I was drunk that afternoon. Not just overly-affective-and-possessed-of-poor-judgment drink and not quite so-hammered-I- couldn’t-remember-my-name drink. The very nice, pleasant kind of drink where all you really want to do is kick back with good friends and appreciate their conversation.
Earlier in the day I had been at the overly affectionate stage. I’m generally very reserved physically when I’m sober, and it sometimes surprises people how touchy-feely I get. Fortunately, I was drunk enough that I wasn’t embarrassed quite yet, and I didn’t think, in the back of my mind, that I had done anything horribly embarrassing yet.
The party was small. I had come home from college for spring break, and as luck would have it none of my friends were there. But I was close with my younger sister, who was in her senior year of high school, and I’d been hanging out with some of her friends. The youngest o them, Victoria, had just turned 18, and it wasn’t a bad deal, since most ofThey were fairly attractive girls, filled with a puppyish enthusiasm for life as their graduation date approached.
We were at the home of one of them, Amanda, whose parents were willing to forgive and forget whatever we did in the basement so long as it didn’t get too rowdy. As the resident 21-year-old, I had made a booze run and stocked up on Malibu, Fireball, and Mike’s Hard Lemonade. I knew my audience, and the party had been roaring earlier.
Now most everyone had trickled away home, including my sister, and I was left alone with Amanda and another of the girls, Victoria. Amanda had been matching me shot for shot earlier and as such was completely wasted. Victoria, however, had spent most of the day as cheerleader, egging on everyone else to greater heights of drunkenness.
Now I was watching, sprayed comfortably on the couch, while Victoria tried to cajole Amanda up and out of her chair and into bed. Amanda was one of those girls who tend to lose clothes as theEven progressed, and at this point she was down to a tight tank top and a pair of borrowed, barely-there workout shorts. I, of course, was duly appreciated of her round, full ass and the smooth expansion of breast that spilled from her top, jiggling interestingly.
I had been an admirer of Amanda’s for awhile, and drink me had made a point of complimenting her choice of brief sheath dress and long, artistically tousled brown hair and casually (I thought) cuddling close to her. If I were true to form, I would be struck low by embarrassment over the next few days, but for now I just rested in a warm glow.
Victoria I didn’t know as well. She was a friend of a friend of my sister, who played on the soccer team. I thought at the time that I appreciated lush figures and long hair, and Victoria had a slim runner’s build, a little bob haircut, and a devilish smile that when combined with her short height made her more imp than seductress. But I had noticed today that her blue eyes could see straight to your soul… as they did now, giving me a knowing look as I ogled her helpless friend.
Rather than blush and turn away as I would have sober, I smiled back, and she just rolled her eyes and turned to Amanda. It didn’t take much longer for her to get the bigger girl moving, and I got the privilege of watching from behind as they made their way upstairs.
After they left, I began to feel tired without anything to occur my attention, and let my eyes slide closed.
I wasn’t sure how long it had been, but it was darker, and I felt noticeably more sober, when I felt something ticket my ear and started abruptly awake. It was Victoria, dressed in the same black jeans and tight, modestly v-necked red t-shirt she had forgotten all evening, leaning over me, her blond hair falling forward to my face. Those blue eyes stared into my face from inches away, and I felt locked into place by their sharpness. Though that may have been the booze.
Her voice was very serious, and she settled on top of me on the couch, her thighs clamping tightly to my torso, just above my wait.
“Do you think that was appropriate, John?” Her tone was teasing, but her eyes accused. I may have said something, but between the booze and the novel situation I doubt it came out as much more than gibberish. She continued speaking over me anyway.
“Getting that poor girl drunk and touching her like a perv? We all saw it… what would your parents think?” As she spoke she ground down against me, and I realized abruptly that I was wildly aroused, my dick tight and awkwardly angled in my tighty whiteys. I shifted, trying to adjust myself, and realized that my hands were pinned between her tights and my body.
“What would the cops think?” She emphasized the Word cops, getting breathy and eager, and pushing herself down sharply towards my groin again. For the first time, she offered a smile. I was not a nice smile.
“I think if you don’t want to get in troubleyou should do what I say, don’t you?” I started to answer, but serious once again, she didn’t let me. One finger covered my mouth, and the other hand tangled in my hair, firm but not unpleasant. “Shut up, and maybe I’ll even let you have some fun.”
“I’m going to get up, and you’re going to get on your knees for me like a good boy, right?” I didn’t know how to respond, and I didn’t have to. Her hand pulled my hair painfully tight, and she forced my head to nod. That wicked smile was back as she slowly edged back off me, pulling me forward by my hair while she went.
I ended up half falling to the floor at her feet, looking up at her from about knee height with her hand resting gently on my head. From this angle, her legs looked very long, her perky breasts took on a new prominence, and that smile and those sharp eyes acquired a new malevolence.
She pulled me close against her leg, and stroked my head gently. “You’ll be a good little bitch for me, won’t you John?” My dick leaves at her words, and I felt it deep in my gut as I stared up at her. I will admit I had fantasized about this before… usually about one of my many objects of unrequited lust demanding that I do things I’d never dreamed of. But I had never even thought of Victoria that way the handful of times I met her.
She reached down beside the couch and picked something up that I recognized as the choker collar and lean that Amanda’s dog had worn earlier that evening.
“Why don’t you strip, and get into something more appropriate?”
I don’t even remember taking off my clothes. In no time, I was naked, and pushing my head against her thigh. While she laughed and held the collar and lean above my head.
“Do you want something? Do you need something, you little bitch?”
I didn’t want to say anything. I hadn’t really said anything the whole time, and I was embarrassed to do so now.
“Yes…” Raised, mocking browsers asked for more. “Yes, mistress. Please put it onme.”
“Put what on you, bitch? How do you want me to use you?”
“Please…” I trailed off, embarrassed, and started to laugh. At the whole ridiculous situation. And didn’t even see the slap coming. It wasn’t all that hard, but tears still leaves to my eyes. She slapped me again, three times.
“Do not laugh, bitch.” I stared down at her feet, slumped against her, until her hand twisted into my hair again and pulled my head back to look her right in the eyes. “Look me in the eyes and say ‘Please Victoria. Collar me and use me.”
She twisted her grip tighter, until I finally gasped out “Please.” The grip slackened, and she smiled with pure, innocent delight as she made me repeat it three times, louder and louder.
Then she slipped the ice-cold cold over my head and pulled it tight, once, choking me and causing a spasm of terror. Though I had been rock hard throughout, between the slapses and the choking I had begun to wild. She noticed, and made a cute little disappointed moue.
“You don’t like me anymore? Awww. Imagine how you’ll hate me in the morning.” Then she stepped over to the couch and flopped down, pulling me towards her. She smiled another delighted smile. “You can take my pants off now, bitch.”
I did so eagerly. Kissing at her belly and wait as I unbuttoned her tight jeans and eased the zipper down, planning a kiss on the damp front of her panties as they were revealed. So aware of the chain at my neck and the leash wrapped around her fist. As I pulled the jeans off the panties came with them, revealing her slightly razor-burned, smooth vagina. The first one I had ever seen.
She put pressure on the back of my head, pulling me forward, and I closed my eyes. That earned me another tug on my collar, and a brief, terrible pain.
“Eyes open while you eat me slut. I want to see the lust in those baby blues of yours.” I opened my eyes and locked them tear-filled, on her. She smiled to see them waver, and pulled me tighter with the collar, her other hand eagerly struggling my head.
I started to lick near the top, and she seemed to like it as I applied pressure, pulling me tighter. I focused there, licking enhusiastically, and trying to ignore the unfamiliar taste. I suspected that she would react poorly to distaste. I’m unsure how long I licked. She moaned and shuddered above me, alternatively pulling me tight and letting up. A few times I got bored, or started to waver, and she pulled my attention back with a slap or a jerk of the collar.
My erection had waned by the time she let me up, breathing heavily and leaning against her tigh as she gently stroked my head, smiling preferably down at me. After a few moments of recovery she seemed to get her second wind. She stood, naked from the waist down and still wearing her little red t-shirt above.
“You’ve been so good that I have a surprise for you, little bitch!” She pulled me against her tigh again, and stroked my head like a favoriteed dog. “Does my good boy wants a surprise?”
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