A couple of notes:
This introduction contains no sex, this is as the title suggests. This will be a series and more detail will follow. This is to understand the rest of the story.
This is also my first ever sex story so if you like it please tell me and if there is anything to improve let me know.
It was finally July 23rd, Jenny’s18th birthday. Her plans were to go into Liverpool and basically get very, very drunk with a few friends that were over 18 so they could drink. She was so excited while she was waiting in the train station for her comrades. As she waited, she was touching up her make-up on her pale round face. Jenny’s eyes were bright green with a bright orange starburst around her irises, but her make-up was dark and gothic. With bright silver sparkles in the corners which only accentuated her gorgeous eyes. Just as she was about to fluff her already large hair, Jess and Alice ran up to her, hugging her tightly.
“Happy Birthday Jen!” They sang in unison, both of them handing her a card. Jenny opened them, £10 fell out of each. The first drinks were on her two best girls.
“Thank you so much!” She thanked, hugging each of them in turn. At that moment, John and Danny turned up. Danny, a very energetic young man who ran straight into a couple of men in dark clothes.
“Sorry, man!” he shouted as the pair walked away, unwittingly to Jenny they were going to return later.
“Jennnnyyyyyy!” Danny shouted excitedly “Happy birdday, man!” he hugged her tight as John greeted the girls.
“Happy birthday, Jen!” John smiled “Your drinks are on me tonight, it can be your birthday present I suppose” He chuckled and punched her arm gently. John was like a big brother to her, they had been there for each other in hard times.
“I’ll buy you some drinks too, Jen!” It was clearly obvious that he had forgotten to get her a present
“Thanks guys so much!” She beamed and got more excited.
“Shall we go get the train then?” turning to walk away and board the train that would take them to the nightlife of Liverpool, giddy at the thought of her first night out. It would take about 45 minutes to get there, so they started chatting about which clubs they would go to first. The men from earlier boarded the train too, talking quietly with their hoods still up as to not draw attention to themselves as they sat down near them. Jenny was putting her birthday cards in her clutch bag when she noticed them sit near them, obviously listening in to their conversation. John sensed her unease and started chatting about what she got off her family.
“Oh I got some pretty crystals, a couple of PlayStation games and a gift voucher” She smiled, immediately was more comfortable. She again took out her mirror and re-fluffed her hair along with the other girls. Chatting about what they were wearing and where they bought them from. Jenny was wearing a short satin black mini dress which accentuated her curves and tucked in her big tummy and paired this with tall heels. Jess was in a gorgeous dark blue sparkly knee-length dress and ballet shoes, she couldn’t walk in heels. Alice had coupled together a low cut white top and black skirt, she looked amazing and her knee-high boots made it even sexier. The two men still whispering to each other in the seats behind the group. The train pulled up at Liverpool station and they all piled out, getting on the escalator and heading into the city centre for their party. The two men loosely followed them.
After at least 6 different bars, countless drinks and a number of guys hitting on the girls, and even the guys, Jess and John came over and told Jenny and Alice that they were going to check-in to the hotel they had booked a little early than they had originally planned, the girls giggled as they all knew what was going to happen. Danny on the other hand..
“Dude! Nice one! Bang her good, yeah?”
“Sure, man” He laughed and turned to Jenny
“Happy birthday Jen! Hope the rest of your night is a blast” and handed her a final present in the form of a rather large, very strong mojito. She raised the glass to her lips and drank a little, but before she could take it away, John tilted the glass and made her finish it all. He laughed again and hugged her goodbye
“Stay safe” he told her sternly yet caring
“I will, thanks John. See you at the hotel later” she slurred, grinning like a Cheshire cat, and the pair left for a night in.
As Jess and John left, it was Jenny, Alice and Danny left roaming the streets for another hour. They piled in another club which beckoned them in with flashing lights and loud music. They stumbled in, the two shady men still loosely tagging along but always waiting outside. As soon as they entered, the ever-so-happy Danny starting dancing with a very attractive girl. Jenny and Alice got some more drinks and waved at Danny, trying to get his attention. When they finally did, the pair showed him their e-cigarettes which signed they were going outside for a little while. He gave them a thumbs up and continued dancing. The girls stumbled outside, laughing and chatting as best they could about random shit you only talk about when you’re drunk. It was almost 4am, the streets were almost empty like the bars, only a couple of people passed out in the alleyways. They made their way cautiously to the opposite side of the street to smoke. The dark clothesed men hiding in the shadows, completely sober, watched them and nodded to each other. One walked away and other stayed out of sight. The innocent girls were chatting about wHere they could go next after collecting Danny and possibly another addition to their now smaller group. While they chatted, a dark van slowly and quietly crept past them and stopped. Too drunk to really care, or notice the man that was running towards them. He quickly opened the door and pushed Alice in, she was easy to get in because she was smaller than Jenny and a lot lighter, but Jenny was a fighter, she squirmed but was too drunk to do anything worthwhile. The drinks smoked on the pavement and she fell into the back of the van and Ryan climbed in after them. Slamming the door shut he turned and noticed the girls were screaming and trying to get up, he reached into his pocket and grabbed a rag soaked in chloride form, pressed it over Alice’s mouth and nose until she breathed in the drug. Jenny was next and was frightened as she watched in horror as Her friend passed out in front of her. The van started moving, not going too fast or too slow to not draw attention to themselves.Ryan stepped over Alice’s unconscious body and did the same to Jenny. She turned her head and struggled, holding her breath for as long as she could but it was useless, she breathed the drug in unwillingly and watched the walls of the van fade into blackness. Both out cold, Ryan clanbered into the passenger seat and buckled his seatbelt.
“Ryan are you sure about this?” Asked the driver
“Jordan will you stop panicking!” Ryan replied
“It’ll be fine!”
Jenny woke up bleary-eyed but not hungover to her surprise. She hoped what she remembered was a nightmare and she was passed out on the street. She sat up, rubbed her eyes and inspected the surroundings. She was sat on a mattress with a blanket drawn on her shoulder inside a large, black metal cage. She looked down and saw that padlocked onto each of her wrists and ankles were leather cuffs. She tried to free herself but They were on tight. Jenny then investigated the cage door to find it was locked also. Franticly looking around the room for Alice she accidentally kicked the cage and woke her up in her own cage in the corner. She groaned as woke, pulling the blanket over her head as she did have a hangover.
“Alice are you ok?!” she asked as quietly as she could to not make her head hurt more, or alert their kidnappers to their awakening.
“Uhhh.. Yeah.. Why?” She asked clearly feeling uneasy. Removing the blanket from her face she saw the cage and sat up a little too quickly.
“I’m gonna be sick” she said and looked around the cage, saw a bucket and grabbed it. As she chundered, Jenny looked away and noticed another one in her cage with an unopened bottle of water next to it, ‘at least they care a little’ she thought to herself. Alice wiped her mouth with the blanket and drank a little water.
“Are you sure you’re alright?” Jenny asked again
“I’ll be OK. Hungover.” She said quietly. “Wait.. Where the fuck are we?!” Realisation setting in that they were in unfamiliar surroundings. She laid back down and pulled the blanket over her.
“I don’t know, do you remember anything?” Asked Jenny, nervously checking out the padlock on her cage. Alice didn’t reply, she took it as a sign that she didn’t know either.
Jenny then lay down on her back and started kicking the door with all her strength. Between kicks she heard Alice moaning in displeasure at the loud crashes of the metal.
Meanwhile, downstairs the pair heard the crashing and Ryan made his way upstairs.
“Alice we’ve got to get out of here! Who knows what they’re gonna do to us!” he heard as he waited outside the door then one of them kicked the cage. Ryan unlocked the door and the girls frozen. Terrified. The handle turned and the towering man stood in the middle ofthe door, looking at both of them. The girls pulled the blankets over their legs to cover themselves a little more. Ryan admired the girls they had captured, smiling at their dishevelled looks of messy hair and make-up.
“Looking for these?” Said Ryan, waving the keys cruelly at their captives.
“Let us go you bastard!” Jenny screamed, Alice soon followed suite.
“Let us out you cunt!” she screamed, immediately regretting it as she soon felt uneasy again. Jenny then kicked the cage one last time. Ryan stepped over towards Jenny, she spat at him and he just smiled before kicking the cage, hard enough to frighten her so she would stop and keep quiet.
He walked over to Alice, she was scared but he was being kind to her.
“Would you like some painkillers?” He asked in a caring tone. Alice nodded and he unlocked her cage, she crawled out and stood up, stretching a little and feeling uneasy again. Jordan held her up and she felt uncomfortable at his touch, but needed some comfort at this time. Jenny watched on, worried for her friend. He handed her an unopened pack of paracetamol, and got her water from her cage for her. She took them, knowing they couldn’t be more drugs to knock her out with.
“Thank you” She replied with a half-hearted smile.
“Jordan! They’re up!” He called out to his fellow kidnapper who was waiting downstairs. He came up the stairs and entered before looking around to see Jenny still in the cage and Alice upright.
“I thought you were gonna let them both stretch?” He asked, looking at Jenny then at Ryan.
“This one’s feisty and stubborn” he nodded at Jenny whilst talking to Jordan.
“I’m having her.” He turned and smiled at her. Ryan was a bigger build than Jordan, and liked a curvier, bigger girl. He wanted to train the voluptuous young girl.
“That’s fine by me” Jordan replied, smiling at the thought of having a sex slave.
“Come on” He attached a lean to both cuffs so they were together and lightly pulled, grinning.
“If you’re good you can have a shower” He told her in a caring tone. Alice looked over at Jenny and back at her new Master and nodded.
“I’d really like a shower, please.” She quietly replied. Ryan turned away and grinned evilly to his comrade.
“Well, because you asked so nicely, you can.”
“What about Jenny?” She asked, worried that she would be hurt.
“She will be fine and so will you” Replied Ryan. Jordan walked away and led Alice out of the room. Jenny saw that she was scared but he seemed nice. Then again, they did kidnap them. Jenny watched them leave and she flinched when Ryan walked over, only to change direction and chuckle as he lifted the now-empty cage and carried it into whatJenny assumed was Jordan’s room. Before Ryan returned she frantically kicked the cage trying to free herself before any harm could come to Alice, but the efforts were to no avail. Ryan stood over Jenny. He was very intimidating. Even though he had bright auburn hair, freckles, a very handsome face and bright blue eyes, Jenny didn’t like him. He was muscley and stocky, easily able to restrain her large size. He kicked the cage and dragged it into his room. It was a nice room, very bright and well-kept. He set the cage at the bottom of his large king-size bed. Jenny grew quietly without realising it. Ryan heard this and started planning what he would do to her. ‘This will be fun’ he thought to himself, evilly grinning again.
“Welcome to your new home, my pretty little pet”
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