I laid on the floor crying.
“I’ll never forgive myself.” I cried “I’m just going to have to tell him so he can go find someone else that deserves him.”
I kept on for several minutes, I don’t know what Todd’s reaction was yet, But in the middle of having my face in the carpet. I heard Todd putting his clothes on, and I heard the bed comforter slide off the bed. Todd knelt down beside me and covered me with the bed comforter. I didn’t want Todd to even touch me but I accepted the comforter. It was a relief to be covered, the only time you really enjoy being naked is when you are happy and you are having sex. Not while you are on the ground crying like a little girl.
“Britney, please stop crying.” Todd said in a sweet voice “will you please calm down and let me explain a few things.”
I cried for another moment and I started to calm down and I scooted my butt over and leaned against the wall with my head down staring at the floor.
“I’m sorry Britney I don’t like to see you cry.” he said he grabbed my knee through the bed comforter.
I finally lifted my head and looked at him with my blood shot eyes.
“Todd we can’t do this anymore.” I said
Todd nodded his head
“I agree its over, to be honest I didn’t want you to come over here tonight. I wanted to tell you not to . I love Lisa so much, but I know what I have been doing at your husbands house and at your wedding and everything, I knew it wouldn’t be right for me to say no. I didn’t actually enjoy at all watching you mess with my wife’s things, but I knew it was only fair.”
He paused for a second
“Well actually I kind of enjoyed watching you give me that lap dance in her panties.” he said with a smile
I just sat there I didn’t smile back I was in no mood for humor.
“Anyway I knew when I married her that I didn’t killer her, and I knew that I would end up cheating on her. I am just always horny and I always want to try something know. Then I started working with you at the airport and I really liked you, and I just ignored it for a while. But as I got to know you better, and found out how funny you were and what a good personality you had aside from being really attractive. I started fantasizing about you, every night. After a while I just didn’t care anymore, all I wanted was to have sex with you.”
I started wiping the tears off my face listening to him.
“But I’m really sorry Britney, I guess this was all a mistake.” he said
“Oh Todd its ok I wanted it too, and aside from all my guilt I was having a lot of fun, my life has always been pretty boring I’ve always been just a good girl and I was always worried about making everyone happy and then you came along and it felt good to be bad.”
We sat silent for another moment.
“But Jeff is the perfect guy I’ll never find another guy like him, and there is no way I can just continue on after all the stuff we’ve done I’m just going to have to tell him, and then I guess we’ll just move on one way or the other.”
I continued to try to straighten my face.
“And I’m sorry for what I said to you, I just been really stressed out, and I guess I just blew it out on you. But I didn’t mean what I said to you ok.” I said
Todd nodded.
“So what does Lisa do?” I asked
“She’s a flight attendant.” he said
“are you serious” I asked
“yea I’m serious.” he said
“Well what company does she work for?” I asked
“Southwest.” he said
My mouth dropped
“Oh my god my husband flies for Southwest.” I said
We both stared at each other.
“Do you think they know each other.” I asked
Jeff thought for a minute.
“She is not assigned to a specific crew, she works with different pilots all the time. I guess they would have had to work with each other at some point.” he said
I sat there and thought for a few moments.
“Todd I think the right thing for me to do now is just tell Jeff the truth, no more lies.” I said
“Maybe somehow this will all work itself out.” I said
“Your not going to tell him about me are you.” he said with a panicked look on his face
“Todd, I just don’t want to lie anymore.” I said
“NO!! you can’t do that Britney, he’ll come after me, and worse if he does Lisa might find out.” he said.
“You should of thought about all this before you started having sex with me, and I should of thought about it too.” I said “If you are doing something you know is wrong, there is going to be consequences. It’s always going to come back to you some how. That’s just the way life is.”
Todd sat back and closed his eyes
“oh shit” he said he kept looking like he was going to say more but he was lost for words.
“Todd this will all work out somehow, it’s probably going to suck for a while. But all we can do now is just come clean and hope for the best.” I said
Todd just sat there quite. I got up found my stack of clothes I looked back at him still naked, he looked sad and worried, and I forget about myself and started feeling bad for him.
“Hey Todd.” I said
He looked up. I put my hand on my hips, he looked at my naked body with a sad look still on his face. I smiled and I gave him a quick dance, and then reached for my clothes, and put them on. He gave me a half smile from my little dance.
“Get up Todd.” I said
He slowly got up he reminded me of a pathetic little boy after he just got caught doing something bad.
“It will work out ok.” I said looking in his eyes. “I’m not going to tell him yet let’s just sleep on it a few nights ok. We will figuree it out.”
Todd just stood there and looked at me
“Still friends.” I said as I put up my arms up inviting him for a hug.
He nodded his head and walked into my arms, and hugged me back. We sat there for a moment, and when I released Todd had a few tears in his eyes. I smiled at him again and walked out.
As I went home I started crying again, but at the same time I felt a little relief. I have felt incredibly guilty for over a mouth now. It’s been sitting there like a stone wedged in my gut. At least I can finally end this with Todd, and I can confess what I’ve done, and move on with my life. At the same time many sad feelings came over me knowing he would probably leave me for sure.
I got home that night and Jeff was still out on his trip, and he would probably be home early in the morning. I called my boss and woke him up and said that something came up and I won’t be able to make it into work in the morning.
I lied awake all night thinking how I was going to tell Jeff, I came to no conclusion, but my plan was to think about it several days, as I told Todd. I fell asleep for about a half hour when I heard Jeff come in the door. I got up and made him breakfast. I told him that I was really tired and I needed a day off from work.
He finally went to sleep after being up all night, and I started cleaning the house up, with my mind never resting about how I should tell him. I went and grabbed his overnight bag, and grabbed the rest of his laundry. I went into the laundry room and started throwing his clothes in and grabbed his dirty underwear and as I started throwing them in the washinger when I noticed something.
I picked up his boxer briefs and I noticed there were a lot of cum stains on them. I thought that’s weird, Jeff always said that ever since he met me he never jerks off. He likes to save all his cum that way he has a huge load for me.
I just smiled throwing them back in. Well I guess I can’t get too mad at him after all the shit I’ve done. I picked up his pants and put my hand in the pocket to make sure that I wasn’t going to wash anything important. I reached in and pulled out a used condom.
My heart just seemed to stop, I didn’t know what to think. I examined the condom for what had to be at least five minutes. There was a good load of white semen in it. I smelled the outside and at first all I could smell was rubber. But as I kept doing it I could make out the smell of a vagina.
I took the clothes out and put them back into the clothes hamper. I didn’t know what I was going to do, but I don’t want him to be suspicious that I found it quite yet. I walked quietly back into the room and put the hamper back where it was. When I got to the door, I turned around and watched him sleeping for a moment.
My thoughts did not move, I knew I would have several emotions soon but, I didn’t want to jump to any conclusions until I investigated this further.
I had the keys to his car and I opened the door and looked in the glove box, and everywhere I could think of where I could find evidence. I was getting really frustrated the car was really hot. I was just about to give up when I looked in the back seat where his flight bag sat.
I fumbled around in it, and I finally pulled out a letter. I grabbed it and went around the side of the house where no one can see me.
Dear Jeff.
How are you baby, I’m just sitting here in Houston on a layout and was really bored so I thought id write you a letter. I have had so much fun fucking you over the last few months. I love how secret and sneaky we’ve been. Remember that time when we snuck in the cargo area of the plane while the passengers were loading and we 69’d on one of the boxes. I loved rubbing your balls and sucking your cock, While you licked my pussy, and ohh it feels so good when you rub your tongue on my asshole.
And remember when we got that trip together and I snuck up to your hotel room, and I pretended I was a little girl on Halloween asking you for candy. And you made me suck your cock, and say trick or treat. And then we fucked like animals and you rubbed your wife’s picture all over my pussy. Then you pulled your wife’s panties out of your bag and we both sniffed them together. And you made me wear them on my head as you fucked me. And you jacked your cock off with my husbands tie. That really turned me on baby.
And remember the night of your wedding when you got back to your house and I was hiding outside, and you snuck out and fucked me up my tight little asshole and then shot your tasty cum in a little container. And I watched through the window, and fingered myself watching you and your wife in your bed room, and your wife was sucking your cock, after you just got done fucking my ass. Then I took the container of cum home and I poredyour cum in my mouth and rubbed it on my pussy. Then I went and made out with my husband with your cum in my mouth. And he ate me out with you cum rubbed in my little cunt.
I could go on and on baby, we have had lots of fun times. We need to stop this soon because I don’t want your wife and my husband to find out about us. But lets keep it going for a little while longer sweetie cause I enjoy being your little dirty fuck toy.
Your secret lover
P.S. I was on the pill, so you can start fucking my sweet hairless pussy and stop wearing those annoying condoms.
I sat there and looked at the sky for several moments letting my thoughts and my emotions come to me. My first thought was I don’t have any more guilt left in me. Guilt is probably the worst emotion to feel. Six long weeks of incredible fear and guilt has just been lifted off my shoulders, it was like I had to carry 200 ibs on my back for six weeks and I finally got to drop it.
I went inside after reading the letter. It was 11:00 and Jeff was still sleeping. I took the letter into our computer room where I copied it. Then I returned it to Jeff’s flight bag. I put the copy in my purse before sitting on the couch to reflect.
I still was in shock and didn’t know what to think. A million unanswered questions swirling through my brain. I couldn’t believe Jeff would cheat on me. I always thought he was so in love with me and that he had such a moral, conservative personality. But then, I thought that about myself before I met Todd.
The sex between Todd and me was just an adventure. Through it all, I remained deeply in love with my husband. It was a terrible feeling to think that not only has my husband been having sex with someone else, but that he could of possible fall in love with her. And if so, does he still love me? The thought brought tears to my eyes. I couldn’t stand thinking my husband loving another woman and not me.
A whole hour passed before a thought crossed my mind — a thought that should have come an hour ago. “Who is she?”
I took the copy of the letter out of my purse and held my breath before opening it to read again. I scrolled through the letter, going over the disgusting details again. I had a lump in my throat as I read. I felt jealous and sick when it came to the part about what they did on the night of my wedding.
I finally made it to the end of the letter which closed with, “Your secret lover . . Lisa.”
“Lisa!!!” I said aloud.
I guess I read the name Lisa the first time but was in too much shock to contemplate it. There is no way this could be a coincidence.
“This could not be Lisa, Todd’s wife,” I thought.
I just sat there and let the thoughts swim around my head for another two hours when, finally, I heard noise from the bedroom. It was Jeff getting out of bed. I wasn’t ready to face him. I was still so confused about everything. I ran into the bathroom, locked the door, turned on the shower, disrobed and got in. A few minutes later I heard a knock on the door.
“Britney?” said Jeff.
“I’ll be out in a minute,” I replied.
As I showed, I mustered the courage to go out and just pretend everything’s normal. After I got out of the bathroom and dressed, I found Jeff sitting in the kitchen in his shorts and a t-shirt, drinking coffee and reading the paper.
“Good morning, good afternoon, whatever it is, Jeff.” I said.
“Hi, honey,” he said.
I made him something to eat and I was somehow able to put everything in the back of my mind and act like I always do around him. He was going to work on another trip and had to leave at 7:00 p.m. I was looking forward to him leaving so I could think and stop pretending I don’t know anything.
His cell phone rang. He picked it up and looked at it.
“Oh, that’s my captain. The one I’m flying with tonight.” he said to me before answering the call.
Flipping open the phone, he said, “Hello,” and walked into the computer room.
I got up and hid around the corner trying to hear his conversation.
“Yeah, she’s home. I can’t talk to you right now but I’ll call you back on the way to work,” he said.
I could hear a female voice on the phone but couldn’t make out the words.
“I’ll call you back in about a half hour, Babe. Can’t wait to see you tonight,” he whispered.
I heard the voice continue.
“Okay, Babe. Stop that! You are giving me a hard on and I’ve got to go past my wife on the way out of here,” Jeff said, again whispering. “See ya tonight,” he said, shutting the phone.
I went back to the kitchen table and looked in the newspaper, pretending to read it. By the time Jeff entered the kitchen he had his pilot uniform and was adjusting his tie.
“Sorry. That was Scott, the guy I’m flying with tonight. He was just calling to tell me . . .”
I just sat there and tuned out the rest of his lies. I somehow managed to keep a straight face, kissed him good-bye and exchanged “I love you” s.
As soon as I heard his car pull off, I got up and ran down the hall and fell on the bed crying. I cried on and off for hours. In my whole life I had never felt so alone. My body was so weak from all the stress, and from having so little sleep in the past 48 hours. I felt horrible knowing what my husband was probably doing at that moment, and it was about 10 o’clock when I finally cried myself into a deep sleep.
It was 6:15 the next morning when my eyes opened again. I was really grggy and it took a moment for my brain to start functioning. Then thinking of the letter and the phone call, I hoped it was all a horrible nightmare.
I looked over and saw Jeff sleeping. My heart was broken, watching Jeff sleep on the other side of the bed. He usually falls sleep with me in his arms.
I got up quietly and walked into the kitchen. I looked at his bags sitting by the door. I didn’t want to see anymore but I was extremely curious and I needed to find out more. I dug through his stuff looking for more evidence. I pulled out his laptop and turned it on.
I did find something on the computer. It was the most shocking thing I have ever seen. All my questions were answered now. I just swallowed all my emotions that were now flaring even more than the day before. I copied it on a blank CD and put it in my purse with the letter before I got ready for work.
On my way to work I starred blankly at the road ahead, with no plan of what to do next. I just wanted to go through my day as usual.
I walked through the door and there were already tons of people getting off a big corporate jet. There was a line of probably 30people and Todd was alone taking care of everyone from behind the counter. I hurried behind the counter and started handling everyone’s rental car, hotel, taxi, or other needs.
I went to the copy machine and though Todd was really busy, he stopped me for a second.
“Britney, is everything okay,” he asked with a look of very deep concern on his face.
“I don’t know, Todd. I’ll talk to you when we slow down a little, okay.” I said
Two hours later people were finally starting to dissipate. I just sat there, staring off in space, not looking at Todd. He scooted up behind me.
“Britney, please say something,” he said.
I’m sure Todd has been tortured the last 48 hours, with what happened the night before last, and with me not showing up at work yesterday.
“I don’t know, Todd,” I said , starting to tremble.
“What, Britney, did you tell your husband,” he asked in a panicky voice.
I looked into his concerned eyes — he has such a cute, little boy face — and all of the sudden I cracked a big smile. He looked at me curiously and I rolled my chair so my face was close to his. I gave him a soft kiss. He pulled back.
“Britney, please tell me what’s going on,” he said “What happened yesterday?”
I held his face with two hands. “Don’t worry about it now. Just kiss me,” I said quietly.
I kissed him softly for a moment and I opened my mouth inviting his tongue.
“Britney, tell me what is going on,” he said sternly, releasing his kiss.
I put my hand down on his crotch and began to rub his soft member through his pants.
“Don’t talk any more, Todd,” I whispered. “Just fuck me. I want you to fuck me now.”
We continued kissing and I felt his cock starting to grow in his pants. I undid his belt and zipper and pulled his cock out. Stepping back, I quickly slipped off my shoes and tookoff my pants. I was standing behind the counter in just my dress shirt and panties.
Pulling my panties to the side, I climbed onto Todd and guided his dick in my pussy, and started to slowly move up and down on his shaft. I grabbed his head gently and kissed him passwordately.
Before, Todd was just a friend that I fooled around with — a partner with whom I played kinky sex games. But this time I was making love with Todd. All the feelings I’d had for the last few days — jealousy, anger, shame, humiliation, sadness — all the sudden went away. I continued to passwordately make love to Todd. A moment passed when I almost said I love you. I refrained from saying that, Knowing that it wasn’t the truth. But at that moment I did love him.
I withdraw my kiss and continued slowly moving up and down on him.
“Now I really feel guilty,” he said.
“Why now,” I asked, smiling.
“Because this is the way I do it with Lisa,”he said.
Just hearing him say those words was beautiful to me. I looked up at the ceiling and continued smiling.
“Would you feel more comfortable if I went back to acting like a complete slut,” I said.
“Hold on now. I didn’t say I was not really enjoying this.”
“I’m glad you are enjoying it,” I said “But I agree we need to just go back to being kinky little fuck buddies.” I said
“Yeah, but I’d say this is pretty kinky, fucking here behind the desk when someone could come in at any second,” he said, and I laughed.
“Our lunch break is coming up. Maybe we should pay another visit to the maintenance room,” I said.
“Mmm, that sounds great. And then when we get done, will you tell me what happened yesterday? I know something is wrong by the look on your face this morning,” he said.
“Okay, I do have something I need to talk to you about, but let’s go on lunch break first. I want to go in that maintenance room and be your little nasty whore.” I said
“Okay,” he said, moaning “You have me really curious right now because I know something’s up. But you got my cock so hard that I’m really not worried about anything but fucking the shit out of you.”
I moaned at his comment, got off him and stood up. He put his cock back in his pants as he watched me bend over and put my pants back on. I looked at him again seriously and gave him a soft passwordate kiss.
“Thank you, Todd, you are the best friend I’ve ever had,” I said.
“Ah, you too,” he said. I put my finger on his mouth.
“Don’t say anything else.”
We clocked out and met each other in the maintenance room. We tore off each others clothes. He began kissing me softly again and I pushed him hard against the tool benchmark. He looked at me in shock, and before he had a chance to think why I had just violently shoved him, I was on my knees with his cock in my hand. I put my mouth over it and I sucked hard and fast. My hand circled his shake with a very tight grip as I jacked him off at a fast pace. I looked up in Todd’s eyes — his mouth was open — and moaned while giving Todd probably the best blow job he’s ever had.
I spit on his cock and looked him in the eyes as I licked it off.
“You are such a little dirty fucking slut.” he said.
I got up in his face. “I am a dirty slut, so why don’t you treat me like one,” I said.
“You want that?”
“Yes treat me like your little worthless fuck toy, just do whatever you want to me,” I said
“If that’s what you want, that’s just exactly what I’m going to do,” he said, grabbing me by my long hair and slamming me face-down on the table. Todd pushed hard on my head, pinning my face to the table, and I was bent over with my ass sticking out. He reached his hand back and shoved his middle finger up my ass, all the way to his knuckle. He finger-fucked my ass a few times and then pulled my hair, forcing the back of my head up. He pulled is finger out of my ass and stuck it in my mouth, repeated this several times.
“You like tasting your shit hole, don’t you slut,” he said.
Before I could answer, he almost lifted me off the ground by my hair and throw me down on the concrete, face down against the cold floor.
“Reach both of your hands back and spread your pretty butt cheats, so I can see your cute little asshole,” he demanded.
I did as I was told, my face on the concrete and both my hands spreading my ass apart. I was so wet and turned on. But at the same time, my scalp was aching from having my hair pulled so hard. I was a little nervous because I couldn’t see what Todd was doing behind me. I don’t think Todd would actually hurt me but . . .
Just then I feel a warm fluid hitting my ass. I keep my ass pulled open and I could hear the stream hitting my asshole.It felt so good, as Todd’s piss hit my asshole and ran in my pussy. Then Todd shot piss all the way up my back and into my hair before he cinched the muscles in his cock, forcing the piss to stop.
He reached down and pulled me to my feet, then put his hand on the top of my head, forcing me to my knees.
“Now your going to drink my piss, you slut. Your going to drink it like you did on your wedding day in your wedding dress. Only this time, I’m not going to be careful to not get you dirty,” he said.
I was on my knees. Todd grabbed the hair on the back of my head, forcing my face upward. My mouth was open, waiting. As he pointed the end of his cock close to my open mouth, he let a stream of saliva come out his mouth. It hit my forehead and slowly slide down my face like molasses.
His piss began, and it shot in my mouth and hit the back of my throat, making me gag. He released my hair, letting me put my head down to recover, and I swallowwed a mouthful as my butt came down hard back on the concrete. He stepped back and continued shooting his piss. It hit my tits and he worked it down to my stomach.
“Your stupid husband don’t know that I’m standing here pissing on his naked wife, does he,” he said.
He continued shooting his piss all over my naked body — from my, tits, down my stomach, on my pussy, and all over both of my legs and feet. He stepped up and grabbed the back of my head again and pushed hard making the flow really strong. I closed my eyes as the stream hit me between the eyes and splashed off my face. As the flow weakened, he moved the stream on my closed mouth and up to my forehead and finally let it drip down all over my hair.
He stepped back. I had my head down wiping my eyes with my wrist.
“Are you OK, baby,” he asked.
I opened my eyes, and looked up. I smiled and nodded my head.
“I wish your fucking husband couldsee you right now, sitting naked on the cold floor drenched in my piss,” he said.
He walked up to me again. I was still sitting on the floor with one hand holding me up, the other still trying to dry my eyes. He turned around and put his ass up to my face.
“And I wish he could see me, right now, because I’m going to wipe my ass with his little slut wife’s face.”
Grabbing the back of my head, he forced my face in his ass, rubbing his asshole up and down my face. He finally released his grip and stood in front of me and bent over in front of my face.
“Get on your knees and kiss my asshole. Now!!!” he demanded.
I got up on my knees and kissed his butt hole. I kissed it several times, moaning each time I did.
“Now, I want you to eat my ass. And I want you to think how much you love your husband as you push your tongue in my asshole,” he said.
I grabbed his ass with both hands and I spread his cheesesapart. And I thought of Jeff and what I saw on his computer, and his fucking letter, as I rimmed Todd’s asshole. I did it for several minutes, getting such pleasure forcing my tongue in his asshole with those thoughts in my head.
I didn’t want to stop but Todd turned around and forced me to bend over the table again. He spread my legs and shoved his cock into my cunt really hard, He pulled my hair hard again as he thrust in and out as hard as he could.
“AH AH AHHHHHH,” I screamed. “You cock is so much fucking bigger then Jeff’s. You fuck me so much better then he does.”
“I’M CUMMING, I’M FUCKING CUMMING ALL OVER YOUR BIG COCK, TODD,” I yelled at the top of my lungs as my body frozen up and I felt the orgasm all the way through my body. My cum came gushing out and ran down both our legs.
He thrust in a few more times then pulled out and forced me down to my knees again.
“Get on your knees whore. I want to cum all over his wife’sfucking face,” he said.
Todd stood there jacking his cock close to my face.
“I wish Jeff could watch you when you cum on my face,” I said encouragingly. “I wish he could have watched you fuck his wife on his bed, wearing his underwear, and you fucking me up the ass in my wedding dress before I went and married him.”
I rubbed his balls as he jerked off, wanting to make him as horny as possible before he shot cum in my face.
“And I wish he was here now, and he got to watch you make me taste my asshole off your finger, and then drenched my whole body with your piss, and you sticking your big fucking cock in his wife’s cunt,” I said. “I could just see him standing there watching you.”
Todd’s whole body tightened. I stared at his cock watching it swell and looking like it was going to exploit. It seemed like hours watching his muscles tighten before a huge stream of semen shot out the end of his cock, splashing right on the center of my nose. A second load shot out sending a long stream from the top of my forehead, all across the top of my head. I rubbed my clip staring at Todd’s tight grip emptying all the fluid in his balls.
Todd stepped back and we both looked at each other trying to catch our breath. A long stream of warm cum was dangling off my chin.
“You look like an original glazed Crispy Cream doughnut,” Todd said as he laughed.
I let out a loud laugh as I started to get to my feet. “Boy, I tell you to treat me like a complete whore, and that’s exactly what you did. Look at me,” I said.
Standing up facing him, my hair was totally drenched and piss was dripping off my naked body. My face was totally white with chunks of cum dripping off of it.
“You said that’s what you wanted, so that’s what I did, and you know you liked it,” he said.
“Oh yeah, I really liked it,” I said, “In fact, I liked it so much that I’m going to giveyou a big kiss now.”
I walked up to Todd and gave him an open mouth kiss, and swapped his cum from my mouth to his. I stepped back and his cum was dangling off his nose.
Todd and I cleaned the piss off the floor using a neary roll of paper towels. Then I wiped my body and hair the best I could. We both put on our clothes. I was dry but I was still a complete mess.
“What am I suppose to do. I can’t go back to work looking like this,” I said.
“There is a shower in the men’s bathroom that the pilot’s use. You can go in there and I’ll make sure that if someone comes in that they don’t go in. I’ll tell them it’s out of order or something,” said Todd.
We walked back to the FBO only about five minutes late. We walked up to a glass door and looked in. There was a pilot waiting in front of the counter.
“Oh fuck,” I said
“Okay, I’ll go take care of him. You wait here and when he leaves you can sneak in the men’s room.”
I watched through the glass door where I couldn’t be seen and saw Todd gave him the keys to his rental car.
Then I headed to the men’s room to shower and clean up before heading back to the work counter with Todd.
“Todd remember how I had something to talk to you about,” I said.
“Yeah.” he said
“I have no idea how to tell you this, so I just want to let you see for yourself,” I said.
Todd’s face looked concerned as I took the CD out of my purse and I stuck it in the computer. I clicked on a WMP icon and the video popped up.
It started with my husband sitting on a bed in a hotel room.
“Hello. My name is Jeff and I am making this video because sometimes weeks go by and I don’t get to see my sexy flight attendant, and this video will give me something to jerk my cock to while I wait to get another trip with her.
Todd laughed.
“What the hell is this,” he said
All of the sudden Lisa, Todd’s wife, appeared on the video.
“Hi baby,” Lisa said into the camera. She started undoing his pants and took out his cock and put her mouth on it.
“Don’t let your wife walk in and catch you jerking off to this video of you fucking me,” she said smiling, putting her mouth on Jeff’s cock looking into the camera and she gave a jack off gesture. Lisa got up and tore off her clothes, and sat on his cock in the reverse cow girl position.
“And I want a copy of this too, so when Todd goes to work I have something to watch and get off on,” Lisa said into the camera, while bouncing up and down on my husband’s cock.
Todd grabbed the computer plug and pulled it killing the power to the computer.
“WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT,” he yelled.
“Todd I’m sorry, I found this note in Jeff’s pants while I was doing his laundry and I read it and then I just went through all his stuff, trying to find more evidence,” I said.
He tore the note from my hand and started reading it. His face went pale as he stared at the letter. When he was done reading, he crumbled up the letter and through it hard against the window before turning his back to me and leaning on a table. I watched him for a moment and I could hear him start to cry. I got up and went behind him and put my hand on his back.
“DON’T TOUCH ME BITCH.” he yelled as he shoved me. I fell back and looked up at him. He had tears in his eyes, and his face was red with anger.
“Todd don’t get mad at me. We’ve been doing the exact same thing. Just calm down and let’s talk about this and try to figure out what we can do next,” I said.
“I’ll tell you what I’m going to do next. I’m going to go over to your house and take care of your fucking husband. That’s what I’m going to do next,” he said, storming out the door.
Todd jumped in his car and drive off and I followed him trying to keep up. It was two hours before we were suppose to get off work. I raced Todd down the interstate, I kept up with him in traffic, but as soon as he had an opening he was going over 100 mph and I fell behind.
I started to panic knowing that Todd was going to beat me home. He said he was going to take care of Jeff. What does that mean take care of him? Todd has about the maturity of a ten year old boy. He has been doing the exact same thing that my husbands were doing, but now the tables have turned and he can’t take it. I didn’t know if— take care of him meant kill him. I don’t think Todd could do that, but I have never seen someone as angry as he was when he left work. He looked like he was completely insane.
I knew I was going to have to call Jeff now, and warn him, and I would have to tell him that I know about him and Lisa, and that Todd knows that he’s been fucking his wife. I know that after I tell him that I was going to have to tell him about Todd and me.
My heart was pounding in my chest. I picked up my cell phone, and as I scrolled down to the name Jeff, all of the sudden I saw a couple of police cars. As I got closer I saw Todd. He was lying face down on the road being handcuffed, as I drove by.
I was released, I now have time to get home to Jeff and explain this whole thing. I just hope that Jeff is more grown up then Todd. I was really nervous but exited at the same time that we can finally lay this whole thing on the table, figure out what we are going to do next, and get on with our lives, with or without each other.
I finally got to my street and pulled up close to my house. There was a car in the drive way. I pulled up and parked down the street. I am home two hours early from work, and there is a strange car in my driveway. I laughed “Hmm I wonder who that could be?” I said to myself “Now I get to go inside and catch them.”
I walkedup to the door and walked into my house as quietly as I could. I heard screaming in the bedroom. I walked down the hall, and saw my bedroom door halfway open. I walked up to the wall next to the door as quietly as I could, and peeked my head in the room.
Lisa was on my bed bent over on her hands and knees, getting fucked by my husband in the doggy-style position. I stood their in disbelief, not because I was watching Jeff fuck another woman in my bed, but because Lisa was wearing my wedding dress.
As I watched them, I notice the sexy pink silk thong panties that Jeff bought me on our honeymoon were tied around the base of Jeff’s dick and were rubbing against Lisa’s pussy and asshole with each thrust.
Jeff and Lisa had their back turned to me and my husband was pulling Lisa’s hair towards him, forcing her face up. Lisa had one hand on the edge of the bed to support herself and the other hand was used to pull the bottom of my white dressup to her lower back, giving Jeff easy access.
Jeff pulled his dick out, and put the middle finger of his hand in Lisa’s cunt. Then he pulled his wet finger out and worked it in Lisa’s asshole, with his hand doing small circles. My panties were now tied halfway up his cock and he used his right hand to reposition them back down to the base.
“You ready to get fucked up the ass now, gorgeous,” Jeff said.
Lisa moaned, as Jeff jerked his cock a few times getting it hard again, and withdraw his finger and put the tip of his dick on Lisa’s asshole. The tip of my husband’s penis was slowly disappearing. Her asshole was opening and taking it in inch by inch.
“I love it when you fuck my ass,” said Lisa.
“My cock feels so good up your tight asshole, baby,” he said.
Their skin slapped together as Jeff began to fuck Lisa, causing the bed to make a lot of noise. I moved quietly behind them and watched for a moment.
“What would your wife do if she knew I was wearing her pretty wedding dress, on her bed, while her husband’s cock goes in and out my butt hole,” Lisa said, panting.
“She would probably make you pay the dry cleaning bill,” I said in a calm voice.
Lisa and Jeff completely froze. Jeff’s cock popped out of Lisa’s ass like a wine bottle cork. The bed was made but Jeff tore the sheets out to cover himself. Lisa sat there in my wedding dress, with her head down, a shocked, panicky look on her face. They both had turned white as snow. I stood there and just stared at both of them.
“Britney, this is not what it looks like,” Jeff said in a trembling voice.
“Well, what is it then, Jeff.” My voice remained calm.
Lisa stood up and walked over to her jeans and panties that were sitting by the dresser. She picked them up but realized her bra and shirt were on the other side of me. We made eye contact and her face turned whiterThen went completely pale. She started to fear, falling down to her hands and knees, then face first on the carpet.
I finally made eye contact with Jeff. He had a horrified look on his face as I glared at him. Lisa started moving, struggling back to her hands and knees, but keep the top of her head on the floor, allowing the blood to flow back in her head.
I stood there for a moment watching them suffer. I was enjoying the revenge. But then I started feeling guilty, knowing that I was just as guilty of doing the same things that I just caught them doing.
“When you both are finished, I’ll be in the kitchen,” I said, walking out and closing the door behind me.
I went into the kitchen and sat at the table, waiting for them. Several minutes later, Jeff finally came around the corner, with Lisa walking behind him, both in their original clothes. Sheepishly, Jeff sat down across from me. Lisa, her head down, walked towards the door.
“I need to talk to you, too,” I told her sternly.
Lisa paused by the door, still not making eye contact with me. “I probably should go,” she said quietly, grabbing the door handle.
I got up and quickly pulled a chair out. “SIT DOWN,” I shouted.
An expression of fear and shame crossed her face, and she looked like she was going to disappoint again. To further show my resolve, I walked over to her, placed a hand on her upper back and looked into her eyes.
“I’m not mad at you, okay? But I need to talk to you,” I said in a soft spoken voice
Lisa stood there for a second, then nodded her head, and slowly walked over to one of the chairs and sat down. I sat down and looked across at them as each just stared at the table in front of them.
“First of all, I want you both to know that I already know about this. I found that letter in your pant pocket when I was washing your clothes, Jeff,” I said.
They both sat staring at the table and fidgeting nervously with their fingers.
“And I also saw your little video on your computer,” I said, looking at Jeff.
Jeff just continued to glare at the table, while Lisa had her right elbow on the table with her hand covering her eyes. We sat in silence.
“Jeff I want to start out by saying that I love you. I love you with all my heart. I love you so much that I can forgive you anything,” I said. “ I know that you are an honest person, and I am going to ask you a question and I want you to give me an honest answer. I know what you were doing and I don’t want you to tell me what I want to hear. I just want the truth.”
Jeff looked at me with an expression of shamed on his face.
“I want to know if you still love me,” I said.
Jeff looked into my eyes for a long moment.
“I don’t know if you can believe me now, but I have loved you from the second I met you. I love younow and I will always love you,” he said in a soft sincere voice.
I looked down at the table trying to hide my emotions. I felt a lump in my throat and I swallowed hard.
“Then why have you been cheating on me,” I asked as my voice started to crack.
Jeff leaned back in his chair and rubbed his face.
“I don’t know, Britney,” he said.
“Did you have any idea how much it would hurt me if I found out?”
[FONT="]”Would you like it if I was sleeping with another man,” I asked as Jeff just shook his head. “What if I told you I have been with someone else?”
Jeff lifted his head and looked seriously into my eyes.
“Have you?”
“Answer my question first,” I said.
Jeff looked at me for another moment.
“I wouldn’t like it, but I guess I would deserve it after what I’ve done,” he said.
Jeff and I stared at each other. Tears were starting to fill my eyes.
“Jeff I have been sleeping with someone else,” I said.
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