Still in a haze, Victor stood, watching, as voyeur and soon to be participant. He had never been to a human slave auction, but his friend Richard had told him about the auctions, introduced him to his own newly acquired slave and told how his life had changed; so here was Victor, waiting to see what all the excitement was about.
Staring at the line of woman, watching in amazement as men walked past them, pinching their tits, having them bend over and inserting fingers in every hole and not even murmur or complaint from any of them. They came in every size and color some were timing others were quiet clearly outright bold, showing they would be a challenge to the man that chose to buy them.
One man became angered by one such woman and took her from the line sat himself down on chair, pulled her struggle across his lap and spanked her, hard. Victor’s penis jumped to attention.
Later when the woman had been returned, much subdued to the line Victor walked up to her,placed his hand between her thighs and pushed his fingers into her cunt he was amazed that his fingers came out dripping wet. “Lick them off whore; I don’t want your pussy slip on me.” She lapped it up quickly licking carefully at his fingers to get it all. “You might well be mine by the end of the day, and then I will show you manners,” he told her as he walked away.
As he continued down the line, she kept staring at him and every time he looked back their eyes locked, from then on he just looked and watched as the other men poked and prodded.
33, the number that had been written on her naked body, it had to be fate, his lucky number!
Knowing which one he would buy, he sat back down in his chair. When the bidding started it was done in a furious fashion. The auctioneer had clearly worked at the live stock sales and from his dress and manner he considered and treated women in the same way as he would any other meat for sale.
Number 33 was brought to the block,”Lot 33!” At last her number was called. Victor sat up ready and waited to see who was bidding.
“Gentleman, yet another fine slave and this one a rare and fine creativity, one of only two red heads we have in tonight’s sale.” The auctioneer looked around the room to see his potential bidders, in his expert scan he caught Victors eye. Victor knew he could out bid any one in the room so he waited to see how the sale would run.
“Now gentleman considering the rarity of this fine filly I must start the bidding at £2,000.” The sale was on the auctioneer glanced at Victor, then from the back of the room a hand went up, “thank you sir £2500.”
The price climbed steadily getting to £5,000 then very quickly to £10,000 from, it rose until the bidding slowed at twelve thousands and then he made his move. “Sixteen thousand, five hundred,” he shouted out over the room. Silence fell as every head turned to stare; no one overbid him. “A new bid, thank you sir, do I see any advance?” Theauctioneer’s eyes scanned the room, he knew the sale was made but he held the room in suspension, Victor’s heart pounded as he waited for what seemed an eternity, then.
“Sold!” cried the auctioneer as his gave wrapped the block sealing both their fates. She had cost him a pretty penny, but he thought that she would be fun and maybe a challenge.
Taking the short chain that had now been attached to the collar Around her neck, he tossed her his jacket, she was his now and he did not want to share her with anyone, for a while anyway. With out a sound she slipped into the jacket and walked behind him, being careful not to get to close but not so far that he would pull her collar.
At the tellers office he paid £16500 plus the 10% commission. She watched from the corner or her eye in awe as he counted the money out in crisp £50 notes. She just stood by with her head down staring at his feet so that she would be ready to leave when he was. When they got to his car, he unlockedthe door and motioned her to get in.
Now safely tucked in the car they were finally alone, he spoke to her for the first time. “Okay, we will set the ground rules, you are to do everything I ask of you, never question my choices, and you will call me Sir. Your name is now slave, and nothing more. Do you understand?”
“Yes,” she said as she hesitantly looked in his eyes. When she saw the eyebrow rise, she remembered “Sir”.
They drive for about an hour in silence, while Ravel played softly in the background. Slave felt uneasy with silence but after a while the long hours at the auction got the better of her and she fell into a deep restful sleep. As the car came to a halt she awoke and as Slave opened her eyes she watched in drowsy wonder, as a large metal gate rolled back. Victor looked over. “Have nice sleep did we? This is my home; I live here alone and it is very private and very secure.”
His car stopped outside a large castle that appeared to have been builtcenturies ago. Lights had come on as they approached the imposing building making it seems to appear as by magic out of the night. Hidden, floodlights that made forbidding and scary shadows, of the gargoyles and dragons that fringed the raparts now illuminated the outside. Slave was impressed, her master was clearly extremely wealthy and although she felt a little afraid she was also quite proud that such a man had purchased her.
Driving around to the back, the car was left in the rear court yard. They entered the castle using a door that was in the center of the L shaped building. “This is the entrance that you are to use, you are to only answer the front door, it is not yours to use, ever. Understand?”
“Yes Sir,” she said as they walked inside. They came into a service entrance to the kitchen; it was very bright, done in whites and stainless steel. Clearly it would be a bustle of energy with servants when he entered. Each cupboard, with their glass fronts, showed thecontent of its interior. Over the stove the pots and pans hung from the ceiling, and in the corner, under the window, sat a table that would be used by the servants to either rest their feet or to dine themselves.
As he led her out the door, they stepped into a hallway that was lined with old portraits. She wanted to look at each picture, but knew that she needed to follow Victor. Sometimes when she was alone in this big house she would investigate, she thought.
He opened the door to the dining room; she stood in wonder looking at the rich reds and gold’s that lined the wall. In the center of the room stood a table made from a single mahogany plank that looked to seat at least 24; although only six high backed and ornately carved chairs were present. Even though this room was very sparsely decorated, with just the table, its sideboard, and pair of matching marble fireplaces, it needed nothing more.
He then led her out a different door, into the cavernous entrance hall,across the hall was a small flight of steps that took them into the library. It was clear from the very first second that this was his room, the one in which many deals were made and broken. When Victor spoke, it started slave. “This is the room where I do most of my work; it is here that you are always to seek me first.”
“Yes Sir,” she said as she looked around to take in as much as possible. She was in awe as she looked at the deep leather furniture, the books that lined two walls from floor to ceiling on shelves of poisoned walnut, and the rich green leather topped mahogany desk, the other two walls drawn and covered by curtains of rich hunter green velvet. The fire surrounding was of brilliant white Italian marble carved with the naked forms of goddesses perfect in both form and status. Above the mantelpiece a fine French Louis the XIV, gold encrusted clock ticking away the seconds in perpetual perfection and above the clock a picture of naked nymphs bathing in an enchantedpool and watching over their innocents was the leering form of a satire, lustful intentions etched upon his evil face. Before the fireplace lay a polar bear skin rug whose head faced the main entrance hall. These features gave the room its manly appearance.
Leaving the library, Victor brought her to the parlor. This room was brightly done, with Victorian furniture, which sat around yet another ornate fire mantle. Windows, which had the curtains been open, overlooked a beautiful garden, which had been clearly and carefully manicured. The pale greens and pinks of this room gave it a very feminine feel. This made Slave wants to be dressed in a very long dress and entertain. This room led off to another round room and in the center of the room, there, on a large oriental rug stand a grand piano. Its wing up, inviting the person to play, “Do you play?” Victor asked as he noticed where her attention was drawn.
“Years ago I was taught some piano, but without music, I would not be able to play anything,” came her meek reply.
Victor went to the cabinet and took out a piece. Set it on the piano and stepped back, almost unsure of herself, as she loved to play, she walked to the piano and sat down. When she turned the page, she left with joy, this was a piece she had studied and knew she could at least make it sound presentable. As her hands touched the ivory keys, the music flowed out. Years of practice had paid off and she played, as she had not done for many years.
When she finished she looked at him, he smiled and said “In your spare time, you may play, there are many pieces to choose from. These stairs here,” he said pointing to the staircase that looked to circle about one fourth of the wall, “go to my bathroom. You will need to know this for later.”
“Yes Sir, up to your bathroom. And Sir, thank you, playing piano makes me very happy,” she said, her voice echoing her pleasure. They left this room through a smaller door on the side. This led to a stairway, smaller than the one in the hall. From the landing you could go either up or down, and she recognized the kitchen that was off to the side.
“I want you to go up the stairs,” he said.
Looking for approval, she walked up the stairs and Victor followed. Reaching the first landing, he merely put his hand on her bare bottom and directed her to continue up the stairs. On the next landing, he said, “this floor contains my rooms, and you are only to enter with permission,” he said as he pushed her bottom again, encouraging her to continue her trek upward.
At the top of the stairs was a narrow corridor with eight doors four on either side. The décor was plain and simple and Victor opened the first door on the left “This will be your room. Here is a change of clothing,” he said as he reached into the wardrobe and pulled out a red latex jacket, matching red mini skirt and red knee high boots. Tossing them on the bed, he turned to her and continued his instruction.”The bathroom is down the hall and you are to get cleaned up and dressed, I have something I must attend to. When you are finished, come and find me.” With that he turned and left her alone.
Unsure of where to start, she picked up the clothes and headed out the door after him, Victor was gone and the corridor empty. Down the hall, she thought, which door could it possible be, there are so many. As she peeked in each room she passed, she noticed that each of these rooms were for servants. They were all fitted with a bed and a dresser, nothing more. None had any sort of knick-knacks that showed occupation, and she started to believe that Victor had spoke the truth; he lived in this majestic house by himself. Finally she found the bathroom.
She entered the white tiled room and surprised. “Well, at least I have Found something in this mansion. Now, shower, I must be clean and then fit myself into these things that he calls clothes,” She said to herself. Looking around the roomshe noticed a communal shower with several heads coming out. It reminded her of the gym lockers at her school. Looking at what she had to use, she found a razor and spray foam. Shaving carefully, she ensured that there was no hair on her pussy. She then washed herself carefully under the huge showerhead. When she stepped out of the shower, she found a brush and ran it though her long red hair. Slipping into the skirt, she noticed that it was a little tight, but looking at her reflection in the mirrored wall she admired the way it fit.
She then picked up the jacket and slipped that on, it to fit well and when buttoned pushed her firm young breasts up and enhancing her cleavage in a most seductive way. The boots pulled on easily. Looking again at her reflection in the mirrored wall she could see why Victor had chosen This costume it was as if the clothes had been tailored just for her. And the look was wow! She thought that it made her very sexy. Glancing at her rear, she patted itgently, “I think it is time to go and knock his socks off.” Picking up his jacket, she put it over her arm and headed off down the stairs.
At the bottom of the stairs, she remembered that she had to go to the door which had three stairs that led to its entrance. When she approached the door, she wondered, do I knock or just enter. Dang, what to do, relying on past experience, she knocked, gently. No Answer came, and she wondered what she should do, he said to look here first, so she carefully opened the door a little bit. It was clear that someone was in here, there was music and light from a massive TV that had been hidden behind one of the curtains and the music of a cello solo played; she recognized this to be one of J. S. Bach’s. Taking a step further in the room she saw him. He was sitting on a black leather Queen Ann chair, sipping wine.
On the huge TV she saw that it had the screen split into four parts, each showing a different part of the house, including the shower where she had been, her room up stairs, the adjoining hallway and the foyer that she just used to enter the library. With her eyebrow raised, she handed him his jacket.
“I see you have found everything you needed. Now Slave, you can start by undressing for me. I want to see how good you look in the flesh,” he said; taking the jacket from her he laid it on the adjoining chair. He sipped his wine, eyeing her intently.
“Yes Sir,” she said catching glances of him to see if she could discover his true nature as she slowly started to unbutton the jacket. He seemed kind enough, and his actions were seemingly true, but would he be like the master who just sold her. Have her do all sorts of acts for the pleasure of him and his guests. Victors face was unreadable, he just sat there, watching her nonchalantly, sipping wine.
“Slowly Slave, we are in no hurry,” he said and she started to remove the jacket from her shoulders. She watched his eyes as the jacket was slowly openedand her bare breast exposed she let the jacket fall to the floor, and she stood in front of him with only the skirt and boots on.
“Very nice Slave,” he said, as he sipped his wine. “That is enough for now.” He said as he took another sip of wine. “Now, come closer,” he beckoned.
“Yes Sir,” she said and stepped forward.
“Come put your left foot on the arm of my chair; show me your cunt, slave.” She put her left leg on the arm of the chair, spreading her legs. As he looked between her spread legs, he decided that it was not enough, “Spread you quim lips with your fingers Slave.”
Slave put her left leg further back and right leg further away from chair, thus taking the short mini skirt and pushing it up. Her wet pussy bald and smooth shoe in the dull light as her fingers pulled her flesh apart and her nerves started to twitch under his independent stare.
As he drank more wine, looking between her legs. He said, “Tell me why you are so wet Slave.”
“Sir,I am thinking about what you can do to me. I realize that it is your wish, but when I look in your eyes, I can see that you are a kind man. Now all I want is to please you.”
“And what do you think I am going to do to you Slave?” he asked.
“You can do what ever you want to do, Sir.”
“You have to EARN my cock slave… now rub your clip for me.”
“Yes Sir,” she took her finger and began to eagerly rub her wet clip, moaning with pleasure.
“Slowly – and don’t cum until I tell you can.” Nodding, she slowed the motion down. “That’s better, slave. Now tell me how it feels.
As she squeezed her lips together and slide her finger in a circular motion around her clip, “It is all wet and soft, except for this little nub here,” she said as she pointed to her now hardened and engaged clip, “it is hard.”
“Good. Now go faster, rub it harder, but you may not cum.” She picked up the speed again and added a finger, using two fingers to rub harder and faster. She moaned with pleasure because of the increased sensing.
“Faster- but don’t cum” he said as he sipped his wine, looking with an unresponsive glance.
“Sir, will you touch my tits?” she said, in a begging tone.
“In due time…” he said.
“Yes Sir.” She whimpered in frustration, as her fingers went faster.
“You must say please, if you expect me to do anything, and then I will decide if I want to. It is totally up to me.”
“Please Sir, my tits, they are becoming for your touch,” she said, pleading for his touch.
“Get on the verge of cumming, but hold back,” he said as he sipped his wine.
“Yes Sir.”
“Well, at least you said please… continue rubbing your clip Slave.”
“Yes Sir, it feels so good,” she moaned.
“Now, place a finger in your quim.”
“I can feel it all the way through my body; that is why my tits want you to touch them. Will you please Sir?” she begged, “It would bring me higher, Pleeaaassssee.”
As her thumbb still fingered her clip, her finger started to penetrate her pussy, slowly, but with determination.
“Put the fingerprint in deeper now.” As he watched her slide her finger deeper into her pussy.
A moan escaped her lips as her finger went all the way in. Squeezing her hand together, her clip and pussy started to feel the sensing of the impending cum. “That is nice, now use two fingers.”
“Oh yes, I am so wet,” as her second finger went in to meet the first. The way was paved in front of her as her pussy was dripping wet. Pushing her chest in his direction she hoped that he would touch it, if only for a moment.
When he did, the sensing was instant. As he gently rubbed her left nipple with the back of his hand, she moaned, loudly. His knuckles barely touched them, but the sensing racked her close to orgasm. Bending forward, she hoped that he would touch more, but she was not so lucky, he continued, barely touching her nipple, moving his hand with her movements. “More… please… Sir,” she begged.
“You have VERY sexy firm nipples slave,” he said.
“They are very responsive to your touch. Sir, they crave you.”
“Tell me – when was the last time a man sucked these nipples.”
“Oh Sir, it has been so very long, not since my last master let one of his friends do that, please! do that now.”
He stopped, noticed the look of disappointment on her face, changed his wine glass to the other hand, and reached up with his left hand to touch her right breast. He could see in her face the pleasure as he rubbed his knuckles over her nipple; pleased with the response of her hardened nipple.
“Tell me what your last master did to you,” he said, still lightly rubbing her nipple, enjoying her response.
“Well Sir, he did what ever he wanted to do, he would have parties and invite his friends, and then I would be the entertainment.”
“What else did he do to you?”
“Sometimes he would tie me in the room when I did somehing wrong, he would tie my wrists and knees to the bed posts, which caused my ass to stick in the air and then who ever would come over would fuck my ass. I could do nothing but accept what ever they wanted to do to me,” she said in a reflective manner.
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