Birds eye lust


I always thought that my first experience would be with my wife on my first night but my age of innocence was over when I fucked a 33 year old married woman in my victory. Let me have the pleasure of explaining to you how this happened in my life and how she ended up being my fuck buddy. Here we go………..

Chapter: 1

Construction of my slut’s residence

I was sixteen then and I was living in my flat for the past 11 years. So, I pretty much knew almost everyone who lives there. It was at this eleventh year that a paper mill in the adjacent compound caught fire and completely burnt to ashes. It was then demolished and it made room for a new housing sector. It was a three stored building and on each floor there were only one residential plot and so altogether there were three families who could live in that new building. My position on the adjacent flats was on the third floor and the buildings are built in such a way that thebalconies were facing each other.

Chapter: 2

People move in…

Luck in all its form is always against me. In the dwelling of the third floor exactly opposite to mine a old couple moved in with their only son who was about two years older than me, unless I am gay let me not into the details of this house anymore. The ground floor was occupied by a sait family; a mature couple with a daughter just about my age and a seven year old boy I suppose. But the problem is that the compound wall was raised to just about the first floor balcony and I being in the third floor was totally cut off the view of ground floor. Then came the worst nightmare the second floor was occupied by an ugly Tamil family it had two brothers, wife of one of the brothers and their children. The women herself was big, foul mouthed and downright repulsive. How much more beating can a man take? Then all of suddenly like a bolt out of clear sky she and her family occupied the first floor. Theirs was a lower middle class sait family with her husband being the sole bread winner and she is a house wife. They had two children an eight year old girl and young chap most likely in his L.K.G.

Chapter: 3

My position

By the time she moved in I have already crossed my seventeenth birthday. That was the time when my friends both at school and my flats were spoiling me by propagating their dumb virtues of sex to me. I was beginning to comprehend the connection between woman’s body and a hard tissue of mine which has a mind of its own. But, even then I have never actually ejaculated even though my friends briefed me of how to jack off. And then they forced the pornos onto me I still vividly remember the first porn movie I have seen it just got stuck onto to my ill thatched mind. One fine day when I was watching one of those movies I was laying on my stomach all of a sudden it happened on my couch. Eyes rolled upwards tears rolled downwards. The most flabbergasting experience in my life as a matter of fact every man’s life, the victory of a million lives in their dying moment. Contentment was quivering thro my whole body and form that moment on I considered my self adult.

Chapter: 4

Bird’s eye lust

The door from the balcony lead directly to her kitchen on the left side of the door there was a window sill. So, whenever she was there cooking in her kitchen I could see her sides. My view of her is such that I get to see her from the top and she has no chance of knowing that I am prying her. Most of the time here head is cut off view and I get to see her face only when she lifts her head for drinking water. The balcony unlike any Other had a tap and a drain and so the used utesils from the kitchen were usually left at the balcony to be cleansed there. Even the wound clothes are washed at the balcony.

She usually juggles two nightes at her house, a rosy white one which is so thin that I couldsee her protruding nipples and a brown cotton one which is thick but the neck lining is so low that I could work less than see the cleavage while she works in the kitchen. I will explain the advantages of each one of those nightss later, occasionally she wears saree too. But first let me explain her physical characteristics …. Unlike Tamil woman who know how to cover themselves with a saree a north Indian like her are no good when it comes to wearing sarees properly. She did not both to snip her saree to her blouse. The top of her sari is more often than not bunched together which runs between her breasts and then to her back and so a vast amount of belly and breast mounds under the bloom is visible when she wears saree. Also she wears her saree so low such that three to four inches of her tummy below her bellybutton is exposed. She had an average breast but it was sharp, her nipples are forever trying to shred her blouse. Middle aged as she is her tummy had some sagging fat at the bottom below her bellybutton, which to me seemed kinda sexy, but the top part of her navel was almost flat and striking. Her face as I know form a few glimpse was slightly plumped scared but cute. Unlike most Indian woman who is short and plump she was tall with nice long legs; she had brownish black hair, nicely plucked browsers and full lips.

She did not hire any servants and did the entire house hold work herself. She used a small wooded stool almost as flat as floor to seat herself at the door of the balcony with running water from the tap she used to clean utesils and wash clothes. I just had to look down from the balcony to turn myself on when she does the cleaning. Coming back to the nightes the thin rosy white one had the benefit of getting wet during the washing procedure and her tits become clearly visible and by the time she finishes the stool on which she sits get wet and so does the portion of the nighte on her ass, the lining of her ass shows itself with awesome gleam. She had nice round buttocks which could not get any better. The brown one on the other hand exposes her whole breast while she bends forward to work. Chennai has three seasons hot, hotter and hottest this forces most women not to wear under garments. She naturally draws her nightes to her knees and secures it there while working. While cleaning the floor with clothes soaked in water she stretches herself on the floor like mad. All these events gave me wakeful nights I bought a high resolution binarys and the oldies right next to me never bothered to open their balcony door. For almost two months I would peep at her with the binarys. I do this only when my house is vacant. I was getting addicted to this situation and I broke this subject to my friends.

Chapter: 5

Breaking the ice

All those days I would scanper right into my house as soon as I have the falling that she might catch me watching her and then she might cover herselfproperly I thought or worst complain to anyone else. I did not want that to happen. My friends’ advice was to get noticed. They wanted her to know that I crave her. Smile they said to me; when she becomes aware of you. I just did not have the guts to do it. After nearly a month passed by I decided to do it no matter what, I just did not consider waiting any longer. I purposely put my mobile on full volume and played a ring tone while she was washing clothes she raised her head up and I smiled. She smiled back sooner or later I am gonna get her I thought. But the very next day I was heart broken to see kumkum on her forehead I understand what that means. Contradictingly from that point on smiles were exchanged more often but no actual words were spoken that’s because we have to yell at each other to make ourselves clear. Her dressing pattern did not change. She was sending me both affordable and off-putting signals and I was confused. In fact from then on she didn’t even both to look uneasy even though she knew I was there watching her. I took advantage and started gawking for hours.

Chapter: 6

Tremor in Chennai

My parents were out of station when that happened. There has not been an actual earthquake in Chennai but most of you might remember the night Chennai experienced the slightest of tremors. Being their first shadow experience most people are scared to death being alone in my house so am I. My next door neighbors curried me out of my house and said that I shouldn’t be there at that moment; the entrance to our flat was packed with people all over. I was on the road just outside the gates when I heard a voice.

“Hi” she said and smiled you must beeeeeeeee…………

“anish” I said at last (names changed) and smiled back raising my browser euphorically.

She stretched her arms and it was a firm handclasp

”mamtha” she said in a sly tone.

“Come with me” she said firmly. Filled with apprehension I strolled behind her like a panting dog. We were under a dark tree I was able to see her only when the neary street light flickered. Up-close she looked much better, easy going and definitely not a tough nut to crack.

“I hate crowd” she said, for a moment I thought she’s gonna slap me left and right.

“So?” she queried. It was certain, she was a mono syllabled person.

“What do you at times when I am not in the kitchen?” she asked. I could not help but chuckle.

“I have got college to attend” I said.

“I see, how do I look from the top?”

“Pardon me”

“Stop it you spoiled brat I know you and the things you do with your binoculars”

Trying to act smart I said “You look gorgeous”

“I am gonna talk to your mom” she said. I skipped a heartbeat. However, on seeing my blunt expression she was quick to add

“Just kidding, to be honest I like it when you are there watching me with that intention”

“I am a bit confused about that kumkum thing” I puzzled.

“The man has always been loyal to me and my kids you know, further I knew you gave up school uniform lately and I didn’t want to mess up an ignorant child” she added.

“What makes you think otherwise now?”

“The fact that I know that you are already spoiled and the desire to get fucked more than my hubby can offer make me think otherwise”

“I have to leave now” she said.

“Number?” is all that I could manage given the situation. She took my mobile from the shirt pocket of mine and typed it.

“Bye take care later” she said as she put the mobile back into my pocket. I nodded. She asked me not to call until she sends me a message. From that conversation with her I could make out that she is well-groomed, cunning, likes to match wits and an educated housewife who is caged by male dominance. Also I learnt that she craves like hell.

The next morning at nearly half past nine I got the message. It read” position yourself now. But I did not act until every one in my house left. I called her back and the words flowed liberally. She had the headset on her and she was washing kitchen utesils. What started as a simple talk leisurely curved into phone sex. She had the brown one on her then. I asked her to stand up and draw the same a good six inches above knees sit back again and work. She compiled and from that point on I could see a considerable amount of her juicy thighs. I asked her to bend down always and explained why, she smiled and did so. She turned at me every now and then. Once I mentioned a fetish of mine and asked her to breast feed her small boy at the kitchen while I was watching, she said the chap does not drink breast milk anymore, but on my Insistence it was fun to watch her grabbing her unwilling son and forcing his mouth onto her fully uncovered nipples. On my request she startedto take midday naps at the kitchen; she might be properly covered initially but as she enters deep sleep she twists and turn in the process revealing her. At times she cautiously makes sure that no one else else than me is prying her and would flash her vagina or bust for two or more seconds, she cleverly denies me without offending if the time and situation did not permit such acts. More and more phone calls followed and we are getting to Know each other better. She shared with me all her dirty secrets like being added to internet porn, masturbating at least twice every day, her desire for another man and much more. Her toys included vegetables like radish, carrot and a small cylindrical rose essence bottle which she claims to be her personal favorite. Her husband runs a wholesale sheet metal business and a workaholic. I gave up vital information about me too.

“Why don’t you actually buy real vibrators?” I asked.

“You find one for me in Chennai” she quipped.

We started sharing porno movies and we discussed the scenes as we watched it extremely. She would explain how hard she is rubbing her vagina at the moment and I would jerk off listening to her.. But there is one question which needs to be clarified we are not having actual sex until that point why so? I asked her and she had this explanation. Sex, she said is like a disease, it is highly addictive, I Know that you are a virgin and once you taste it you might get the urge to cling on to it from time to time, being a married woman I might not be able to make it up to you that many times, I know that my hubby by now runs spywares on my pc and has installed file recovery softwares that recovers porn that I erase and I supposedly should give him no reasons to become suspicious, he already believes there is another man and is being vigilant. Frequent quarrel noises I heard from her house began to make sense to me and I know that I was too young and might get into troubleif I didn’t take levelheaded decisions then.

Chapter: 7

Begging and pleading

As days passed by I could bear the brunt no longer. What seemed to be so close and so easily attainable seemed like a distant dream to me. For days together I was beginning and pleading to have sex with her but she wasn’t breaking her habit of consistent denying. One of our phone conversations in particular went sour when I began to frustrate her big time. No…no…no… and some more no’s is all that she would utter when I get the grip of annoying her over the phone. Fed up with this shit I finally wanted to quit, I will not chatter with you any more I said in a furious tone and hung up but I know that I was cheating myself by saying so. A horrid week passed by without a word; only then did I realize that I had so much strength of mind bestowed upon me. I made up my mind that I could go on like this forever until it came “come now” it read. uncertain I replied “where” to which it came “my house you moron”. In a state of shock I drive my bike recklessly and I almost got killed by a speeding car while I was driving my way around the compound wall. I was at her door steps in minutes and then surprise!!! A fully grown black Labrador pounded on me from the side I ran backward and then realized that the chain was just the right length to avoid being bitten. The door opened.

“Come in soon” she whispered.

“I almost got killed by your pooch”.

“He is Vicky and he is harmless” she countered like any other dog owner would.

I hugged her and there it is one long password smoke. I did not want to let go of the squishy feeling of her breasts on my chest.

“Please don’t crack my ribs” she cried. I laughed hysterically as if it was the joke of the millennium. She was wearing a light green saree with golden patterns on it; her hair seemed to be neatly combined into a pony tail; a touch of make up with some lipstick; she hada small snake patterned in-between her browsers and two cute earrings. To sum it up she looked hotter than ever. She dragged me straight into her bed room and I was surprised to see the magnitude and carpentry elegance of the double cot which was there. The room also had a tall dressing table and a big framed photograph of herself and her husband in all probability from their honeymoon. Just above the cot a real sized model of primavera added a dash of eroticism to the room. My guess of hers being a lower middle class family was out of question. I pushed her onto the bed and felt her bust by placing my hands over her saree.

“Take my advice” she said “half the speed is always better”.

I cherished the feeling of undressing her one at a time. First, the upper part of the saree then I could see her bulge under her green blouse and her whole navel area. I spent a lot of time hovering my face and hands over her navel section she began to sweat in spite of being in ac. Afew minutes later I got rid of the whole saree. I rubbed the area of ​​under garment covering her vagina and she gave out a slender moan. Then came the blouse I didn’t quiet know how to unhook and I took her help seconds later it was in front of my eyes a fully grown woman’s lump waiting to be sucked. I pinched her nipples lightly and then her whole breasts over and over again she seemed to enjoy what I was doing to her; a few More minutes on her breast and she was lactating I began to lick every drop of it. At this moment all the clothes she had on her was her lower inner frock. Slowly I ripped that off and she was fully naked. I have seen a lot of porno movies and so I decided if there ever was a competition for miss beautiful vagina my women would take it.

” That’s the most beautiful kitty I have seen in my entire life” I said

“How many have you seen by far?” she asked.

“Amongst all that I have seen in b movies” I replied.

It was softly mushy thro it I could see the white skin underneath her public hair. The clients weren’t hanging out like I have seen in prono but instead there was one straight line and the flesh on either side of it was slightly bulged. It was simply superb. The moment I inserted my fingers I could not deny the fact that it actually flowed for me. I was devastated.

“I knew this would happen, don’t worry practice makes perfect” she said reassuringly.

For a while I used her tighs near her vagina as a pillow such that my face was at the closest proximity to her privates. I started fingering her at a snail’s pace.

“Two fingers, second gear” was the call.

I obeyed and she screamed out when I reached fifth gear. She came forward and hugged me; kissed me on my cheeks and I could see an innocent smile on her face with that snake still intact.

“You are nice, I like you” she said as she was brushing my hair with her hands.

“Its time you’ve gotta leave now”

‘Thank you for this scintillating evening’ I said as I began to leave.

“Just don’t forget to call me, I feel really sick when I am not talking to you” she said.

I just smiled and left. There it is; my first sexual encounter with a woman became a sheer disappointment.

Chapter: 8


The next time it was at my house. After repeated opinion she finally agreed to let me shake her vagina. After lathering it with soap I carefully deforested the swamp. The foreplay dragged on longer that we anticipated but it was really worth the effort. We hugged; kissed; wrapped legs around each other. This time I was actually able to have actual intercourse without ejaculating prematurely. However, I had the feeling that I did not have what it takes to fully satisfied her. She was right about sex being addictive and I was beginning to experience it for myself firsthand. After abouttwenty to thirty sessions and after taking nonstop guidance from her I was finally able to convince her. More often than not she gives me blowjob and unlike girls on the porno she actually swallows every drop of it when asked why she said it was actually a healthy drink Uh…. She has the knack of applying pressure on my penis in-between her tongue and upper jaw. She likes it very much when I use my lips on her wherever it might be. It became clear that we are mutual oral sex lovers.

“I have got a surprise for you; just close your eyes” I said.

Mischievously I filled her favorite rose essence bottle with warm water form the bath and pushed it into her vagina.

“Ouch, that’s hot” she cried

Fearing she might actually be in pain I pulled that off swiftly.

“No, leave em on I love the sting” she hollered.

As time passed it was more like living together than having sex together. There were times wherein she took advantageof being elder to me by commanding and dominating me but never for once have I thought she actually abuses me. Once I was being overly rude to her and she slapped me with all her feminine strength. Till that moment I never knew a woman can be so powerful, I could see all her five fingers on my face and my ears were buzzing for a full fifteen minutes. I sobbed, moments later she came with tears in her eyes; put Her arms around me and hugged me but this time emotionally rather than sexually; it was more like a mother coating her child.

“My profuse apologies; I love you” she whispered as she was patting my back.

I found it extremely hard to avenge her for what she had done instead I fondly embedded her. Time passed by and so did the number of sexual encounters I finally made her give-up calling me a novel. I began hitting every open slot deeper and faster. I had the honor of fucking a virgin asshole. She was bleeding the first time I screwed her back. What started as a one night stand became frequently casual sex thrice or at the max four times a week. Addictive is one thing but the mentality gets purified for sure; people who tend to have regular sex get angered less often and their creative power increases. The aura and healing powers of a woman’s body for a man and a mans body for a woman are insurmountable. The energy levels of my soul sure did rise after being with her. As time passed by the regularity of our coitus decreased, it is mostly due to the fact that I was not able to make it up to her. College life consumed all my time I started to have more friends. All along I kept the promise I made to her of not recommending any of my friends to indulge her and I am certain that I would not break the promise no matter what.


Hope you people enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed putting it together. Your comments are valuable to me don’t you forget to mention your favorite chapter just incase you have read the wholestory. You are welcome to criticalize me at [email protected]


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