Sinful Joy Experience in Hyderabad

Hi ISS readers, this is my fifth sharing of any of my experiences with u all.I don’t mind you can call me anything you like. I will not defend what I did or doing. My name is Dhrub, 31 years old and has business of a Software Development. I enjoy my trade very much. My story begins about four years ago. It was about that time I met Ranjeet ,Punjabi Munda who was Just starting up in the Hardware Trade. He was very likable and we became firm friends. I really looked forward to Ranjeet’s company. Then one day, out of the blue Ranjeet asked me to his house to share a meal together. That day was the turning point of my life and the reason I have to write this story. I am bursting to tell you! To tell the whole world in fact!

Being the in same business as myself, Ranjeet who was 38 that time and I had the same ideas about life and we shared ambitions. We both loved the fast pace of commerce and wanted our pots of gold to be plentiful. When I arrived at Ranjeet’s house he showed me into a room, which had all the comforts and we sat and chatted animatedly, there was so much strong friendship between us. I felt warm in his company and then the door opened and in swept a vision of loveliness, which stopped my heart and opened my mouth agope with awe!

In the distance I pretty heard Ranjeet introduce her as his wife, Tanuja and as he had adopted me as his Brother she was to become my Sister-in Law, (“Bhabi” I should mention that as a mark of respect to brother’s wife, and we’ll use the word “bhabi” there for Tanuja). I was deeply attracted to her and could not help feeling somewhat jealous about my friend Ranjeet. She traditionally greeted me with a quite smile and very politely and gracefully. I stole a quick glance at the lady; this was not just a simple lady. This was one gorgeous woman. My mouth was dry and uncomfortable I took a sip of my drink to hide my embarrassment. It was instant within me; I had to admit that I found Tanuja attractive.

Over the course of the meal where she was sitting opposite me at the table I learned form her children that she may be in her mid thirties; thirty-four to be exactly. She was the mother of three children, two sons named Rohan, Rehan and a daughter named Ridhima, but looked much younger. She had a girl body as well as a pretty young face. She had one of those cutesy girlish voices.

I found her to be a very beautiful and graceful lady with nice brightest and communicative blue eyes I had ever seen with a soft gentle mouth on an oval face, sweet smile that really charmed people, a smile that, it has to be said could melt a mountain, and a very lovely, pretty but makeup-less face with blonde long silky hair had been tied back in a ponytail. She was not a tall woman, with an average height. To say, Tanuja was attractive would be under estimating her beauty. She was vivacious! Such a delight to look upon! She was a magnet, my eyes made of ferrous metal. Talk at the table grow more banal and openly friendly. I was aware of Tanuja Bhabi looking at me from time to time with lowered eyeshes.

She has a mountain beauty. She was fair skinned, unlike many Indian women who are dark, with a long nose and regular features though she was simply dressed, like most Punjabi women normally wore but very conservative but sensitive, in a light blue silk shalwar (traditional baggy trousers) Kameez (long traditional shirt) suit. She was looking elegant and classy. She was one of the most incredible women I had ever seen in my entire life. It was hard to say what her figure was like, for she wore baggy clothes. She covered herself well. But at very first look one can say that she had the right amount of curves. Her boobs and bottoms were so generous that they could not be completely hidden from view.

I could guess that she had a well filled-out body without being plump; she had thickened around the body but is not fat, she was neither thin nor chubby. A tiny but distinctly visible black-mole on the center of her upper lip, it was a focal point which attracted my attention. Her long graceful neck blended into the wide muscle shoulders. She had thin but rich juicy lips. I felt this beauty spot made her face look more ravishing, more desirable. Her feet are cute, with long toes and a high arch. I have a little foot fetish and I’m pretty sure it got started because she often walked in house bare foot. Every pore of her body emitted a sensing of password and I suspected, a hidden lust. I purposely tried to avoid looking at her but I managed to see a general glimpse of her cleavage as she bent forward towards me to eat her dinner. I tried my best to keep my eyes from her body that night not to show her any of my inner lust that I had for her, but I couldn’t ignore her full, wide, round and soft ass which she displayed to me quite innocently as she moved gracefully around the room. The silk garments clung to her ass like a second skin showing me every intimate contour between her thighs. I must confess that, although she turned me on like crazy that first meeting, I had more respect for my friend, Ranjeet. Was I thinking of bedding her? I would be lying if I said, ‘No.’ She was after all, my friends wife! I was not a sinner. Thinking about sin didn’t stop me from checking her out Though. There was no sin in feasting ones eyes, was there? My fondness for Tanuja Bhabi only intensified in the coming months, and sometimes it seems as if she hinted the same feelings I kept hidden deep inside my soul.

It did not take a lot of time for Ranjeet to be convinced I was not a wife seducer, a trouble-monger of ill correspond, but a fine upstanding gentleman with extremely good and jolly decent manners.

Maybe at this point I should tell you something about myself. I live alone, because Tulika,my own fiancée cum girlfriend who ismy wife now is away from me in US. I don’t like but let me say I was considered handsome by most accounts and many noble ladies hoped to catch my eye for first few years. But From the time of Tulika’s absence until that day, the day that I met Tanuja Bhabi I had not looked at another woman . I had buried myself within my work.

Time seemed to pass more quickly now. Now there was a spring in my step, a joy in my heart. I woke up each day with a freshness of life and a liking for another day. “A day” when I would see Tanuja Bhabi again. I got closer and closer to Ranjeet’s family, and now my Bhabi (sister in law) called me bhaiya (brother) and I called her Bhabi (sister-in-law). Other more daring names crossed my mind, but for now I had to be content with Bhabi.

The children liked me very much even though they are now grown up. During those meetings, I carefully avoided looking at Tanuja Bhabi. When I spoke to her it was with kindness, respecting her place as my friends wife.

In fact, I had not yet got a clear view of her body nor did I try to get a close look. Whenever I met her in her house, in the presence of Ranjeet, she remained with her upper body and head always covered with the pallu (side) of her dupata (long scarf). She was from a regular middle class and very conservative family and had grown up in a very small town. So I have always found Tanuja bhabi, as a simple Punjabi wife and a very religious woman, like her wife my friend also interested in religion activities. Tanuja bhabi keep care all the values ​​and culture. She didn’t like to meet male other than her close relatives and she never allowed people to enter her house. She even thinks her face when she uses to go out of her house. I consider myself one of the lucky men on earth, who can go her house and could meet her.

As we became more intimately related I was able to snatch unguarded glimpses of Tanuja’s uncovered body parts now that I was in a position to observe her more frequently. Obviously she took care to stay in perfect shape even after becoming a mother of three children. Her body was saying that she is trying hard to maintain her figures in shape. She is as fresh as twenty years young girl. I found my Tanuja Bhabi has got a very nice bottom, gorgeous, lovely and round, full, curvaceous and tasty. At her waste she became impossible thin before widening back out to long slender hips that supported a fantastic ass. Her bottom is enough to ignite any man’s dick! Her buttocks are exceptionally large but perfect in shape. When she walks it’s a great pleasure to see her undulating backside, rolling like tidal waves which gave me so many naughty and lewd thoughts of what I could do with her ass should the opportunity ever arise. My mouth stood open, ready to bite into her hips, when her bulging hips swayed back and forth in front of me. The sight truly made me very horny. Saliva rose freelyto my lips when I fantasized just opening those buttocks with trembling fingers. I always think that, if I get a chance I would bury my face in her ass and never come up for air. I reprimanded my dangerous thoughts. My sinful thoughts, but I never listen to myself where Tanuja Bhabi was concerned, because she was always there to make me an uncontrollable sinner again.

Did I mention about her breasts, Of course any description of her would be incomplete if it doesn’t include her enormous well-shaped breasts showing no signs of sagging after tone and half decades of married life. I’ve ever seen a woman with lovely bottom and lovely breasts. Well, Tanuja bhabi was one such woman. Her breasts were the ultimate weapons proudly standing far out from her voluptuous body. They always seemed like they were about to split open, if she breathed too hard. They were too huge, but in a way they left my mouth wide open and my hands trembling in a futile wish to touch them at leastOnce before my final demise. She does have big tits, but they’re perky, firm and a nice handful. I’m sure they aren’t going to be sagging around her waist when she hits fifty. In short Her curves might a matter of envy for most of the female of her age.

On a number of occasions when she was busy with house chores in my presence, she was less guarded about her dress. I saw more of her sexy cleavage and she bent over more in my presence even it was not really needed. It made me feel hot and uncomfortable but I did nothing as we were still maintaining usual respectable polite distance.

It was when I was in my bed at night; there wasn’t a night when I didn’t jerk off the hardness of my cock to mental images of Tanuja Bhabi being fucked by me. That was all the time of my masturbation when her naked body was my number one fantasy. I spent a lot of time jacking off just from thinking about her while she probably had no idea that I wanted her so badly. I love her. I had always loved her but I’ve done it in silence. I had been feeling guilty because I dream about fucking my best friend’s wife.

At that time my frustrations were so painful when I met Tanuja Bhabi I could not look at her because I was frightened of her, frightened of myself, my feelings for her. I never bothered to pester them with uninvited intrusions to their house, although I wanted to meet Tanuja Bhabi every time, every day, but not meet her. I was like a tormented child. I had no explanation what this woman did to me; all I I could not foresee any way of achieving that.

Ranjeet got a huge loss in his business because of over investing when the market was dead. Before he confirmed in me, it was too late his business was beyond irretrievability. Ranjeet had fought his business with everything he had. Then, just as surprising he decided to go to America to seek his fortune. In many respects, it was the best of times and, naturally, the worst of times. He needed to leave his wife and children behind all alone during his stay in the states.

He had lost his parents. Although Tanuja bhabi’ parents were available for their daughter care. But in the India custom, the parents or relatives of the female would not stay with their daughter and son-in-law. Ranjeet turned to me, his very good friend and adopted brother for help. Needless to say, I willingly stepped into the breech to be a good caretaker and helper towards his family in case of their need during his Absence.

In a nutshell, he was fully convinced I was a thorough gentleman and not a scoundrel or opportunity at all. Thus, he asked me to take care of his family in his absence; I assured him that I would do my utmost to make sure that all their needs, no matter what would get my unscrimping love and attention. He thanked me profusely for beingSuch a good friend and benefactor and he told Tanuja and the children to look to me for love and guardianship until he came back for them, that I had promised to take care of their needs. I was a little uncomfortable about this situation because I was not sure how I’d keep distance from Tanuja bhabi, but I felt I owed it to my friend to help out while he was away. I promise with me that I’ll never think my friend’s wife more like that and would be treat her like a sister- in- law. All my sexual intentions with Tanuja Bhabi were brushed to one side momentarily as I took over my new role.

Ranjeet went to the USA but didn’t t inform his wife or me of his arrival to the states. It was so strange not to hear from him. We feared the worst. We tried to get information but couldn’t and after a month he himself informed us by telephone that he had been caught by the US immigration as he had a large amount of narcotics and was going to be imprisoned for seven years.

The incident was a big shock to both of his family and myself. I liked Ranjeet a lot; he was really like a brother to me. Tanuja bhabi had to face lot of problems, and it had paralyzed her. She modified around the house, hardly doing anything, hardly going anywhere. For the next few months, I helped Tanuja bhabi with all the things that she had to do while at the same time comforting her. All Tanuja bhabi wanted was to have someone to hold, and I had no problem in doing just that.

I was more concerned about the uncertainty and insecurity of Tanuja Bhabi and her small family. Although it was a big shock to them at the time, but time heals everything. Now I was a more frequent visitor to Tanuja Bhabi and her family, I was spending most of my time now near Tanuja Bhabi and her family. We held regular meetings and discussed the problems as well as worked out solutions in the smooth running of their home; I had gained quite a reputation as a member of their familyand was well liked and respected by them. We gradually became friends and got to know more about each other. I became her hero when I came to her aid. Weeks and months went by as Tanuja Bhabi and I got to know each other better. I didn’t think about her sexually for at least a few months, and then I realized that she was single now and I have more chances than ever.

Tanuja Bhabi would sometimes invite me over for an evening meal. She was also calling me more frequently for different kinds of help like the children’s school matters and financial support for her family in her day-to-day activities. Several times we traveled from one place to another together for different reasons in my car. She bent to give it to me or doing her house chores I would have seen her cleavages, Now she didn’t even try to cover them. So many times I noted her braless, because the way her breasts were moved suggesting that she was without a bra, they seemed to move with there own momentum. On those occasions Her breasts bounced in her Kameez like a couple of puppies fighting in a sack. Once Tanuja bhabi and I went to her children school and there was a cool brisk breeze blowing. It caught the bottom edge of Tanuja bhabi ‘s Kameez and lifted it. What a sight it was, for a split second, I saw the usually secret top of her shalwar, her shalwar covered hips, which made me mad. She saw me looking at her bottom; she smiled, pulled her top and covered her bottom. That was killing me. I have to admit that I tried rather hard to think of anything about Tanuja bhabi but my disloyal mind didn’t agree with me.

My desire to fuck Tanuja Bhabi came back again at different times when we were alone together in her house. These times became more frequent as if she herself was organizing it that way. At least that was what I thought. When we where traveling in my car, I always tried to touch her belly, breasts, and bottom by one or other pretext, those were mere touches in comparison. Every accidental touch of any part of her body shook me and sent series of shivers down my body. I had always respectful with Tanuja bhabi though, allowing my flirting to remain just within friendly limits.

It was not problem for me to stay with her alone in kitchen. As So many times I went and stood close by her side, not too close but close enough when ever she was making coffee or tea for me. I was expecting her response after each touch but she was amazingly unresponsive. Her body was really made for a sin and Even a saint would lose his self-control in close proximity to her.

I meant fully starred passwordately into her lovely eyes, she also kept her eyes on me, and sometimes she smiled while looking at me but nothing more than that. Days passed us by.

On different occasions I approached her with small gifts for her and the children, which she gracefully accepted with grateful thanks. Each time I went to her I made up some business reason.I brought special gifts like perfume, body lotion and so on for her and chocolates for her children. She used to hug me lightly whenever I returned from a long visit away. I have to admit, that I wished so many time to let my hands linger a little to her feel body, but I never did try nor show my sexual intention. It was only because I could not trust myself.

I wanted her desperately; my fans were still devouring her ripeness every time I retired to my bed. I slept most nights in my own ejaculate. On various occasions, I’ve had the pleasure of watching Tanuja Bhabi work in kitchen wearing her casual shalwar, Kameez. I had seen her as my Bhabi (sister-in-law) first and a woman second. Now I was looking her as a woman first and my Bhabi second, a woman that I dreamed about every night and felt sexual stirrings for. It was totally wrong, and it was driving me crazy. I would see her in the kitchen fixing dinner and have sexual thoughts. She would lean over to get something out of the refrigerator and I would see her Kameez tighten over her smooth ass and pull between her cheeks. An unwanted chill would go through me. When she bent over in front of me, my eyes would fall on the opening of her Kameez and I would look at the tops of her swinging breasts.

Now I was like a member of Tanuja Bhabi’s family and I used to have dinner at their place often. I’m really quite a shy man, not one for chatting up the women. We talked for hours and I feel so comfortable at their place. We discussed a lot of things, her family, her family problems, and her children. What she wanted from life. Tanuja wanted a very normal life, love, and kids. She told me Several things about what had gone on in her life. We would sometimes sit in her house late at night alone, and talk but never anything personal, never any hint about what I thought about her, I was waiting for a good time. I never saw her in a romantic mood. The relationship I wanted from her would never materialize. Once on a rainy night when we were sitting in her drawing room after dinner and were raining like a hell outside, Tanuja bhabi was dressed in my favorite color shalwar Kameez suit and smelling like a jasmine flowers. Suddenly she asked me, ” When will be marrying, bhaiya (brother)? Tell me what kind of girl should I look for, for you?” (This is common in India that sisters search bride for their brothers).She did not know about my girlfriend Tulika.

I do not know from where I got all this courage and with out any intention I answered “Like you.” I smiled nonchalantly at smiled nonchalantly at her, who froze for a moment.

“Like Me? What do you mean?” She moistened her lips and asked with a nonspecific smile.

I answered, “I mean pretty, attractive and beautiful like you.” She looked stunned at me for a moment, clearly embarrassed. She did not know what to say and stared at me for a few seconds.Then a whimsical smile crinkled her lips as she answered quietly, “Dhrub, you make fun of me, Dear. I am not beautiful.” I knew she was affected by me, in a sexual way. She moved as though she was about to stand up when I touched her to stop her.

I pulled her to me and held onto her hand firmly, “No! I am not lying, Tanuja Bhabi. You are the most beautiful lady in my eyes, you look great to me always!” I said to her passwordately.

“Thank you, Dhrub!” Tanuja Bhabi uttered quietly.

She was blushing from head to toe, looking me in a strange way. Victory was in sight!

I pulled her to me and sat her on my lap; she was looking like a doll in my lap, this was my first attempt to touch her. Tanuja Bhabi was softer and warmer than my wildest dreams. She was reluctant and tried to get up but couldn’t because of my embracing arms.

Her breast, though firmly held in place by her fabric, touched my body. I was in heaven. She looked at me for a few seconds with big sad eyes, as she was like in a trance, Her face grew red instantly as I leaned my head over her and whispered: “Tanuja Bhabi you are so soft, so full, so ripe, so hot, so humid.” As I looked down, our lips were just a couple of inches from each other’s. I had no hesitation whatsoever in planning my lips on hers as she grew stiff in my hands. I put my lips on her lips and kissed her. Even though I was sucking her lips, she didn’t respond as I expected. I placed my hand on her breast and started palming her nipples feeling them erecting under my gentle touching. I squeezed her breasts, she was breathing heavily, panting for breath. I simply could not believe that it was not a dream. Suddenly she became a little angle and pushed me away, saying,

“What is this nonsense, Dhrub?” she asked and it was an angry quiet sound like I’d never heard from her before.

She released herself from my grip;breaking away from me, me and adjusted her dupatta (head/neck long scarf) and her clothes, stood up and placing her hands gracefully on her hips took up an angry pose. Then she looked directly into my eyes and said. “What the hell do you think you are up to?” She screamed. “Dhrub, I love you, I love you like my Brother! Is it normal for someone to want to fuck her Brother, or, for you, to Want to fuck your Sister? You never heard Bhabi is just like one’s sister. Have you no shame?” ” It was hard for me to read her face, I had the feeling she was insincere. She wanted me to argue with her.

I was totally pissed off and I did not know what to say to her. I felt disappointed for a moment to have come so close to enjoy my dream lady, whom I have fantasized for more than three years.

“Either I was totally wrong in my thinking about you or are you really a bad character? Or, maybe something has shocked you. You think that I am a whore?What is it, Dhrub? You did prove yourself very cheap,” She placed a finger on her lips. She looked so fragile, so innocent. She was shaking a little, in anger or may be in fear.

I was embarrassed, for the first time in my life; I thought I would die of embarrassment, Standing right in front of Tanuja bhabi with down head and silent, I couldn’t help staring at her.

I was speechless for a moment. For a few seconds the room remained silent to the hilt with the only exception of the noise of the heavy rain getting in through the ventilators. The most perfect moment had come and slipped away. I simply couldn’t look her in the eyes, I felt totally deflated as if someone had punctured my ego. I was at a banquet with no appetite. It was as if something between us had broken. I could not believe how stupid I had been to bring myself into this situation. The Earth resumed its movement. And my brain started to work again, although a bit sluggishly; “Sure, ok! Look, I am very sorry! I did not mean to… I am so sorry Tanuja Bhabi I didn’t mean to treat you badly, to cheapen this moment. I thought you liked it. Liked me enough to……….”I stumbled for words, ” I think I should not have done that. But when I feel your beautiful body, so warm in my arms and under my touch…I got carried away. Of course that was not correct of me. You are Ranjeet’s, my friend’s wife. But, saying that, it feels just too wonderful when I touch you, I wanted to just hold you in my arms, nothing more than that. It was rash of me. I was not thinking . . .” she held up his hand to stop me.

“No need to be sorry, it’s all right Dhrub, What do I owe you? I understand. I feel that you are making me pay for your kindness to me and to my children by asking me to do this thing with you. I don’t want to pay you back by doing these things with you. I hope you understand. Don’t worry, I will not tell anyone, we should better forget whatever happened tonight, and should try to keep our relationship untainted as before if possible, ” She said. “And I think it would be better if you go now.” Tanuja bhabi added. Her words hit me like a hammer between my eyes. I walked up and reached for a glass of water from the table beside her. “It’s ok, as you wish” I said with frustration, when I drunk. She left me and turned and walked into her bedroom and quietly shut the door. An impenetrate able barrier.

I had feared all these obstacles from the beginning, I had tried to fight them off, be ready with answers to convince her it was right and what we both wanted. I waited there for some time. But she didn’t come back.

So I left her house with my tail between my legs, like a beaten dog, swearing that I would never again humiliate myself in the manner again. As I sat silently in my car, I wondered what to do and where to go.I was angry, embarrassed, confused, and yes, still excited. I drove around more or less aimlessly for an hour. I thought about what I’d just done, and I realized that I did nothing so wrong. I tried to tell myself to forget what had happened and forget her, forget Tanuja for the rest of my so miserable life and to just concentrate on my driving, further way from her, to my home, to my empty four walls. How I did it, I do not know, finally defeating my anxiety I reached my home safely.

I changed and slipped into bed very upset, and was feeling very ashamed and guilty, and then, the phone rang, pulling myself back up from my pit of despair. It was my blessed, Tanuja Bhabi! She just wanted to know, whether I reached to home? Then she hung up before I could answer. I was so very confused, and was thinking that I shouldn’t do anything. I could see the heavy rains lashing outside Through the bedroom windows, nothing compared to my sadness, which were pouring through my eyes.

My mind was in turmoil. I tried but for me, sleep wouldn’t come all night. I was incredibly confused, every time I closed my eyes I saw angry Tanuja Bhabi’s. I’ll never forget the look on her face the first time I touched her. She was surprised; her checks were red and her lips were white. I had done something that made me feel guilty and embarrassed me, yet I would do it again if I got the chance.

to be contd…….


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