Slave was ecstatic, never had she cum so hard or felt so happy. Her new master was kind, rich and a wonderful lover. She knew that more than anything else, she wanted to please him, and do everything that he asked of her. It was a euphoric feeling that took slave out to the room grabbing at her discarded costume, almost skipping.
She took the stairs two at a time. Quickly, she was up the three flights of stairs that took her to her bedroom. This time, she knew exactly where the shower was and it seemed as if it took her no time to get in and out, taking special care to clean her still tingling smooth skin very thoroughly. Stepping out into the bathroom she dried herself with the big fluffy towel. As she was not given any instruction as to what she should wear, she decided to wear the red latex outfit again, not even thinking about the other possibilities in her wardrobe.
Walking down the stairs, she wondered about Victor’s bathroom; his entire house seemed to be full oferotica and she was sure that this would be no exception. Following the stairs that started in sitting room, she went up the quarter turn to the first floor.
At the top of the stairs, the hallway was dimly lit, there was some light coming from the small window and the only other light source was coming from far down the hallway. This house is so big that there seems to be no shortage for doors. “Hunt and Peck” she told herself and With grim determination she decided to try each one as she passed it; it was lucky that she only had to try one, or was it just that the path that he had provided her was the shortest. When she opened the door, she was met with Victor’s voice. “Slave, come in and close the door. Here is a lighter; I want you to light every candle in the room.”
Taking the lighter from Victor, she flipped it on and began to search for the first candle.
“Slave!” Victor boomed out.
“Sir, what is it that you want?” slave was confused; she had thought that she was doing everything he wished.
“Come here Slave” Victor said in a terse voice.
Quickly, because she could hear the anger in his voice, she walked to where she knew he was. “Yes Sir.” she said in a hesitant tone. She could only hope that she did not do something to bad.
He pulled her down on his lap. Bending her over his knee, he lifted her skirt and slapped her still tender rear, hard. “Now Slave” slap, “When you enter my bathroom” slap, “you are to come in” slap, “without any clothes on” slap.
Then from the table beside him, he took out a dildo slamming it into her now quivering wet pussy. It always amazing her at how quickly a spanking would get her wet. “Now leave, and I do not want you returning until you are dressed properly.”
“Yes Sir” she said as she quickly walked out the room. Once outside the door, she quickly undressed and laid her clothes beside the door.
“Slave” Victor said softly, “here is a lighter, you are to light every candle in the room.”
“Yes Sir” she said as she took the lighter and walked over to where she had previously seen a candle. When it was lit, it offered some illumination and she was able to quickly spot the next candle. With each candle the room became brighter. Looking back to see if there was one she may have missed, slave saw the first statute.
What she saw was in the small cubby was a figure of a naked lady who was jumping over the water with a bunch of dolphins. Her body was beautiful, her legs apart as one would if they were jumping a hurdle, and directly below her the dolphins were jumping as well, blowing water out of their blow holes. She was in a position to have one of the dolphins stream right at her pussy and it looked as if she were enjoying herself.
When the dildo began to slip from Slaves body she was quickly brought back to reality. Pushing the dildo back in place she searched for another candle.
Lighting it, she saw the next figure was one of a giant lady, or she was giant compared to the little men that were surrounding her. She was on here side, and her knees were ben. There was one little man that was behind her, his very extremely large cock was at the blink of her pussy, looking as if it were ready to break her in two. Another was at her face. His cock buried deep with in her mouth and a third figure was on his knees before her. Sucking her breasts as her hand was wrapped around his cock.
The figure that was next was one of a woman who was tied at the wrists and the other end to a tree. There was a man behind her pushing down on her back as his cock was in her ass. Her back arched to allow him to penetrate her ass deeply. She had tears rolling down her cheeks and he a look of triumph on his face.
Slave started when she heard Victor clear his throat behind her. Knowing that she Should be lighting the candles, she tried not to look at the figures, but it was difficult. Each one she saw was in an erotic pose, some with others, some alone, unsure if it was the dildo that was between her legs or the erotic figures that were making her so hot. But each time she bent over or lifted to light a high candle, the dildo in her slipped. Several times she found herself pushing it back in before it slipped out. She could not remember anytime when erotica made her so hot. This caused her to hold her pussy walls tight around the dildo as she moved from candle to candle, as she was so wet that this only helped little.
Along the outer wall, her attention was brought to a larger piece. This piece was more involved. Not just the figures were involved but the scene as well. It started with a satyr as he was singing up upon an unsuspecting nymph who was drying herself on a rock. It was obvious that this satyr had wickedness on his mind, for the face showed nothing but lust.
The next cubby had the same two characters; this time the satyr had grabbed his intended victim by the wait. Wanting to know if there were more, she took a quick glance down the way seeing the next one, they looked to be by the same sculptor, she could see the look of horror that showed on the nymphs face. This had to be a series.
Quickly she went to the next candle and lit it. The detail was amazing, the nymph with a look of panic on her face, and he, the satyr, with a look of lust. The subsequent one showed the satyr with his hands holding the left breast of the nymph; however this time, the nymph’s face had lost some of the horror and began to show interest. Quickly Slave lit the next candle. The satyr had moved his hand from her breast to between her legs. “Was his penis always this large she wondered?” She wondered. She wanted to look back but knew her job was to light candles.
The following status showed the nymph clearly enjoying this now, as his hands were now only on her breast and between her now spread legs. This time slave noticed that his cock had indeed grown and the expression ofevil wicked lust was very strong.
When the next candle was lit, Slave shifted so that she would not loose the dildo, and looked at the new status before her. This time the satyr was about to have his way with her. The nymph was bent over the rock and the satyr with large cock in hand was getting closer to her pussy. His hand was placed on her back holding her in place. The sculptor was clearly a master as even in bronze one could see that her pussy was wet. Looking to the next cubby made her wish that she were the nymph with Satyr holding his huge cock poised ready to thrust deep into her wanting flesh.
Never before had pornographic images turned her on as much as she was now, Slave had forgotten where she was and was totally engrossed in moving from bronze to bronze.
Slave suddenly bought out of her reverie as she felt the push of a hand behind her, forcing her hands down on the seat before her. Her legs were quickly kicked further apart and the dildo was torn out of her very wet pussy, only to be replaced but something much larger. This was not victor but something else. Slave was just too horny to care and her ass pushed back against the new dildo, which seemed to be big enough to split her in two.
When the phallus entered her, it stretched and filled her tight hole. But when she felt the soft wool at the base as it hit her pussy, she needed nothing more and had a rocketing orgasm instantly. Victor pulled out the dildo only to ram it back in. Slave could do nothing, she was enranced by the idea of the satyr who was about to impale nymph who had mysteriously become her.
It was as if she could not get enough. Her buttocks slammed back on the dildo with more force and each time it left her pussy her moans growing louder, Victor was ramming the dildo in her gaping cunt, each time with more force.
Without warning, the dildo was removed. Her ass moved back, “Please fuck me. Take me hard and fast,” she screamed as her mind and thoughtsreeled between the moment and the fantasy.
“Slave, did I give you permission to cum?” Victor asked in a most soothing voice.
“No Sir” She panted her quim pulsing almost begging to be filled.
“But you did cum, didn’t you?” his voice getting sweeter, almost sick like.
“Yes Sir, sorry sir… But… these sculptures are so very erotic” she said breathlessly.
“You thought that the dildo belonged to the satisfaction.”
It was a simple statement, but one that had Slave missing the dildo in her pussy. “Yes Sir. I could not help it. It was so big, just like the satisfactionrs here and when the wool hit my pussy I could believe nothing else.”
Victor took the lighter from slaves hand and lit the next candle. “Look” was all he said, but Slave was looking Before he even said it. This one was turned around and once again you could see the nymphs face. She too had a look of complete satisfaction on her face from the satisfactionr’s cock that had been inserted completely in her tightt cunt.
“See Sir, she likes it too.”
Victor said nothing, just handed her the lighter and went to sit back down on the benchmark where he came from.
Slave finished lighting the candles, being careful to walk under the rope that was attached to the wall, handed Victor the lighter and stood, naked, her head down wondering how she could get that frown from his face. When she looked at his face again she said, “Sir, I do not know what came over me. This room is so erotic, as are most of your rooms. But all these figures just made me so horny; you had to know what would happen when you inserted that dildo into my pussy.”
“Yes, but the rule is that you are not to cum. This rule stands for ever, you may cum when and only when I tell you that it is OK. Here is one of the lessons that you need to learn.” Victor said sternly. “I will give you time to learn how to curb your orgasms to my will, but you must try to learn quickly.”
“Yes Sir, I will try to do my best, for I really do want to please you. I want to be the best slave that you ever had and only bring you happiness,” Slave said with sincerity.
“Slave, what do you think of my bathroom? In time you will have freedom to look as you wish, but for now, take a quick glance.”
Looking around Slave noticed that this room was unlike any other room in the castle. The sunken oval bath in the center must have measured some twenty feet by ten feet and was made from yet more marble. The walls had no pictures; instead it was lined with receipts. Each cubby had a different status, some of which she had seen and others had those that she wished to see.
The walls were of dressed sandstone the same living rock the tower was constructed of. Across from the door that she’d entered was another door. As slave looked at the rope that was attached to the wall, her eyes followed it to the painted ceiling where hung a system of blocks and pulleys and then slightly below the pulleys was frame from which hung straps harnesses and ropes. Victor caught her eye as she studied the contraction suspended over the bath.
“Interested?” asked Victor.
“Yes Sir” slave said in anticipation.
“Well then, let it down and we can see what we have here.”
Slave looked at Victor with her eyebrow raised, she was well aware that he knew what they were getting into which made her feel appreciate of the immanent future.
Too late to do anything else, slave unwound the rope from the iron cleat took the weight which was much reduced because of the pulley system and lowered the contraction down from the gloom into the now bright candle lit room.
What she saw she only partially understand. There were eight cuffs that could be used in many ways and one more loop, which she only partially Understood.
“Now, Slave, let’s get ready to tie you up.” Nervously slave walked closer. Taking her hand, he led her down the few steps to the middle of his pool. She followed Victor never taking her eyes off of him. She was amazed that the temperature in the bath was perfect.
“Let’s see, which way first,” the look on his face was one of complete wickedness. It was obvious to slave that he would clearly enjoy this, but with her past experiences of being tied up, she was not so sure that she would. “Hand me your hands Slave” he attached them to a set of cuffs, then he spoke in a loud voice, “Lift”
She let out an involuntary scream of alarm as the wench started to lift her arms. Soon her toes no longer touched the floor of the pool.
“Stop!” came Victors command. “I had this little device added a couple of months ago. Technology is a wonderful thing.” Victor said. Slave very happily noticed that the wench had stopped.
The sudden cease of movement and the fact that she was no longer able to hold onto anything solid, caused her to swing over the pool.
“Open your legs it will make the swinging stop quicker.” He commanded as he stood watching.
Slave quickly obliged and was happy as she had indeed slowed down a bit.
“Down” Victor commanded. As the wench came down victor told Slave, “Keep your legs apart.” As she was lowered her legs still spread wide Victor moved between her thighs and stopped her decent so her pussy was just above his raging cock.
“Okay?” he asked real concern in his voice. Without waiting for a reply he bent forward and kissed her right nipple and then began to nibble and lick the tender bud. Biting down hard, he heard her involuntary gasp and smiled to himself.
Next Victor said “Now slave, give me a leg.” As she lifted her leg, it was attached to a separate cuff that was directly attached to the cuff on her wrist some four feet higher. The strap was somewhat longer but it caused her to lift her leg, away from her body.
As soon as the cuff was attached, Victor was no longer able to resist; he pulled her body to his, and she felt his cock slide, with ease, into her body. He could only moan at the sensing of the warmth as it enguld him. Enjoying the sensing, he held her still and then he began to rock her back and forth.
Slave could only moan. Her right leg was between Victor’s legs and her left high in the air when she felt his cock enter. And as it slammed in deep she shuttered.
After a few strokes Victor stopped and pulled out, “other leg Slave.”
Slave, Still craving the sensing of his manhood deep within her well, was reluctant. But when she looked in his face she knew she must obey.
As soon as her second leg was secured, slave found herself in a very compromise position. She tried to pull her legs together, but Victor only stopped her with his hands. “No Slave, you are mine. I can not allow you to close any part of your body from me; in fact you are to open them further.”
“Yes Sir” and Slave obliged. She noticed that from this height her ass hung ever so slightly in the water.
Victor pushed her lightly. Going backwas scary, but when she came forward, the water flowed over her pussy, and onto her clip. This caused the effects that Victor knew it would.
When she reached Victor she noticed that he had yet another of his now seemingly large collection of dildos. Holding her ass, he inserted the dildo into her pussy.
As with all swings, she went away, and moaned sadly as the dildo stayed with Victor. When she came back, she again met with his dildo. This time victor left the dildo in her pussy and let her go back.
As she came forward, she noticed another dildo in his hand. This one was smaller but it was also thicker in the middle and she could see that it we well lubricated.
“Guess what we are going to do with this one Slave,” Victor said with an evil grin. Taking the dildo in her pussy, he pushed her a little harder, causing her to swing higher. Stepping back so she would not hit him, he continued to push her, using the dildo in her wet cunt as a tool. The dildo rammed deepin her pussy, causing her to flinch as it went in so deep.
When Victor stopped her motion, she knew he was about to impale her tight ass with that dildo. It amazing her by sliding with ease, lodging itself deep with in her climate. Happily, she realized that because of the thick center, this one would probably stay with no effort on her part.
“Now slave, you are not to cum, you know this right?” Victor said as she was let go.
The sensing was like none she had felt before, the water spraying over her clip and the dildos being pushed in further to her oral cavities. Cumming was greatly on her mind.
When she returned to Victor, she said “But Sir, how am I to control such a feeling when what you do to me make me want to cum?” she moaned.
“Slave,” he said “please don’t make me punish you, I want to be nice.”
“Yes Sir” she said, even though she knew that she would have difficulty following this order. In her mind she searched for memories that she could use to control her emotions. Nothing came to mind that she thought could help her. This time she chose to instead concentrate on things around her. Looking from wall to wall was no help; as each wall was filled with erotic people doing sensitive things.
Her mind then went to the ceiling. This helped some until she realized what she was looking at. Painted on the ceiling were cherubs on clouds, these little people were in all sorts of erotic poses. As she came to this realization, she just shook her head; it came as no surprise that this room, like so many others, would be filled with erotic images. But still she sought something that she could focus on to curb her desire to cum.
The ceiling holding her attention; maybe something up there would be less erotic. The first group included two little cherubs in a very normal position. This lightly intrigued her, and her eyes wondered to the next grouping. No longer two but now three male cherubs were pleasant one female. She was onHer back, the first cherub was on her face, fucking it, the second one was in a very normal position feeding her pussy, and the third was dripping wax from a candle on her tits. Unable to see her face, Slave could only assume that these little angels would do nothing that did not please one another. With all that was going on, this image would be enough to bring her to over the edge, but she quickly looked away. The next set of cherubs was two men and one woman. The first male lying on his back with the female sandwiched between them. The other had his cock rammed deep in her ass. This was almost too much, as Slave thought of the dildos embedded deep within her holes. Slave looked at the room for one little place that did not contain some sort of erotica. But alas it was everywhere and she could find no help from the walls.
When she looked at Victor, and saw the mischievous grin on his face, she could only moan louder. “Sir, I believe that you are doing this on purpose. You seemto know that my body is long for release and everything is in place to let it go, but still you stand there, smiling at me.”
Victor, sent Slave a dark and evil grin, in his hand he held up a lit dark green candle, which was about six inches in diameter and very long. Slave immediately thought of the cherub on the ceiling as the wax was being applied to her nipples. Secretly she long for the pain, as any more pleasure would Surely set her off and she knew that this would so displease her master. Grabbing onto the ropes tighter, she prepared herself for the pain to come. This time as she came forward, Victor held her, pulled the dildo out of her pussy and began to slow her down by pushing the dildo deep within as she moved forward.
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