Gay sex with old man

it is pleasure for me to express about my personal gay experience with all wholovesgaysex. i am raghu fromhyderabad.while iwas 16 ,one daytravelling in bus iot first experience.

the bus was fullof passengers and there was no space between each was nothing but i was pressed between two persons.the person who was behind me was about 50 in well decent dress .i could not be able to move neither side.slowly i was felt that some rod from my back side touchingmy ass.immediately my inner heart invited thisto feel enjoyment.

i too cooperated him in placemy ass towards himin correct position.soon after my stage came i got down from bus and saw him who had followed me. on seeing him felt happy and he had smiled at me. he had asked me certain address and i explained about.he invited me to had tea withhim. i followed him. while taking tea he asked about my education family issues and tried to be close with me.he invited me to his house. i came to know that hewas govt officer living along with his sunday myinner heart felt to contact him.

i walked to his house.soon after seeing me he felt happy and taken me inside his house and asked his wife to get tea for me. after taking teahe had taken to his room andasked me to sit before him.slowly heard the matter into gaysex. he himself told me that he liked gaysex and enjoyed.he had removed jip and showed his cock and asked me to put my hand onit.asi got interest onit icatched him cock and pressed it slowly.

i asked himto shut the doors but he said that no one will come and without any doubt enjoy myself. slowly hemaid me nude and taken my cockintohis hands and kept my cock in his mouth and started hardsucking.icouldnot able to control myself and made cumin his mouthful and said sorry. he had eaten entire cum.he brought one book where in bisexual pictures were among them wasone oldman keeping cock of one boy into elderly person asshole.he asked me whether i was likingit.i said yes.hesaid tome if i come tomorrow eveninghecan arrenge it.


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