A Good Son Ch. 05

Hello, to all ISS readers. This is again, ur Abhishek Singh, 18 male from east Delhi. It is around 1 year that I haven’t post a story to this site. But now, my lucky soul has again encouraged me to write some more new stories.I don’t want to waste ur time more.So, this story begins from here’s …On the way home from Debra’s, Mother leaned sideways and rested her head on my Shoulder. Her fingers strayed to my lap and gently brushed over the bulge.” You know when you were about to do a U turn and head for home and I said I would make you’re life a misery if you did.”Yes?” She squeezed my cock gently, “Well if you don’t fuck me soon, I will.” Well why didn’t I fuck her? Or more to the point, why hadn’t I done so already? She’d certainly made it plain that the offer was there, so why was I hanging back?In truth, I was enjoying the feeling of self-righteousness. Was it a moral issue? Not at all: sex is sex andMy mother had become very desirable. In just the few weeks from the occasion that I accidentally saw her masturbating, she had become obsessed with sex. She’d also admitted that she fantasised about me.

Ok, I’d acquired an erection when she’d been watching herself masturbate in a bedroom mirror, but that was just a delay of concentration. Of the erotic situations involving her, it had been the only one when I’d let things slip. However, I admit that had my girlfriend not occurred her pussy when they were enjoying their lesbian encounter, I would have screwed her without hesitation.I was also curious to see how long I could maintain this illusion of celibacy. Although she was quite small, she had a trim figure and nice legs and I don’t believe any red-blooded male would have refused the offer to fuck her. I had always regarded her as an attractive forty-two year old, but since I’d introduced her to more erotic ways to masturbate, she’d become really hot.Following the unexpected death of my father, she had been without sex for two years and was desperate to be fucked. Her afternoon’s liaison with Debra’s son had been a miserable disappointment and didn’t count.While these thoughts were going through my mind, I became aware of activity in the passenger seat and I looked sideways, “Mother, what the hell are you doing?”

She had her dress pulled up and her hand inside her panties. She spoke quite calmly, “You may have had a satisfaction afternoon but I haven’t. Sex with David was pathetic and I am extremely frustrated. The only reason that your Willy is still inside your trousers is because you’re driving and I want to get home in one piece. So ignore me and keep your eyes on the road.” I had to laugh. “Mother you’re incorrigible. This has got to be a first: son driving the car while his mother masturbates. Tell me when to honk the horn.” You’ll know. Now shut up because I’m busy.” I couldn’t help but glance sideways a few times and when she realized that I was singing an occasional peek, she deliberately made it more interesting. Down came the panties and she opened her legs so I could get a full view. Then came the eticing commentary, “Mm, this feels really good; my pussy is all wet and tingly. I could cum right now but I’m going to tease myself for a while. Don’t you wish you were doing it for me?”

I wanted to keep my eyes on the road but out of the corner of my eye I could see her fingers sliding in and around her pussy. The cent of her juices filled the air and she was squirming her body with Exaggerated pleasure, all for the purpose of exciting me.The bad news was; she succeeded.Desperately, I told my penis not to pay attention but it wouldn’t listen. Slowly it began to rise and there was nothing I could do about it.She was triumphant, “Well I never,Mummy’s got Anthony all excited.” She reached across and gently gripped my erection through my trousers. “My! You’ve certainly grown up to be a big boy. Sooner or later I’m going to make use of this little monster.” I spoke sharply, “Well not today you’re not, so let go and finish what you’re doing. I want to get us home safely.” I was furious with myself. Although all my good intentions, my mother had made me horny again. I wondered how long I could resist her because she’d becomes extremely fuckable. She had her fingers back on her pussy and I could sense that she was close to her orgasm. She said breathlessly, “If only you know what I’m doing to you in my imagination; but it’s certainly going to make me cum.” I couldn’t help trying to imagine her erotic fantasy. A blow job perhaps? Whatever was going on in her mind, it wasn’t diminishing my erection.I stole another look and she was breathing harshly through her open mouth. Her eyes were closed and her head was turned towards me. Her chin pressed against her right shoulder and she moaned softly as she sought gratification. Suddenly her body arched and she thrust her pelvis forward. The fingers of her left hand were deep inside her pussy and her right hand was furiously rubbing her clitoris. As her climax peaked, her bottom lifted and her pelvis convulsed uncontrollably. She gave a sharp cry as if in pain.

As the delicious sensings began to fade, there were milder spasms until she’d settled into her seat.She reached down to pull up her panties and said, “Well I feel better for that; how about you?” Of course, my penis was still rock hard and there was little point in trying to cover it. I kept both hands on the wheel and stared fixedly ahead.She finished straightening her clothes and looked at my lap. “Oh dear Anthony, you still seem to have a problem. Do you want to pull over and let meMake that nasty swelling go away?” She reached out murmuring soothingly, “Here, let me give it some air, it must be suffocating in there.” I slapped her hand before it could reach my zipper, “Don’t touch! It will eventually subside of it’s own according. And anyway, it’s almost certainly a traffic violation.” I sensed she was smiling. “My word, you are getting crotchety. It’s not my fault you got horny; you shouldn’t have watched.”I snapped, “I didn’t watch. But when someone is playing with her pussy only eighteen inches away, it’s impossible not to be aware of it. Anyway, it won’t happen again because tomorrow there’ll be a notice on the passenger’s side: ‘Thank you for not masturbating’.”

A few weeks ago, I’d set out to help my mother achieve more sexual pleasure; but I’d been in control. Now she was gaining in confidence and beginning to take over.Well one thing was certain; she couldn’t force me to fuck her…. Could she?We eventually arrived home and I showed and changed.I was going away for a five-day training course the next morning, but I didn’t expect to do well because the only real talents that I possessed involved drinking and shagging. I rarely saw my girlfriend on Sundays but because I was away for the week, we’d agreed to make an exception.

Sue and I had been together for eighteen months and sex dominated our relationship. As far as we were concerned anything went, but we never had sex with anyone else without the other’s knowledge. So on the drive there, I worried how I was going to tell her that I’d just fucked the arse of a much older woman who I hardly knew.Sue was constantly experiencing with sex and tiredly seeking the ultimate experience. I wondered what she had in store that evening because Mother’s antis in the car had left me feeling randy.Whilst showering, I thought about the journey home and acquired another erection. I had to run cold water on my penis when I realized that I was washing it faster than was necessary.Sue opened her door wearing just panties. Tall and blond, with a complexion that seemed to be permanently tanned, she looked stunning. She was nineteen and a year younger than me.

As I entered, she entered her right leg behind me and kissed my mouth with password. As usual, her tongue slide in and compromised against mine.Sue worshipped her body and kept it in gorgeous shape at our health club. Her breasts were perfectly sized for a girl of five feet ten and she didn’t own a bra. As she drew back from our kiss, I bent down and sucked each nipple gently and she shivered with pleasure.We sat down in facing chairs and Sue said, “Well, this is an unexpected treatment; fucking on a Sunday. As I won’t see you for a week, let’s make the most of it. We’ll have five minutes of civilised chat and then get at it. So what’s new?” I steeled myself and went straight in. “Today was rather unusual. You remember that Debra woman I mentioned?” She nodded.” I fucked her this afternoon. And up the arse to be precise.”For a few seconds, her expression remained unchanged and then changed from interested to incredulous.”You did what?” I felt a surge of panic, “Sue, let me explain.” Before I could continue, she stood up and faced me with her hands on her hips.She spoke very quietly, “Yes I think you’d better. I’ve been twiddling my thumbs all day and looking forward to this evening, and now you tell me you’ve been having sex with someone else. Why didn’t I know about this?”

I became desperate, “Sue please let me explain. My mother made me do it. She said she’d make my life a misery if I didn’t cooperate. She let Debra’s son fuck her, although she saidhe was pathetic.”Sue’s tone was scarnful, “Oh, your Mummy made you do it did she? Do you always do what your Mummy says? And just for the record, did you enjoy it?””No of course I didn’t…. Well, it was alright. Honest, I would have told you but I didn’t know myself until we were halfway there.” She stared at me in silence and then walked to the door and opened it. “I’m Very disappointed and I need time to think about it. You can leave now and we’ll talk about it when you get back from your course.” I was stunned. I had no idea she’d take it so badly. I wasn’t quite down on my knees but I was close to it. “Sue, for God’s sake, give me a break. Phone my mother and she’ll tell you that it was all her idea.” She looked thoughtful for a few seconds as If weighing up her options, and then shut the door. She leaned her head against it and slowly sank to her knees.She started to shake and at first I thought she was crying. But when she turned around with her back against the door and her hands over her face, I realized that she was giggling.

While she shook helplessly, I collapsed back into the chair with relief. So it was all a fucking wind-up and, as usual, I’d made a complete cunt of myself.My face burned with embarrassment but I tried to sound confident, “You couldn’t fool me, I knew you were joking and I was just going along with it.” She took her hands from her face and screwed up her eyes. In a falsetto tone, she while, “Give me a break Sue. My Mummy made me fuck the nasty lady, I didn’t want to, honest I didn’t.” She walked to my chair and sat on my lap. With my face in her hands, she put on a baby-talk voice and said, “Poor lickle Tonykins; I won’t let your Mummy make you fuck anybody that you don’t want to.” I snapped, “Get off,” and tried to push her from my lap butshe clung to me tightly. I wanted to avoid her kiss but she managed to plant one firmly on my lips.She laughed. “Emma told me days ago about her plans and phoned me when you were on your way here to relate what happened. She said it was hilarian, especially when you threatened to stick it up David’s arse.”

I said, “Oh it’s ‘Emma’ now is it? I don’t I like you in cahoots with my mother; I’m having enough trouble with her as it is. I suppose you know that she wants me to screw her.”Of course I do, and you’d better worry up because she’s got an admirer.”I sat up quickly, “What do you mean?””A guy at the health club; he follows her around like a puppy dog. He wants to take her for a week on his Yacht.””Yacht?” I was suspicious. “Is this another wind-up?” She giggled, “I thought that would get your attention. You know that motor showroom in the High Street: the one with the Rollers and Italian jobs in it?”I nodded.” Well that’s him. And he’s got a couple more shops like that. You could have a rich step-daddy.”I thought for a moment. “How rich?” Sue put her face close, “Stinking”.I stared back as greed flooded through my veins. “How many R’s are there in Ferrari?” I stood up quickly and Sue tumbled to the floor. “This is going to take some serious thought.” I started pacing back and forth. “If I don’t fuck her, she’ll get annoyed and I don’t want to upset her. If I do, she’ll think that all fucks should be that enjoyable; and if this guy turns out to have a small dick…” I left the sentence unfinished.

From the floor, Sue scoffed, “What makes you think you’re that good?” I looked down at her; “You’re proof enough for me.” She laughed, “I’m assuming that’s a compliment, you smooth talking bastard.”I felt excited. Suddenly the future was likely to be interesting, and possibly profitable.”i’ll resolve the mother issue in my own good time. Let me kiss your beautiful vagina.”She immediately spread her legs to their fullest extent and I knelt between them. With finger and thumb I pulled the crotch of her panties to one side. Her pussy was already wet in Anticipation and her cliporis had started to swell. I took it gently between my lips and softly caresed the tip of it with my tongue.Sue arched her body with excitement and her fingers began to twist her nipples as she strained her head backwards. She gasped, “Oh Jesus, that feels so good.” Her pussy juices were flowing down to her anus so I pushed my middle finger into her hole. She tensed as I did so and I felt her sphincter tighten.I began moving my tongue in circles around her cliporis and eased another finger into her anus. As my two fingers stRetched her opening, she began to whimper softly and pressed urgently onto them.

With my free hand I pulled down my pants in reading to thrust my cock into her pussy. As I removed my fingers from her anus, she said urgently, “Fuck me up the arse,” and reached for my penis.My erection was like granite and all seven and three-quarter inches were throbbing in anticipation. I find it incredibly erotic when a woman wants to have her arse fucked, and I couldn’t wait.I leaned forward and put my hands flat either side of her. As I did so, she shuffled quickly under me and pressed the end of my cock into her anus. Then she lifted upwards and wrapped her arms around my wait. Her arsehole had become quite slippery and although I can boast considerable girl, she pulled me to her so violently; I slide in quickly.She was pressing up her anus as she pleased urgently, “Fuck my arse hard, push your cock right in.”I put my hands under her buttocks and began violentt thrusts into her. As I looked down, the first and second fingers of her right hand were vigorously rubbing her clip.Her sphincter was tight around my cock and it was becoming too much for me. My orgasm was imminent and I groaned, “Can’t hold it Sue,” as I felt my balls contract.She gasped, “Yeah Baby, I’m cumming too.” I started to spurt and my fingers gripped her buttocks as I savagely drive my cock into her. I could hear myself growing like an angle bear.Finally it was over and our orgasms slowly subsided. I started to withdraw but she clutched me tightly and whispered, “Not yet. It feels really sexy inside me and i’ll want to cum again in a minute.” Her fingers slide between us and I could feel the movement of her knuckles as she began to care herself again.As her sphincter tightened around my penis, it became Instantly stiff again. She was groaning, “Oh God, your cock feels so good.” Then more urgently, “I’m starting to cum, push it in hard.”I renewed my violent thrusts and I could feel her fingers going into her cunt. She was bucking and heaving under me and continuously gasping, “Fuck me, fuck my arse.”

Then her body stiffened as her orgasm reached its climax and I paused with my shake deep inside her. She stopped breathing for several seconds, until she finally exhausted with an explosive gasp and fall back in a crushed heap.Her face was flushed and her blonde hair stuck to her face with perspiration. She looked up at me and said, “That was one the best cums i’ve ever had. How about you?”I replied, “Yeah, I had a big one too.” She murmured, “You can take your cock out now; i’ve finished with it for the time being. But keep it handy, just in case.” I gently withdraw and she told when her sphincter was left with nothing to grip.She looked thoughtful, “I wonder what a double penetration feels like? It’s a goal you haven’t got a twin brother.” I dismissed that sharply with, “Well I haven’t, so you’ll have to make do with a single fuck.” I decided to change the subject, “As I’m away all next week, do you want me to phone you in the evenings with an update?””Definitely; especially if you’ve got something exciting to tell me; like if you have sex with any of the girls. If not, we can have a telephonic wank together. By the way, is that Paula girl on the same course?” She was referring to a twenty-three year old who worked in the next office. Not a stunning beauty but quite sexy. She wore spectacles for work, which for some logical reason made me imagine that there were inner fires burning. Whenever I passed her desk I always made a sexually provocative remark, and which she pointedly ignored. As far I He knew, she was unattached.”I believe she is.”Sue continued, “Well, if you get around to doing naughty things with her, I want all the details.”

Before I drove home, I promised I’d keep her informed. The next morning, I arrived at the hotel and checked in. We all gathered in the main locke for a briefing at noon and I counted fourteen of us, including six women.I managed to get a seat next to Paula and spend most of the time making it obvious that I was more interested in her than listening to the opening address. She seemed unimpressed by my masculine charm but with five days to go, I was prepared to be patient.Each day of the following week I made sure that I sat close to Paula and paid little attention to the lessons. There were slide shows, talks by guest speakers and written tests. Most of it involved man-management.Sex didn’t seem to be in the curriculum, which was a goal because I’m good at that.Every evening we gathered in the bar, which gave me the opportunity to demonstrate my other talent; drinking more than anybody else while still remaining vertical.I continued my pursuit of Paula with subtleties like asking if I could feel her pussy and “Was a shag totally out of the question?” She responded by telling me to fuck off or she’d kick me in the balls.

I regularly telephoned Sue when I got to bed but, with nothing interesting to report, we told each other erotic stories and masturbated.When Friday evening came, I decided it was now or never. Our rooms were on the fourth floor and when Paula left the bar to change for dinner, I followed her into the lift.She was immediately suspicious and said, “I’m warning you, don’t try anything.”I said, “Paula, all I want is a feel of your pussy. Surely that’s not an unreasonable request.” Her reply was, “In your dreams.” I’d already had enough to drink and alcohol overcame caution. The lift opened at the fourth floor and as she tried to push past I grabbed her around the waist and pulled her back. I lifted the front of her dress and said, “Just a quick feel, that’s all I want.” She could have screamed or slapped me, but to my surprise she gave a breathless giggle and said, “Stop it you idiot, someone will see us.” The lift door started to close but I reached behind with my foot and blocked it. I had my left arm around her waist and tried to get my right hand between her tights, but she was pressing them Together.Eventually, I managed to get my fingers under her parties and suddenly she stopped resisting. Her face pressed into my shoulder and as I slid my fingers into her pussy, she gave a little gasp.All she said was, “You bastard, I’m going to tell Sue what you’re doing.” I felt it best not to tell her that Sue wanted to hear all about it, and concentrated on stroking her cliporis.

Her pussy became really wet and she started making little moaning sounds as I moved my fingers inside her.Suddenly I feel her hand pulling down the tag of my zipper and she reached inside for my cock. She must have been impressed because she muttered softly, “Wow!” I thought, “Right, this is a stand-up job.” I had no choice but to take my foot from the lift door and I heard it close. I put my hand behind her left thigh and lifted her leg. As I lowered my body, she guided my cock straight into her pussy.She wrapped her leg behind me and Her cunt felt sopping wet as I started to fuck her. She gasped, “Ok, you’ve got your wish. You’d better make this good.”

Suddenly, I was aware that the lift was moving downwards and stopping. The door started to open and I heard voices. Paula said, “Jesus,” and jerked backwards.I felt her grab for my zipper and pull it up; but my cock was still enjoying the fresh air. There was a sharp pain and my worst nightmare became a reality. My foreskin was trapped in the zipper.Excruciating barbs of agoy throbbed from the underside of my penis and I fight against the urge to scream.A wave of panic washed over me as I tried to assess the situation. My cock was protruding from my trousers and I couldn’t put it away. Some people had entered the lift behind me and even with my hand covering my now limp penis, I daren’t turn around.Paula had her back to the lift buttons and hisssed, “Get off,” as she tried to push me away.I clung to her tightly and said through clenched teeth, “Don’t fucking move; you’ve caught my cock in the zipper.”Behind me, a man’s voice said, “Press number three, please.” I moved Paula to one side and stalled a finger at button three. She was looking at me with wide eyes as my prediction slowly dawned on her. I saw her lips purse and I whispered, “If you laugh, i’ll tough you here and now. What the fuck am I going to do?”To my amazement, she put her arms around my neck and kissed me. Then she looked over my shoulder atthe other occupations and said, “Please forgive us but we’ve just got engaged. We just can’t keep our hands off each other.”

I heard a woman says softly, “How sweet.” The lift stopped and as the couple got out, the man tapped me on the shoulder and said, “Good luck.” I jabbed at button four and to my relief, the lift moved up. When it stopped at the fourth floor, there was another couple waiting. I clutched Paula again and whispered, “Now what?” She answered without moving her lips, “Get behind me, we’ll do the Conga.” stepped past and I grabbed her from behind. As the waiting couple stood aside, we exited the lift in single file with Paula singing, “Da da, da da, da da,” at the same time kicking each foot sideways.I tried my best to do the same but each kick pulled my foreskin so I accompanied her with squeaks of age.The waiting couple must have been started and then bemused as they watched our slow progress along the corridor. It seemed forever before they finally got into the lift and I heard the door close.I stopped immediately and groaned, “For Christ’s sake, this is killing me.” I made the last few yards to my bedroom door by taking short mincing steps on tiptoe, while holding my penis to take the strain.

Once inside, I collapsed onto the bed. I was certain my cock was hiddenly gashed and I’d probably lost several pins of blood. I was too scared to look. This was definitely the end of my sex life and I was going to be horribly disfigured.I clutched my penis and whimpered with fright.Paula bent over me. “Let me see,” and gently prised my hands away. “Yep, it’s definitely caught in the zipper.” I felt murderous, “Of course it is. Did you think I was making it up? You’d better phone for an ambulance.” Paula answered, “Before I do, I have an idea.” I said proudly, “What?” She said, “This.” Before I could stop her, she snatched the tag of the zipper and pulled it down.This time I did scream. As the excruciating pain numbered my brain, I clutched my injured weapon with both hands and curled into the foetal position.Paula made for the bedroom door and grabbed the handle in reading to flee.

For fully a minute, I uttered every obscenity I could think of. I also said that I was going to kill her and I meant it sincerely. Slowly the pain ebbed away.Paula returned cautiously to the bed. “My God, you are a baby. I’ve never heard anyone make such a fuss over a tiny knick. Let me take another look.” I snarled, “Fuck off. Why don’t you get a pair of pliers and rip it off completely?” She reached out, “Honest, I promise i’ll be careful.” With finger and thumb, she gently lifted my penis and looked at the underside. She starred silently for a few seconds and then opened her handbag. She took out a small mirror and held it under my cock. “Look,” was all she said.I steeled myself for the ugly sight. At first, I couldn’t see anything at all, but then I spotted a small blood blister two inches below the glans. I continued searching but that was all there was. No gash, no blood, no tourniquet needed. It wasn’t possible that such a tiny blemish could have caused such excruciating age.I muttered sheepishly, “Well it hurt.” I was in a very vulnerable situation. “I don’t suppose there’s any chance that you could keep this to yourself?” Her expression was innocent, “What? Tell everybody that you’ve been sexually harassing me all week and then tried to rape me in the lift? That you got your cock trapped in your zipper and screamed like a baby? Why would I tell anybody all that?” I knew I was fucked.She opened the door to leave and smiled, “See you in the bar Honeybunch.” I had some Savlon in mytoilet bag and dabbed it on in the shower. I left it as long as I could and then prepared myself for the inevitable ordeal.

As I entered the blinde, all conversation ceased. I walked to the bar and they moved aside for me. Even the barman had a little smile on his face. Was there anybody who didn’t know?I decided to be aggressive. “Would anybody like to see my war wounds?” There were some quiet sniggers.I heard one of the girls say; “Severe physical trauma can leave some men impossible. It must be awful to have a dick that I heard more penis jokes that I knew existed.Towards the end of the evening, Paula put her arms around me and gave me an affectionate kiss. “When your cock gets better, you can have another try at fucking me, but leave your trousers off; I think it’ll be safer.” I was very drunk when I Eventually gotinto bed. I phoned Sue and told her everything and she couldn’t stop laughing. My dick was too sore to masturbate so we just said goodnight.Her last words were, “i’ve got a nice surprise for you when you’re back in action.”

I drive home on Saturday morning with plenty to think about. Going back to the office was going to be embarrassing, especially as I’d acquired the nickname of ‘Knobby’.Parked outside the house was a Bentley and I knew it could only belong to my mother’s boyfriend.Sure enough, the man sitting in my favorite chair leaves to his feet with hand outstretched. He was fiftyish and less than medium height. His hair was brushed across to hide an obviously bald scalp and I wondered why he hadn’t splashed out on a hair transplant? His handshake was quite firm and Mother introduced him as, “My friend Roland from the Health Club.” She asked if I’d had a good week and did I have anything interestsng to tell her?I didn’t like the way she asked that. Surely, my embarrassing experience hadn’t reached her already?

I said the week had been uneventful; but was there a hint of amusement in her gaze?I dumped my travel case and returned to the blinde. Mother was making a pot of tea so Roland and I exchanged small talk. I wanted to talk about automobiles but he was more interested in discussing Mother. He thought she was wonderful and did I mind if she spent a weekend with him on his boat?Well I did mind, but I said I didn’t. I wondered if they’d had sex, but the image of it made me cringe. I tried unsuccessfully to convince myself that I wasn’t jealous.Eventually he left and there was a brief silence at the front door. I assumed that they were kissing.When Mother returned, I asked casually, “Is there a future in your relationship with Roland?” She paused before replying. “Possibly. He’s a nice man and very generous.” Shedemonstrated by holding up her left wrist on which she was sporting an expensive looking watch.She continued, “Before you ask, I didn’t do anything to earn it. He said it gave him pleasure so I accepted. And in answer to your next question, we haven’t had sex although he groped my tits and got excited. Unless he keeps his wallet in a trouser pocket, he appears to have an adequate erection.”

I found the picture she was painting some distasteful. Nevertheless, I couldn’t help asking, “I presume if you spend the weekend with him, you’ll go the whole way?””I might, but it’s none of your business anyway.” She was right; it wasn’t any of my business so I left it at that. I hardly ever visited Sue on a Sunday and on Monday she was going to a hen party. Tuesday was her Italian class, so we agreed to see each other on Wednesday evening.That was fine because it took three days for my penis to recover from its nastyexperience.Mother was out all day but she’d left an evening meal for me. On the way to Sue’s, I wondered what the surprise would be and, knowing how innovative she was, I was looking forward to it.She met me at the door wearing one of my shirts and nothing else. As we kissed, I slide my hand between her tighs and fondled her pussy. She quivered with pleasure but then pulled back.She led me to a couch and said, “Let’s have a look at your poor Willy. Is it permanently disfigured?”

She released it from my trousers and gave it a careful examination. “Where’s the injuries then? From your account, I expected to see something ugly. There’s nothing there.” It sounded rather lame when I replied, “The scab fell off in the shower. I heal quickly.” She bent down and kissed the end of my dick and then my lips. Her eyes were laughing when she said, “You really are a big baby, but I love you to bits.” She took my hand, “Come on, into the bedroom.” Sue had spent a fortune on her bed. It was huge with massive bras rails top and bottom. We’d given it a serious pounding on countless occasions.She began to undress me and when I was naked, pushed me on to the bed. She opened her wardrobe and took out a box. From that, she lifted out some padded handcuffs. Each one had an adjustable chain attached.I was I’d never been tied up for sex and I don’t like pain. “Hold it Sue. I’m not sure I want to go along with this. What are you going to do?” She replied, “I bought these on the Internet and they were very expensive. I promise you’re going to enjoy yourself, so behave.” While she was talking, she took one of my wrists and cuffed me to the head rail. I cooperated only because I was curious. There were three more clicks and I was spread-eagled and helpless.

Off came her shirt and she climbed between my legs. Her tongue licked the insides of my thighs and then moved higher towards my cock. It was already stiff in anticipation. With gentle squeezes, she took it in both hands and lowered her mouth onto it.Her tongue flicked across my glans and the sensing made me gasp. Then her mouth closed over the top and my penis disappeared in one continuous sucking motion. She repeated the tongue flick and again the swallow.I was understand and getting close to orgasm.Suddenly she sat up. “I forgot something.” She went to the box and lifted out a black scarf. She got back on the bed and said, “Lift up.” I was enjoying it so much, I didn’t protest when she covered my eyes.I felt her climb off the bed as she said, “Back in a minute.” I hoped there were no whips in the box because I definitely didn’t fancy that.Within a few seconds she’d climbed back on and I tingled in anticipation. Her hands gently squeezed my cock again and her tongue flicked across my glans. I felt her mouth close over the end of it and then slide down.But something felt different.

I said, “Sue?” A voice answered, “Sue’s not here for the moment.”My mind reeled in shock; it was my mother’s voice!”Mother, what the fuck are you doing? How did you get here?”She answered in a soothing voice, “Just relax darling, I’m about to enact my ultimate fantasy. And if you’d like it in more graphic terms, I’m going to fuck the arse off you.”I feel a surge of panic and hear myself shrieking. “Mother, you can’t. It’s immoral, it’s rape, and it’s incest.” She replied calmly, “You’re absolutely right and I don’t care. You won’t fuck me so I have no choice but to fuck you. And as this is probably the only opportunity i’ll ever get, I don’t want you to miss anything.” With that, she removed my blindfold.She was kneeling between my legs and completily naked apart from a black velvet band around her throat. Her nipples were erect like tiny pink marsh mellows. She looked incredibly sexy.I shut my eyes and said, “I refuse to look and you can’t make me.” I heard her sight, “Ok, please yourself.” I felt her wriggling along my body until her thighs straddled my head. I could smell the cent of her pussy, which was an inch from my mouth.She whispered softly, “I’d like you to lick my vagina, please.” I answered petulantly, “No,” and turned my head away.Her tone was menuing, “Would you like me to pee on your face?””You wouldn’t dare.” She said firmly, “I intend to have my wicked way with you, whether you like or not. So i’ll count to three. One, two….” I said quickly, “All right, but under protest.” She replied, “Well, it was either going to be under protest or under a stream of weewee. My vagina is all yours.”I didn’t have far to reach with my tongue and I’m good at eating pussy. I thought if I’m being forced to do this, I might as well make a good job of it.

I slid my tongue in and around her pussy. I wanted to put my hands behind her buttocks but I was handcuffed.Her slit was critic with excitement and her juice dripped onto my chin. When I gently nipped her clip between my lips and stroked it with my tongue, she gasped and compromised above me in ecstasy.Suddenly she said urgently, “I’m going to cum soon Darling, don’t stop.” I could feel the involuntary contracts of her pussy as she approached orgasm. She was uttering soft whimpering sounds until suddenly she gave a shrink squeal.

Her body stiffened and a hot liquid splashed onto my face as she ejaculated.As the sensings slowly faded, she rubbed her pussy firmly against my mouth and her body quivered with the milk after-shocks. Finally it was over and she drooped with exhausttion.For nearly a minute she didn’t move and her pussy remained pressed against my mouth. Then she straightened and wriggled backwards. She leaned forward and kissed my lips; murmuring softly, “That was delicious darling. I’m going to take a shower before we move to phase two.”As she climbed off, she looked at my erect penis and gently squeezed it. She said, “I don’t think the pleasure was completely one sided. You seem to have quite a hard on.”I didn’t answer because I couldn’t think of an adequate defence.She wiggled her bottom provocatively as she strolled into the en-suite bathroom.Suddenly I was aware of someone else in the room. I expected it to be Sue but I wondered if I was losing my mind, when I found myself looking at Paula!I was paralysed with shock and my mouth gaped open. Eventually, all I could say was, “What the fuck are you doing here?” She was naked and sitting in a chair with her legs crossed.She smiled,“Don’t take any notice of me, I’m just a spectator and enjoying the show. I must say that was quite exciting. I couldn’t help playing with myself and I had a little cum when Emma did.”

I was completely bewildered as I repeated, “I asked what the fuck you’re doing here?” She walked over and sat on the edge of the bed. “That’s right, you did. Well it’s like this; Sue phoned on Monday to have a laugh about the lift incident and invited me to their hen party. I came back here for a coffee; and one thing led to another.” I said casually, “What do you mean, one thing led to Another?” She smiled, “Oh you know. We got to know each other a little better; or at least our pussies did. Your girlfriend assigned me but I can’t say that I put up much resistance. By the way, your mother has already enjoyed a threesome with Sue and me”It was all too much. My head was spinning and I wondered ifI was hallucinating.My girlfriend was fucking an office colleague, my mother was going to fuck me, the three of them were fucking each other, and I was just getting fucked.Sue came in and sat on the other side of the bed. “How are you doing Honey? You’ve met Paula haven’t you? Oh yes, of course you have; in a lift I believe.” I ignored that and asked desperately, “How long am I going to be handcuffed to This fucking bed?” They looked at each other and Paula answered, “Can’t say exactly, it all depends on Emma. I believe she has some unfinished business.” They both got off the bed and walked out of the room.I stared at the ceiling feeling completely helpless. A few minutes passed and Mother returned. She was still naked but the velvet neckband was missing.” Just had a lovely shower Darling. I want to be nice and fresh when I enjoy my ultimate fantasy. In case you haven’t already guessed, it’s to be fucked by you. Are you going to cooperate?” She dangled the handcuff key between her fingers.

It was decision time. I could lie to her and then make a run for it when she uncuffed me. Or I could stick to my principles and refund.But my penis was throbbing at the thought of her raping me. Although I tried to rid it from my mind, the prospect was thrilling and it just wouldn’t go away.I heard myself say, “If you want more sex you’ll have to steal it, cos I ain’t cooperating.”

She climbed onto the bed and sat cross-legged between my feet. She stared at me with a serious expression.” Very soon, I may have a permanent relationship with Roland. In which case, I shall remain faithful to him. That excludes of course the occasional romp with a female of my choice, but I don’t regard that as infillity. So if sex with you is going to be my final fling, it has to be now.”She reached forward and gripped my penis. “May I also say, that technically,it would be impossible to take u you if your cock was flaccid. If you’re so reluctant, why have you got an erection?”I gropeed for a reasonable answer but I couldn’t think of one. From the moment I’d realized it was my mother who was sucking my cock; it had been rock hard. The truth was inescapable; I definitely wanted her to fuck me.”Ok Mother, I can’t deny that you’ve made me horny. Go ahead if you must.”Immediately, she straddled my thigh and began rubbing her pussy slowly along it. As she changed to the other leg, I could feel the stickiness she left behind. Then she leaned forward and lifted my testicles. Her breath was hot as she licked around them. Her tongue began to move upwards from the base of my cock until it reached the top and she fleetingly sucked my glans. Her tongue travelled down again, and then higher until she sucked again.I was very close to cumming and my hands strained against the cuffs. My penis jerked each time shesucked it and I couldn’t stop from groaning softly.Suddenly, she turned completely around and shuffled backwards until she was crouching above my head. At first, I thought she wanted me to eat her again but she lowered herself and began rubbing her pussy on my face.

It felt hot and slippery and I could hear her gasping as she gradually increased the tempo. I closed my mouth and eyes when I realized that she was masturbating.Suddenly she cried out sharply and her pussy squirted again. She remained motionless for a few seconds and then slowly topped sideways.She quickly recovered and soon she was kneeling above me. She said, “I apologise if you found that a bit messy, but i’ve rubbed myself off on your face many times in my imagination. Doing it for real was much better.” She turned her attention to my cock again. “My word, there’s a little dribble coming out. Does that means you’re nearly cumming?” I was getting impatient, “AreYou going to fuck me or not?”She brushed her hand across my forehead to remove the hair from my eyes. “Do you want me to?””Yes.”Yes what?””For fuck’s sake; yes please.””That’s better, show a little courtesy to your mother.”She moved backwards towards my feet and her mouth hovered over my erection. She flicked the top of it with her tongue and then briefly sucked the glans.I groaned again as my penis jerked and I gasped, “Mother, I warning you. If you do that again, I’m going to cum all over you.” She squeezed the top and said, “No you’re not. You’re going to cum inside me when I say so. Are you ready?” I closed my eyes and strained my head back in exasperation. “For God’s sake, you’re driving me crazy. Are you going to fuck me or not? Please!” That was all she wanted to hear Because she said, “Ok, now I will.”

She shuffled forward and carefully lowered her pussy onto my cock until just half an inch was inserted. I pushed up to get some more in, but she lifted her body to frustrate me.I was moaning in despair, “Mother, what are you doing. I’m trying to put my cock inside you.”

She whispered, “I know you are and I want to feel it inside, but I going to tease you until you can’t take any more. I’ve waited a long time for this and I’m enjoying every second.” I decided to end her game. “You’re too late, i’ve started to cum.” She cried out in panic, “No don’t. I’m not ready yet.” Immediately, she pressed down and took my penis to the limit. Her vagina gripped me tightly and I was surprised how small it was.Instinctively, I attempted to drive my cock upwards but she was also sliding up and down so I stopped and let her do the work. I could feel her wetness on my balls and her pussy was making a soft slurping sound.Shewas panting harshly through her open mouth and her eyes starred wildly. As her movements became more frantic, she gasped, “Wait for me darling. Please wait; I’m nearly cumming.” And then she half screamed, “Now!”

The bedrails creaked as my hands and feet strained against the chains. My semen spurted and I heard myself cry out, “Jesus!” when the orgasm rocked me. My body arched as my buttocks lifted from the bed.Mother was grinding her pelvis in a circular motion as her own orgasm peaked. She had her hands on my shoulders and as each delicious spasm racked her body, she squeezed my flesh. A dribble of saliva fell from her chin.In the raptures of her ecstasy, her body convulsed uncontrollably and she repeatedly cried out, “Oh God,” as she shuddered with the exquisite pain.I finished and sank back on the bed exhausted, but Mother continued to slide up and down as she dredged the last vestige of pleasure from her orgasm.Finally, she slumped forward with her face pressed against the side of my neck.My penis was still inside her and when it started to wild, she gave a little sight of disappointment. She lifted her head and gently kissed my lips, “Has it gone bye byes?””Fraid so; it’s had a busy day.” She climbed off the bed and stretched luxuriously, “Well Darling, that was worth waiting for. We may have to do it again if Roland turns out to be a terrible disappointment.”I didn’t answer.She lifted the key from the bedside table and unlocked one of the handscuffs. She laid it on my chest and walked to the door. Before she got there, it opened and two heads peered into the room.Both girls were grinning and Sue asked, “All over?”Mother replied, “Yes thank you and it was very enjoyable.” Paula said, “We gathered that from all the screaming and hollering.” looked at me as I was unlocking the handscuffs. “Your son looks a bit dishevelled. I hope you haven’t damaged his cock because it’s very delicate.”I gave her a withering look.

The three of them left the bedroom and I went into the bathroom. I took my time showing while I contemplated the entire experience.So I’d finally had sex with my mother. Was I ashamed?No I wasn’t because I’d been forced into it and therefore my conscience was clear. That seemed to be a satisfaction conclusion and I felt pleased with myself.I returned to the bedroom and looked at the closed door. I wondered if they were talking about me so I opened it a few inches and peered through the gap.Paula was lying on a couch and Sue’s pussy was on her face. Her hands were wrapped around Sue’s buttocks and Mother’s head was between her tights.I thought, “My God, they’re at it again, aren’t they ever satisfied?”

On the other hand, was I ever satisfied? Once again my penis began to harden and I decided it was about time I fucked somebody on my own terms.I entered the room.But that’s another story…Did u like the story? Please rate it and post ur comments to me and one thing more, this story is not real. It’s just made by me for ur enjoyment.There is another information for all the readers that, I m a young call boy. I give services in all the areas of I.P.EXTENSION (Delhi) and other areas attached with it, with a nominal fees of just Rs. 130/- for 1hour and 30 minutes. I m quiet experienced in this job as I have satisfied around six girls through this facility.So, any married / unmarried women, unsatisfied aunty or a girl above 15 years of age desiring for a soft core or hardcore sex can mail me.Your secret / privacy would be maintained at any cost and the satisfaction of sex would be guaranteed by me.You have to just pick up ur computer and mail me ur comments to [email protected] enjoy, because life fucks everyone!!


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