Hi! everybody,i am bit new to this site and have read almost all the stories and now i would like to share mine with you.
I am from outskirt of mumbai,we were married for 8 years and life had started to become boring between us with same sex style,our sex has become lesser,so once in a while i would ask my wife for alternate sex style,but she would refuse it outright,as we were from conservative family background,but i kept on asking her, finally she gave in to the idea with a condition that she is jealous to see me with other women,so it would be either couple or single males,so i also thought lets start with this,we searched for couple for few years but couldn’t get couple of our choice and every time single males were available,so my wife said to drop the idea,but i would take it down so easily,so i chatted with few guys and finally selected a guy and invited him home to fuck my wife in front of me,he was a young boy in his teens(19 years old)whereas we were 38years old,he was amature and it was his first time.
let me describe my wife,she is 5″2 tall, very thin(skinny), very fair with small breast(30C)she has pink nipples and she is beautiful for me and ofcourse to others also but she has a complex that she isn’t.
just to lift her confidence i had arranged this sort of fucking session,the boy was also feeling shy as it was his first,so i left them alone in the room,and i waited outside,but i was watching them from the keyhole of the door,they didn’t had the slightest idea that i am watching them,as my wife was also feeling shy to do all this in front of me,as i left they started to chat for a while,than the boy slowly moved closer to my wife,he put his hands on my wife hands,my wife was little hesitant but didn’t withdraw her hands,than the boy planted a kiss on her lips,she closed her eyes.than he pushed her on the bed kissing her allover and exploring her body with his hands,and than removing her clothes one by one and hiding her body allover,than he also removed his clothes,i saw my wife looking at his cock shamelessly now and now she had become free with him,she was struggling his cock,it was hard and big,than she parted her legs and and he started to fuck her,as this was a 1st time for both of them,they didn’t do oral,and they fucked couple of time,and when they got dressedup to come out of the room,i went in the other room and sat on the computer to display that i was busy in my work,my wife was blushing her face was red and she was unable to face me,while i was jsut looking at her face and after some time the boy left,i had told the boy he can come to our house whenever he or my wife want to be together.
My wife said thanks to me and said she really enjoyed this alternative sex very much,and is ready to try it again with others also if i permit,i told her i will never stop her if u find a boy or i will get it for me.Than after we had many many such experimentences with couple and single males, that we shall provide in our next episodes
Any couple/girls/single boys from outskirt of mumbai(beyond borivli to dahanu can e-mail us with your details at [email protected]
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