Chapter 1
Abbey and Susan have agreed to broaden their BDSM horizons by taking live-in lessons from a polyamorous couple for three weeks. Abbey will learn the art of domination while Susan is guided down the path of obedience and submission.
Abbey and Susan exited a ride-share and retrieved Abbey’s bags from the trunk. They stepped into a wooden rural area next to a large gate made of ornate iron rods that twisted and turned as they reached upward.
“You girls sure this is the right place? I’ve um… hear stories,” the driver asked.
“Do they involve attractive nude women?” Asked Abbey.”Uh, yeah?” He blushed.
“Then yes, we’re in the right place, thank you.”
The ride-share departed and left them with one another. A breeze wooshed through the trees as they looked at the entryway.
“No going back now,” said Abbey glancing at Susan.
Susan inhaled and slowly nodded.
Abbey pressed the button on aNearby call box and announced, “Hi Vicky household, it’s Abbey and Susan.”
After a brief delay the box came to life and Vicky replied, “Welcome you two, just a moment.”
Vicky’s voice stopped but the audio connection through the speaker did not. Through the static they could hear subtle sounds of a man groaning amidst an undulating machine. Abbey and Susan presumed the man was Adam, the husband of the house.
A muffled “Ugh ugh, fuck, please,” was overheard in the background.
“Later. We have all day and there’s company now. Drink up,” they haven’t heard Vicky say.
The machine and groaning ceased and Vicky’s louder voice returned.
“Sorry about that, are you ladies excited for your stay?”
“Very much so,” replied Abbey.
“Good, you’re each going to have a lot of fun. Suzy, it may not feel that way to you at first, but we’ll get you there.”
Susan replied, “I’m sure you’ll teach me to enjoy it, Miss.”
The gate slowly opened and theymoved onto the grounds. The wheels of Abbey’s travel bags bumped against the pavement as they began the walk to the manor.
“You ready?” Abbey asked Susan.
“I don’t know. I want this, but I’m worried.”
“I understand. Just remember to tell yourself it’s not about you, it’s about your owner.”
“Like… what if I’m two days in and just I don’t like it?” Susan said with concern in her voice.
What if my excitement dies down?
Would I be able to continue?
Abbey picked up on Susan’s worry.
“Listen, you’ve fantasized about this and you’re committed to this. Just be a good girl for me through all of it okay?”
Susan smiled and said, “Yeah. It sounded like Adam was having a good time.”
Abbey laughed, “Yea lucky guy. Can’t wait to learn how to milk him.”
They walked for about 15 minutes before the front of the manor came into view. It was a Victorian style homemade of pale brick and dark woods. It sportsed an angled roof atop three stories. Lights shined through the windows of a few rooms and made the curves glow deep reds, greens and blues.
“Oh wow,” said Abbey. “These people must be more loaded than we thought. This place is enormous.”
Susan didn’t say anything. To her, this is where she would be begging, moaning, and cumming for the next three weeks. The house appeared approximately imposing to her.
Abbey knocked on the door and rubbed Susan on the shoulder reassuringly. They heard footsteps approaching following by the sounds latches and locks being undone on the door.
The door swung open and they were greeted by Adam. He wore the same outfit they saw when he appeared on stage; a loose robe and a pair of black liquid-tight briefs. He was coated in a thin layer of sweat and seemed out of a breath.
He addressed only Abbey, “Welcome to our home, Miss Abbey. Did you enjoy the walk?”
“I did. You three have a lovely estate.”
“Thank you, Miss. Your stay will begg with our interview and intake process. It is a bit invasive, but we try to be very gentle with our dominant guests.”
“Well, I’m sure I’ll handle it just fine. You’re still the submissive of the house I take it?”
Adam took Abbey’s bags and led her inside by the hand. He set them down inside the entryway and said, “Yes, Miss, I am.”
“So does that mean I am allowed to do This?” Abbey placed a hand on his left peck and looked him straight in the eyes.
“Yes, Miss.”
“And this?” She asked while sliding her hand down to the top of his briefs? Her fingertip peeled the waist band away from his hips. She could feel humidity rising from the briefs as she slipped her fingers into the wetness.
Susan could believe how bold Abbey was being with someone she had barely known. It was insane to her that a woman she executed control and dominion over could just latch onto a submissive man and establish herself as his superior. Susan noticed just how much more prepared Abbey was for her new role than she was.
“Yes, Miss,” surprised Adam as he pulled a folded piece of paper from his robe pocket and read from it.
Attempting to ignore Abbey’s advances he reached out a hand he said to Susan, “Everything I’m about to say and do are Vicky’s orders. Understood?”
“Yes, sir,” Susan answered with trepidation.
He sternly said, ‘Clothes.’”
She looked at Abbey who watched on with a smile and look of amusement. Her hand was slowly sliding around Adam’s briefs, making its way to his cock. “God it’s so wet in here. It’s like my slit right now.” She said with a grin.
Susan chose clothes that would showcase her figure to Vicky. Her low cut v-neck accentuated the valley between her breasts and the tight fabric exposed her puffy nipples. She was a bit disappointed that Vicky wouldn’t see them.
She glanced at Abbey’s crotch longing to see how wet this was making her, but she knew it would be several weeks before getting the opportunityunity. Susan pulled the shirt up and over her head and handed it to Adam who draped it over his shoulder.
She felt violent but knew that was the point. Vicky was trying to unnerve her, but she wanted to appear confident in the face of her aggressions. She straitened her back and pushed out her chest.
She felt she was expected to handle his advances with the dignity she expected Abbey would handle the situation.
Susan, playing coy said, “You sure this is all Vicky’s instruction and you’re not doing something for yourself?”
“Clothes,” Adam simply repeated while pointing to her skirt.
He shivered as Abbey’s fingerers found their target and slowly wrapped around it. “There are. What was a man like you begging Vicky for when we were at the gate?” She asked him.
Adam closed his eyes as Abbeys fingers tightened around his shake. “To orgasm, Miss.” Abbey slowly pulsed her grip on his shake and felt him swelling.
“Smells an awful lot like cum for someone not orgasming.” She said, trying to tease more out of him.
“It flows easily, Miss.”
Susan’s black mini skirt could hardly be considered an article of clothing. It was short enough that she felt the morning breeze on her labia during the walk. She pinched it by the sides and slide it down past her knees. As she bent down to pick it up she could feel Adam’s eyes watch gravity pulling on her breasts as they swayed.
Adam accepted the skirt and tossed it onto his shoulder. He pulled the letter from his robe pocket to take one more glance at it.
“It says I am to return with any inserted plugs or devices. Are you wearing anything this morning?”
Susan glanced from Abbey to Adam and said, “No sir. My holes have been ignored since we got back from the conference.” Her eyes fixed on the bulge of Abbey’s hand in Adams shorts.
“To bad. I can’t say the same,” winked Adam. “Bend over and present your asshole and pussy, Suzy.”
Susan nodded and slowly turned her back to them and reached her fingers to the ankles. She slide them up her legs to her buttocks and dug them into her skin to spread her cheeks wide for both them.
“You mean these?” she said with a husky seductiveness.
Abbey continued to watch. She knew this is what Susan thought wanted to experience feeling, but she knew that submission was much more than just following instructions.
“How do I look, Abbey?”
Abbey stared at Susan’s shaken pussy and pumped ass and wanted to say they looked beautiful and appetizing, but she knew better.
So, she let out an authoritative sight and said “You want the truth Suzy? Pathetic. They look like pathetic holes.”
“You ‘train’ you asshole with mediocre plugs and neglect your pussy to keep it nice and tight? Why? For whom? Me? No. I don’t like tiny holes, they’re pointless to me.”
Abbey couldn’t see the tears welling in Susan’s widened eyes. She was hurt. “Abbs?” She asked in a meek voice.
“Adam may like what he sees, but Vicky has her work cut out for her.”
Susan was not expecting such an explosive response to a playful question.
Adam cleared his throat and reached into his robe pocket and pulled out a glass enema syringe of white lotion. “Vicky has instructed me to apply this internal salary.”
He slowly inserted the tip between the folds of Susan’s hanging lips. His push received little resistance as he pushed forward and watched her hole expand around it. Gently squeezing the plunger he injected the medicine. It was about half of the large syringe before lotion began to ooze out from her slit around the tip.
“It really tingles,” said Susan.
Adam remained silent. He removed the syringe and pinched her lips closed between two fingers to help let the salve set. He moved the tip upward and rested it in the center of her asshole. Susan clenched to tease him, but he met little resistance as he popped the tip in. One forceful push of the plunger causedSusan to groan as he emptied the rest of the cream into her. She felt appropriately violent as the lot tingled and ticckled her insides.
“Thank you, Sir,” said Suzy uncomfortable, thinking it felt like the right thing to say.
“You can stand up now, Suzy. The salary, when depleted, will turn clear and get a bit runny. It may leak out of you, but don’t worry about the mess.”
Adam returned the enema syringe back to his robe pocket and turned to Abbey.
“Now, Miss, with me. Let me show you to where you will be interviewed.”
“You sure you don’t want me to do this with you for a little longer?”
“I have my orders,” Adam smiled at her.
Abbey removed her hand and found it absolutely drenched in clear and white fluids.
“Oh wow, really not just precum in there?”
“No, Miss. This way please.”
As Adam began to shut the door he said to Susan, “Vicky will be with you after Abbey’s interview is complete. You are instructed to not touch yourslf, stay standing, face the yard and keep your arms behind your back.”
Susan felt that was an odd thing to add at the end, but said, “Of course, Sir. Thank you.”
The door latched shut and Susan was left outside without Abbey for the first time. She looked out at the open front yard and contemplated what the next three weeks would bring her.
What if I don’t like this? What if I like this too much and want to stay here longer?
As the sun continued to rise, Susan stood impatiently on the stop. There were several streaks of the clear salve running down her legs by now. Her fingers dug into the skin of her back and arms as she tried to remain composed but her pussy and ass were starting to swell and scream for attention.
Adam didn’t say what the salve was for, but Susan soon discovered it at least acted as a harsh stimulant. The preceding days of denial already made her horny and desperate, but this felt like something else entirely. She looked down and stared at her clip peaking out from its hood. Her labia were more pink and puffer than she’d ever seen them. She wanted badly to run her fingers through them and could feel her pelvic muscles subtly pulsing as she fight off waves of desire.
“Fuck,” she said under her breath.
A bit later – Susan hear footsteps approaching the door. She knew this was it. Her heart was racing as she heard the latch release. It opened and Vicky exited onto the porch. Her eyes traced up and down Susan’s body and paused at the pool of liquid that gathered at Susan’s feet.
Vicky began, “Good morning, Suzy.”
She immediately moved closer to Susan and gripped a large handful of Susan’s hair and pulled it back. Susan inhaled sharply as she was roughly handled.
Vicky circled around and looked down into her eyes. “When you walked through that gate and onto my property your contract officially started. You’ve made me your owner now. You will come to know what that means.”
Vicky’s hand slide towards Susan’s backside and over her curves. She was a liness toying with her prey.
“Move your feet apart.”
Susan compiled and Vicky’s fingers probed over Susan’s ooze coated pussy lips and spread them apart one by one. Globs of clear salve dripped down to the ground as she cracked.
“Waxed or lasered?”
“Lasered, Miss,” replied Susan with her face Still forced upward.
“Good. Less work for me. You will begin your stay by being interviewed and assessed by myself and the other heads of the house. It will be invasive and it will be painful, but this process gives us the opportunity to learn each other’s expectations and limits. All submissives have limits, and I will always respect them, but I need to know what they are to do so.”
Vicky traced small circles around Susan’s pussy opening, making sticky wet noises as she did so.
Fuck. Thought, Susan. I need this so bad. Please put those fingers in me.
She whispered into Susan’s ear from behind, “What’s this? Who owns this?” She traced the pad of her finger along Susan’s folds.
“That is my pussy, Miss. You own it.” Susan’s body shuddered at Vicky’s touch.
“That’s right I do.” She tugged harder on Susan’s hair to punctuate her statement.
He fingers traveling back to Susan’s pumped asshole. Her finger repeated its tracing motion around the ridges of her rim.
“How about this one? Have you been keeping up with your stretching?”
“I’ve been abstaining since the conference, Miss, but I call it my back pussy. It’s yours too.”
Vicky withdraw her fingers and brought them to Susan’s mouth. She traced along her full lips and slide her fingers inside. She traced the curves of Susan’s tongue and moved the fingers back and forth. The residue of the salve caused Susan’s mouth to tingle, and reminded her of her insatiable state.
“What about this one? Is this a pussy too?” asked Vicky about Susan’s mouth.
“It can be, Miss.”
“A woman with three pussies,” she punctuated “pussies” with air quotes. “What does that term mean to you?”
“They’re there to be useful and fucked. Everything else they do is secondary.” Susan showed as her hips started swinging against her will.
Vicky removed a towel that was drawn over her shoulder.
“That salve is not only designed for healing. You’ve probably noticed it makes you a bit desperate? It’s one of our favorite chemicals. Be a good slut and push out the rest of it. You’ve got a few hours before the effects wear off and don’t want you dripping on my floors.”
Susan stared ahead and clenched her abdominal and pelvic muscles. Globs of clear liquid oozed out and splashed to the ground between her feet.
Vicky waited for a few unproductive clenches before she began to run the towel up Susan’s legs; wiping up the dripping liquid.
“Did you ever think a woman you met a few days ago would be ordering you to squeeze slut medicine out of your”pussies?””
Susan nervously replied with a smile, “No, Miss Vicky.”
“We’re going to have many firsts together. Follow me.”
Susan stepped into the warmth of the house and kept pace with Vicky while glancing at the decor. The architecture on the inside was as impressive as the exterior. Large exposed wooden beams punctuated high ceilings. The floor plan on the first floor was very open, and Susan didn’t notice anything that indicated this was the house of a polyamorous BDSM lifestyle family.
Vicky led Susan upstairs and Susan noticed the atmosphere on the second floor was starkly different. It was more enclosed and contained multiple rooms connected via hallways. Secondually explicit images adorned the walls and depicted closeups of genitalia in various forms of use. Susan wondered if any of They were of the homeowners.
Vicky opened one of the many dark wooden doors and instructed Susan to take a seat on the center chair. Susan entered the room and noticed theInterior was not meant to comfort her. The floor and walls were wooden and full of holes from equipment being attached and rearranged. The room contained an anchored bench of sorts in the middle and a table towards one end. It had raised rails on either side that made it resemble an armchair with no back. Behind the table sat Adam and Jenna, waiting with tablets in hand. Vicky took her seat between them.
Susan looked at the seat and paused. It was covered in clear liquids and had two black, deflated plugs protruding from the seat.
“We decided to leave Abbey’s mess there for you. Now take your seat. Don’t make me repeat myself,” said Vicky.
“Yes, Miss.” answered Susan as she quickly positioned herself on the seat. She felt the wet tips of the plugs on her openings and let out a deep breath as she slid them into herself. She felt the wet seat against her legs and bottom and recalled that Vicky did say this would be invasive.
Composing herself, Susan placed her hands in her lap, sat up straight and looked up at the table in front of her. She resisted the urge to grind on the plugs despite being made hornier and hornier by the medicine inside her.
Adam, Jenna and Vicky glanced down at their screens and up at Susan.
Vicky began, “Jenna and Adam, this is Suzy. She is the new property of our house; on loan from her owner, Abigail. I have agreed to take Ownership of her for three weeks to transform her into the kind of woman she has fantasized about being. We will use this evaluation to determine exactly what kind of woman that is.”
Jenna spoke next, “Suzy, the three of us have found that being horny makes us more honest about our sexual desires. Adam administratored a medicine to you earlier that increased your arousal a bit. How do you feel?”
Susan’s sex was on fire. Her clip was puffy and protruding farther than it over had. Two plugs were tickling the walls of her holes and she needed to be filled and fucked over and over.
She tried to find the words but stammered.
“You’re trying to be well-behaved, I take it?”
“Yes, Miss.”
Vicky spoke next, “Well you are free to grind as you feel necessary. Adam, please tell her a little about the seat she is on.”
“We got this chair from a medical facility out of Oakland. They design some pretty wild machines and medicines that exploit the pleasure centers of the human body, while also supporting some outpatient body modification routines. We’d like to use it to evaluate you if you’re ready.”
“I am ready to be evaluated, Sir.”
Vicky said, “Suzy, place your feet on the red marks on the floor.”
Susan did so and Vicky pressed a button on her control tablet. Restraints emerged from the chair and closed around her ankles.
“Your hands next.”
Susan placed her hands on the arm rests and restrains closed around them too.
Jenna spoke up, “This chair is one of my favorite things. The computer always knows what I need.Its first step of this routine will be to measure you. Are you still ready?”
“Yes, Miss.”
“Vicky will activate that subroutine now.”
A small hisss sound came from the seat beneath Susan.
Susan gasped as the black material of the pussy plug began to expand. Unlike a hand pumped toy, this one did not expand in increments — it slowly grew larger without stopping. Her labia were pushed aside as the plug slowly expanded her opening.
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