As they ate breakfast, Victor told Slave of the very important client that he would be having over for dinner. “No need to worry about dinner; we will be having my favorite chef and his assistant coming in to make dinner. All you will need to do is to serve the dinner. There is a French Maid’s outfit in your wardrobe that you will be expected to wear tonight. This is a very important deal for me, and whatever this man wants, he gets. You understand, don’t you?”
“Sir,” Slave said, “I am here to please you. If it would please you for this man to have his way with me, then I will do as he wishes.”
Victor paused, he did not know if watching another man have his way with Slave would be pleasure or not, but he knew that this deal was important. Slave would be a pawn used to achieve his goal.
“Good Slave, here is what I want you to do.” Victor then instructed Slave on the proper ways of greeting his guest, including as she opens the door she should bow, being sure he getsa very nice glimpse of her round globes as she bows. When she takes his coat, she is to rub her chest ever so lightly on his arm. As she leads the way to the library, be sure that he is watching her ass sway provocatively as she walks. Always offer him his drink first, and do not ask what I want, you should know and just make it.
In the library, Victor showed Slave the liquor cabinet, told her Something about drinks. “Every time I have been with John he always had his drinks straight. Here is the glass that you will use,” Victor said as he pointed to the lowball glasses. “This is what you are to prepare for me every time. He pointed to a bottle of Glen Morengy and then to the lowball glass. Victor continued his instructions at the bar, “add three ice cubes and fill it to this point. If that is not the case then there is a book on mixing drinks here. Your homework today is to learn how to mix a drink; you may do this in the parlor and play the piano along with this, but before the day is over, you should know how to make most of the drinks in this book; or at least you are to have a general idea.”
“Now I will be busy for the afternoon getting ready. Please see to it that you have this book with you at all times. I need you to learn how to mix drinks for your stay here, as this will be one of your duties as my Slave.” Victor said as he pushed her out the door.
Slave left with her book in hand. Opening to the first page, Slave started her slow process of memorizing each drink as she walked up to her room.
In her room she lay on the bed, deciding the plan of action for the day. Victor had told her little and she was nervous that someone so important would be his first houseguest. She decided that she would need at least an hour to prepare herself, and that this left her four hours to study this book.
Used to being alone on this floor, Slave headed for the shower. After the shower she toweled off and headed for her room. As she was used tobeing alone, she did not bring clothing with her and thought that she could just slip in her room.
However, when she opened the bathroom door, there standing in front of her was Emilio. He was a tall man with dark features, not unattractive, but no where as handsome a Victor. He dressed in a chef’s outfit, and the grin on his face showed that he was obviously enjoying the view. She looked him straight in the eye and sauntered towards her room.
Emilio was leaning against one of those doors. “Oh my, you are a beauty, I will have fun with you today,” he chuckled.
Slave lifted her chin high and walked into her room. As she reached the door handle, she heard him say. “Don’t worry little one, I have all the help eating out of my hand, you will be no exception.”
When Slave turned to look at this man, she was amazed. This man was struggling his cock staring her straight in the eye. “You must be the new Slave,” he used the word Slave in a belittling way and looked down onher as he continued. “Remember I am hired help, therefore, I have more status in this house than you. I will be seeing you all day as you run your tired ass into the kitchen, don’t worry, you will have this cock rammed tightly up your tight little pussy before the day is over.”
“In your dreams” was all that Slave said as she strutted in her bedroom, closing the door behind her.
Behind the door, she took a deep breath. Could this man, who was obviously the hired help that Victor had spoken of, truly have his way with her? Was she really at his beck and call as well? So many questions ran through Slaves head, but mostly she did not like this man for he was obviously full of himself, and she decided that she would not do his bidding unless Victor told her that this too was part of her responsibility. After careful consideration, she was sure that Victor would have informed her if she were to play with the cook as well. She opened up the window and looked out at the scene.
Almost in a day dream, she returned in a panic. “Oh my,” she thought “I need to get studying.” She quickly dressed in a simple green frock and sat by the window. Adding yet another form of alcohol to her new vocabulary Slave took the book and wandered to the sitting room so that she could play a bit on the piano.
She was surprised at the bottom of the stairs when she was met once again by Emilio. This time she managed to dodge him by slipping into the library in one quick movement. She silently hoped that he would not be brave enough to follow her in, and was very relieved when he did not.
Grabbing a sheet of music from the shelf that Victor led her to last time she was in this room, she sat at the piano to play. Slowly the fingers found their home and the music flowed from her right hand. Then her left hand, soon both hands were playing in unison. The music softly floated through the rooms of the house. The piece was romantic, soft and drifted up and down the keys. Slave enjoyed the piece, her fingers floated with ease to each note, and the music that she made was beautiful.
Emilio heard the music that was floating through the air, and stood in awe. As he heard the few errors that were corrected, he realized that it had to be someone playing the piano. He looked over to Angelica and smiled. “Looks like the new one has found the way to Victor’s heart – music. Wonder if she Knows it yet.”
Victor too had heard the music. He stopped working for a brief moment and listened. While the sound was muffled through the wall he could tell that she was struggling a bit through the piece. Quietly he slipped through the hidden entrance going from the library to the sitting room. He slipped up behind her and grabbed her title tightly between his fingers.
Slave wanted to scream, but sat there motionless. Then she breathed with relief as she heard Victor speak. “Tell me Slave, what would be in a Singapore Sling.”
“Sugar, lemon juice, kirsch, and gin, shake and pour over ice. Add club soda to fill glass,” Slave recruited.
“Victor said as he rolled her nipple between her breast. “Now, I have a lady friend who like white ladies. What is in that drink?”
“Gin, coinsreau, and lemon juice, shook with ice and strained into a cocktail glass.”
Victor was impressed; he grabbed both nipples, and requested “Play for me.” And he gently massed her breasts as the music flowed out of the grand piano.
As she played Victor continued to fondle her breasts and she could feel his stiffening member on her spine, she was totally distracted by his movements. But when he leaned down and lifted the hem of her short frock and let his fingers slide up her right thigh and then delved into her wet pussy, her concentration failed and she missed several notes.
“Slave, you must learn to concentrate while you are doing a task, no matter what the diversity. I will now leave you so that you can think about this.”
As quickly as he emerged into the room, he left. Slave finished the piece and sat there. Her body long for the touch that had so quickly left.
With a sight, she began to read the next section, willing herself to remember the rum drinks. Damn she was horny. She almost preferred the spankings at least they always ended in wild sex afterwards.
Somewhat convinced that she knew this section of drinks, she took a break and played the piano piece a little more. Forcing her concentration on the piano, its keys, and the music, she tried not to think about Victor and his wonderful love making. He had left her wanting just moments before and she wanted relief, almost enough to seek out Emilio, but decided against it.
As her music flowed through the house and it stirred feelings in both the men in the house.
Slave reviewed the gin, bourbon and rum sections as she walked up the stairs to shower in preparation to tonight’s event. She knew that the new chef was watching her, and she wiggled her ass a little appreciatedly as she sauntered up the steps. She so enjoyed not wearing any panties.
When she entered her room she saw the spiked heels and the thigh high nylons on her bed. Guess I am supposed to wear these she thought. Holding the shoes up for closer inspection, she wondered if she would fall flat on her face. The shoes had at least six inch siletto heels and the leather straps that were to hold them in place looked as if they would snap if they would snap if she stepped wrong. She slipped them on to see the problems that she would have walking tonight.
Standing, she realized that they were not too uncomfortable. Walking towards the mirror she saw the reason for them. Her legs went on and on. And her tiny ass looked all the better. She knew that she had better practice walking as much as possible. The stairs would definitely be a trick in these.
She kept the shoes on and grabbed all the necessary things she needed to shower. Obviously, she should not walk nude in the halls today, not with Emilio out there, but her mood was electric. She wanted Emilio to suffer like she did; and for Emilio’s prick to want her pussy as much as her pussy wanted Victor’s prick.
When she walked out the door she was surprised, for it was not Emilio out there but a woman. She smiled at Slave, held out her hand and said, “Nice to meet you, my name is Angelica. Emilio is really quite harmless, he thinks he is Gods gift to women, because he has such a large dick, but in reality, no woman here has ever even given him a second thought. He figured as you were a Slave he could have you. You will have to be careful, but remember, he likes this job as Victor pays really well and is not interested in losing it.”
“Thank you Angelica, I appreciate it. Do you work here often?” she asked.
Angelica just smiled. “I am here to keep Emilio happy, when he can not have the women in this house, he uses me. So, not only do I get paid quite well, I also get fucked many times during the course of an evening. You could do me a favor and make Emilio really horny, and then I would be a very sore but happy woman on the way home tonight.”
Slave just laughed. “I will do my best to saunter just out of his reach for you, if you promise to help me avoid his touch. I do not believe that my master will be happy with me if I am caught with the his hand on me.”
“Deal” and she reached out to touch Slave. “I think we can have a wonderful friend, as Victor entertains often and we are always his first choice.”
Slave then walked into the bathroom, She was relieved because she now knew that Emilio would not be able to use her as he wished, and that she could have a bit of fun. Perhaps making Emilio horny could be a diversity to her wanting Victor.
No longer concerned about Emilio, she focused on getting herself ready for tonight’s guest and Victor.
After her shower, she added powder that had been left for her and lightly applied a bit of makeup. Not to much but enough to help her eyes stand out a bit more. Looking in the mirror she wondered if this look would please Victor. She rearranged her pert breasts so that the nipples would almost show, pulled her stockings to the same height and checked for final preparations as headed for the door.
As she opened the door she saw Victor coming up the stairs. She turned to him, and asked nervously “do I look ok?”
Victor stood with his arms folded on his chest; he motioned her to turn around with one quick motion of his hand and just stared.
Slowly, Slave turned and then looked at him, waiting for his response. Nothing showed on his face but he motioned for her to come closer. Obediently she followed his command.
Victor lightly rubbed his thumb against her nipple. Keeping his face stoic, he was inwardly pleased with the response. That’s better,” he said, “try to keep them that way. Now, turn around and bend over.”
Slave obeyed; slowly she turned around and bent at the waist. She was astonished when she felt Victors hand hit her bottom with surprisingly hard force.
“You are not finished dressing, in your room, NOW!”
With astonishment, Slave walked towards her door.
“Yes, that is perfect,” Victor thought as he walked behind her. “This will make him think more of getting you under him than of what he should be focusing on, business. And this is the plan of attack for this evening.”
Slave could only hope that this walk would make Victor want her more. She knew that if she indeed was to get his affection she would have to do as he pleased. This included allowing another to touch her. Not really understanding her feelings she reached for the door and entered.
There on the bed, she saw the ruffled panties. had no idea how she missed them the first time, but Slave picked them up with one finger and turned to face Victor. “You want me to wear these?” she asked.
Victor only smiledand nodded.
Slave walked into the panties and slowly she lifted them to cover her tight bum.
“Now bend over” Victor commanded.
Slave turned, and with her legs slightly apart, she bent at the waist. Almost falling she put her hands out for support; thankfully the bed was there to catch her. Victor only watched and pondered.
“I want John to see you often from this vantage. When You offer me anything, be sure that he will see more of you each time. As the evening progresses you will be his target and not the deal, but in the end you will be the closer. He gets his way with you; I get the deal that I want. Both will walk away winners. Just understand that you are to focus your attentions on him. I want him to want you so bad that he can think of nothing else.” With this he turned around and left.
Slave stayed in this position, pondering her fate. If this man were gentle then there would be no problems, but if he were as any of her previous owners, or worse…Her fathers friends, she would be in for a miserable time. A silent prayer passed her lips for John to be a kind man.
As she looked at the clock, she decided that it was time to meet her fate. She knew he was expected soon and it would never do for her to open the door winded. Slowly she walked down the stairs, practicing her gait with these new shoes. She worked slowly towards the door and back. She met the stare of Emilio and walked to him, challenging him to touch her, knowing that he dare not, as the guest was to be here soon.
“See what you are missing?” she said as she pulled her bodice down, exposing a nipple and smiled wickedly at him.
Emilio just smiled at her and pulled out his massive cock from under his apron, stroked it up and down and replied, “See what you are missing?”
Slave Just laughed a hearty laugh and walked towards the door with a saunter as to leave Emilio in lust. As she opened the door, she silently hoped that Angelica would get what shewanted.
Slave opened the door with a smile on her face. “Please come in” and she bowed as instructed. But when he was followed by his dog, Slave broke down. Her love for dogs flowed though as she bent to pet the dog. She was started when the dog licked at her breasts instead of her face and quickly stood.
“Sorry, follow me and I will take you to Victor now,” she said as she stood.
He just looked at her and smiled as the dog now was able to go after his real target, her pussy. Immediately his nose was slipping between her legs. It was cool and wet and she was sure that she still smelled wet from the earlier encounter with Victor. She tried to push his head away but this dog was trained to excite John’s women into submission and would not easily give up. John just stood back crossed his arms and admitted her interactions with the dog.
Slave stood and said to John, “your dog certainly is a friendly one,” as she continued to push him back, with little luck.
Hecontinue to watch her with a smile on his face and thought that she would be fun.
“May I take your coat?” she asked, still trying to discourage the dog off of her pussy, with no luck.
“He certainly has taken a liking to you,” John said as he handed her his coat.
“Excuse me? Oh, I see, yes I think he has. Sorry about that. Victor is this way, please follow me.” As she walked towards the den the dog practiced behind her, his nose in her ass. This made Slaves step a bit livelier, and it made John excited to watch. Slave did her best to ignore the dog but when his tongue licked her between the legs she let out a little squeak. From the chuckle she heard behind her, it was clear that John enjoyed this game. Slave focused on ‘Please him at all costs’ that Victor had commanded her to do earlier.
She knocked on the door. When Victor instructed, she opened the door, announced John to Victor who was sitting behind his desk, looking very formidable and powerful.
As John walked past Slave, he said, “you smell wonderful, and it is not your perfume but you musk.” He whistled and his dog obediently went to his side.
Following Victor’s orders, she offered them drinks. Poured his like a pro and handed it to him, as she was instructed, showing him her breasts that were almost to the point of falling out. When she bent over to hand Victor his drink, she heard the dog whimper. This alarmed her a bit, but she took it with stride.
Slave asked in a very sexy voice, “is there anything else I can do for you?” as She looked directly at John. His eyebrow shot up and she was sure that the look on his face was something about sucking his cock, but when Victor dismissed her to fetch the hors d’oeuvres; she walked lustfully out the door.
In the kitchen, she picked up the tray of hors d’oeuvres. She could tell from the smile on Angelica’s face that Emilio had just finished with her, but when she looked at Emilio, she felt his stare undress her. CloseEnough to the door to do nothing about it. She could tell that his lust for her was strong, but she also knew that she did not have to allow his touch. Instead she ran her hand strictly down her body, starting at her mouth and touching her breast on the way. Finishing with her hips, she lifted her skirt. “Dream about this” was all she said as she lightly spanked her ass with her free hand and walked out the door with the tray in the other hand.
Once outside of the kitchen, Slave listened at the door.
Emilio quickly became hard and looked to Angelica for relief. Angelica had come to understand this look and her pussy became excited with anticipation. Silently, she thanked Slave, she had never been brave enough to ask for such help from any other of Victor’s friends, but she and Slave would become friends.
Emilio simply walked up to Angelica, grabbed her title in his hand and pulled it out of her top. Sucking deeply on her chest, Angelica reached under his apron to find his ever hard cock and toyed with it.
It was relieve that Emilio sought as he bit her nipple. When she pulled away it was more than he could take, he wanted her more now that Slave had rejected him and he grabbed her hair. Using her hair he forced her breast to his lips once again. This time when she tried to pull away he was ready, and he bit it hard enough to hold her in place. “You are my whore and are to do my bidding. I want you on your hands and knees like a bitch should be.” With a tug of her hair, she was forced to pull away from his mouth and down on her knees. Pulling the apron to one side he took his cock and put it right out of reach of her greedy mouth.
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