Hello, to all ISS readers. This is again, ur Abhishek Singh, 18 male from east Delhi. It is around 1 year that I haven’t post a story to this site. But now, my lucky soul has again encouraged me to write some more new stories.I don’t want to waste ur time more.So, this story begins from here..The weeks turned into months with my daughter Faith living, not only under my roof, but also in my bed. Before I knew it, May turned into June and the time for Hope’s graduation from college approached. Hope was my younger daughter by five years. Faith and I drove the 180 miles to attend Hope’s graduation and help her celebrate. We also were going to help her move her stuff, some of which was going into storage at home until she could find places for it in her new little apartment in Chicago. She had taken a marketing job with a national department store chain headquartered in the Windy City.
The plan was for Hope to come home for a visit of a few days before drivingng on to Chicago and getting settled in. After that it would be even harder to see her because of the additional 350 miles and the fact that she would be doing an unspecified amount of traveling in her line of work. Faith and I made the drive in the afternoon and checked into a hotel before seeing Hope. We then got together for dinner and some reminiscing before dropping Hope off to get a little sleep on her last night in town. Faith and I put the hotel’s king-sized bed to good use that night, enjoying a longer-than-usual bout of sexual fun-and-games. The following day was a riot. The graduates dressed in their hometowns early and then mingled with the crowd of relatives and well-wishers. Hope introduced us to an unending string of her college friends, all of whose names soon escaped me. The question crossed my mind more than once to wonder which of them were just acquaintances, which were study-buddies, and which were maybe something more. However she was certainly “of age” now and the answers were none of my business. I couldn’t even afford for her to ask a similar question of me.
We got a late start on the two-and-half hour drive back home but after all it was her day to celebrate and I didn’t want to cut it short. When she finally said she was ready to go, she looked so tired that Faith volunteered to drive her car and let Hope relax as a passenger, so for the long drive, as company I only had myself and the oldies cds I played on the car stereo. Once we got home, everyone was so tired we were all ready to go to bed. I thought Faith, to keep up appearances, would probably go to her room but after Hope had gone to bed, Faith slipped into my bed, kissed me good-night and snuggled back into our comfortable spoon position, pulling my hands down to hold her breasts.
At the breakfast table the next morning, I thought Hope gave us both a strange little smile but nothing unusual was said. Since it was a Sunday, Faith didn’thave to work so we spent the day with Hope telling us about her trip to Chicago, what her new apartment was like, how she was going to decorate it, how much she looked forward to getting started on the job, and much, much more.
That evening after Hope had gone to bed, Faith quietly crept into my bed where we went through our ritual, first her giving me a blow job, then me eating her pussy until we both had experienced a first orgasm. Then I climbed into her saddle and we started to fuck, as usual making it slow and sensitive and changing positions every few minutes. Faith made every effort to keep her encouragement to a whisper. But We must have been loud enough to be heard because I watched in a combination of dread and surprise as the door eased open and Hope came in. She sat on the edge of the bed by Faith as I rolled to the other side, not knowing what to say to my younger daughter. However the two sisters seemed to have an understanding rapport … Hope bent over as Faithlifted up and the two girls hugged silently. When they separated, Hope was smiling as she said “i’ve wondered if you two might not get together. You both have needs that make it a perfect match.”
I had scrambled to find enough of the sheet to cover my nakedness and I was prepared to be berated for an incestuous relationship with her sister. Instead as I kept trying to cover up, I felt Hope’s hand light on my side as she said “Its okay, daddy. I know that what the world thinks and what we need to do don’t always coincide. It’s okay with me that you two are taking time to satisfy the needs of the Other.” She leaned over Faith and crooked her finger at me. “Give me a kiss.” I leaned forward to kiss her on the cheek but she turned her head at the last second and our lips came together in a long wet sensitive kiss. When she finally pulled back, she said “I was just wondering how to get my own needs met. Can I join in the fun?” Faith giggled. “I thought little sister just might be a little jealous. Well, that’s okay. I think there’s enough of daddy to go around. Get your clothes off and get back here.”
I was too stunned by this turn of events to be able to speak. I lay back staring at the ceiling, wondering what I should do. Wondering if I was strong enough to do what I should or if I would be swept away by the emotions of the moment. When Faith turned to me and slide her hand down my thigh and cupped my cock, I found out quickly that I was not as strong a man as I thought I was; my cock came back to full attention quickly.When the bed moved as Hope climbed in, Faith throw the sheet off and said, “Come on, Sis. Climb on top and get some of this.”
As Hope climbed over Faith and then straddled me, Faith guided my questing cock into Hope’s warm honey pot, with was dripping with her personal lubrication. She was tight, much tighter than I assumed a woman fresh out of college might be, making me think that maybe she had been studying harder than I gave her credit for. She took her time working the tight little ring of muscle down around my shake, getting it wet inch by delicious inch until she finally had completely engulfed my member. She carefully lay down on my chest and captured my face between both of her small hands.
Her voice was barely above a whisper. “Oh, daddy, you don’t know how much i’ve wanted to do this since … Since not long after … Mom died.” She lowered her mouth to mine and we exchanged deep kisses. I reached my left arm out and pulled Faith to us and the three of us lay together for a long time before Hope eased back and began to slowly work her bottom up and down on my shaft. She brought us both to a very satisfied climax and I couldn’t believe that I had now shot my sperm into the quivering cuns of both of my precious daughters. When Hope rolled off me, Faith captured my cock in her mouth and gave me a thorough washing. In about ten minutes I was hard again and Faith said “Its time to pick up where you left off.”
I climbed into Faith’s saddle and eased my cock into her surprisingly still wet pussy while Hope snuggled close and fondled us both as I fucked her older sister. It turned out to be a long night, one in which none of us got to sleep before the crack of dawn, by which time Faith had to get up and get ready for work. I pitied her having to work on no sleep but, as I fixed us some breakfast, she kissed me and said that she would be OK, especially after such a fantastic family bonding night. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights all three of us slept in my big bed, but always after I had fucked both of my sweet daughters at least once. They discovered that each of them liked eating my cum from her sisters snatch and seeing them in the 69 position always gave me a new erction … Always.
Hope invited me to fuck her ass once as she was on top of Faith, so I lubed us both and eased inside her, feeling my balls slap the upper part of Faith’s face each time I stroked inward. She didn’t seem to mind and later admitted that it was one of the hottest things she’d ever witnessed, watching my cock tour her little sister’s ass hole so close up. Although Faith had never had successful anal sex, she got Hope to talk her though how to get past the initial pain of entry and Hope told her about how to relax her sphincter to make it less painful. Before the week was over, Faith said that she already loved being fucked in the ass … Maybe as much as being fucked in her pussy.
Unfortunately Friday morning arrived and Hope had to leave for Chicago. Before she left, she said something to Faith, then led me to the bedroom where she gave me one of the most tender, sensitive fucks I had ever had and she left for Chicago with a fresh load of my cum in her pussy. She invited us to visit, or just me if Faith couldn’t get away, whenever we could. She would try to make it back home as often as possible.
Faith stayed with me for the better part of three years, until she found another man her age, one named Marcus but usually called Marc for short, and fell in love again. She brought him home to meet me and I was impressed. He was a very intelligent person but didn’t seem to lord it over others not so gifted. He was very solidus of Faith and seemed anxious to please her.
The fourth or fifth time she brought him home, she told me that he had asked her to marry him and she was considering it. We were sitting in the den at the time, the three of us having just finished a dinner I had prepared. Faith was holding Marc’s hand and said that she loved him and she was convinced that he loved her. This would be the second marriage for both of them so they were going into it with their eyes wide open.
However Faith surprised me when she said that she had told him about our relationship … That she had been sleeping in my bed since she had moved back in with me and that we had been fucking all of that time. As she said this, she turned to look at Marc and he smiled back at her. Faith said that she had told him that, if they were to get married, Marc could not expect her to completely shut her father out of her sex life so if he expected that, she would have to decline his offer. She had left the ball in his court for him to contemplate and he was going to give her his answer that evening. I would never have believed this moment would have arisen, not in a million years.
We both looked at Marc. His smile, if anything, had gotten larger. He said “Dad … I hope you don’t mind if I call you Dad …?!?” I shook my head to indicate that it was okay. He continued “I was surprised by Faith’s revelation last night but the moreI thought about it the more logical it seemed. You, Faith and Hope seems to have a very loving family so why should sex not be a part of it. And if so, why should anything I do in the family detract from that relationship. If we can have your blessing to marry, you can have my blessing to continue loving your daughter just as you have been. I realize that such an arrangement does not have to diminish who we are, any of the three of us.”
Faith got up and sat in Marc’s lap, hugging his neck and said “In that case, I would love to marry you, Marcus.” They kissed and I thought it just might turn into a strip and fuck show but they stopped after some heavy petting.For the next couple of months, there were really no changes in our lives except that Marc came over several nights a week and joined us for dinner. Afterward I would send them out to the den or to the back porch to share each other’s company. I know that sometimes resulted in them arranged tohave sex in some very peculiar positions. That didn’t both me because Faith was still fucking me almost every day and still sleeping with me.
The first significant changes occurred when, three months after their engagement, Faith moved into Marc’s place with him. After that when she left work each day, she would come back to the house and fuck my brains out, then dress and meet Marc at home. I understand that she sometimes convinced him to eat my cum out of her pussy, although it was not done to humiliate him but rather as a mutually Agreeable result of their highly lustful state of minds. Of course Faith spent every night in Marc’s bed After that.A little over four months later on Friday, June 26th, they got married in a very quiet ceremony at my house. Marc’s mother and sister (his only immediate family) attended along with Hope and me. However Hope had to be in Chicago by 10 the next morning for some special meeting for her job While Marc’s family said that they had to return home that evening. That left me feeling a little alone, since I was sure that Marc and Faith would have planned some sort of honeymoon trip.
I saw the last of the guests off and turned, expecting to find the newlyweds ready to leave but they were nowhere in sight. I went to the kitchen and poured myself another cup of coffee and sat at the table to drink it slowly. The house was unnaturally quiet, making me sadder thinking about my own future years.Deep in my thoughts, I almost missed Faith’s voice as she called “Dad?” When I responded, she said “We’re upstairs, Dad. Can you come up here?””Sure” I replied and started climbing the stairs. I thought I’d find them packing some of Faith’s things and preparing to leave. Imagine my surprise when I pushed my bedroom door open and found both of them stark naked on my king-size bed, with Faith in the middle and Marc on the far side.
Faithsaid “Daddy, we decided that it was time that I had sex with both of the men in my life at the same time. This is our wedding present to you. Please take of your clothes and join us.” While I was taking off my clothes, Faith and Marc spooned together and his hands explored her soft body from big boobs to broad buttocks and into her honey pot. I had seen Marc’s fully alert erection before they turned over and Now he could see mine as it eased out of my shorts. I climbed into the bed next to Faith right into her open arms. While Marc fondled his new bride, I kissed her tenderly and passwordately
Eventually Marc lifted Faith’s top leg and eased his cock into her love tunnel and slowly started to fuck her. Faith asked me to knee in front of her face. When I did, she captured my roving cock, licked it from root to tip with her wet tongue and then captured the head inside her lips and while Marc fucked her, she gave me a first class blow job. Within two minutesof me shooting my load down Faith’s throat, Marc started the process of filling her pussy with cum when he spilled his seed into her. Faith, having climaxed twice, held us both tightly to her while we recovered.
When Marc and I were both ready again, Faith bent over him from between his legs and sucked on his member. I climbed behind her raised bottom and pierced her slick, wet pussy. I would have been content to add to Marc’s treasure but Faith looked over her shoulder and said “Daddy, do my ass, please.” I could never deny a lady such a request, so I pulled out of her pussy and pushed into her anus, and Proceeded to have another of the greatest fucks possible. This time I came about three minutes before Marc did and Faith came three times before we finished.
I made a trip to the bathroom to clean up and then downstairs for three cups of coffee and some cookies for refreshments. We relaxed on the bed while we consumed the ‘cooked’ goodies, still aware of the luscious goodies that we had been sharing in my bed. As I was collecting the empty cups, Marc leaned over and whispered in Faith’s ear and a devilish grin spread over her face.Faith looked at me as I put the tray of emptyies down and asked me to lay on my back in the middle of the bed. As I settled down, Faith throw a leg over me and settled down onto my latest erection. She jogged up and down a couple of times until we were comfortable, Faith stretched out on my chest, using her feet to push both of our legs wide apart. I felt the bed jiggle and looked over Faith’s shoulder to see Marc moving into the space between her legs, intently watching his wife’s big round ass. I had a feeling I knew what was about to happen … Something I had never experienced nor participated in until now.
Sure enough Marc positioned his cock at Faith’s anus and slowly eased forward. It didn’t take much effort to breach her security, since her ass had already been ploughing that evening. Although I had no homosexual indications, I found myself enjoying the touch of Marc’s cock along the bottom side of my own, even though they were separated by a thin membrane of her flesh. From her facial expression, Faith had felt no pain with the double intrusions. Her eyes were closed and her smile said that she was loving it.
I was impressed that Marc took it slow and easy, making out pleasure last as long as possible. Every time he pushed into his wife’s bowels, my cock nearly slipped out of my daughter. Then when he pushed back in, the whole process reversed until her was buried in her and I was nearly out. Faith began talking to us, encouraging us to fuck her pussy, fuck her ass, to squeeze her titties and pull her nipples and fuck her ass and screw her pussy, harder and faster every few minutes. And gradually he did pick up his speed until her was ramming his spear into Faith’s butt as hard as he could. She hadalready started cumming while he was still moving slowly and now she was cumming non-stop. I felt my balls contract and then expand, shooting a thick strand of white sticky cum into Faith’s pussy. Whether he felt my ejaculation and that sent him over the edge or it was some other stimuli, Marc began to shoot his load into Faith’s tight anus. Shot after electric shot sped through our shafts and into her tight openings, until I felt my balls try to send more, only to find that there was no more available. After two dry shots, the scraped together one last drop and let it ooze into her pussy and then I was done. Marc mustered two more sticky strands before hitting a couple of dry attempts and then releasing the last drop of cum.
We collapsed again in a tight sandwich of exhausted flesh struggle to suck air into our lungs. It was another 45 minutes before we were sufficiently rested to try again. Marc and I might have gone to sleep but Faith said she wanted to try itone more time and she wanted the two of us to just swap targets. So when we got hard again, Faith coated Marc into laying out under her and she mounted his erection. Being the ever helpful dad, I guided his dick into my daughter’s pussy and watched it disappear, causing my own spear to strain at standing tall and proud. When she was pressed against his balls, I scooted up Behind her and pointed my dong into her ass hole. It was almost flaccid from being fucked and it was very easy to get inside her. I pushed forward until my balls slapped against Marc’s scrotum and then held myself there by squeezing her titties and pulling on her nipples. Before long Faith began to beg us to screw her and neither of us was inclined to deny her those wishes. I worked my cock in and out of her, savoring the strange feeling along the big vein on the bottom of my cock as it was tracing the similar vein on the bottom of Marc’s schlong. It took several minutes of motion to get Faith going again to the point of another orgasm but then they started coming frequently. Because of the condition of our balls, it took most of a half hour for Marc and I to muster one more load of cum and during that time Faith reached a state of constant climaxing.
After holding onto Faith’s hips until the last drops oozed out of my cock and the muscles in my legs burned so much I had to move, I dismounted and rolled off the bed, trotted into the bathroom and got three warm wet washcloths so we could clean up. When I gave one to each of them, Faith said “Daddy, we thought if its alright with you, we’d just spent the weekend here with you. We both think we’d have more fun than trying to take a trip somewhere. Is that OK with you?”
Of course it was. Off and on through the next 48 hours, Marc and I fucked Faith just as often as we could muster a hard-on. Even when we couldn’t, the three of us sat naked on the sofa downstairs and watched some wildporno videos while Faith fondled our genitals. Whenever one of us got another erection, we’d try some of the weird things we saw on the TV screen and by the time Sunday evening was over, we had a whole series of cum stains on the furniture and carpet of my den.Hope and I managed to get together about six to nine times a year and she never failed to cum to my bed when we were together. However she had her eye on several men and, While she loved making her daddy happy from time to time, I think she was more interested in making a permanent connection with one of those men … And I tried to encourage her interest.
Although Faith, Marc and I never again repeated anything as wild and abandoned as that wedding present weekend, I continued to screw my oldest daughter fairly regularly for the next several years, until they decided to try to have a baby. We mixed in threesomes about every second or third weekend and we often spend the night together in my big bed.
OnceThey decided to try to raise a family, I found that I had a renewed interest in women in particular and a confidence to pursue some that were to my liking. I found that I was able to get enough pussy from some mature women (I considered anyone older than my daughters to be mature) usually without even approaching my own age. Most of them were looking for companionship and friendship without a Lasting relationship and I found that I could fairly easily keep myself satisfied sexually without too much Effort.It was good pussy too and a nice variety but for some reason it seemed like it was just not quite up to the standard that my daughters Faith and Hope set for me. My wife and I had decided early in our lives together that our children’s names would somehow be derived from my own, Belief. As a kid, most of my Friends shortened it to Lief, like the explorer Lief Ericson, and then forget about my full legal name. But I was always adamant that Faith and Hope go right along with Belief, no matter where they are. Did u like the story? Please rate it and post ur comments to me and one thing more, this story is not real. It’s just made by me for ur enjoyment.There is another information for all the readers that, I m a young call boy. I give services in all the areas of I.P.EXTENSION (Delhi) and other areas attached with it, with a nominal fees of just Rs. 130/- for 1hour and 30 minutes. I m quiet experienced in this job as I have satisfied around six girls through this facility.So, any married / unmarried women, unsatisfied aunty or a girl above 15 years of age desiring for a soft core or hardcore sex can mail me.You are maintained at any cost and the satisfaction of sex would be guaranteed by me.You have to just pick up ur computer and mail me ur comments to [email protected] enjoy, because life fucks everyone!!
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