After my parents got divided, I lived with Mom. She had a good job and apparently was well paid because we never seemed to lack for any needs. She got a recent promotion, though, and now she has to travel quite a bit. Although she seems to really like her job, having to leave me alone bothers her whole lot. I’ll have to hand it to Mom– she’s very conscientious and seems to worry considerably about being a good parent. More than anything else, she worry that I won’t get proper care during those times she has to be out of town. That I’m fifteen years old and consider myself a person well able to take care of him doesn’t make any impression on her at all. No matter how much I plead and argue my maturity, she simply will not agree to leave me alone by myself overnight. When those occasions arise that she has to be gone, she arranges for me to stay with Aunt Sue and Grandpa. I stayed there at night couple of times before school was out,but now that summer’s here, I stay all day and all night. This time I’ve been here a couple of days, and will probably stay a few more before Mom gets back.
Aunt Sue is Mom’s sister. She is several years younger than Mom, so she can’t be too old, but Mom once referred to her as a maiden aunt. When I asked what that means, Mom said it means that she had never married, and since she was stuck on the farm taking care of Grandpa, probably never would marry. I said that I thought “maiden” means “virgin” and Mom said, kind of half-laughing, that with Aunt Sue’s limited opportunities it probably did. That puzzled me because I couldn’t see where marriage and virginity had anything to do with each other. I sure didn’t want to get married, but that didn’t keep me from wanting to stop being a virgin. I certainly wasn’t a virgin by choice–I just had never had an opportunity to make it with a girl. My virginnature was a condition I hoped to change the very first chance I got. When that time might come, I had no idea. I had never even felt up a girl, much less done anything else. Thus, the closest I had come to a pussy was the Playboy centerfold.
Aunt Sue and Grandpa live on Grandpa’s farm just outside of town. It only takes about fifteen minutes to get there, so having to stay at their place isn’t that much of a problem. The main difficulty is that they have only two bedrooms and I have to sleep with Aunt Sue in her big double bed. I have my own bedroom at home, and getting used to sleeping with someone else wasn’t easy–particularly When that someone else was a pretty girl like Aunt Sue. Although I complained about having to go to Aunt Sue’s, I really didn’t mind it that much. Grandpa kept beer in the refrigerator, and sometimes he would let me drink a bottle when he did. Aunt Sue would fuss, but Grandpa would tell her to leave us alone, that weare about “men’s business.” Of course, that would make me feel ten feet tall. Even though she put on a show, Aunt Sue wasn’t really concerned about it and never told Mom. Despite her mock scolding about my drinking beer, Aunt Sue and I became good friends. She insisted that I call her simply “Sue,” that “Aunt Sue” was way too formal. She laughed, her face turning a little red, and said if we were going to sleep in the same bed, we should at least be on a first-name basis.
With respect to sleeping in the same bed, I have to admit that the arrangement was beginning to cause me a problem. The problem is that being in bed with Sue makes me terribly horny. (Not that it takes much, anyway. Being horny is a steady-state condition for me.) I was very much aware that right next to me was a female, a girl who had big breasts and a pussy. Sue usually dressed in bulky loose-fitting clothes –even her night clothes were heavy material–so I could only guess at what those parts of her anatomy might look like. Even so, knowing that all that separate her probably virgin pussy from my definitely virgin cock was just a few inches of bed space made me ultra-sensitive to our sleeping arrangements. I went to sleep many a night with a hard-on and had erotic dreams about girls. To make it worse, the girls in my dreams looked like Sue.
Although the extra travel involved with staying at Sue’s place during school time was a little inconvenient- -she had to take me to school and pick me up–staying there in the summer was a real treatment. Even though all of us still referred to it as “the farm,” it really wasn’t one anymore. Grandpa quit farming years ago, and now it was simply pasture land he spared out for grazing a few head of cattle. Sue had a little vegetable garden, but other than that it was just a lot of open space. For a boy of fifteen, though, it is a wonderland. There are lots of areas that I still haven’t explored, and staying there in summer gives me opportunity to just roam around, laze in the shade, and generally goof off. Sue is a great lover of the outdoors, and sometimes when the weather is especially nice, she goes to extra trouble to carry all the food out to the big picnic table under the oak tree so we can eat in the wide-open. It’s always a lot of fun, the three of us laughing and making a festive occasion out it. That is, until Grandpa gets sleepy and decides it’s his nap time. He always takes a nap after lunch, and even the fun of eating outdoors doesn’t deter him from his daily schedule. He always put in a good two hours of log seeing, and thunder, lightning, or even an earthquake could’t wake him until he has his nap out. He sleeps just as soundly at night, too. Sue said that on several occasions she had tried to wake him, but it was next to impossible.
One morning when I was in the kitchen with Sue, she askedme if I had ever been down to the creek at the far end of the farm. I had never explored that part of the farm and had no idea there was a creek there. I told that I hadn’t but now that I knew it was there I would go explore that part of the farm. She said that she had an even better idea–that the two of us would carry a lunch basket and have a picnic there. She indicated that Grandpa wasn’t up to walking that far, but she would Feed him his lunch and while he was taking his nap we would go there and have our picnic. That sounded great to me. It combined two of my favorite things–exploring and eating–and I waited impatiently for lunch time to finally get there. Shortly before noon, Sue called to me and said she was just about ready. I went back into the kitchen and found Sue and Grandpa there. I was more than a little surprised by what else I found–Sue dressed in a pair of shorts and a te shirt. Seeing her dressed like that, I was mystified about whaty she hid herself in such full, baggy clothes. She had a super figure: long-legged, slender-waisted and big-boobed. I couldn’t keep my eyes off her and my cock twitched in my pants at the sight.
Sue set out lunch for Grandpa and told him to have a nice nap afterward that she and I were going down to the creek and have a picnic. He didn’t pay much attention, just told us “kids” to have a good time. Sue pointed to the picnic basket and said that a big strong guy like me should be the one to carry it. Since Sue knew the way, she took the lead and I followed. Walking closely behind her, I couldn’t help but notice the way her rear end twisted and the cheeses of her ass moved as she walked. Her shorts were really short-shorts, and after she had walked a little way, they worked upward on her ass so that the bottoms of her ass cheeses showed. I could see the edge of her white panties peeking out from under the shorts, and the sight worked on me like waving ared flag excites a bull. I had been excited from seeing some of Sue’s hidden charms revealed, but getting a peek of panties made my cock get rock-solid hard and bulge out the front of my pants. I was relieved that I was behind her so that she couldn’t see the effect she was having on me.
By the time we finally arrived at our destination, I was in a pretty bad state. First, I was about as horny as I had ever been in my entire life. Having watched Sue’s firm ass as it squirmed and twisted for the last twenty minutes had my cock throbbing and aching. My horniness, though, was almost secondary to my frustration. The realization that the ass I had been watching, indeed the whole of Sue’s beautiful body, lay beside me each night, so close yet so far away and untouchable, made me gnash my teeth. I couldn’t help but groan and give a big sight of anguish. The place where Sue had taken us was really nice. The creek had a limestone bed and was surrounded by grass that was almost like a lawn. Big oak trees shaded a lot of the area and made it so quiet and restful that I could easily see why Sue considered it a good place for a picnic. At one time, someone had dammed the creek so as to make a pond, and even though part of the dam had washed away, there was still a nice-sized pool. The water looked cool and clear, ideal for swimming.
Sue spread a tablecloth and laid out the food from the basket. Seeing and smelling the food made me realize how hungry I was, and I dove in with relish. Sue seemed to have a good appetite, too, and between the two of us we quickly disposed of the picnic lunch. Feeling full and relaxed, I stretched out on the grass and gazed up at the sky. Sue lay down beside me, and together we just lay there silent, enjoying the peace and quiet of the warm afternoon. I shifted positions a little, and when I did my hand came into contact with Sue’s. She didn’t move her’s so I left myhand where it was. It may have been just an accidental touch, but it was electrifying to me. Seeing Sue in her scanty clothes had caused me to become infatuated with her woman’s mature body, and being able to touch her, even if only with a mere touching of fingers, sent little shirts through me. After a while I sat up and looked at the water in the pool. “That sure looks like a good place to swim,” I said. Sue said, “Yes, it is. When your mother and uncles and I were kids we used swim here real often. I was the littlest of all, so about all I got to do was stick my feet in. We all went skinny-dipping, back then.”
“You went swimming naked?” I asked.
“Yeah, we sure did,” Sue said with kind of an embarrassed laugh. “None of us owned a bathing suit.”
“Was it fun? Swimming, I mean.”
“Oh, yes. Course, we didn’t keep it up too long. After we got old enough to know what the dInfference between girls and boys meant we had to stop.”
“Do you ever go swimming now?” I asked.
“Well, sometimes I still sneak out here and take a dip.”
“You skinny-dip?”
Sue laughed, her face flushing just a little, and said, “Yeah. I still don’t own a bathing suit.”
“I sure would like for us to go swimming right now,” I said.
“Well, I’ve already told you I don’t have a bathing suit and you don’t have one, either, so I guess we’re just out of luck.”
“We could go skinny-dipping, like you say you do.”
Sue’s face turned red and she said, “Donny, I sure know the difference between girls and boys now, and a good-looking boy like you surely does, so we couldn’t do that.”
Undaunted and still practically panting to see more of Sue’s body, I said, “We could swim in our underwear. That wouldn’t show any more than a bathing suit does.”
Sue’s eyes kind of narrowed and I could tell she was thinking about my suggestions. Finally, she said, “Well, maybe we could. You’re right, the way bathing suits are today, and our underwear would cover more than they do. Okay, we’ll do it. But not a word about it to your mother. She’d skin me alive if she knew we did such a thing.”
I took my hand and made like I was zipping my mouth. “Not a word. You have my solemn oath.”
Having made up her mind, she was almost like a kid, eager to get on with it. She stood up and pulled the tee-shirt over head and unbuttoned the wait of her shorts. The shorts were tight and she had to wriggle her hips to get them off. Seeing her there in her panties and bra, her hips squirming like that made me forget that I was supposed to be undressing too.
Sue saw me staring and said, “Now cut that out, Donny. I’m already a little embarrassed- -don’t make it any worse.”
I pulled off my shirt and started lowering my pants so that I would be dressed in just my Jockey shorts. I realized then that I had a real problem. My cock was hard and throbbing and my state of arousal would be obvious to Sue. Turning my back, I managed to cram the rod down into the crotch of my shorts so at least I didn’t look like I had a tennis ball stuck in my shorts. Some bulge still showed, but maybe Sue would just think I was well developed. Half way presentable, I ran down to the water and waded in. Being in first would give me a change to look at Sue without appearing to be staring. I turned around and watched Sue as she carefully inched her way to the water, winning a little as the rocks hurt her feet. It was a good thing I had my cock tucked in secure because just watching her coming towards me, white panties and bra on, would have turned the front of my shorts into a tent.
“Come on in, the water’s just great,” I said. Talking to her required me to face her, and that’s exactly what I wanted to do. This was the first time I had ever seen a girl in her underwear, and even though I couldn’t see any more than I could have if she had on a bathing suit, just the thought of it’s being underwear excited me beyond any point I had been before then. Sue wadded out a little way and sat down in the water, sub- merge herself to a level that her breasts were just at the water line. They bobbed up and down, as if they were floating on the surface, and my hands itched to reach out and feel them, to discover for the first time what it felt like to put my hand on a girl’s flesh. I knew, though, that doing that would probably make her more than a little angle, and that she would want to get out right then. All I wanted was to stay there with her as long as possible, drinking in the sight of her creamy skin and revealing in the idea that Iwas so close to an almost-nude girl. I dog-paddled over to her and sat in the water alongside her. She had a smile on her face and I knew that she was having fun. I said, “I can see why you like this place–it’s a super swimming hole. Is it deeper in the middle?”
Sue said, “Yeah, quite a bit. Come on, I’ll show you.” She paddled out a ways and stand up, the water almost up to her neck. I came out by her and stood, too. We were so close that when she turned towards me her breast brushed my arm, its firm weight pressing against it. She didn’t seem to pay any attention, and I was very happy about that. She said, “It’s even deeper than this right out here,” and stepped towards the middle of the pond. Suddenly, she went completely under, her head disappearing under the surface. Instinctively, I reached out for her, my arms and hands extended, to pull her back up. I ducked under the water and grabbed her under the armsand lifted her up. When I did, she fell back against me and my hands slipped around to her front, each hand cupping one of her round, firm breasts. I couldn’t help myself–I squeezed and kneaded them, gently massaging them through the fabric of her bra. Sue went stiff in my arms, her body straightening out so that she stood full erect. Her hands came up and covered mine and for just a few moments we remained frozen in that position. She turned around then, dislodging my hands from her breasts, and said, “Wow, I guess I stepped in a hole there. Thanks for being so quick and pulling me up. I’d better get back in the shallow water where I’ll be safe.”
Sue paddled into shallow water and sat down, her legs apart and extended in front of her. The water came up to only the tops of her thighs and it was so clear and clean that I could see all the way to the bottom. The bottom, though, wasn’t what I was looking at. Sue’s panties, which hadbeen opaque when dry, were completely transparent now that they were wet. I could clearly see the full extent of her swatch of black public hair and even distinguish the top of the cleft that ran down the middle of that dark triangle. My breath caught in my throat and I became dry-mouthed. I had longed to see a girl’s pussy, and now I was getting at least a partial look at Sue’s.
My cock worked its way out of its tucked position and completely bulged out the front of my shorts. I immediately turned around and went back out to deeper water where I could readjust my cock without Sue being able to tell what I was doing. Once again presentable, I came back to her and sat next to her. I couldn’t tear my eyes off of Sue’s sexual area. Since she was beside me, she couldn’t see how my eyes bored into the space between her tights. I was so distracted by the sight that I couldn’t even carry on a decent conversation, just saying “Uh-huh” and“Yeah” to whatever she said. After a while, she stood up and said that it was getting late and she needed to get home to start supper. Even though I tried to turn my eyes away in time, she caught them zeroing in on her crotch. Looking down at herself, she said,
“Oh, God, just look at me. I thought underwear was safe to wear, but I might have well have gone skinny-dipping. Come on, let’s get out of here and get dressed.” We got out and put our clothes on over our wet underwear and headed for the farmhouse. That night after Sue and I were in bed, she said, “Donny, since my wet panties showed so much that I might as well been naked, if we go swimming tomorrow we can skinny-dip if you’d like to. But, again, absolutely no word of it to your mother. Understand?”
I could hardly keep from stammering as I answered, “Yeah, I’d like to go skinny-dipping. And as far telling Mom, I’ve already made a blood oath with you.”
“Just checking to be sure. Good night, Donny.”
I was so excited that I wasn’t able to go to sleep immediately as I usually did. My cock was hard and throbbing at the thought of being completely naked with Sue, of seeing a real live fully nude girl for the first time. As if that weren’t enough, Sue’s action at this time made it even more difficult to go to sleep. She rolled over in bed and in the process pressed her hand up against my buttocks. It feel like a hot ember burning a hole in my skin. Sue’s breathing was slow and regular, so I figured she was sleep and it was an accident. After a long while, even with the heat of her hand against me and the disappoint of a hard and aching cock, I too fell asleep.
When I woke up the next morning, the front of my shorts was a gooey mess–I had had a wet dream. The sheet had a wet spot, too, and I knew Sue would see the evidence of my reaction to seeing her in her transparent panties. Remembering the dream I had, I was not surprised at the mess I had made. Sue and I had just finished swimming, both of us completely nude, and we were on the bank, lying together on a big towel. I had one hand on her breast and the other buried between her thighs, my fingers delving into her pussy. She was busy, too, with a hand clapping my heavily hard cock and stroking it up and down. In my dream, I shot off into the air and all over her hand. I must have shot off in real life, too, with the come in my shorts and on the bed the result. I went to the bathroom and cleaned myself up and put on clean shorts. I planned to try to clean the sheet with a wet wash clothes, but I was too late–Sue was already making the bed and had seen the wet blotch. She stroked her fingers across the wet spot and then rubbed them together, feeling the slippery texture of my boy juice. I was standing in the doorway and there wasn’t anything I could do to avoid her confronting me about what had happened.
She looked at me and said, “Looks like someone had a naughty accident last night. You must have been dreaming about one of those cute little high school girls.”
I was embarrassed and didn’t answer.
Sue laughed and said, “Well, she must have been a real knock-out. Who was it, Donny?”
I sure didn’t want to admit that it was she I dreamed of– she’d probably disappoint from embarrassment. I figured the best thing to do was just not answer. Sue saw that I was going to stay silent and teasingly said,
“What’s the matter, cat got your tongue?”
Responding to her teasing persistence, I said, “Okay, if you just have to know, I dreamed about you.”
Sue turned just a little red, apparently not as embarrassed as I was. I turned away, determined to go outside so that she wouldn’t see me red-faced. As I was leaving, I heard Sue whisper in a way I’m sure she didn’t intend for me to hear, “I dreamed about you, too.”
I managed to stay away from Sue until noontime when she called me into the house. She didn’t seem the least bit perturbed about what happened that morning. She was smiling and seemed happier than I had seen her in a long time. She told me she had packed a picnic lunch and if I wanted to we could go down to the creek and eat it. I told her I would like that very much. I grabbed the picnic basket and we left the house and started for the creek.
About half way to the creek, I asked, “Can we go swimming?”
“If you want to.”
“Swim like you said we could?” I asked, almost breathlessly.
“If that’s what you would like to do, then that’s what we’ll do.
DO you want us to go skinny-dipping? ”
Hardly believing my good fortune, I almost shouted, “Yeah, I want us to go skinny-dipping.”
When we finally got to the creek, Sue spread a table clothes and a blanket. She said that since we were going to go skinny-dipping we may as well take advantage of it and get a little sun tanning at the same time. Just the thought of being on a blanket with Sue and both of us naked brought my cock to half mast. Oh, God, maybe she’ll let me touch her a little, I fantasized. Sue started to take the lunch out of the basket and put it on the table clothes, but I told her that maybe we should go swimming first. After all, I told her, swimming give a person an appetite, so it would be better to wait until later to eat. The truth was that I really didn’t care when we ate or if we at all. My mind was on Sue taking off her clothes and getting naked and I didn’t want anything to delay that. I was getting ready to see my first real pussy and I didn’t want to wait one second longer than necessary.
Sue smiled and said, “You’re not fooling me, Donny. You’re just eager to go skinny-dipping. Isn’t that it?”
I tried to act nonchalant about the matter, keeping a straight face, and said, “Well, what I said about eating is true, isn’t it?”
Smiling even broader than before, Sue said, “Sure, you’re right, all right. Okay, skinny-dipping it is. That means it’s down-to-the- buff time. Start shucking, Donny; let’s see who can be the first one in the water.”
I wasn’t in any worry to undress. What I really wanted was to watch Sue take her clothes off, to see all of her feminine secret areas exposed to my view. She was making a contest of it, though, so my hopes to see her disrobe were frustrated. Well, I could at least get into the water first and get to see her as she came towards me. That way, I would get a good look at Sue’s jiggling breasts, but most of all, get my first look at a girl’s pussy. I stripped my clothes as fast as I could,Almost ripping the buttons off, in order to be first in the water. Before I even had my shoes and socks and shirt off, though, I heard splashing and giggling behind me. Turning around, I saw Sue’s back as she wadded out into the water, only her naked backside visible to me. Sue quickly wadded out into deep water and ducked herself under so that only her head and shoulders showed. Damn! I cursed silently to myself; I missed my chance to see Sue.
Sue wasn’t missing a chance to see me, though. As I walked down to the water, my rigid cock bobbed and weaved before me, moving up and down and around in circles with each step. Sue stopped her giggling and watched, her eyes never leaving me as I came forward, my cock like a ship’s bowsprit. Finally, the target of her stare went under the water and I waded out beside Sue.
She grinned at me, giggling once more, and said, “I cheated. All I wore was just my dress.”
I grinned back at Sue and splashedwater into her face, partly playing but also partly to get even with her for cheating me out of a good look at her privates. Instead of my getting to see her, all that happened was for me to give her a good show of my hard cock. I guess I should have been embarrassed about having a hard-on, but Sue’s giggling and grin dispelled any of those feelings. Without warning, Sue jumped towards me and pushed my head under water, giving me a thorough ducking. I came up sputtering and lunged for her, determined to get even. She had anticipated my move, though, and had already swum away. I raced after her and grabbed her foot, pulling her under. Still grinning, she made another grab for me, trying again to duck my head under water. I managed to dodge and grapple with her, my arms and hands around her body. As we grappled, she brushed her front against my hard-on, pressing it upright against my stomach. At that same instant, my hand covered one of her breasts, stroking against it and squeezing it.
Sue jumped away, and laughing, said, “Uh-uh, you’re breaking the rules. One of the rules of skinny-dipping is no feeling each other up. Everyone can look all they want, but no handling the merchandise. ”
Her grin was infectious, and grinning just as big as she, I replied, “All right, no more feelings, but you have to quit ducking. Okay?”
Mollified, but still grinning, Sue said, “Okay, but you’re taking the fun out of it.”
And you’re taking the fun out of it for me, too, I thought to myself.
Remembering Sue’s words about being able to look all we wanted and the way she gave me the once-over as I wadded into the water, I thought that maybe there was still hope to see Sue’s naked body in its entirety. Determined not to waste a chance, I wadded out of the water, dried off, and sat on the blanket. “Hey, Sue,” I shouted, “I’m hungry. Come on out and let’s eat.”
“Yeah, I’m hungry, too,” Sue said, and waded out of the deep water towards me. As she advanced, her breasts emerged, bobbing up and down in the water and then fully exposed, jiggling on their own. Her waist came into view and then her navel. I sat there, holding my breath in anticipation, as Sue’s dark public triangle came into view. Her thighs followed, and then she was fully out of the water, walking towards me. I couldn’t take my eyes off Sue’s hairy center. The vertical line of her vaginal cleft was clearly visible as she advanced towards me. The sway of her hips and the easy way her breasts moved up and down with each step made a beautiful backdrop for the main attraction– her fur-covered sexual center. I couldn’t have torn my eyes away even upon threat of death. My breath came in little pants as I gazed in wide-eyed rapture upon my first real-live, fully naked woman.
Sue ignored the way I was staring, a slight smile on her face the only evidence that she noticed. She sat down on the blanket and took our sandwiches and cold drinks out of the basket. The table clothes was no longer needed–eating in the raw required something other than the ground to sit on. Once she had completed our culinary arrangements, Sue sat cross- legged and started in on her sandwich. I took a bite of mine but my mouth was so dry that I couldn’t even chew–I had to Take a drink of Coke to get rid of the cotton. With Sue sitting in that position, her vulva divided wide open, I had an unobstructed view of the moist, pink flesh inside the cleft that split her tights and was almost trembling in reaction. It’s a good thing we were eating and not trying to talk–I wouldn’t have been able to get anything out except stammers and mumbles. During the silence of our meal, Sue did her own looking. Although she tried to be more circuits about staring than I, she kept her eyes mainly on my throbbing, rigid cock. She apparently means it when she said that looking was okay. When we finished eating and Sue had cleaned up the remains of our lunch, she stretched on the blanket. Taking that as invitation, I stretched alongside, our bodies close, but not touching. For a few seconds we just lay there silent, each aware of the sexual electricity our nakedness was producing, but reluctant to speak.
Finally, Sue broke the silence by saying, “You know, the problem you have is why we had to quit skinny-dipping.”
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“Well, when our older brothers started getting like you are now, mother made us quit swimming together. She said we were getting too old. Course, I was just a little kid then and didn’t know what was going on, but your mother explained it to me when I got older.” Sue laughed and continued, “I guess it was too late then, though. Your mother and Ned got eyes for each other and ended up making love.”
I could hardly believe Sue’s words. I turned on my side, facing her and said, “You mean Uncle Ned screwed Mom? He screwed his own sister? You saw it?”
Sue laughed again and said, “No, I was too little then. Even if I had seen them, I wouldn’t have known what they were doing. Your mother told me about it later. They were lovers for two years before Ned went off to college. They used to come to this spot right here.”
I had never thought of Mom as having a sex life, of being a sexual person. She was just Mom, that’s all. Now that I thought about it, I realized that Mom was really very pretty and that as a teenager she must have been a real heart-breaker. I saw in my mind a picture of she and Uncle Ned, just teenagers like myself, coming to that very spot, naked like Sue and I were, and thoroughly loving each other. The thought excited me so much that drops of pre-come oozed out of my hard cock and covered its head witha shiny liquid coating.
“You mustn’t ever tell her I told you that. You know that don’t you?”
“Yeah. Don’t worry, I’ll never tell.”
For a few moments after that we just lay on the blanket, side by side, enjoying the warm sunshine. Then, in a very quiet voice, Sue said, “Donny, is this the first time you’ve seen a naked girl?”
Knowing from Sue’s seeing my reaction to her nakedness that it would have been fruitless to lie, I said, “Yes. This is my first time.”
“I kind of got that impression,” she said with a soft laugh. “Well, if it’s any consolation to you, you’re the first boy I’ve ever seen naked.”
“But you must have had lots of dates,” I said, mystified.
“Surely on some of them you must have gone far enough to get naked with the guy. Well, living out on the farm like this, I haven’t had many dates. And those I’ve had have been with guys I sure wouldn’t want to go very far with.”
“I guess that explains why you’ve looked at me as much as I’ve looked at you,” I said.
Laughing again, Sue said, “Yeah, I guess it does.”
The silence we experienced earlier returned. After a few moments, Sue turned on her side and faced me. In the same sort of quiet voice she had used before, Sue said, “Donny, tell me about your dream last night. You know, the one that caused you to have your…ah… accident. And any aunts, woman, girls who are will be able to mail me at [email protected].
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