Victoria's Desire

The beach.

Victoria sat on the towel, and adjusted her bikini, her curvy tanned body glistened in the afternoon sun as she looked out into the ocean. She had been on vacation for a few days and this was her second visit to the beach. Her friend, Shelly, had gone to visit an art museum for the day and as Victoria wasn’t interested in art she had decided to spend the afternoon relaxing. She took a sip from her water bottle and Then she laid back down on the towel and closed her eyes. She was enjoying her time alone, without her friend.

A few minutes later, Victoria heard someone approach her. She opened her eyes and saw someone standing at her feet. She sat up instantly, not sure what to do.

“Hello there, I just wanted to say how beautiful you look.” said the man.

Victoria began to blush. She wasn’t sure what to say, so after a short pause the man introduced himself.

“I was just walking by and thought I would say hello.” He said with a smile. “My name isDarren.”

Victoria smiled back at him. He looked well groomed, wearing a nice white cotton shirt and navy blue shorts. He was wearing a very expensive looking silver watch, and he seemed very classy. She also noticed that he was wearing a wedding ring.

“Hello.” Was all Victoria could say. She felt very uncomfortable. She was used to guys coming on to her, but that was always when she was with her friends. It was also with guys her own age and this man was about twenty years older than her. She was surprised that he had approached her.

“listen, I was wondering if you would like to get a coffee sometimes?” Darren said.

Victoria looked up at him. She felt flattered that he liked her, but she felt awkward.

“No thanks.” Victoria replied, and looked away.

“Oh well, you win some you lose some.” He chuckled quietly. He then turned and walked away.

Victoria watched him leave and then continued to enjoy the sun. She would spend a little while relaxing, befor returning to the holiday apartment that she was sharing with Shelly.

The apartment.

“you got chatted up by an old dude?” Shelly laughed.

“Yes, he seemed friendly and I did fancy him a little bit.” Victoria said. “But I was too embarrassed to take up his offer of coffee, oh and he seemed wealthy”.

“well I would have let him wine and dine me, if he was rich.” Replied Shelly.

Shelly was the bolder one out of the two, lifelong, friends and was always the first one to try something new. She had become the first one to get a boyfriend, and lose her virginity. Shelly would not have thought twice about going off with a handsome older gentleman, but Victoria was far from promiscuous. She could be very shy at times.

“Any way, enough talk about him.” Victoria said quietly.

“well if I see him at the beach tomorrow, and he asks me out, I will say yes and do more than just have coffee.” Shelly giggled, and left the room.

The bedroom.

Victoriawas in bed staring up at the ceiling. It had been a nice day and when she closed her eyes, she thought about the man on the beach. She wondered what it would be like to meet him and her thoughts began to run wild. Victoria was 24, and had only had two serious boyfriends before. One of those was someone that, she had met when she was a teenager that lasted just a few months, and the other one was with a guy that she had met while out clubbing with friends. He had lasted a couple of years until she ended it, recently, because he wanted to see other women. Now after being single and not having had sex for a while, Victoria was beginning to feel sexually aroused, and the thought of having sex with the stranger on the beach was beginning to turn her on.

With her eyes closed, Victoria reached down between her legs and parted her thighs. Her hand reached down and she began to touch herself, slowly rubbing her pussy. With one finger inside herself and the other hand rubbing her cliporis, she began to grind her hips. Victoria then gently bit her lip, trying to keep as quiet as possible, as she brought herself to orgasm. She then drifted off to sleep feeling a bit more satisfied.

Breakfast time.

“Morning Vicky, did you sleep well?” Shelly was in a cheerful mood. She had spent most of the day yesterday visiting an art museum, for her college studies, but now she was free and could enjoy the rest of her holiday having fun at the beach with Victoria.

“I slept fine, thanks.” Victoria replied.

“Good, maybe we can hit the beach today. We may even see your boyfriend.” Shelly mocked.

“I am not that interested in him.” Victoria lied. But deep down, she wanted to meet him again. She wanted him, but she felt very nervous.

At the beach again.

There was a warm breeze in the air. It was early afternoon and there was a few families and some small groups of people enjoying the beach. Victoria and Shelly were sitting on seperate towels relaxingand talking and watching a group of guys, laughing and getting ready to surf.

“I quite fancy that dude, over there.” Shelly laughed. “I would take him over the sand dunes and let him fuck my brains out.”

“You would let the whole group of them have it off with you, Shelly. You are a pervert.” Victoria said, half jokingly.

“You are right, I would definitely entertain the whole group.” Shelly replied.

Victoria smiled and looked out at the sea. She had always loved the beach and she had booked the vacation just to relax. Shelly on the other hand, had wanted to go somewhere for the hedonistic lifestyle more than for the museums, but had somehow let Victoria persuade her to go to a location that would offer her no real pleasure. But that would soon change.

By the late afternoon, most families had begun to vacate the beach. There was a small group of three young men surrounding a camp fire and cooking food on it, with their surfboards laying near them on the sand. Victoria looked over towards them and wondered what it would be like to surf.

“I would like to try surfing.” Victoria said.

“No chance, I can even swim.” Replied Shelly.

“I can teach you if you want.” Said a voice, coming from behind them. Both girls turned around, to be greeted by Darren. The older gentleman that had introduced himself to Victoria yesterday.

It was Shelly that spoke first. “Do you want to teach me how to swim or ride the waves.” She quipped.

“Well for a start, how about if I teach you how to ride.” He gave a sly grin as he spoke.

Shelly looked at the tall mysterious stranger and was instantly attracted to him. He had tried to lure Victoria yesterday, but she knew her friend would be to shy to go with him, and she had also seen this type of guy before so she wasn’t going to waste the opportunity of having some fun.

“I am up for a bit of learning.” Shelly giggled and stood up.

Victoria watched with envy, as Darren tookher friend by the hand.

“Don’t worry, I will get her back to you before midnight.” Darren mocked.

“Be careful Shelly.” Was all Victoria could say, as she watched them walk away.

Victoria sat for a while, feeling angle that Shelly had gone off with the guy that she had fancied. Deep down she knew that she could never go with a stranger, but that still did not stop her from feeling upset. Maybe she should be more bold, she thought to herself. Maybe she would have more fun then. At some point she knew that she would have to stop being scared, she just didn’t know when that time would come.

After midnight.

It was getting late now and Victoria began to pace the apartment. She was waiting for Shelly to return, but by now it was almost midnight and Shelly had been gone for over eight hours. She had sent numerous text messages and had tried to call her phone, but all she got was voice mail. Victoria was now getting very worried. It would be another two hours bEfore Shelly finally arrived back at the apartment. It was half past three in the morning, when she had woken Victoria up.

“morning sleepy head. Why are you crashing on the sofa?” Shelly whispered.

“Where the fuck have you been? I have been sick with worry.” Victoria shouted. She was irritable from lack of sleep, but at least her friend was safe.

“It’s unlike you to swear, Vicky.

Sorry if I worried you.” Shelly was apologetic, although she quickly continued to talk. “You should have seen his house, Vic, and his bed. It was out of this world.”

“I take it you had sex then?” Victoria mumbled. She could tell that Shelly was excited.

“Yes, after he had taken me out for a nice romantic meal. Then he took me back to his house and we were literally at it all night.” Shelly replied.

“I just need to shower now and get some sleep.”

Shelly went into the bathroom and closed the door.

“Oh and he loves to spank too, my butt cheats are a bit tenderer.” She shouted through the closed door.

Victoria felt envious. She knew she had missed her chance and now she began to feel bad. Shelly always seemed to have fun, and now Victoria decided that it was time to take control and have fun for herself. But that would have to wait for later, Victoria was too tired for now. Sleep was the only option.

The guys at the beach.

The weather was overcast, but still warm. Victoria had left Shelly, stay at the apartment, and decided to take a walk along the beach. Apart from a few surfers, the beach was empty of people. The clouds appeared to be getting darker now, and Victoria knew it was about to rain. As she walked along the sand, she took a diversity through the sand dunes. Victoria knew that she could get back to the apartment this way and it would be quicker to reach her destination, this way. It was very secluded, and as she made her way through the sandy hills she noticed a group of young guys.

“Hello darling.” One ofThey shouted. As she walked past them, trying her best to ignore it.

“Do you fancy a bunk up?” Another sneered. Victoria, started to walk faster trying not to show how nervous she was.

“What about a quick flash of your tits?” The third one shouted.

She had been in situations like this before, but never when she was alone. At first she felt threatened by them, but then she realized they were just idiots. She was going to shout something back, but she wasn’t bold enough. If Shelly had been there, the group would have either been treated to a mouthful of abuse or to a view of Shelly’s breasts. But Victoria, was much too afraid to do the sort of things that her best friend would do. She kept silent and hurried past them, and quickly made her way back to the apartment.

The shower.

The rain was pouring down and Victoria had just made it back to the apartment. Shelly had just been in the shower, and was now getting ready for another date with her new holiday romance.

“Are you going back out with him?” Victoria said.

“He called me earlier. He wants to see me again.” Shelly was excited. “He is picking me up in half an hour”

“Enjoy yourself.” Was all Victoria could say, and then went into her bedroom and slammed the door.

“Don’t be like that, Vicky.” Shelly whispered through the door. “Look I will come back early and we can do something later.”

Victoria ignored her, and soon found herself alone, with her thoughts. She had the apartment to herself now so she decided to go into the shower.

The warm water felt nice on her tanned body. As she began to rub the soap over her, large white, breasts she began to have dark thoughts about the group of guys she had seen at the sand dunes. What would have happened if she had given them a flash of her body? What if she had let them touch her? Her thoughts began to run wild, and she started to get arroused.

The bed.

With her body still slightly wet, Victoria rushedinto her room. She needed to satisfy herself so she climbed onto her bed and laid down on her front. In her minds eye she imagined that she had been stopped by the group of guys, and that they had forced hoisted up her summer dress and ripped off her white cotton knickers. Her hands moved slowly between the front of her thighs and she pushed two fingers inside herself. She could feel her wetness, as she slowly began to masturbate.

As she closed her eyes, she thought about the guys being rough with her and forcing her onto the sand. One guy would force himself inside her while another would try to push himself inside her from behind. She could almost feel how real it was and she wondered what it would feel like with two cocks fighting to get inside her at the same time. She started to grind her hips, as she pushed her fingers further into herself. Then her thoughts turned to Shelly.

Victoria could not get the thought from her head of Shelly being spanked, by Darren. Ithad turned her on when she had told her about it, and now Victoria thought about Shelly bent over on her knees and being lightly spanked. Victoria’s thoughts drifted back between the guys at the beach and Shelly, and soon she had her face buried in her pillow as she reached a very intense, and satisfying orgasm.

Late evening.

“hi, vicky. I am home.” Shelly said, without much enthusiasm as she entered the apartment.

Victoria wasn’t as angry with her friend now. “How did it go with him then?”

“It was alright.” replied Shelly in a bored tone.

Victoria laughed. “So you are bored with him already?”

“Yes, but I think he is bored of me to be honest.” came Shelly’s reply.

“sure.” Victoria chuckled. “As if anyone could get bored with you. Maybe he just can’t handle you.”

“That is the problem. He wants to handle me, but he is too rough and I can’t take it.” Shelly told. “He is nice, until he wants sex and then his mood changes. It is not something that I want. Besides, he is married anyway.”

Victoria looked at Shelly. She needed to experience what her freind had been up to, and now she was determined to get what she wanted.

“Perhaps I should go with him.” Victoria said quietly.

Shelly sat down on the sofa. She was tired. “Keep away from him Vicky.” She suddenly turned serious.

“Anyway, we are going home in a few days.”

But now Victoria was intrigued by him. She sensed that Darren could be dominant and that was exactly the type of man she needed right now. Someone that could lead her and bring her out of her shell. Someone, that could get her out of her comfort zone.

The last day.

The next few days, seem to pass quickly. Shelly had managed to persuade Victoria to visit a couple of art museums with her, and had also managed to keep her away from the beach, in an attempt to avoid Darren. It was now time to leave the apartment, and head for home.

“Make sure everything is packed.” Shelly said. “The train journey is not too long. I am so looking forward to getting home.”

Victoria looked at her friend. For the first time in her life, she didn’t want to go home where she had always felt safe. She didn’t want to return to her boring office job. All she wanted to do was find Darren. She wanted to stay and get out of her comfort zone.

“I am not going back, Shelly.” Victoria finally plucked up the courage to tell her. “I am staying here.”

Shelly was shocked. “How can you stay here? Other people will want the apartment.”

“It’s fine. I will just book another apartment.” Victoria said defiantly. “I am staying for one more week.”

“Why? Is it because you want to find Darren? You don’t even know him Vicky.” Shelly was becoming agitated. She knew the type of character Darren was, and she didn’t want Victoria to see him.

The marks.

Shelly stood still, looking at the friend she saw as a sister. Someone, she loved with all of her being.

“Lets just go home.” Shelly began to shout.

“I don’t want to leave this place Shelly. I don’t want to go home. Stay with me.” Victoria pleaded. But Shelly would not listen. She was not going to let Victoria get caught up in anything dangerous.

“We have to leave.” Shelly began to shout. “Just get your fucking things packed.”

“No.” Victoria shouted back.

Shelly could not hide herself any longer. She closed her eyes, and then slowly opened them again. With tears running down her cheeks, she looked at the only person she truly loved. She then began to unbutton her blouse and remove it.

“This is why I don’t want you to stay. This is why I don’t want you to go near Darren.” Shelly began to cry.

Victoria looked at Shelly. She looked beautiful to Victoria, but Straight away she noticed the burn marks on her wrists. But they were not particularly bad, and after three days they had faded to almost nothing.

“You let him tie you up, Shelly?” Victoria said.

“He was so romantic, that first day. He treated my like a princess. The second day he wanted more than just sex.” Shelly spoke quietly. “It’s not like he forced me or anything, he was just very persuasive.”

Shelly continued to speak.

“He tied me up, he wanted me to struggle. When I wanted to leave he did let me go though. I guess he wasn’t that bad, but I don’t think it’s right.” Shelly continued to talk.

“I am sorry, Shelly.” Victoria hugged her.

“He justs want someone submissive. That’s not me. I prefer to be in control. Keep away from him Vicky, you are much too inocent for someone like him.” Shelly said, as she stepped back to put her blouse back on. “Lets just go home.”

The train journey home.

The trees rushed past the window. The coast was long gone now, and soon the train would be out of the country side and arriving at the city. Victoria looked out of the window. She didn’t want to return home. She wanted to be back at the beach. She thought about returning alone, next month, but she knew she would just end up heading back to her boring single lifestyle and be stuck in her even more boring office job. She knew Shelly would be happy though, working part time and studying.

“We will be home soon, Vic.” Shelly said excitedly. “I will be glad to put my feet up and have a cup of tea. No more excitement for me, I just want to get my head down and open a book and study. I want to make something better of my life.”

As Victoria listened to her friend the train entered a tunnel and for a fleeting moment, Victoria could see her own reflection in the dark glass window. She looked at herself and saw a beautiful strange looking back. Someone who was lost and needed to find their way.

The last few days had changed Shelly, and now Victoria felt for certain that she had changed too. She smiled, she knew what she wanted now. She had always been the submissive type, and now she was going to give in to her desires. SheI wanted to find someone to dominate her, she would just need to be brave. Maybe she could find someone closer to home. She looked at Shelly and smiled.

“I don’t want to put my feet up and open a book, Shelly. I want to put my legs up and open them instead.” Victoria giggled. “Anyway I am getting fed up with men.”

Shelly turned and then looked away, not really sure what Victoria was implying. Both, girls then watched silently out of the window for the remainder of their journey home.

The beach.

Bethany sat on the wall with her bare feet in the sand. She was waiting patiently for her friends to arrive, when she suddenly heard someone approach from behind.

“Hello, there.” She heard a deep voice speak and turned to look. “I just wanted to say how beautiful you look.”

Bethany felt flattered. She smiled, and blushed that an older man had paid her such a nice compliment.

“I am Darren.” He said. “Would you like to get a coffee?”

Bethany looked athim. “Sure, why not.” She said, as he took her by the hand…


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