As a woman in her mid twentyties, I’m what you would call sexual creativity. I definitely don’t have sex with every guy that passes by but I do find that I need relief often. To that end I’ve always been curious and have a litany of men who were willing to help me discover what does and what does not bring me to orgasm. Some may think this to be a bit “extreme” but without fail it brings me one of those scream-out-loud, curl you toes, achy all over when it’s done kind of orgasms that most of us only read about. Simply put, I like having my ass filled. Sorry guys, your dicks feel great back there but what I’m really talking about is my backside stretching to its’ max. I want the feeling the walls are as wide as they can go while my asshole begs for mercy. This is my key!
To prepare myself I need to take an enema but first I need to make sure the water will go where I want it to. I begin by taking out my 11” dildo. It’s not too wide and with a little bit of lube itslips into my ass pretty easily. I always insert it slowly because that way I get to feel it slide inside me. I can take the whole thing because of itss modern girl and at that length I know it’s opening up even the inner sphincters. While my body gets used to it being in place I prepare the next step. I pull out a 2 quart enema bag and fill it half with water and half with red wine. I first started with ¼ wine to ¾ water but I’ve worked my way up. I don’t know what it is about wine but it leaves me feeling a lot cleaner. I take the bag upstairs to my shower, hook up the hosts, and hang it from the showerhead. This is the time when the dildo in my ass slips out and the enema nozzle slips in. I turn the spigot on the little hose, get down on my hands and knees and enjoy the feeling of wine trickling into me. The first few minutes are exciting as I’m slowly filled from the inside. But after five minutes I’m completely full to bursting and know it’s time to empty it out. By now I’m also a little drink from my body absorbing the alcohol and I don’t want to give myself alcohol poisoning or anything so I turn the enema spoot off and it’s off to the potty I go. Out pops the enema nozzle quickly followed by the relief of releasing the wine. By now I’ve got a bit of a buzz and I’m horny as hell knowing what comes next.
After a quick shower I wander down to the kitchen and get a butternut squash. I’ve learned that my asshole can accommodate exactly 2 ¼” and I’ve become pretty good at guessing in the grocery store which ones will fit me perfectly. With the little green stem trimmed off and its’ big strdy base, it’s wonderfully convenient. God these things are phalic! I throw a towel over my computer chair, put the squash down on the chair, and add a tiny bit of lube to the tip of the squash. Now that it’s ready I ever so slowly wiggle my asshole until it covers the squash’s head. It takes a while to get my rosebud to open all the way up but once it’s accepting, I can slowly begin to slide down the neck of the squash until I feel the base resting against my butt. Having the first dildo inside me to begin with really helps. It’s usually all I can do to stop myself from just letting loose and riding my squash-dildo for everything I’m worth it feels so good. My asshole is so stretched I began to sweat and deep inside my walls start convulsing on the giant strange invading me from behind.
From this point I’ve found two things that turn me on and to be honest I enjoy them both about equally. The first is to leave the butternut squash as is – a hugely wide and thick log that stretches me out from top to bottom. Slowly riding up and down on it forcing my poor body to accept it is wonderful age. But if I use a potato peeler to shake the neck of the squash down, I’m left with the huge head on top and a more slender neck holding it. Riding up and down on this forces my asshole wide for the head but then give me a moment ofrespite before pulling the head back out forcing my ass wide again. Up and down over and over, in and out the head goes – I can totally give myself the “ruined” asshole feeling. After a few minutes of this I’m so stretched out from the pushing and pulling of the squash on my sphincter that I can’t even close my poor rosebud. It sits there and divides resting until minutes have passed and it retains muscle control of itself. Until then it’s merely a speed bump for whatever dildo were to come towards it. Whichever mood strikes me, whether I’m stretched out from girl or from the cruel pounding I’ve given myself, I’m now ready for step 3.
Almost ready for the home stretch, I need some lube to help comfort my poor ass. Immediately after I’ve pulled the pulled my squash-dildo from my ass for the final time, I get down on my hands and knees one more time and remove the cap from a bottle of Astroglide. I stick the whole head of the 5 oz bottle directly into my ass and squeeze. Thewhole bottle gets emptied inside me and my ass drinks it up. The wine has left me dry and the lube quickly slides deep, deep inside me. My pussy has purposely been neglected this entire time and practically drips with longing. Now my ass is feeling loose and any drips it has slide down making sure my pussy will be well lubed when its’ turn comes.
I’m not bi-sexual and I love men. But men are just not attractive to look at when they’re naked. Or at least not as attractive as women are. So now that I’m ready for a good filling, I turn on my computer and go to one of the endless porn sites out there that have lots of categories to choose from. I’ll pick “corsets” or “torture” or “anal”, what ever I’m in the mood for that day. And then I’ll pick a theme like a red bra or glass shoes or whatever. I’ll browser that topic until I find something that matches my theme and if it’s a blonde in the red corset or wearing the glass shoes, I slide a peeled banana into my well-oiled ass.If it’s a brunette I mash the banana first and then slide it in. Mashed bananas slide further into me and fill me up while whole bananas I can feel pushing against the inside of me as they compete for space. They rub against each other and against me while my body tries to shift them around. Meanwhile my poor, abused asshole tries desperately to hold everything in. Of course the first bananas go in smooth and easy but the third or fourth really start putting the pressure on. By the sixth I’m bunched over and can barely walk from the pressure. Meanwhile my body is screaming to let it orgasm. When I know I can truly take no more, I lay down on a towel and reach for my big red dildo. Almost 3” in diameter it can never abuse my ass like I want it to but it’s ready to stretch my pussy wide. At this point I’m too desperate to cum to be gentle – I slam big red into my pussy hard and fast. The presence of big red in my pussy begins crushing the bananas hiding in my colon and ripping me wide asit slides in and out of my pussy. With the other hand I’m rubbing my clip for all that I’m worth, the sensings in my tummy can no longer be denied. The warmth of my orgasm floods through me as I arch my back and flex every muscle I have. I rub and thrust and flex until the feeling finally washes over me. And when it’s finally done I’ve usually soaked the towel and the inside of my legs from my orgasm. I can now empty whatever is left inside me neatly into the potty and finish up with another shower. I finished drained and weak and most importantly, thoroughly satisfied. And of course bananas are good for you. Don’t worry if a few bits don’t make it out – your body will break them down naturally.
I’m jealous of all you men out there, as great as this feels for me you have the prostate gland this must rub which is supposed to be an incredible sensing. I’ve no doubt this would work for you too!
ixi669 at gmail dot com
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