Victoria Returns Ch. 03

Hi I’m Victoria. You may have read about some of my adventures before (Victoria’s self bondage series, Victoria the House Slut, and this, Victoria Returns.). I’m a 21 year old submissive slut who loves self bondage, sucking cock and many other things kinky and perverted. A lot of people would call me a whore, but I like to think of myself as a sexual advocate. I love putting myself in precarious situations with bondage, with the very real threat of being caught like that. Like I said, I’m a slut. I don’t mind having to please the guys that catch me, to me it’s part of the game. One good thing about being a full-time slut is that I tend to keep my eyes and ears open for the next wonderful opportunity.

My best friend Jessica (and former domme) often lets me in on those chances. She mentioned that there was a Greek party on Saturday that she heard about from one of her friends. This friend was a big shot in a sorority on campus. She said her friend mentioned that in these “mixers” with a fraternity, their pledges often are hazed, many involving sexual acts. Jessica knew that would perk my ears up. Her friend let her in on a secret. At this party her sorority pledges would wear pink ribbons in their hair, the frat guys would wear blue ribbons on their shirts. There was apparently adjoining closets at the frat house. One was an actual clothes closet, the other was a maintenance room or boiler room of sorts. There was a glory hole cut between the two rooms.

This really got me worked up. I can’t go too long without sucking cock and I had worked up quite a taste for it. I’m such an oral slut that I’ve long to do the glory hole thing for a long time. The thing that stops me is the thought that most glory holes are frequently by gay guys and/or sweaty, smelly truckers (not that I haven’t sucked on quite a few smelly, sweaty dudes!). This was an opportunity to experience it, but with horny guys my age. The questions were, how? How do I set it up? Can I include bondage, per my usual games?

Here was the setup, Cindy, Jessica’s friend, held a key It opened the maintenance closet. Interestingly, the frat had rigged the door so that it locked from both sides, thus one needed the key to get out. No doubt they’d played this game before with the sorority. So, the plan was, Cindy would hand the frat leader the key. He’d choose one of the pledges to go into the closet. Cindy would choose one of her pledges and send her into the maintenance room. There the woman would either blow the guy or give them a hand job (which Jessica said happens often, due to many of the young women’s lack of experience.) The sorority leaders don’t care which they choose, they just have to do it in order to fulfill their “obligation.” After they got off, the guy would slip the key through the hole to the woman, who would unlock the door to get out. They would then pass the key back to the next pledge, who Cindy had picked. The guys would never know which woman with the pink ribbon got them off, and the women would never know which guy they sucked or jacked off.

That set my mind spinning. Luckily, being a slut has more advantages than the obvious ones. Cam, my favorite pizza guy, who often helps me with my games, was a former aluminumnus of the frat. He always gets a nice reward at the end from me. He really digs my ass. That’s what he usually wants from me, which makes it even more embarrassing for me, especially since I usually have to do it right after I’ve done a bunch of other things. I sent him to the frat house for reconnaissance. He came back with pictures of the two rooms and the general layout. It gave me wonderful ideas, the plan started formulating.

I realized right away that this wasn’t about me putting myself in a situation, doing it, then getting out of it completely free. I knew this time I was going to have to do something, at least a few cocks were going to get pleased. The game was, could I get myself out of it with “minimal damage,” so to speak. I was very pleased with the photos from Cam, it created possibilities for me. Once I had the plan I sent him back to do a couple of the things I couldn’t.

I dressed “collegiate slutty.” I wore really tight and shorts. I wore a loose halter top. For those who don’t remember, I’m short, around five feet tall. My ass is tight, but very round and my wait is small. It Given me a very curvy figure. My tits are too big for my frame (according to some), like they don’t belong on such a small body. Guys seems to thoroughly enjoy them, though! That said, the outfit really accentuated my features. I’ve got flowing red hair and a beautiful (or so I’m told) face. Jessica calls me a unicorn, like my features make me one of a kind. I’m actually not vain or prideful like, “whoa, look at how gorgeous I am,” or anything. I just get told these things a lot. I’m happy with how I look. I’ve certainly been able to take advantage of how much guys like my appearance but Ialso realize I didn’t have anything to do with nature and how I was created. I’ve just been fortunate.

Luckily, knowing the key to getting into the party, the pink ribbon in the hair, was easy enough, otherwise I’d have had to convince the doorman to let me in some other way (wink wink). I had the thing planned out in my head, getting it all to work, however, was going to be another matter. Immediately I went to the closet area. For the time being, the doors were unlocked. I ducked in, unnoticed. I took all the paraphernalia I’d need later out of my pursuit and I returned to the party. I looked around for Cindy. In the meantime I mingled. My outfit made me popular. I wondered if the frat pledges with the blue ribbons knew about the “hole” or if they’d find out later, when handed a key. I had a feeling some of them knew, the way the buzzed around me, in the hopes I’d be the one on the other side of the wall.

Finally, I spotted Cindy, who was fashionablely late. I’d seen a halfa dozen pink ribbons already. I had no idea how many pledges were going to be there. I took the ribbon out of my hair and stayed close to her. I was waiting for the key exchange. I saw her approach one of the older dudes. Sure enough, I saw the flash of a key change hands. I rushed to the closet area. My plan was, I would try to convince the sorority pledge to let me go in for them. I actually thought that part would be easy. I figured most of them would be relieved.

The first young woman approached. I stopped her at the door to the maintenance closet.

“Hey uh. I wondered if you know what was going to happen in there?” I asked.

“Obviously,” she said with a dismissive smile.

“And you are ok with that?”

“Totally,” she smiled as she went in and locked the door.

“Well shit,” I thought. I hadn’t considered that, really. But, I knew there’d be other opportunities. I waited.

She came out, grinning and rubbing her lips with the sleepe of her shirt. I had to grin, “lucky slut,” I thought.

I was luckyer with number two. She looked inexperienced, barely 18, fresh out of high school and looked it. She walked nervously to the door and looked around. I swooped in.

“Hey, I’m Victoria.”

“I’m Jasmine,” she squeaked nervously.

She looked wholly innocent. She was dark haired, light skinned. Her hair was pulled back tight, in a pony tail. She reminded me of what Agnes from Despicable Me might look like at her age. Her face was adorable, like chiseled perfection benefiting an 18 year old. She looked like a frightened mouse.

“Look, I know what’s going on.”

“You do?” she asked, the embarrassment obvious.

“I’m guessing you are terrified right now.”

“I am!”

“Probably never done anything like that yet, have you?”

“I’ve never had sex before,” she admitted. “Petting is the most I’ve ever done.”

“This is your lucky day,” I said. “I’m going to take your place.”

“Why?” she asked with amazement.

“Because I HAVE done it before and I totally fucking love it,” I smiled. I expected her to hand me the key. She hesitated.

“But won’t Cindy know?” The fear of failure was in her eyes. No doubt she was one of those chosen people with great grades and probably an older sister who had been in the sorority. She probably hated failure more than she feared doing “it.”

“No, I see she’s quite busy. If you come back with the key, she’ll be none the wiser.”

“I don’t know,” she said with trepidation. “Can I…at least come in and…you know…watch?”

I figured I owed her that much. “Why the hell not?” I grinned. Plus, I realized her help with my setup would make it easier. We both sneaked inside. I nearly gasped when I saw the piping, knowing what that would mean. There was a pillow on the floor. “How thoughtful,” I joked to Jasmine. I knelt on it. She hung back nervously as we waited. Then we heard someone in the next room fumbling around near the hole.

“Do you have something for me?” a male voice said.

I had no idea what he meant. Jasmine jumped in. She handed the key through the hole to him. “Ah, hadn’t thought about that at all,” I realized. The woman had to do her task in order to get the key back to get out. We were locked in for now.

His cock came poking through the hole. I stroked it with my hand and jerked it slowly. It responded to my touch. I licked it from his balls to the head as it rose to meet my tongue. I grinned to Jasmine. Her eyes were wide open with shock, mixed with a noticeable bit of excitement. I jerked it with one hand while I took his head in my mouth and sucked on it softly. He was fully erect now. I could feel his excitement, I knew he must’ve been inexperienced so I slowed the pace. I patted the rug next to me for Jasmine to sit down and watch from front row seats. I continued to bob on his dick, which was quite nice. I loved its shape and I could just taste the pre-cum, a taste which drivesme crazy for more.

I felt Jasmine softly cares my hair, struggling it while I blew him. Her hand casually traveled down my back, over the thin material of the halter, down to the exposed skin on my back, then lazily it slip over my back and ass before she went back to my hair and repeated the action. A tingle ran through me, and I shivered. I looked at her and smiled which encouraged her to continue. I slowly slobbered over his head and then took him fully in, while at the same time circling the head with my tongue. I heard him grunt and lean against the wall on the other side. He was trying to hold on. Jasmine’s face was very close to mine, she was watching intently.

I pulled off of him for a moment. I nodded my head to her, indicating for her to get closer, to touch it. After some encouragement she moved her head until it right next to his cock.

“Touch it,” I whispered in her ear.

Hesitatingly, she reached out and touched it. She recoiled when it involuntarilyjumped in her hand. I almost laughed out loud. I encouraged her to hold it again. Slowly, she jerked on it. I instructed her how to do it, occasionally taking her place and showing her how to do it. Finally she was getting it. She was jerking him at a nice pace. I didn’t want him to cum in her hand, I greedily wanted it for myself. I took her hand off and put my mouth back on it. Now she used both Her hands to cares my back and ass. Then she drove me crazy when she leaned in and kissed and licked around my ears and neck as I sucked him. This girl was a total surprise. I suspected she had more experience with women than with men.

I wanted to show her what it was like. I softly took her face and led it to his cock. She put it in her mouth. I showed her what to do by demonstrating it on my hand and fingers. She sucked him softly. Her eyesbrows were raised, as if a bit disgusted.

“He’s not going to cum in me, is he?”

“I’m not going to let that happen, sweetie.”

I hearly him tap the wall, indicating he was about to blow. Quickly we swapped places and I took him in just in time for him to blow his load in my mouth. Jasmine caressed my hair and head softly, amazing by what she was seeing. Slowly, I sucked and licked him until he had come down from his high. “Yum,” I thought to myself, “I’ve missed this.”

After he pulled away I saw the silver door key being handed back through the hole. We heard him leave. I hadn’t had a chance to ask him for one of my secretly placed cuff keys.

“That was amazing!” Her look said that a new door had been opened for her. I knew that the next time she wouldn’t be so timing. “So what now? I’m supposed to give someone else the key.”

“Ok, I want you to go out and confess them that they don’t have to do it. I’ve got some toys in here and I’m about to force myself to stay in here and please until I earn my way out.”

“But…but that’ll mean they’ll know or think that *I* am going to be doing it.”

“I know. But think about it. You probably have a reward as a prude, you’re a virgin. I think they thought you’d quit or bail on doing this. This way, not only will they think you did it, but that you loved it so much you kept doing it. You’ll earn a different reward.”

“I know, that of a slut,” she said with disgust, before realizing that it might be a shot at me.

I grinned. “It’s ok, baby, I know I’m a slut. I’m a submissive slut who is about to bind herself and please…lets say several…men. Who cares what they think? You want to get in to the sorority, though god knows why. This way they probably won’t challenge you again, because they’ll think you like it too much.”

“True. What about the others? I think a lot of us were “chosen” to do it. There’s probably a dozen of us, though I know a few who have “passes” because of some ass kissing thing they’ve done for Cindy or something.”

“Convince them, too. But we’ll do it one at a time. Now get going! Theyare probably wondering where you are, no doubt they saw the guy leave.”

She asked, “what about you?”

“I like it kinky,” I reminded her. I showed her the cuffs I’d hidden behind the furnace.

“Oh god, what are you going to do?”

“I’m going to lock myself to these pipes here. First, I’ll cuff my ankles to this pipe here,” I said, showing her. “Then, I’ll lock my collar and neck to this hook. Finally, I’ll lock my hands to the pipe on the ground. I told her most of the idea that I had, about me having to “earn” the cuff keys from the guys.”

“Can I see?” she said with interest.

“Go do your thing, first!” I prodded. “We don’t want to be discovered.”

She left, leaving me the key. I saw and took a deep breath before I started on my tasks. It was always a difficult time, the moment before I relinquish all control. Still, it’s what drives me. I took off my clothes and laid them in the corner. I took out the cuffs for my ankles and locked them on a pipethat was on the water heater. Then, I put on my slave collar and padlocked it to a round hook that stuck out of the wall. I had a small length of chain from the collar to the wall, which gave me a minimum amount of slack. Finally, the moment I’d lose all control came. I put the door key in my mouth and I locked my handscuffs to a pipe which ran along the wall at ground level. There was only just enough slack from my neck to my hands that if I pulled them both together, I could barely touch the neck lock with my fingers. I was now affixed in place, my face inches from the hole. My hands were cuffed just above ground level. I was on my knees. I’d only be able to use my mouth. “Shit,” I thought. “I forget the leash! Oh well. Too late now.”

I heard the door next to mine open. I had a customer. I heard him fumbling around again.

“Do you have something for me?” he asked.

I leaned forward with my mouth and “handed” him the key that way.

“Oh, kinky, I like that,” came the voice on the other side when he realized how I was passing it to him. His cock came promptly through the hole.

With my head just inches from the hole I didn’t have much slack. His cock was long so I could barely take my head off of it unless I shoved it to the side with my mouth, which I did on occasion, both to rest and to lick his shake, as well as his balls. I’m a huge fan of ball licking, the taste, the texture just drive me even crazier. This guy got into it and soon was bucking all the way up to the hole, which forced his cock deeply into my throat. I gagged once or twice as it hit deeply into the back of my throat. Still I held on and let him ride me to his orgasm. He rewarded me with a big load of youthful cum, pretty much right down the back of my throat because of the lack of slack in the chain. After cought and spitting up some of the cum I heard him chuckle on the other side.

“Was it good for you, too?” he asked sarcastically. He slipped the door key throughouth the hole and laid it on the flat, smooth area between the walls. “You earned it!” he said smugly.

“Wait!” I said as he pulled away. “There’s a key, it should be taped under the chair.” It was something I had Cam do earlier. He’d taped keys in various places, the keys to all my locks. I heard him grip for it. I heard the tape rip after he located it. I saw it in the hole before he pulled back and looked through it. We could barely see in the darkness, but there was enough light to see each other’s eyes.

“Wait, why should I do this?” he asked. “I gave you a key already.”

“I know,” I said, blurting out the rehearsed script. “It’s something for Cindy, our leader.”

“eh…I dunno. There’s something weird about it,” he said. I heard the key clatter on the ground as he dropped it and walked out.

“Well shit!” I thought. That was supposed to be for the neck lock. I was stuck in the same position for the next guy. Luckily, he wasn’t as long. I had more slack soI gave him more “tricks” with my mouth. Soon I was savoring the flavor of the load he shot in me. He was nicer, after laying the door key on the flat he slid the cuff key that had dropped to the floor, through the hole. Unfortunately for me, he dropped it into my palms, which were still cuffed to the floor and could only reach up so far, meaning it dropped more than a foot or so. Clumsily, I dropped it and it bounced away from where I could reach. I was still bound in place. I’d purposely made the neck chain light enough where, if I struggled enough, I could break it. I just didn’t want to yet, to not spoil my game.

Another guy took his turn and delighted in getting off in my experience, well used mouth. Again when I begged for another taped key he shoved it through the hole and it bounced away Harmlessly, just inches from my grap. It was then I realized my prediction. It was very likely I was going to be there awhile. Even if I broke the chain to my neck I was still cuffed topipes on both ends. My safety net was Cam, of course, but I had instructed him to not come “save” me until a certain time, about two hours from now. I’d purposely given myself quite a penalty for failing.

Guy number four stepped up. It was another long one, possibly bigger than before. He loosened up the back of my throat quite a bit. I don’t deepthroat all that well, but I can Still do it. He was fully embedded in my throat when I heard my door open. I couldn’t even turn my head with his cock so deep in me. I heard a giggle. It was Jasmine.

“Holy shit!” she whispered in my ear. “That looks painful. It’s so deep in you.”

I could only nod and let him face fuck me, helpless as I was. She stroked my face again softly as I was getting ramrodded.

“And you had to do this completely nude…why?” she asked chidingly with a playful air.

“I…ungh…light…git…” I gurgled, trying to say that I like it.

I felt a fingerprint trace down my back, slowly, teasingly,right down my spine. She was scratching me ever so slightly, again causing me to break out with goosebumps. It traced down the small of my back and up the arch of my ass. It lingered teasingly in the crack before she scratched her way back up again. This guy pounded his cock into me and I relaxed enough to let it in. Luckily for me, he didn’t last long and spewed his hot cum into my willing mouth.


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