“Hi. I came to see you before I go,” the attractive young girl said when I opened my door. Her name was Vardhini, and she was the daughter of my old friends Sunani and Paras Raju. My wife and I had watched her grow up, and eventually go out on her own. We’d seen her get her college, been to her 18 birthday, and watched her grow into an attractive young woman. Standing on my front doorstep, the hot summer sun silhouette her young beautiful figure, she looked good enough to eat. My wife was away for a couple of weeks in Nagar, so I was enjoying it. “You look sensing,” I said, and meant it. She was incredibly attractive in a mischievous scholarly sort of way. An intelligent young still black hair with a young woman’s fresh, slim curvaceous figure and nice high breasts, Vardhini’s style and friendly air demanded attention wherever she went. I couldn’t help myself. As I stood there admiring her beauty my pointer twitched, catching me off guard. Horny old man, I thought. Had she noticed, I wondered? Vardhini was about to fly off to Delhi for a year. I was very keen to catch up with news of her exciting trip. I was excited for her, a little jealous of her youth and sense of adventure. “I hadn’t realized that you were leaving so soon. Do you have time to come in?” I asked. “Thank you, if it’s not too much of a both, I’d love to come in,” she replied.
I stepped aside, holding the door open for her. As she stepped in, the sun shining through her light top briefly outlined the graceful curve of her bra covered breast. I couldn’t believe that I was peeping at a young woman that I practically helped as an uncle. I took in her elicing scent as she brushed past on her way down the corridor. My pointer twitched again. I walked behind her down the corridor, watching the easy swway of her lithe hips and admiring the gentle curve of her arse. I had an immediate vision of the young unclothed flesh under her short skirt. I suddenly couldn’t get my mind off her sexuality. “Let’s go into kitchen. Can I get you something to drink?” I asked, leading the way. “I’m so excited,” she said, “I can hardly stand still. I really didn’t think the time would ever pass.”
“I’m sure. This trip is such an amazing opportunity for you,” I agreed.
I couldn’t help but notice how glowing she looked: she always had a lovely skin tone, very fair with smooth creamy complexion. She was wearing a little tank top and short skirt with sandals. I could see that she was beginning to tan as summer came on. My eyes played over her youthful body as discreetly as possible. The curve of her youthful breasts was particularly exclusive. Our conversation ranged wide, but eventually the discussion turned to the lack of good boys in her school.
“I just don’t know,” shesaid. “It’s almost like law schools never admit nice boys.”.
“Believe me. I know that’s not true,” I replied. I knew she was inexperienced at 18. Frankly, I had only ever heard of one proper boy Sandeep she’d been on. “Some of the young boys may be intimidated because you’re so attractive, but that doesn’t mean they’re not looking,” I told her. “You’ve been good at relating to older people for quite some time. You’ve always fit in with the adult conversations when you were growing up. Maybe your intelligence and maturity might have put some of the younger boys off.”
“I doubt it,” she replied. “I don’t think that they even exist.”
I teased, “Maybe you need an older man?”
“Oh yes? Why? Are you volunteering?” She teased back.
“To teach you the ropes…” I offered half-heartedly.
“About what?” she asked.
I figured that was about as close as Vardhini ever came to.
“Oh, all the things you need to know. Perhaps younger ones are just that: too young for you.”
She pouted a bit. “Maybe,” she acknowledged. I found my eyes wandering to her breasts and lifted them quickly, but I was sure Vardhini had noticed this time.
“Anyway,” I said, keeping up the flow, “Maybe I should try and help find you someone more mature?”
“Do you know anyone?”
Now where could I take this? I wondered, “Well I’m sure there are many mature uncles who would be knocked out by you and very appreciated of what you have to offer.” Now it was my turn. She may have been a virgin, but I had heard rumors through my son when she seemed very keen on Sandeep. The two of them had successively “disappeared” for the night, causing his mates to tease him later about a night of password. Did he or didn’t he spent the night with Vardhini? If he did, I wondered if he had taken her virginity, because I had never heard of any other candidates. Such a beautiful price, and no boy keen to take it. Amazing, I thought to myself. I was sure a night of loving with Vardhini would blow the socks off most young uncles. It would certainly blow my socks off, I Thought, as my eyes lingered on her youthful curves and long blonde hair. Again she caught me, and a thoughtful expression crossed her face before she looked quickly away. We settled back with our coffee. I suddenly noticed that she was wearing a necklace, so I had to ask, “Is that a new necklace?”
“Why, yes,” she seemed to smile all over as she leaned forward and held her necklace out for me to admire. “It’s a going-away gift from my parents”
“What a lovely necklace,” I admired. “May I?”
I reached out and held it. As I did so, I felt a jolt of electricity go through me. Vardhini seemed nervous. I let myself hold the necklace for a while, then let it fall on her skin, my hand brushing her neck. “You know, you have such beautiful skin, Vardhini. May I touch it?” I left no time for her to think, just lightly touched the skin on her neck with the back of my finger. She flinched, but allowed me to gently cares her even as she giggled nervously. I asked, “Are you sensitive there?” and continued just lightly brushing the tips of my fingers on her neck where it turned to her shoulder. The skin was so soft and smooth that I had to control my urge to kiss it immediately. Instead, I moved to stand behind her to increase the tension. This also gave me a chance to peek down at her cleavage. The soft swell of Her compact breasts was so exclusive. She obviously enjoyed this gentle care. When she didn’t object to my touch, I decided to see if I could raise the ante slightly. Ilet my eyes wander over her body, the promise of her breasts, the curve of her back, the nice little arse, the smooth thighs and calves, the cute little feet. I could almost touch the air, it was so thick with meaning. Again my old pointer twitched.
“What about here? Is this sensitive?” I asked as I moved up her neck a little.
“Uh uh,” she replied, non-committal, but I noticed that she still had not objected to my touch. So I moved my finger to a point behind her ear, lifting her black uncolored hair with my other hand as I ran my finger sensitively across her tender skin.
She shivered and twisted slightly, then surprisedly. “Oh yeah, I think so,” she said. “That is sensitive.”
I allowed my fingers to slowly cares their way back to the first point of my touch: I said gently, “So, a little sensitive here?”
“Mmm,” she signed.
“And not particularly sensitive here?” I asked, caresing her skin.
“Uh huh.”
“But very sensitive here?”
“Yes,” she agreed, a slight catch in her voice.
“Interesting,” I said. “We older uncles know where the sensitive points are…”
She laughed nervously. “Oh, I’ll bet you do!”
“And we know how to cares them,” I added.
“Oh, really?” she asked.
“Well,” I explained, “For example, did you realize that a touch with lips is more likely to draw a reaction than touching with just fingertips? It’s all about location, location, location – but it’s also about how, and how gently et cetera.”
Vardhini was playing her role well “Oh yes? Like what?”
We had entered risky territory. My heart was pounding with the excitement of it, and I wondered just how far she was willing to let me go. By way of response, I moved in a little closer behind her and blew softly on the skin on her neck. Vardhini jumped a little then giggled, but didn’t object. So I took her hair again and moved it so I could blow just behind her ear. Just holding her hair felt so excited. Again I let my eyes care her all over.
“Ooh,” she said, twisting to look at me a little wonderingly, “That feels very … Mm… naughty?”
“Oh sorry.” I said. “I don’t want to offend you, Vardhini”
“Oh, I’m not offended, Uncle.” Then she looked directly at me and said, “I’m enjoying what you’re doing.”
I looked back meaningfully and said. “I’m glad. See? There’s life in us old uncles yet.”
She raised an eyebrow. We were on slippery ice, I knew, but wasn’t sure how to proceed. My heart was rapidly pumping. Strangely, my pointer was still rather quiescent, held in check by theadrenalin of the moment, twitching every now and then, but not yet erect. I decided to go for one more test. I said, “Vardhini, close your eyes and we’ll check one last sign of sensitivity.” She raised a querying eyebrow and I said, “You trust me, don’t you? I won’t do anything to hurt you. I’m always gentle. I want you to tell me if you want me to stop.” She looked at me again, then closed her eyes. I got behind her and kissed her first on the point of the supposed then, as she started to say something, I kissed her neck. It felt incredibly sensitive to be kissing her there. I held her hair again and kissed her on that point behind her right ear. While my mouth was only just touching her young skin, I let it linger at this last point, awaiting a reaction. My heart was pounding. As I let my lips linger on her soft skin, she hesitated, then leaned into my face. Her head tilted into mine, signaling that she wanted the kiss to last. She took abreath in and with an ‘mmmm’ she held it there.
I had not used my hands at all. We were like that for about ten seconds as her head rolled around lightly. I knew that the line between the daughter of an old family friend and something else had been crossed. The air felt charged, and my blood pumped furiously. But, what to do next? Clearly the situation had turned beyond a game, but a lifetime of relationships could be upset if I stuffed up here. On the Other hand, I was incredibly attracted to her and if I didn’t do something now I might have a life time of regret. I felt that Vardhini was waiting for my lead. I brought my hands up to her shoulders. She still had her eyes closed and was passively awaiting my next move. I pressed my mouth a little more firmly on her shoulder, then drew away and quickly placed my lips behind her left ear, removing my left hand from her shoulder to hold back her hair. The skin was delicate and the blonde hair very fine there. Vardhini groaned perceptibly but kept her eyes closed. We were at checkpoint. Clearly she wanted me to go on. I brought my hands back to her shoulders and moved her around through ninety degrees or so.
She opened her eyes. I stepped closer to her and looked at her eyes then at her eyes then at her sensitive mouth in that time honored signal. She made no move away. I brought my face towards hers and kissed her lightly on the mouth, just a brush. Her lips were soft and full. I drew back slightly, then kissed her again, this time playing on her lips with mine, teasing them open. Her mouth felt so soft and tender, rich with the fruits of youth. She responded in kind and closed her eyes again. Her arms were still at her side, my hands rested gently on her bare shoulders. I was intooxicated with this young woman. I kissed her again and brought my tongue into play, lightly licking at her lips. She let me do so, her mouth opening. Her young mouth, soft and welcome, was exciting me almost beyond control. Though she was reacting to my signals, she still seemed inexperienced, virginal. So I took things very slowly. After a minute or two of lips playing, I moved my mouth on hers, kissing her more firmly. Her mouth closed at first, but with my lips moving on hers, she followed my lead and opened her lips again. We kissed passwordately like that, sucking on each other’s lips and drowning in the feelings of the moment. Her mouth was a pit of pleasure into which I had fallen. It lasted a minute which seemed like an hour as our bodies and mouths melded together.
Then we broke off. Any pretence that our relationship had moved beyond the platonic to the promise of a sexual relationship from this point on was gone. We looked at each other, panting for breath. The sexual tension between us was palpable.
“Vardhini,” I said, and was about to say something about the beauty of the moment.
“Sssh. ” She said.
“You know where this is going?” I asked.
She nodded, then “Uncle, what about Auntie?”
“She is my wife and always will be. I love her and nothing will come before that,” I said. It was hard to know whether the shadow that passed over Vardhini’s browser was disappointment, relief or another more complex set of feelings. “But,” I went on, “As couples grow older their needs change. Auntie has never been very sexual,” I said. Vardhini jumped as if hit by a small electric shock. “Nowadays we don’t do it more than a couple of times a year…, always initiated by me. Auntie really would be happy to end that part of our marriage, but that part of me just hasn’t died,” I said. Vardhini tried to break the tension “Oh, I see. So you’re still a young stud at heart?” Her eyes flicked to my pointer, straining now in my shorts, then back to my face. I laughed a little. “Well, maybe not a young stud, but this old bull hasplenty of lead in his pencil” I replied, torturing two metaphors at once. She laughed again and I thought maybe we had passed a point of no return.
“But what about me? “she asked. “Whe do I fit?”
“You always were and always will be a special person to me, Vardhini. I think I can make you happy in a way you may not have experienced before. And maybe I can be someone who is important to you in this phase of your life. Regardless of what happens now, I’m sure that other adventures will befall you and I will never begrudge you them.”
“So, my first lover?” she said. Again her eyes flicked to my shorts, now holding a hard pointer. She blushed slightly with what she had said and what her eyes had seen. She had made the first declaration about what we were about to do. I wondered whether it was going to be technically true that I would be her first, or if she had already been deflowered.
“Well, that would be aprivileged position and an honor Madame” I said as gallantly as I could, avoiding any revelation of rumors heard. I bowed deeply.
“But I am going to Delhi in two weeks time!” she said.
“I know,” I said, “And Auntie is coming back from Nagar about then, so we can have some happy moments now and then your next adventure begins and I am left behind. Now let me at least taste those delicious lips once more before I die!”
She laughed, but I could feel that Vardhini was waiting for my next step, so I moved towards her. She dipped her shoulder like a sportsperson parrying a tackle, but I placed one hand on her shoulder and turned her to face me. She laughed again and relaxed. This time we tasted each other’s mouth first, then kissed hungrily. My hands were around her back, and her arms came up on my shoulders, one behind my head, tousling my hair. I let my hands play all over her back as I teased with my tongue, insinuatingit into her open mouth. She was a quick learner. Soon her tongue was sliding on mine and then the two were snaking together, wet and slick. My pointer was now fully hard and I pulled her body into mine, feeling it fit nicely. I had my hands on her hips and pulled her into me so she could feel my hardness pressing into her young body. Her kiss maintained its password. I placed my hands on her arse and began to cares her buttocks through her shorts. She squirmed a little, but allowed me to continue. Her shaft perceptibly pushed against my pointer. When we broke for breath, she pushed her pussy into me, “What’s that?” she asked.
I smiled, then said, “That’s a special treatment for later if you are good.”
She burst out giggling, then coquettishly said, “Well, have I been good so far?”
“Oh very good indeed. In fact so good that he is standing to attention for you!”
She looked down at the tent in my trousersand laughed. She was not confident enough yet to follow up by touching my pointer, I noticed, but she would learn that quickly.
Vardhini turned in my embrace so that her back was to me. I pulled her into me and she rubbed her bum on my erection. My blood pressure rose instantly. At first, I held her around her waist, and nuzzled her neck. But my hand soon found her tender breast. I rubbed on top of her shirt.
“Mm, you feel lovely there, so young and pert”
“Pert?” she giggled. “Is that what I am? Pert?”
“Oh, very pert indeed. Your breasts feel young and fresh and a real delectable handful.”
Her marvelously firm breasts were a nice hand-size. She let me play with the breast, then tilted her head back and up so our lips could meet. As we kissed, I let my fingers ticket the top of her breast under her bra. It feel perfectly smooth and rounded.
I said, “I will die right now if I don’t get to see your pert breasts!”
She laughed again. “Oh Uncle, I thought we were just going to have one kiss?”
I adopted a sad and serious face and teased “Well, Vardhini, I want you to know that I would never hurt you. If you want me to stop, I will stop and never start again.”
She said ” I didn’t say stop, silly”, and placed my hand on her breast again. Progress was beginning in the sexual training of Ms Vardhini Raju.
I said “Will you let me take off your top?”
She stood back then turned around and raised her hair to make it easy for me to lift to her tank top up and over head. She had on a lacy blue bra. I was a bit clumsy with the clasps in my excitement. It had been a long time since I had a new lover and a young one at that. As her bra come off, I drew it forward and she folded her arms across her chest. Not a good sign I thought, but I gently took each hand in mine and pulled them away. Her breasts were beautiful, creamy-pink with small pink aureoles, the nipples just starting to come erect, the breasts sitting high and proud. The skin so soft yet firm, ripe young fruit.
“Oh God,” I said, “I’ve died and gone to heaven! What lovely breasts you have; so pert and pretty.”
“Pert!” she smiled, as she let me look at them, her arms self-consciously at her sides.
“May I touch them?” I asked.
She wasn’t sure of the game yet, so her answer was a mix of the coquette and the little girl:
“Well… If you have been a good boy”
“Oh, I promise I will be a very good boy” – and I felt that could detect a frisson of excitement pass through her.
Looking into her eyes, I raised my right hand first to her left breast and cradled it in my palm. It felt at the same time supplement yet taut, filling my cupped hand. She closed her eyes. I played lightly with her hardening nipple. She bit her lip, then closed her eyes. I brought my mouth to her nipple, while still fondling the breast. She rocked her head back and brought her hand up to hold me there. My other hand found her right breast, and soon I was altering my kissing and licking between them. They felt deliciously smooth and full. Her one hand was playing through my hair, her other arm wrapped around my back and holding me close to her.
Drew breath, then I looked up to her and asked,
“Do your titties like this, Vardhini?”
“Oh very much” she said, “Don’t stop!” She sounded a little breathless.
I returned to her tender young breasts, rolling first one nipple, then the other, then both at once, kneeing the breasts lightly, nipping, licking, and kissing. Vardhini was making little groaning noises in her throat. Again I began running my hand over her skirt and across her arse. It was so smooth and nicely rounded. I let my hand find the contour through her skirt. After a couple of minutes of this, I moved my hand to her nicely rounded hip. I began running my hand along the outside of her thigh, then up under her skirt. At first she attempted to push me away, but the second time I tried, I met little resistance, so I moved up her velvet thigh to her bikini cut panties. I slipped my hand under the edge of her panties to feel the soft skin of her arse, and at the same time I moved my attention to her mouth again, moving my lips from her breast to begin another password kiss. My hand was still caresing her young arse under the edge of her panties. Her body had melted into mine, and her tigh was rubbing up against my urgent pointer.
Then I raised my hand to the wait of her panties, letting it slide inside on her arse, cupping one smooth cheek then the other. She let me play there as our mouths played hard on each other. My other arm supported her back. I cupped her bare arse, stretching the panties to their fullest to lay my hand right on her curving backside. I then insinuated a finger between her thighs to feel the hairs of her pussy. At first she squirmed and closed her thighs to me, then she relaxed and let me cup two fingers up under the pussy. It was warm and damp in there, a welcome home for my probing finger. It occurred to me now that we were going to fuck; there would be no stopping the coupling of my old body with her young body, my withered old pointer in her virginal cunt. I just about blacked out with the excitement of that thought. My finger found her slit and she opened her legs a little to let me feel the wetness there. Her slit was already more than damp with love honey and sweat combined. She broke off the kiss and said, “Oh, Uncle, I can’t stop you. I’m yours. You can do anything with me.”
I kissed her hungrily by way of answer and said,
“Well maybe not anything, but I can think of a couple of really nice things we could do together, Vardhini.”
She was already beginning to respond to my digit, pushing her little pussy against it wetly. I drew the finger out and quickly ran my hand around under her skirt to the front, hooked down her panties in front and cupped my hand over her pussy. I noted it was not very bushy: obviously a fine blonde nest only. She opened up and arched back to let my hand into her. I moved my mouth back to her breasts. “Oh,” she Sighed. She began humping my hand, and her juices were flowing freely over my finger, but I didn’t want to finish her off her this way. I gently withdraw my hand and said in her ear, “Let’s go somewhere more comfortable, darling”. She acquired, and no doubt noticed that I had called her darling, but I could feel that she stiffened a little, probably thinking that she was about to supplant her “aunt” in her “uncle’s” bed. I had different plans. I grabbed her hand and led her up the passage to the guest bedroom, which was always made up and ready for visitors. It had our old double bed, still very comfortable.
My young company relaxed a little when we didn’t go to the master bedroom. When we stood there, hand in hand, suddenly about to be lovers in every sense of the word, there was a moment of awkwardness. Vardhini was naked from the waist up and a little disheveled below. I drew back the covers. I sat her on the bed and took off her sandals, kissing her little toes as I did. She giggled. Then I moved her to lie back on the bed. I kissed her tender young body all over, nibbling and nuzzling. I kissed her round hips, her arms, her soft calves and her tits now taut as she lay back. She shivered a couple of times not with cold but with nerves, I thought. I then found the zip of her skirt and had it off quickly. She moved her hips and legs to assist. Then I kissed her pussy through the panties (little blue lacy bikini briefs matching her bra) andclutched them each side at the hips. Again she lifted her hips to assist – and in a moment she was lying gloriously naked in the bed. She was so smooth and young, her skin turning tanned but white over her breasts and pussy. The hips curved but not too wide, the thighs soft but fit. Unlined and ripe. Her pussy did indeed have a light covering of straight blonde hair, only the size of a child’s hand. She looked at me nervously. I was still clothed. I lay beside her and began kissing her lips. She seemed suddenly more self-conscious, a little slow to react to my kisses.
“Vardhini,” I said. “You are a lovely woman. I am so proud to be lying with you. I just want to worship your body first. Then we’ll do something that you might not have done before, but I promise you that you will love them – and I will not hurt you!” She giggled nervously again. I wanted to take some urgency off her, so she could relax into it. That moment of highPassion had gone for now, so I needed to build up to it again.
“Oh I love your body,” I continued.” Let me kiss you all over.” I kissed her mouth then her shoulders her tits and her flat stomach, then I kissed her lithe young thighs. Her legs were clamped together. I ignored that and moved on to kiss her toes and calves, talking to her all the while, complimenting her body. I kissed up the outside of her legs and her young woman’s hips, then began again on her breasts, praising her pink hard nipples and successful breasts. I asked her to roll over. She was a bit hesitant but I repeated my promise not to do anything she didn’t want me to.
I sat up next to her and said “I love women’s backs: the curve is so sensitive,” running my finger along that curve. I massed her strong back for a while, kissing it and saying how much I loved it. Then I cupped her soft buttocks and kissed them. I grabbed them hard and kissed them hard, which shocked her, but she burst out giggling at it and realized I wasn’t about to do anything strange there. Then I cupped her bum again and let my finger find its way between her legs from behind. “Ah, here’s that little finger again. Naughty boy, he’s found your little pussy again.” I teased. Vardhini giggled but remembered what she had felt and readily opened her thighs again.” And Here is the lovely little button, your magical cliporis,” I said, as I found the slippery knob. She was focused, listening but also intent on this new source of pleasure. She was soon very wet again, and moving into my digit. “Ah, that’s better,” I said. “The pussy is wet again, that’s what we love, darling.” Then I could feel her hand on my thigh, tenatively massaging. I could tell that she was wondering how to do something with my pointer without seeming too forward, so I took her young slender hand gently and placed it over myfly, holding her fingers in place while I showed her how to rub my pointer. When she did so, I moaned and so she kept doing it in exactly the same way, apparently afraid to do it the wrong way.
When she was very wet, I pulled my finger away and rolled her onto her back. I lowered my face to hers and kissed her wetly. We spent some time like that. Then, her hand found my pointer again and massaged it exactly the same way through my trousers, her slim fingers running up and down its length, and nipping the pointer head each time. I slid my finger in her steamy pussy. She thrust up against the finger, pushing hard against it, welcome its intrusion. As she humped my finger, I moved up and down her body, kissing it, nuzzling it and licking it. Her fingers seemed reluctant to let go of my hard pointer as I pulled away. I kissed the tender flesh inside her tights. I kissed my way up to her weeping pussy. I looked at it, seeing the fine blonde hair and the fleshy cunt-lips. I kissedher mound and removed my finger from her swollen sex. I quickly replaced the missing finger with my tongue. Vardhini squirmed in surprise. Not unexpectedly, she appeared to either be ignorant about cunnilingus or had some appreciation about it. I grabbed her arse and held my head pressed firmly into her dripping cunt.
She moved her hands to pull my head away, but soon stopped as pleasure flowed through her. She grossed deep in her throat. I was going to give little Miss Raju a lesson she would really enjoy. Her hands on my head started playing with my hair and holding my face into her, as her thighs started pushing into me. She started me a little by interrupting her grosses to say:
“Oh Uncle, oh yes, oh god that feels…”
She didn’t ever say what it felt like, because suddenly her hips were pushing hard into me and her back was arching well off the bed, her breathing hard and furious. It was all I could do to keep my face there as I rode herbucking body. Her thighs were thrusting. My mouth was slippery with her love fluids. I held my tongue on her sensitive button, running my tongue continuously over it with increasing urgency. My hands held tight to her young firm buttons, now tensed with desire.
Her breathing was ragged and her words were hardly words, just a jumble. My face was clamped tightly against her delicious pussy by her lovely thighs. Her fluids and mine were mixed and slippery, now coating her mound and the soft inside of her thighs.
“Oh Uncle…yes… so… Oh… love… Oh… Yes… God… yes… I… Oh” and suddenly her thighs were clasping and unclasping, banging my ears. She compromised powerfully, then still, her legs clasped hard on my head, then released, seemingly spent. As her legs relaxed, I withdraw my face from her overheated sex and moved up to the pillow.
As I moved up the bed, she rolled onto her side, her back to me. I lay behind her, cradling her and with one hand on her breast and one on her thigh.
She said after a moment or two, “What was that? Oh, god that was so embarrassing oh Uncle you must think I’m a little tart. Oh god I’m sorry!” And so on for half a minute,
“Vardhini that was beautiful. You had such a lovely orgasm. I loved being part of it.”
“But isn’t it … What you did, er … Dirty?” she asked, her body stiffening slightly.
I propped myself up on one elbow and looked down at her. I wondered just how much she knew about oral sex. It obviously wasn’t something she had thought she would be doing soon.
“Honey, that was oral sex, and I can guarantee you that millions of other people will be doing it today. It’s natural. It certainly isn’t dirty.”
“But didn’t I smell down there?”
“Vardhini, that’s a natural woman’s smell and I love it!”
She relaxed a bit and I played with her nipple which hardened to my touch. My pointer was sticking into her back side through my shorts, but in deference to her sense of cleanliness, I thought it discreet to wash my face.
“Stay here honey, I just want to wash my face.”
She didn’t say anything. I suspected she didn’t want to betray any more ignorance by saying the wrong thing. When I got back to the bedroom I could tell that she had taken some tissues and mopped up some of the fluids in her pussy. She was looking a little flushed but did her best to act composed. I pulled off my polo shirt and dropped my shorts. She watched me closely, and it was my turn to be self-conscious.
“I am not a young stud, I’m afraid,” I said.
“Oh, I like older men, that’s what you said.” She giggled.
I pulled my briefs off over my erection. She stared at it. I wondered whether she had ever seen an erect pointer, even in porn. Probably not. I climbed back on the bed and kissed her flat tummy then her breasts. Her hand caressed my thigh and then reached to touch my iron hard pointer. When she made contact, she withdraw as if struck by an electric shock. But then she touched it again and began crackling it. My warm blood-filled pointer twitched in her soft young hand and I moaned my approval deep in my throat.
“Gently,” I said. “He’s very sensitive.”
Vardhini lifted her head off the pillow and stared at the heavy pointer in her hand.
“Play with my balls, but gently,” I said.
She held my sac, then ran her fingers around the balls.
I groaned again, and kissed her mouth.
She responded as if experienced with a very wet kiss, her tongue swirling wildly in my mouth.
My hands roamed her little young body, her supple tights, her tits, back, and tummy. Then I played with her little snatch, her fine blonde hairs. Allthe time her little hand played over my hard independent pointer and its burning sac.
She opened her legs willingly and allowed my hand access to her pussy. Her engaged clip was erect, swollen and slippery for my attention.
She tongued my mouth, playing now with my purple pointer head and arching her back. This girl was learning fast.
I said, “Vardhini, I won’t enter until you tell me that you’re ready to have my pointer in your pussy.”
She looked into my eyes. “Uncle, I want that … Pointer in me. Right now!” she replied as she pulled my pointer towards her opening. She kept a grip on him guiding me into position at her entrance, then let go. We were still kissing but I could feel her tension, and I knew. She was still a virgin. If I ever wanted to do this again with her, I had to take this carefully. I pushed a little and entered the wet opening, but felt resistance there, so I just waited for a moment for her to getused to having a pointer inside her for the first time.
“Relax, honey, I won’t hurt you,” I said, running my hand through her hair and onto her shoulder. My balls were aching with the tension to release their pent up password, but I tried to distract myself to avoid cumming all over her opening. I held position without thrusting, until I saw her obviously relax. Then, ever so slowly, I pushed into her again. I could feel a little give and suddenly I was in her tunnel.
I dropped onto her and held my pointer steady in that position.
“Oh Uncle, you are in me. You’re in my pussy. Oh, it’s lovely to have you in there. You feel so good,” She told wonderingly.
I tried to concentrate. Slowly I started pulling back out of her. Her hips came towards me trying to prevent my withdrawal. Then I began to push back into her tight cunt. She was wet. But she was also incredibly tight. I felt like my pointer was being squeezed by two powerful rollers. It would be hard to stop myself exploding into her, but I wanted this time to be special for Vardhini.
I moved my right hand to her title and played with her erect nipple to delay myself from cumming too soon. It feel like her tight cunt was squeezing my pointer so tightly that it might erupt spontaneously. I didn’t want that for her first time.
Vardhini grabbed my head in her hands and brought my mouth up to hers. She gave me a hard kiss and said, “Oh, Uncle that feels so good. It’s so good to have your pointer in me.”
I had been trying to hold out, but when I heard the word “pointer” comes from her mouth I could hardly stop myself from shooting deep into her sweet tenderer young pussy. I began thrusting without too much thought for her poor little pussy. Fortunately she raised her shaft for me and pushed back. She was soon thrusting with me, in a lovely rhythm. As I thrust forward, she thrust into me, then let me wiThdraw a little before repeating. My pointer felt like it was ramming into a wet and warm sleep, fitting tight all around it. I knew I was gasping and I could hear her also panting for breath. I had no control over this one, and I was just going for it. Suddenly I was spurting what felt like liters of cum deep inside her tight cunt. Again and again I pumped, as I had not done for years. At the same time I could hear her calling my name. She twisted with password nearly enough to throw my pointer out of his hiding place, and I realized she had had another explosive orgasm in the space of half an hour. Her body compromised one way then the other, her pussy grabbed onto my pointer and squeezed even harder, and she had cum. This was one fast pupil! I panted for breath, lying prone on her body, then remembered my manners and lifted myself on an elbow to take my weight off her. I looked down and she was smiling at me, flushed but radiant.
“Oh Uncle, that was fantastic. I never knewit could be so good. I just loved having you cum inside me!”
“You’re a wonderful lover,” I said, truly. “I had no idea, but you were great. And your pussy is a honey box.” She giggled. “Do you always talk dirty like this?” I smiled, “It’s allowed in sex. As long as it doesn’t hurt, lots of things are allowed between caring lovers.” She kissed me firmly on the mouth. “Oh Uncle, that was so good. I can’t wait to do it again.” My eyes swept across the delectable curves of her ripe young body, and I wondered what I had begun here, and whether my old bones could stand it! Tastily I took away Vardhini’s lasses from her eyes and kissed the lids, which had a milk scar from her childhood fall, when I had carried her to clinical.
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