Hello I want to tell you the story of how I became a sub of my mom and wife. Before I began let me give a small background on my family. It consistent of my mom, dad and myself. Mom was the bread earner of the family. Her name is Shikha and she is the vice president of a private company and earns a good salary apart from amenities like housing, car etc. We live in a large 3-bedroom apartment in one the posh areas of the city. To be short my Moms earning is more than enough for the three of us. Dad on the other hand used to live at home and take care of the household chores. When I was young it was weird for me to see dad stay at home and mom going off to work whereas with everyone else it was the opposite. In short my Mom was the dominant person in our family not just due to financial reasons but also physical. My dad and myself were quite short. Dad and myself stood at around 5” 3 and my mom is around 5” 5. Moreover she had a habit of wearing high heels so when we were going out my mom towered above us by more than 3-4 inches. Mom took most of the decisions at our home and dad compiled with each and every one of then. Mom would often threaten dad that he would be thrown out of the house if he interfered too much in her decisions.
Whenever dad needed some money he would have to request it from mom. She would make sure it was for a valid reason before handing it over. I remember once that dad had forgotten to pay the electricity bill on time and there was a 50rs fine in the next bill. I remember dad was very scared when he told this to mom over the phone. He was scared the entire day and when mom came home she was really angry at him. She told him to come into the living room and gave him a good lecture about how he was wasting her hard earned money. After lecturing dad for 30 min she was still angry and when dad tried to say something in his defense mom slapped him hard in front of me. She then made him knee in the balcony for 1 hour before he was allowed in the house again. She was strict with me too. I was not supposed to keep any secrets from her ever. I was often punished if I did something wrong. Also in our household was our maid Namrata. Namrata used to call dad ‘babu’ and me ‘chota babu’. She used to help dad in the day to day work. Although she was the maid she would often order or scold dad about his work. There was a day when dad complained to mom About Namrata saying that she was scolding him too much. Mom just smiled and said that he was supposed to be following Namratas orders. After this dad never said a thing against her again.
Mom had to travel a lot for her job. Whenever she went out of station she would keep Namrata in charge of the house. She would make dad do all the work from cleaning, sweeping, cooking, shopping etc. She took pride in ordering dad around during these times. Dad would not say anything to her but meekly do whatever he was ordered to do. Now coming to me and my life. I am beginning this story when I was around 15 years old. During that time I had started masturbating a lot and would often play with myself when I was alone.
Now there is something, which I did not tell you guys. I have a very small penis. It is around 2.5 inches long when hard. Although it is small I love to play with it a lot. I end up masturbating once or twice every day. One day in the evening I was quietly masturbating in my room when suddenly Namrata came from nowhere. I was scared out of my wits when I was caught. Namrata had a look of absolute evil in her eyes. She came near me and slapped me hard and said” do you know what you were just doing, your mother will punish you very badly when I tell her”. I was still recovering from the slap when she said,” even your father is not supposed to play with his lunch. I quietly told her that I was sorry and would not do it again. Namrata just laughed and said” you are just as dirty as your father; doing dirty things whenever there is no one tosupervise him”. Then she pulled me up and said” remove your hands and let me see it”. I removed my hands after receiving another slap. Looking at my small lunch she said “chota babu your lunch is even smaller than your fathers” and started laughing. It was really embarrassing to stand bottomless in front of Namrata with my dick stickling out. I began to cry slowly. During this time dad was cleaning the bathroom. On hearing the communication he came into the room and stood there speechless. He was just wearing shorts and slippers on his legs.
Namrata looked sternly at dad and told him,” Look at what your son was doing when no one was watching, you are all the same”. Dad looked at my shrunken dick, which was still leaking precum and looked apologetically towards Namrata. What Namrata did next was even more embarrassing for me. She told me to open all my clothes and go knee in the balcony. I fell at her feet begging her not to do this, even my father was pleading with her. She didn’tbudget and I slowly went outside in the balcony naked. I was covering my penis with my hand and Namrata didn’t like that. She tied my hands together behind me and made me face outside. Even though this was very very embarrassing I had a small erection. Everyone passing from under the balcony could easily see me completely nude. The small path under our balcony opened up to the service’s quarters and soon almost all the Servants of all other houses had seen me. After one hour Namrata gave me permission to come inside.
Once inside she once again warned me about the consequences of playing with my lunch. I was completely drenched in sweat and tears and my penis had shrunk to 1 inch. Namrata then took me to the bathroom and made me stand under the cold shower for 10 minutes. She then told me to dry myself up and finally said” chota babu from now on you will help your father with the housework”. I simply looked down and nodded my head. Namrata then called dad and said” babu from now on your son will also help you with your work. You are always complaining about extra work so from now on you will be sharing all your work with him. Also if I see your son playing with his lunch again then you will both be punished”. Namrata then gave me permission to wear clothes and gave us both some work to do. Later that day when we were going to sleep I asked dad “ Why does Namrata scold us so much”. Dad looked at me for a while and then answered” beta she is only doing because your mother told her to supervise us”. I was surprised at his answer but kept quiet and finally went to sleep. Mom was going to return after 3 more days and I knew that Namrata would use her complete powers during those days. Anyway the day mom arrived I was really scared. I sensed that dad was scared too. Mom arrived early in the Morning and called Namrata in the bedroom. They spoke for about half an hour and after that mom called dad and me in the living room. We both went there like two schoolboys and stood in front of her. Namrata was standing behind mom and giving us both ugly looks. Mom told me to wait for a while and told dad ”I can completely disappoint with you, your only job is to look after the house and you can’t even do that properly. Namrata informed me that you have been neglecting your work and disobeing her. I think I didn’t punish you enough last time when you forget to pay the electric bill”. I knew that these were lies fed by Namrata but I kept quiet and so did dad. We knew better than to argue with mom. Mom then told dad to go and clean up her dirty clothes from her trip and warned him not to make any more blunders.
It was my turn next to be chatised. Mom looked at me for a while and then began “beta I don’t know where to begin with you. I thought you were better than your father but you turned out just as dirty like him. Namrata told me everything about what you do when you are alone. I should have been stricter with you. Anyway let me see what Namrata wastalking about. Lower your pants and let me see your lunch”. I was a little hesitant to do it but mom suddenly got up and gave me a hard slap”. I immediately lowered my pants and stood there. My little penis was completely flaccid and was hardly visible beyond my public hair. Mom looked at it and said “Namrata was right, it is smaller than your fathers”. She then told me to pull my pants up which I did immediately and ran away much to the amusement of Namrata. After 15 minutes mom called me again. I stood in front of her and she told me “beta I have decided something for you, its better for you to get married. I can’t control two unruly boys in my house. I will start searching for someone who can control you and your dirty habits. Anyway its important for you to clean yourself up and be presentable”. Mom then called out to dad and gave him some instructions on how to prepare me for marriage. She told him “I am now giving you a big responsibility, you have to make your son ready for marriage.
I want you to shake his entire body other than his head. Moreover you must teach him all everything about the day-to-day work of a househusband. I can’t send him away without him knowing anything”. Dad nodded his head and off we went. As dad was collecting all the shaving tools Namrata came in with more instructions. She looked sternly at both of us and said” Chota babu from now on you are to follow all the rules that your father follows. You are not supposed to wear any underwear, before going to the bathroom take permission and always remember to keep the door open behind you”. Then we took all the shaving set to the living room and we spread a plastic sheet on the floor. I took off my t-short and dad started to clip off my hair. It was a strange feeling for me to stand there with my dad shaving away my body hair. I had a small erection all the time when dad was shaving me. When the top part was done dad quietly told me to open my shorts. I slowly opened it and put it aside, after that I lay on the plastic. All this time my small dick was standing up and it didn’t help when dad wad touching it while cutting the hair around it. I had a lot of hair down there and as dad was frequently touching it and moving it I was getting dangerously close to cumming. Namrata saw me in this excited state and started giggling and said “chota babu why are you getting so excited, do you like the feeling of Another man touching you”. I Didn’t reply but I saw that dads face was also red with embarrassment. On hearing this I couldn’t control myself any longer and I cummed on dads hands. I kept on spurting a few more times and when I stopped I saw that Namrata was laughing and when she stopped she told dad to clean it up. It was the worst thing that had ever happened but dad didn’t complain and cleaned it up. Soon he had finished shaving me and I went to take a bath. Namrata was watching me constantly and it was very strange for me to do everything in front of her. AnywayAfter I had finished taking a bath Namrata told me that mom would inspect me before going out. After some time mom came and inspected me. She was satisfied and told me to get dressed.
In the few days following this I learnt a lot of household stuff like cooking, cleaning, washing clothes etc. After every 2-3 days dad would hold my body and apply baby oil to keep my body soft. Anyway within 2 weeks mom announced that there was a girl who was coming to see me along with her mother. Mom gave me proper instructions on how to greet them and how to talk to them. Soon it was time for them to Come and I was very nervous. I was wearing a pink t-shirt and pink shorts, a sign of being a virgin. When the door rang Namrata went and opened it. The girl standing in the door was absolutely gorgeous. Her name was Sonia and she looked just like a goddess. I guess she was around 5”9’ and with heels she simply towered over me. She was wearing a black sari with sleepless bLouse. Her mother was very stern looking and also quite tall and she seemed to know mom quite well. Mom introduced her and Sonia to dad who just mumbled something, Mom then sent him away to get refreshments. Soon she called me out to talk to them. I went to the living room and stood in the middle and greeted them. My possible future MIL spoke first and said “your mother told us a lot about you, she says that you will be a very good househusband for Sonia. She recently got a job as a business analyst and will be earning a 6-digit salary every month.
I hope you will appreciate her position in society and take care of all her needs. You must understand that when you are married she will be the one in charge of the household”. I said, “ It will be an honor to be married to someone like Sonia. I will make sure that she is always happy”. My answer seemed to please them as both Sonia and her mom was smiling. Then my future MIL told me “I am pleased with What I have seen and heard so far but I need to see more, I want to make sure that you will be perfect for Sonia. I want you to take off your clothes and stand here in front of me”. I slowly did as I was told and I saw that Sonia was sporting a very big grin. My dick had shrunken completely and was barely coming out of my body. My MIL came near me and started examining me. After a while she said” Wow, I have never seen such a small dick before. I am sure that you are a virgin but I am surprised that your mother has not fitted you with a chatity device like your father. I hate little boys who play with themselves. I suddenly blurted out that I don’t masturbate when my MIL cut me off and said, “ you should never talk unless spoken to, we know what’s best for you”. Sonia then called me near her and told me to knee in Front of her. I did so and she began to cares my face. Looking at Sonia from so close and her caressing me gave me an immediate erection. Everyone saw it and started laughing. Soon my MIL said out “ I think they will be perfect for each other, what do you saw Sonia”. Sonia smiled and said “He is the cute thing I have ever seen, I am ready to take him as my husband, I will call him Minny from now on”. Hearing this my heart leaves with joy and I instinctively kissed her feet repeatedly. My MIL was very happy and she welcomed me to her family. I put my clothes back on and stood there. Soon I was serving wine to everyone and Sonia would often win at me. This was the happiest day of my life; I was going to get married to an absolute stunning woman. The few days after this my MIL called up my mom and said that we should visit them. Mom told me to wear the same dress again and off we went to my future house. It was a big house in the suburbs and it took us a few hours to get there. Today Sonia was dressed in a black top and black skirt and she looked greous as ever. I took off my shoes before entering the house and Sonia greeted us. Sonia then took me by the hand and began to give me the tour of the house. First she took me to her bedroom and showed me around. She showed me her clothes and made up room. She also showed me a big trunk and told me that I will discover its contents only after our marriage. Soon we went downstairs where my mom and MIL was talking. My MIL spoke first “ Minny will make a fine addition to our family but before we do that I want to make sure he is ready for Sonia. Since we still have a month till the wedding I want Minny to wear a few things as a sign of love and devotion to Sonia”. She then began putting a few things on the table. First thing was a small chatity device, second thing was a tongue stretcher and the third thing was a buttplug. She then told me to open my clothes. I quietly did so and she first fitted the chatity device on my penis. She smiled and said,” this will make sure you are pure the last month till the wedding. I don’t want my future son-in-law to be a dirty little masturbator”.
Then she fitted the tongue strtcher and said” I guess you can understand what its for”. I nodded and got ready for the butt plug. My MIL inserted it slowly inside me. It hurt at first but it soon slipped inside. Then my MIL announced” I am sure Minny will be happy with these gifts. Minny please make sure that you wear these three things all the time. Take off the tongue stretcher only when eating and the plug only while using the bathroom. There are 2 keys to the chatity device; one will be with Sonia and the other with me. I don’t think you need to take it off at all till the marriage. Moreover your mother and us have drafted a small pre-nuptial agreement that I want you to sign next week”. I nodded in agreement as mom got up to go. I put my clothes back on and went back home. The cock cage and buttplug was clearly identified from outside my tight shorts.
Once we reached home mom announced to dad and Namrata that my wedding was fixed and that the big day is only a month away. Then mom told me to show theGifts I had received. I again opened my clothes and showed the gifts to everyone. Namrata was smiling uncontrollable while dad just looked at them quietly. Mom looked at dad and said,” I think you need a tongue stretcher too, your oral performance is going down these days”. Dad didn’t reply to this but just put his head down. Two days later when dad was shaving me again he asked me,” beta are you happy with the relationship set for you. I know times like this can be really frustrating but you must look forward and try your best to gain the trust of your wife”. I looked at dad and replied,” I will do my best dad but I wanted to ask you something. Is it true that even you have a chatity device fitted on your lunch. Dad smiled at me said,” Beta I don’t think I have anything to hide from you anymore. Your mom put this lock on me the night of our marriage. I think this is one of the reasons why our marriage has lasted for so long”. Saying this he lowered his pants and showed me his chastity device. It was pink in color and the size was the same as mine. Next day Sonia called up my mom and asked her if she could borrow me for the day. Mom replied effectively and told dad to get me ready for the visit. He gave me a bath, cleaned my butt plug and oiled me up. Sonia had requested I wear the same pink dress so I put it on and got ready. Namrata dropped me off at my future in-laws place and went off. My MIL was not there and Sonia took me inside the house, into the backyard where she informed me that she was throwing a party for her friends and wanted to introduce me to them. Sonia told me that it was a pool party and my job was to take everyone’s clothes and put them away properly. She said that I didn’t have to wear the tongue stretcher that day which was a big relief for me, but she didn’t say anything about the remaining two Things so I keep them on. Sonia’s first guest to arrive was a girl called Nimmi. She was quite attractive and even she found me cute. Soon quite afew guests had arrived and then Sonia told me that her boyfriend, Ramesh was about to arrive. I didn’t know she had a boyfriend but I decided to keep quiet for the time being. Ramesh arrived 5 minutes later and Sonia jumped into him as he walked inside. Ramesh was a huge stud. He stood at around 6”3’ and had a muscle built. A few of his friends also came along with him. Sonia was all over Ramesh and they kissed for a long time. After a while Sonia introduced me to Ramesh and his friends. Ramesh looked down on me and all of a sudden lifted me up like a baby and started to inspect me. Everyone noticed the chatity lock and the plug and started roaring with laughter. I was extremely scared and began to cry.
Ramesh did not put me down but they began to throw me around each other. After a while Sonia told them to stop and scolded them saying,” you are all such mean boys, you made little Minny cry”. They were still roaring with laughter when Sonia and Ramesh took me upstairs. Sonia wiped my face and then told me,” Minny I am a little displeased with your behavior, you should not have cried down there. Ramesh just wanted to have a close look at you, it’s not his fault that you are so short and small. I expect you to show the same amount of respect to Ramesh as you show me. I now want you to apologize to him by kissing his feet”. I was surprised at Sonia, instead of scolding Ramesh for manhandling me she found fault with me. However I realized that any wrong behavior from my part could lead to the cancellation of the marriage, I got down on my knees, kissed his feet and apologized. Ramesh then told me,” because of your bad behavior you wont get any food and water the entire day. If you behave properly from now on I might change my decision”. Saying this he and Sonia changed into their swimming clothes and went down.
The whole day passed with me getting food and drinks for everyone. At the end of the day I was fagged out. As Ramesh was leaving and givingSonia a goodbye kiss he saw me staring at him. He called me nearer to him and said,” Minny you are forgiven for todays mistake, you can now go and have whatever food is leftover. I thanked him and ran to get something to drink. After I had something Sonia told me that I should sleep in the service’s quarters tonight. She thought that it was inappropriate for me to Sleep in the same room with her before the marriage. I fitted the tongue stretcher and went off to sleep. Next morning Sonia was up earlier than me and when I went inside she told me that she was going swimming in the pool and told me to come along. I answered that I didn’t have any swimming clothes and I didn’t know swimming. Sonia then told me,” c’mon Minny you don’t need to wear clothes in front of me, you don’t have much to hide anyway”. Saying this she jumped into the water. I slowly took off my clothes and went inside the water quickly. Initially Sonia helped me gain confidence in the water and I was enjoying myself. She slowly began to take me towards the deeper side of the pool but she always held me so it was not a problem. I was beginning to think I was learning nicely when all of a sudden Ramesh walked in. Seeing him Sonia immediately got out of the pool and started kissing him. I was stuck in the middle of the deepest side of the pool with nothing to grap to. I began to thrash my hands and feet wildly but Sonia didn’t come back. After some time I managed to get my hold on one of the sidebars, I was cought as water had entered my nose. I saw that both Sonia and Ramesh were laughing looking at my desperate situation. Ramesh gave a light slap on Sonia’s ass and playedfully scolded her,” you bad girl, you almost drowned your little husband there”. Sonia smiled at me and said,” you can come out of the water now Minny, no more swimming lessons today”.
I didn’t know what to do; I was completely naked underneath with just the cock cage and the plug attached. Seeing me hesitate Sonia told me toHurry up and suddenly Ramesh lifted me out if the water and put me on the ground. I tried to cover myself with my hands as fast as possible. Looking at me Ramesh burst out laughing and asked Sonia,” Since how long have you locked up Minny’s little organ?” Sonia replied” It’s just been a few days, Minny has to wear it till the wedding next month. His mother informed me that he has a bad habit of masturbating so I decided to keep him clean till the wedding. Moreover it’s little Minny’s way of showing his devotion to me”. Saying this Sonia gave me a nice wet kiss on my mouth. This was enough for me to get an erection. Although the cage prevented me from getting hard it was clearly visible that I was excited and Ramesh immediately commented,” Aaaww looks like little Minny got a little excited with that kiss but we cant do anything about it”. Soon we all got dressed, as Sonia had to go shopping for the wedding.
Soon we were speeding of to the malls. I was again wearing the tight pink t-shirt and pink shorts. Sonia likes it a lot and she said that I should be wearing this all the time. I was really scared wearing this in public as anyone could see my cock cage and plug underneath. Anyway Sonia and Ramesh started shopping and my main job was to carry the bags behind them. Whenever they went into any store I was instructed to stand outside and wait. I was smoking profusely in the heat and my t-shirt was completely drenched. People would star at me and giggle at my pathetic state. Sonia bought a variety of things starting from dresses to lingerie. After they had finished shopping they decided to get lunch. As we stopped at the restaurant parking lot Sonia looked at me and said,” Minny I think you should wait in the car, it’s a fancy place and I don’t think you are in any state to enter. Moreover there are a lot of expensive things in the car; it’s your duty to guard them. We will pack some food for you when we get back”. So off they went leaving me in the sweltering heat. They came back after 2 hours without any Food for me and started to drive without even noticing me. After a while Sonia said,” Minny I will be dropping you home now, you can go and relax”. I was a little mad at Sonia for having neglected me the entire day but as I was getting off Sonia gave me a nice kiss and I couldn’t be mad at her anymore. I went home very excited but I knew I Couldn’t do anything because of the cage. As I went home I saw that Mom was in a very foul mood. I could see Dad kneeing in the balcony, his face red with finger marks on it. I quietly went to my room freshened up, had some food and dutifully put the tongue stretcher back on. I tried to sleep but visions of Sonia and the hot kisses she gave me kept on coming up. I could not wait for my wedding day when she would open my cage.
Sonia would call me up everyday and ask me about my daily day-to-day activity. Those moments would be the best point of my day. My sexual frustration was growing and I would often wake up in the middle of the night with an erection. I could never sleep after that and I would spend the rest of the night thinking about Sonia. By now I had learned a most of the household stuff. I could cook many varieties of food, wash clothes, clean dishes, clean the house and many things more. A week before the wedding Sonia called me to her house again. Sonia and my MIL were waiting for me in the living room. My MIL spoke first,” Minny I am very impressed with your behavior, you are a very fast learner. I am sure that you will be very happy with Sonia. Anyway I want you to sign this agreement to solidify your commitment to this marriage”.
Pre-Nuptial Agreement
I Minny agree to the following terms,
1. I will obey and respect Sonia throughout my life.
2. My life will revolve around her and I will do everything to keep her happy.
3. Sonia will control every aspect of my life. Everything starting from food, clothesetc will be decided by her.
4. My private parts will be under the supervision of Sonia. She has full rights to keep my penis locked in a chatity cage. My orgasm timings will also be decided by Sonia.
5. I will have no financial or material possession. Everything will be owned by Sonia and she will decide what I might need.
6. Upon breaking any rule I will be punished. The degree and manner of punishment will be decided by Sonia.
After going through them I looked at my MIL. She asked me,” Is there a problem Minny”? I said no and signed on the document. Sonia immediately hugged me and called me “her cute little husband”. She then took me to her room and told me,” Minny after the marriage we will shift to my apt in the city, its getting renovated now. We will go and check it out tomorrow by which time I expect it to be ready”. I was very excited to learn that I will be living alone with my sexy wife. I thanked her repeatedly and went home. Next day Sonia and Ramesh picked me up. I was a bit upset that Ramesh was also accompanying us but I kept quiet. As we were going I learnt that the apt was on the 10th floor and it was a penthouse. After reaching there we learn that there was a problem with the elevators and we couldn’t go up. Sonia and Ramesh decided to climb up by stairs and I was soon following them. After 6th floor I couldn’t carry on any more and just sat down. Ramesh jokingly told Sonia,” Look your little husband is tired, Why don’t I carry him up to the apt”. Saying this Ramesh lifted me up and started to walk upstairs. I felt so stupid and wanted to cry but I controlled myself. Reaching the apt Ramesh put me down and we went in. The apt was magnificent and I was feeling very proud for Sonia and the fact that I was going to have her as my wife. Sonia took me to a small room under the interior stairs and asked me how it was. The room was bare except for a small bed.
I was surprised and askedher what it was for. Sonia smiled and replied,” Oh Minny you are so silly, this is your room”. I was literally shocked and after a while I asked Sonia,” Wont I be sleeping with you in your room”. Both Sonia and Ramesh laughed and Sonia answered,” Cmon little Minny, I wont be needing your services everyday. When I need your service you can come upstairs to my room”. I was surprised as I followed her upstairs to her room. It was a beautifully designed room with a huge bed. On opening the bathroom door we found out that the cleaners had forgotten to clean it before leaving. Sonia looked at me and said,” Ok Minny looks like you have to clean up the bathroom now”. I was about to go in when Sonia said,” Minny please don’t make your clothes dirty when cleaning it, I suggest you open your T-shirt and shorts before going in”. I quietly opened my clothes in front of them and then went inside. I finished cleaning in 20 minutes and Sonia was very impressed with my speed and efficiency. They had lunch outside while I had to wait outside in the car yet again.
Finally the day of the wedding arrived and I was very excited. My dad gave me a nice body shake and sent me off. On reaching the house Reena, one of Sonias friends gave me a phone and told me to talk. It was Sonia on the line and she said,” Minny listen to me carefully. There are a lot of customs for the bride like rubbing of sandalwood paste on the body, bathing in milk etc. I don’t want to do all of them so I think you should do it. After doing all that Reena took me to get dressed. Sonia had picked out a dress for me and it was the same pink dress but with lace on it. My legs and arms were shining after everything and after I put on the dress Reena gave me a manicure and a pedicure. Then she put a little lip-gloss on me and I was finally ready. We then went outside where everyone was waiting. When I came out Everyone started clapping. Finally I saw Sonia, she was looking absolutely heavenly in a blue Sari. When Iwent near her she gave me a nice wet kiss. I was in seventh heaven as I signed the marriage papers along with Sonia. I also tied a mangalsutra around her neck. After the formalities it was food and drink time. Sonia had instructed me not to drink anything other than coke while on the other hand she was having peg after peg. During that time I did a small dance with Sonia. I was so excited that I could not wait for the party to end. During the dance I fell down a couple of times and after that Sonia didn’t dance with me anymore, instead she danced worth other guys. I felt jealous when they were touching Sonia but I kept quiet. Anyway after the party when everyone had left we were ready for the night. I was very tensed and was almost shivering from fright. Sonia noticed it and started to laugh. Then she said,” Oh little Minny Don’t worry so much, you are in safe hands”. Sonia then picked me up and carried me to her bedroom. She then instructed me to strip and she took off her clothes too. There I was standing naked in front of my equally naked wife waiting for her to open my cage so that I could make love to her. Instead she took out my buttplug and told me,” Minny get ready to lose your virginity”. I didn’t fully understand until Sonia climbed from our bed and disappeared into the bathroom. I lay there waiting, heart pounding, nervous as a bride on her wedding night. Eventually Sonia returned wearing a leather harness and a very life-like strapon dildo.
It had to be a good 7″ long, almost ‘3’ times the size of my own little peanut, and artistically designed with veins and testicles so that it bobbed and moved between her legs like the real thing. Sonia then said,” There, there, my blushing little bride. Don’t look so frightened. I know it’s going to hurt the first time, but I promise you that in a few weeks you will be begging me to make love to you. Now, spread your legs and lift your knees to your chest.” Trembling in fear,I did as told, feeling friedfully exposed. Sonia climbed up onto the bed between my outstretched thighs.“ My darling Minny,” she said softly as she positioned herself, looking down at me, “you look so beautiful like this, so timing, so vulnerable. Don’t be frightened. It will all be over soon enough my love.”
Sonia knelt between my legs, placing the well-lubricated head of her lifelike dildo at my opening. With her hands gripping my ankles, pushing them back toward the headboard, she raised my bottom to meet her phallus. I whimpered as the head pressed against my anus. Then without warning, she rammed her hips forward, taking me in one quick and painful thrust. I cried out scrilly in pain and surprise. Just one thrust, and she completely took my breath away. I lay there gasping for air in short quick gasps. I thought she was going to be gentle!? “It hurts!” I wailed. My insides were ripped apart and burning. Her penis felt like a man’s fis shoved inside me. Although the butt plug had prepared me for this, but the strap on dildo was just too big for me. Sonia’s eyes flamed with lust as she watched me squirm and bleat like a slaughtered lamb upon the altar before her. She placed my ankles over her shoulders and leaned forward and kissed me passwordately. “There, there, little Minny i’ll give you a minute to recover. Don’t worry. It hurts at first, but I promise you that you’re going to enjoy this almost as much as I do.” “I thought you said you were going to be gentle,” I cried, tears in my eyes. “I want you to feel some pain my love. I want you to know how a real woman feels when her husband tears away her most sacred Virginity. I want you to remember this; your first time and I want you to remember me. Your first.” She Kissed my lips tenderly. “It’s okay. I promise you, from now on, I will go slow.” Sonia rested against me for a minute, allowing meto catch my breath. A tear slide down my face. She kissed it away, covering my face with soft, fluttering kisses. Then carefully, skillfully, she began to raise and lower her hips, easy her plastic extension in and out of me in long, deep thrusts. At first it was excitingly painful, and I cried pineously. As she made love to me, Sonia rose and lowered my ankles, tilting my hips, and listening to cries. Finally, she found my sensitive prostate gland with the blunt knob of her phallus. When she did, I let out a surprised moan of pure pleasure. Between half closed lids, I saw her… Grinning down at me. “I think I found the spot,” she whispered. Her hips undulated like a dancer and she began to thrust faster and faster. Her strapon slid back and forth across my sensitive little cherry till I was groaning loudly and uncontrollably.” That’s it my pet, didn’t I tell you this would give you some relief?”
I thrashed about beneath her like a fwas on a hook, torn between pain and pleasure. My poor little peanut tried to lift his head, and was strangled by the straps of my chatity belt, such excite bondage. Never had I ever experienced pleasure like this before. It was mortifying to be used such a way by a woman, especially such a beautiful woman as Sonia, whom I loved and adored totally and without reservation.Sonia impaled me deeply, grinding the soaking wet folds of her cliporis back and forth against the base of her phallus. “Oh God, I’m close,” she gasped. She thrust hard against the base, eliciting from me a high-pitched cry of both joy and frustration, just enough to trigger her orgasm. Her body shook and jerked like a puppet on its strings, as she let out a loud, satisfied roar of release. After she finished shaking and twitching, as the last electric Impulses faded away her gorgeous, voluptuous body fell like a mighty oak, landing on the pillow beside me. As she did so, the strapon was ripped from my body, leaving me empty and groaning in throbbing frustration. For a few minutes she lay there, catching her breath. Her breasts and belly shone in the candle light with a sheen of clean sweat.
Sonia had kept me on the edge of orgasm, but without the final release, all of which conspired to make me more horny and frustrated than ever. I turned away from her, and buried my face in my pillow, sobbing. “There, there, my little Minny,” she said. She snuggled up behind me, still wearing her greasy stapon, which pressed against my bottom, a dull reminder of where it has just been. “Why are you crying?” I turned to face her, wiping away my tears. She pulled me into her arms and kissed my sweat soaked hair. My face nuzzled her neck. “I haven’t cum in so long. Please Sonia, please, I’m begging you to take it off me.I will go crazy if I don’t cum!” Sonia chuckled, “But my sissy husband, you did cum. See?” Her fingers massaged my flaccid, restrained, numb penis, and played in a puzzle of goo on my tummy. “You came a lot, I just milked you”. I didn’t know it then, but in the days and weeks ahead, as Sonia continued to make love to me, I realized that the pressure of the strapon pressing against my prostate forced the semen out of me. But because my little penis was restrained, I was not able to experience a normal male response. It was an orgasm, without ejaculation. I quietly asked her,” Sonia wont I ever make love to you”? Sonia chuckled and replied,” Oh cmon little Minny, you must learn to put those old-fashioned notions out of your head. Your little thing down there can never give me any pleasure. Your tongue will do the work of your penis. So if you want to stay with me, you might as well just give in and Get used to this. You’ll never make love to me like a man. It’s never going to happen. If anyone is going to penetrate anyone in this relationship, it’ll be me, making love to you. But I promise you this; i’ll make love to you with the strapon whenever you want. All you have to do is ask.” After this Sonia told me to lick her pussy or little flower as she called it. I immediately went down and started licking my wife’s wet pussy. I licked her hard till she came and after that she slowly drifted off to sleep. Flashes of Sonia fucking me keep on coming to my head and I slowly went off to sleep at around 4. I awoke early next morning hearing the doorbell. I put my clothes on and opened the door, it was Ramesh. I was very sore after the hard fucking I received last night and was limping. Ramesh noticed it and said,” Oh little Minny, you must have had a rough first night yesterday, I know Sonia is never gentle with her subs on the first night”. Saying this he went upstairs and instructed me to make coffee for them. After a while they went to office and I got busy with the housework.
The first few weeks of marriage was the same, after coming home from office she would fuck me and then I would have to suck her off. Sonia didn’t take off my cage for the first two months of our marriage. Only after that did she take the cage off for a few minutes and gave me a handjob. I had been locked for so long that I came in less than a minute. Sonia locked me up again without any indication when she would open it up again. As the days went by Sonia made more rules for me and she became very strict. She would punish me for minor mistakes. Sonia bought many more sex toys for me, she bought gags, cuffs, dildoes and more strapons. So this is the new life I have entered. I love Sonia very much and would do anything for her. Everyone is happy with me, my mom, dad, MIL, Ramesh and most importantly Sonia. I can now call myself a perfect househusband. This is it for now. I will write about future happenings in my next story, till then bye. If anyone wants to contact me they can do so at [email protected]
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