to come sit a while with me on the sofa.So we could sip our drinks and talk a little more,the sofa was plenty big enough,so she didnt feel uncomfertable sitting to close.
Anna sat down thanking me for the cocoa and the friendly chat.I said,it was my pleasure to have met such a nice young woman.I took a sip of brandy,then waited in suspence as Anna lifted the mug to her lips.Taking a big long sip of her hot cocoa,she said it was a little bitter but she liked the tang of it.I apologised, saying i must have made it to rich.Anna said,thats quite alright i like it strong,as she took another long sip to prove her point.
We talked a bit more as i pumped her for information about her life.Trying not to look to curious as i shared parts of mine to balance the conversation.She was for all intense purposes on her own in life.She lived with her mom,came and went as she pleased,nearly never told her mom where she was or what she was doing.I had become convinced the hunt was over,now all i needed to do was concentrated on finishing the mission.
It was apparent that Anna was unknownly feeling the effects of the cocoa addives.Her eyes were slightly dialed,speech slurring,her dexterity was not very good.She nearly dropped the mug, saying she must be getting a little tierd,she’d have to go home soon.I said yes,it is getting late but, before you go would you like a tour of the house?Graciously she agreed to a quick tour,the downstairs was easy.As we walked up stairs she reached out for my hand,finding her balance was a bit lacking.So i assisted her up the stairs,all the doors were open except the one to my room.She asked to see inside but i said,we can save that for another time if you don’t mind?She agreed,then said she had to be going very soon.I said ok,ill walk you home when you are ready to go.
By the time we got back to the living room Anna was getting very dizzy,leaning almost her entire weight against me to stand.I knew she’d never make it home and probably not even to my front door.She was close to a walking dream state of mind.The cocoa made her feel like she was fine but her body and her thinking were far from on the same wave link.When we got to the sofa i suggested maybe she wanted to rest a while theni would walk her home.She just smiled a goofy smile and sat down mumbeling something about walking home.
Anna’s eyes rolled around a bit then she leaned over falling into my lap.I keep talking for a few minutes to see if she was aware of what was going on.Other than occasionally moving like she was dreaming she was out of contact with reality.I started brushing my fingers over her hair with no response.Then her shoulders with the same result,it was certain she was not going to wake up for a least a few hours.it was time for Anna to learn what was behind the closed door upstiars.
I picked her up like a limp rag doll,then carried her up the stairs.Shut most of the lights out,then opened the door to the master bedroom.There before us was the alter bed for sacrafice as it had been prepared.The cameras to the closed circuit record were all in place to whitness the proceedings for the approval of the cult leaders.At least the beginning of the task at hand,that was now for both Anna and I to accomplish or parish trying.
I put Anna gently on the bed,then lit the sacraficial candels.It was dim but more than enough light for the cameras to record everything.I brushed Annas hair back to learn every detail of her features.I already knew her eyes were dark brown,her hair nearly matching her eyes.I ran my finger over her soft red lips then kissed her.Her body moved slightly in response to the feeling like from a dream state.Slowly i unbuttoned her shirt, opening it to reveal her breasts.I took a deep breath,so far i had chosen well.Beautiful orange sized white breasts with perfect almond colored ariolas,perky nipples.
I ran my hands all over them,rolling the nipples between my fingers squeezing them gently.I had wonderd if I was going to have trouble arousing enough to take her verginity,earlier. That was not going to be a problem,i could feel my cock already began to fill with lust for Anna.I looked down over her belly watching it rise and fall with each breath,knowing that beneath was the whomb that i would penetrate time and time again until she was impregnated.
I unhooked her belt,then lifted her as i removed her dress.Her legs were perfect,long and smooth strong and healthy.Anna’s hips were lovely,perfect craddels for making babies,ideal for motherhood.I feel my cock grow harder as i slipped her pantys off revealing her soft dark public hair that covers her mound.Pulling her legs apart slightly,i lowerd my head to inhale her scent.Clean and pure as i had hoped,small prononced labia that had been touched very little if at all.
Stroking them gently,i could feel her inner warmth,so very soft and tender.My finger moved up and down her slit,it was naturally moist with a slight feeling of silky liquid that lubricated her fertile sex even before arousal.At the bottom of her slit i pushed gently in working it slowly around to make it very slippery.Then in deeper searching for the thin membrane that was her verginity.Sure enough there it was fully intact,the first step we had to overcome.
I got the ritual oils that we would be anointed with,setting them beside Anna.I got a few towels from the bath and laid them beside her as well.Then i removed my clothes allowing my cock to become fully errect.As i began coating our bodies with the warm oil i tasted Anna’s breast sucking hard on her nipples.Her body responded by nature seperate from her mind.She moved unconciously to the stimulus,her nipples aousing in my mouth.Then i coated them with oil as i kissed her whomb praying for quick conception.Then i placed an abundance of oil on her belly.Parting Annas legs farther i pulled her towards the edge of the bed,gazing with some kind of animal hunger at her womanhood.
I opened her labia with my fingers then slide my tongue up along her slit.Such a pure sweet vergin taste,her clip responed to my teasing and sucking as it aroused poking out slightly.I sank my tongue as far into her pussy as i could running it up and down.Between the saliva and her natural arousal to the stimulus,she was soon very slippery.Her labia starting to engage from my teasin mouth.I coated her legs and her public area with the sacraficial oil.Then quickly spread it all over my body in preperation for the ultimate sacrafice.
The bed was at the same level as my hips,raising Anna’s legs i put them on my shoulders.I moved close to the bed pulling Anna’s sacrafice closer to my cock.The head resting on her labia as precum began to drip,oozing slowly down her slide blending with her silk and my saliva.Between our wetness and the oil the head slipped in without a lot of pressure.Anna was extremely tight,for her sake i was glad she wasn’t fully Concious.My cock was rather large and for her to adjust to the intrusion would be some what painful.
I thrust slowly, the first bit adapted easily to my thrusts,then i could feel my cock poking at her hymen.I had become highly aroused,knowing she was for the moment unconcious i thought it best to be swift to end the most difficult part and get on with the deed of impregnation.A little in and out rapidly as the desier to thrust hard increased then with one powerful thrust i felt her maiden head give way. I pressed in hard to the hilt and hold it there tightly as her muscles clamped hard on my cock.
Slowly the tension eased and i worked it in and out a little more.Then i pulled out inspecting the damage,thank God only a little blood,i took the towel i had prepared and cleaned away the blood.I cleaned Anna’s pussy then oiled us both again before i drove my cock deep inside her for the first attempt at impregnation.The first time she remained very tight as her love muscles rippled over my trusting cock.After maybe a hundred thrust i feel the aching of cum swelling to shoot up my cock into her whomb.I cried out in relief as the first load burst free inside her easing my primary emmotions.
The fifth time i took her,her body had adjusted well accepting every inch of me without resistance.The twelth time as i was about to shoot my hot load in her whomb again Anna began to awaken.She thrashed trying to gain consciousness moaning deliciously.I hurridly sped up my thrusting to unload in her again before she was fully awake.Luckily only a few more thrusts and my cum jeted out filling her one more time.
Now i was trying to think of how to explain myself when she awoke.If that was even possible,maybe the truth would work.But i knew it was a hard story to believe if i had the chance to tell it.None the less i knew i had to keep her my prisoner against her will unless at some point she found the way to understanding and accepting the fate we had been delt in the cards……..(may continue ?)
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