Share erotic stories about teachers

This does not mean illegal sex act stories but more along the lines of erotic things like the first time you saw cleavage and liked it on one of your teachers or if you are a woman then I guess whatever turned you on from a male teacher you had.

My first experience was in 1st grade. I swear the teacher would have gone to jail for this if it had occurred in this decade or even the 90s. For valentines day we did the typical card exchange where everyone brings cards to give to everyone and you end up with 30 something cards. Mrs. Bailey decided she was going to put on bright red lipstick and leave a kiss mark on each of the boys. I dunno what she did with the girls but I can recall that was my first kiss on the cheese from someone that is not like a grandmother or other relative. Having not had yet discovered my sexuality at that age I did not feel good or bad about it…I was a little nervous though and my parents were a bit pissed off about the whole ideaWhen they saw my face later that day.

Second grade was really the first time I was attracted to a teacher. Her name was Ms. Irvin and she was recently divided. She used to talk about her ex-husband and say that he was kid of like us kids cause she had to constantly look after him and tell him what to do. :mrgreen:

Anyway, she was maybe 28-32 years old, was very lean and fit, and looked kind of like a young Kristin Thomas Scott (do a google picture search if you need to know who KTS is). I had this mad crush on her from day 1. I dunno exactly what it was but I do recall how she used to turn bright red when she got angry at the kids. I was usually well behaved in school but she once caught me zoning out and just staring at the panels in the ceiling while tuning her lesson out. She got really bright red and yelled at me for a while but I thought she looked so cute like that. Thinking back on it maybe her husband was like me and made her mad causeit turned him on. Oh well, that was like 20 year ago.

The next one was Ms. Miller in 6th grade math. She was also recently divided. I think I liked her right around the time she did this lesson on how the stock market works. She would bring in newspapers and gave each of us $1000 of monopoly money to invest in what we wanted. Whoever made the most at the end won a price. I did not win but I kind of liked that she taught us real world stuff instead of 2x+4X=Y stuff that you will never used in your life unless you go on to math or engineering. She was a really sharp dresser with immaculate ironing of garments. She also changed her hairstyle to this perm thing with a lot of curls during the year. I liked it better the old way.

Now if you want a cheap story it was in 10th grade english lit that I ran into Ms. Levrette. She was bisexual from what everyone said. Anyway, she had this awesome body… very busy, a thin wait, and a round caboose. Shewore high cut skirts and low cut tops all of the time and would intentionally drop things so she could bend over with her back turned to the class and show off her rear. When you asked a question she would bend over so she breasts where pretty much inches from your face and you got a full scent of her perfume. She had this kind of tan that came from lotions on her body but her cleavage was a very pale white color which made it Even hotter. I don’t really jack about her lessons but I can still remember her awesome cleavage.

The one that I still once in a blue moon wonder about is Mrs. Martin from 9th grade SAT prep. class. She was right out of college. There was no way she was even 24 at the time. Anyway she was way too sweet and innocent to be teaching high school. She tried to be friends with the kids and talk to them on an adult level but the kids in that class were total assholes. They would make fun of her and call her names at times. I got so fuckingAngry at times but did not have the guts to speak up. This woman used to always dress in very classy outfits; she always looked like she stepped out of a catalogue for clothes to me. She was also kind of a nerd in a cute way and had these glasses that she wore at times that enhanced this effect. Her husband was one lucky SOB. There was a time when she came to school in the late spring semester wearing turtle necks for a week. One day she mistakenly wore a normal top and exposed all of these hickies that were on her neck that had not yet healed all of the way. God, the kids said such mean things about her after that. I would have loved to have been the dude that gave them to her.

Anyway those assholes that gave her a hard time are probably in prison or working minimum wage jobs living in the gehtto these days so if you are reading this Mrs. Martin I always thought you were hot, a lady, and very cool!


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