Hi readers, This is your one and only JJ back with a bash with a horny lesbian love making session. I am extremely happy by seeing the response some of you have sent the below story is an extension of the previous 3some. Here is a treat to your mind, body and soul by way of a lesbian encounter. Now also I have used the ladies hostel behind Chennai Egmore railway station all about room mates. We are about to encounter a subject as to how a female carves for the womanly sex once again ignoring cocks however thick and long it maybe. As and when the lesbian exploration picks up move forward women will face difficult to get satisfied with a cock and will be horny and wet all the time when one female walks out saying good bye. This a experience a lesbian faces when her partner dumps her. I am Sangeetha, when Easwari moved out of the room two weeks ago neither of us shed a tear. It was inevitable. We made the fatal mistake of trying to turn lust into love and we never even came close. Then the lust was gone and there was nothing left. It was so promising in the beginning.
We met at birthday party and immediately noticed how similar we looked. Both in our late twentyties, both with long black hair I knew we were into loving each other we never spoke to each other about sucking and licking. Her boobs were bigger than mine. We looked at each other and both liked what we saw. I started a conversation on lesbian topic I was surprised to know we both slipped into it smoothly and we jelled very well to fit like hand in glove. We also exchanged mobile numbers. She worked for a call center and I was at the hospitality industry, this was a reason I had never come across her at the hostel though we were both staying at the same place. I called her the next day expressed my desires and I went to her room the next night when she agreed to take off and spend the night with me chit chatting. It took us about ten minutes to rip off our clothes and jump into her single cotwhich had a cushion also was very compact clean & tidy. The sexual chemistry was unbelievable. I let her start making love to me and it was a revelation. One of life’s sure things is that if a woman does something to you in bed she will want it back. (Readers are u listening?) And she did absolutely everything that I liked the most.
She kissed me deeply and poured her saliva into my mouth. That is one of the biggest turn-ons for me and I greedily swallowed every drop. How could she have known I loved that? She sucked my nipples and then bit them hard enough to give me a rush of pain and pleasure. She spread me wide open, entered me quickly and fucked me with her long fingers. Then she started massaging my G-spot as she bent down and swirled my clip in her mouth. In just a few seconds I had an unbelievable head-to-toe orgasm and squirted my juices all over her. If I had handed her a written script she couldn’t have done me better.
Then I started in on her and did exactly the same things she had done to me. My powerful climax had really turned her on and she came fast and hard, her strong contracts squeezing my fingers again and again. We both lay there amazing. Two days later she moved in with me. We desperately wanted the sex to ripen into love. Cuddle and fuck and cuddle and fuck and live happily ever after. Then we made the awful discovery that we had almost nothing else in common.
Eswari was organized and I was messy. I liked classical music and she liked western. We lasted for about a month and then one day we looked at each other… and knew. She moved out the next day and we haven’t talked since. So I found myself in my empty room with an empty bed and a persistent ache between my legs. All the good sex had gone with Easwari currently it’s my vibrator that too only a partial help.
I tried vegetables like banana and long sized brinjal, but didn’t click with anyone. I met Deepa one Sunday at the dining hall while having my so called breakfast. It was like this “Bi-Curious woman, inexperienced, desperate to try the lesbian stuff. Jayanthi was in her late twentyties small build. Looking for someone intelligent and kind who will help me find out. All of these were written on her face, by God I have been blessed with the gift of identifying another lesbian just by looking into their eyes and Jayanthi was one of my newly Found love. God always closes a window and opens a door for the very comfort of his own creation. Easwari goes and another comes into my lesbian life. I was horny as hell and decided to throw caution to the winds she suggested that we meet again next Sunday for coffee at the dinner hall around the same time 11am. I was literally on the edge till the next Sunday means I started fingerprinting my self day in and day out.
She was small and nicely built with long hair. She was wearing a lovely print sari and her make-up accentuated her beautiful eyes. At least as far as looks was concerned; I knew I had hit the blind date jackpot. I sat down at her table and we engaged ourselves into the hot topic. She said, “I must tell you that I am very nervous. I’m really scared to death, even though I am inclined for the lesbian act but this is my first encounter and experience.”
“That’s OK,” I said, “I understand. Let me buy you another coffee and we can talk.” She was much more interesting than Easwari. She worked as a telecaller with a nearby ICICI bank. and had nothing else for the day expect Jayanthi’s meeting I was afraid that she would ask me questions about sex right off the bat, but she never brought it up. We talked about politics and city life, Chennai heat, water scarcity and even men to some extent. Suddenly her eyes became moist. “I have been fighting the feelings for years.” She lowered her voice. “When I was in high school I would get funny feelings when I mingled with girls for group study or chatting with them alone on the terrace. Lately I have been having fansies about making love to women. I just need to know.”
I wasn’t too crazy about her answer. I still had that home wrecker feeling in my gut. She saw the look on my face and said “don’t take this the wrong way, but if it isn’t you it will be someone else. Please don’t go away. I just need to know and I really like you a lot.”
While we were talking a throbbing between my legs told me that my doubts were being overruled by my cunt. I nodded and she said “Thank you. You’re wonderful. My room in A’ block and it is three blocks from here. Please. Lets go.” She stood up and we walked the three blocks.
She had a one single room with the toilet attached its Rs 500/= more than those with common toilets. She offered me one more coffee and I told her I was fine. There was a small table near the doorand on it was the picture of a rather handsome man who looked to be around 38. “That’s Manikandan,” she said. I excused myself to go to the bathroom and saw the usual signs of male visitation which was totally prohibited but still there are ways in which you can smuggle a guy in, we are still in India. A second toothbrush. A razor. Shaving cream. A macho deodorant stick. When I came out she was sitting at one end of the cot. She looked very nervous.
I sat beside her but not too close and we made small talk. We both knew that we would have to start somewhere, but neither of us felt ready to break the ice. All of this hesitation, however, was making me very wet and I soon decided to make the first move.
I edged closer to her, reached over and turned her face towards me. I kissed her gently on the lips with my mouth closed. She didn’t react for a second and then started to kiss back. Her lips parted and her tongue entered my mouth slowly and gently. We put our arms around each other and kissed for a long time. I then nuzzled her neck and her ears and could hear her breathing get faster. I took her hand and held iot tight to give her more confidence also we slip slowly into the bed.
There was a picture of Manikandan next to the bed and when she saw me looking at it she was embarrassed. She began to pick it up and put it away, but I said “it’s OK leave it.” “Lets forget the cocks for sometimes now” I said
I undressed her slowly and when I removed her bra was surprised at how firm her tiny breasts were. Her small brown nipples were already hard. I quickly undressed and embedded her, pressing her small body against mine. In a moment she raised her face to me. Her eyes were closed and her lips were parted. I kissed her again. This time our tongues were urgent.
I sank to my knees and cupped one of her breasts in my hand and slowly licked around her nipple. She started to moan. I placed my mouth on her nipples, first one than the other, and sucked them gently, giving them tiny little bites. I could smell her pussy and it was sweet and pungent. I was soaking wet and aching to come.
I made her lay down on the bed and she lay down with her legs together and her eyes closed. The poignancy of the moment overwhelmed me. She was excited and frightened at the same time. She knew that her life was about to change forever. I sensed her mixed emotions and knew that I would make slow gentle love to her and worry about myself after.
I leaned over and kissed her again. This time there was no urgency. We gently explored each others mouths and then I kissed her ears, her neck, her hair. I then moved down her body, licking her breasts and then gently sucking them and biting them again. I moved down further and began to kiss and lick her belly. I could see that she was squirming, but her legs were still closed.
I moved away from her. She opened her eyes and I could see in them aferocious sexual hunger. I said with a note of formality in my voice “you will have to open your legs for me Jayanthi.”
She hesitated for a second and then closed her eyes and slowly spread her legs until they were wide open. Her monks was covered with fine hair and her cunt was wet and glistening. Her breasts were rising and falling as she breathed rapidly. She had a large clip and it was fully unsheathed and erect. I desperately wanted to touch myself or have her touch me, but I knew that would have to wait. I moved to the foot of the bed and began to lick her ankles and her calves and her knees. Then I moved up to her inner thighs and licked them slowly, first one side then the other. She started to moan. I moved to her cunt and slowly and gently licked her lips. She moved her hips and buried my face in it. Her sweet juices were all over me as I moved up and kissed her on the mons. Then I moved down and gently began to lick her hard clip. Her breathing was now rapid and shallow and her moaning excited me even more than before.
I slide my fingers into her cunt, first one then two then three and started to fuck her with slow strokes. She compromised and started to feel her excitement skyrocket. She pushed her pussy into my hand to get me even deeper. I then bent down and started to gently lick her clip again. She made an animal sound that told me she was right on the edge and I licked her more firmly and pushed my fingers in and out hard and fast.
She arched her back and exploded into a powerful climax. Her cunt squeezed my fingers hard and she cried “oh oh oh oh oh” with each contraction. Then she stopped her movements and I left my fingers resting inside her hot soaking cunt. After I while I slide them out and my mind suddenly turned to my own tremendous arousal.
I didn’t want to ask her to do too much too soon so I opened my legs wide and began to masturbate. My fingers started rubbing my wet cunt faster and faster and I knew I would climax any instant. Then I suddenly felt her hand sliding into my cunt and that sent shock waves through me. She started fucking me the way I had fucked her and an indescribably powerful orgasm washed over me and went on and on and on as my fingers bore down on my clip and she thrust her hand in and out.
When it was finally over we lay in each other’s arms for a long time. Then I finally broke the silence and asked “what will you do now?’
She said “I don’t think I have to tell you that I now have my answer. I don’t know what I am going to do, but I will remember you forever.”
Soon we both dressed. Nothing was said about seeing each other again and I wasn’t surprised. She had a lot of sorting out in front of her and none of it had anything to do with me. We gently kissed and then we parted. My body was tingling with satisfaction and, although my mind was still a little confused, I had to say that it had been a beautiful afternoon. We never met after the thrilling episode two months later I visited the dining hall the same time we had met around 11am. I served myself a cup of coffee and then looked across the room and saw Jayanthi. “My God, what have I done” I thought.
She stood up, walked over and sat down next to me. “You have worry written all over your face,” she said. “That’s because you are a real sweetheart.”
“What about Manikandan?” I said. “Oh, that was my brother in the pictures,” she said. “The whole thing was a scam. I’ve been a lesbian since I was thirteen. I was just playing a role. I hope you’re not mad at me. The sex sure was great.” I wanted to be mad at her, but I couldn’t. There is no better way to role-play than to not know that you are playing a role and she was right on about the sex. “How many times have you done this?” I asked.
“That was the only time,” she said. “I did it because my sex life was in a rut and my juices didn’t seem to be flowing the way they used to. You made me come so hard that I have been working off that boost ever since. You were such a great fuck that I almost told you, but I decided not to spoil the moment.” Hearing that, of course, instantly made me soaking wet. We quickly left the dinning hall and returned to the scene of the crime. No pictures and no razors this time. And no shyness either. We fucked like bunnies and this time she had her legs wide open with her feet in the air the moment I came near her. We went to bed a few times after that, but I didn’t make the mistake of asking her to move in with me. It was good to be reminded that sex isn’t love and that you never know how a super fuck will come your way.
I hope you readers like this one, comments and feed backs welcome to [email protected]
Your Lovingly
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