The phone rang.
Vickie trembled, knowing it was Charlie on the line, and knowing full well why He was calling her.
“Yes, Sir.”
“are you ready, girl?”
“– – yes, Sir.”
“you will shower, shake and perfume yourself. you have 10 minutes.”
The line went dead; no goodbye, no explanation, no room for questions. vickie had never been so frightened and excited at one time in her life. Nervous sweat oozed out of her pores and her hands Shook as she hurried to the bathroom to do as she had been told.
She rushed through her ablutions, scared to be late for His call; knowing that tardiness would be unacceptable to Him. The first ring clamored into silence as she was exiting the bathroom; a second following on its heels before she could reach the phone.
“shut up, bitch. you were late. no excuses.”
“Yes, Sir.”
“you will put on the flower print cotton sundress I sent you and a pair of open toesandals. Nothing else. No bra, no panties, no stockings. Is that clear?”
“Yes, sir.”
“When you are dressed, you will get in your car and drive to the Wal Mart in Bay Minette. You will park in the corner further from the store and wait in for Me in your car. you have 45 minutes.”
Again the line disconnected. vickie fairly flew to her closet to find the dress He had given her. she fumbled for her sandals and slide her feet into them as she slipped the dress over her head. It fall down her body like a spring breeze, brushing against her curves as it fell into place. her brush fairly flew through her full, red locks, taming it into a semblance of order as she grabbed her purse and rushed out the door to her car. 33 minutes remained.
vickie sped towards Bay Minette, hoping that no policeman stopped her on her way… Luck and the gods were with her as she turned into the parking lot with a scant 2 minutes to spare. she parked. No other vehicle was near her. Time passed. The 2 minutes, then 5, then 7. she dreaded the thought that she might have misunderstood Him in her panic. That He might have meant a different corner of the lot, or a different store, or that He might have changed His mind…
An older model Bronze Chevrolet pickup rolled towards her spot. It turned into a space two slots over, between her car and the store and came to a stop. The driver’s door opened, a man exited and walked towards her car, leaving his door open.
It was He! she had only thought she was nervous before. her heart pounded in her chest; her knees were weak; she was shaking like an aspen leaf in a strong wind. He opened her door.
“Don’t say a word. you will speak when I tell you you can.”
He dropped something in her lap. It was a black leather dog collar, padded and about ½” wide.
“Put it on.” she did, though she didn’t know how she managed it with her hands trembling so.
When she had the collar in place around her neck, Charlie graped her hair firmly in His right hand and pulled her head sharply back. With His left, he clipped a short chain lean to the D ring on her collar.
Abruptly, he stood up. “Give me your pursuit and keys; get out of your car, turn to face it, put your hands behind your back.”
vickie did as she was told, and felt the bite of a plastic tie wrap as it cinched her wrists together.
“Come with Me.” Jerking her chain, Charlie led vickie back to the driver side door of His truck. He tossed her purse into the back seat, pocketed her keys then pushed her roughly forward, pinning her chest against the seat. He pressed her head down, grabbed her leash and snubbed it off on something on the floor of the truck.
she couldn’t move, the collar and leash had her tied so tightly to the floor that she could barely breathe. Abject terror coupled with wild lust ran through her body as she felt her dress being lifted and thrown over her back, leaving her bare ass exposed to the world.
she gasped as she felt the touch of leather on her ass, then bit back a scream as He whistled the belt through the air and planted it firmly on her bare flesh. Five times the belt tore into her ass; five times she suppressed a scream.
“you will NEVER be late to answer my calls again, understand, bitch?”
vickie sobbed and said nothing. Again the belt cut into her ass. “Answer Me, cunt.”
“No, Sir, I won’t be late again. I promise.”
“I know you won’t.”
He put his hand on her ass, gently, then bent and kissed her ass cheek softly.
Vickie felt His hand exploring her ass… her pussy fairly throbbed for attention, but He ignored it, pulling her dress back into place.
Charlie reached over her body to unclip the leash, then jerked her to Her feet and led her around to the passenger side of the truck. He opened the door, then walked around to His side. “Find a way to get in, bitch.”
He climbed into His seat and waited. Vickie struggled with getting into the high seat of the truck with no hands to help her up, not having much success until Charlie reached across and grabbed her lean and pulled her into the truck by the collar, nearly choking her in the process. He leaned across her body, pressing against her with his right side, to grab the handle on her door and slam it shut, then buckled her into the seat.
“Tell Me the way to your house, bitch.”
vickie started to give Him directions to her house.
“STOP, bitch. One direction at a time. Just tell me which road to take now, then adequate warning for turns and stops, understanding?
“Yes, Sir. Please turn right out of the lot.”
They drive. His silence during the drive was maddening to vickie. she wanted Him to talk, to tell her something, ANYTHING. she was terrified of Him, and drawn to Him with an indescribable emotional force of lust, curiosity, fear and anger. she had no idea what He was going to do to her; well, that was not strictlytrue. He HAD told her some of the things he enjoyed doing with/to His bitches, and she HAD eagerly volunteered to be His bitch. her head swam with the possibilities…
Finally they arrived at her home. vickie was trembling all over. she had no idea what was going to happen to her, but whatever it was, was going to begin soon. He turned the truck into her driveway, pulled up near the house and stopped. He reached over, released her seatbelt and then exited the truck.
she watched as He walked slowly around the truck to her side…the door opened. He grasped her leash and jerked firmly.. She stumbled exiting the truck, but He did not catch her fall, instead he yanked upward on the leash to hold her upright. Still no words from him.
He took a handful of her hair in his fist and pulled her towards the back of the truck, but not all the way back…. They stopped next to the tool box in the bed. He shoved her head forward until her chin was resting on the box, and then clipped a climber’s carabineer to her collar and an eye-bolt protruding from the tool box. vickie was immobilized, terrified and horribly embarrassed at being tethered to a truck in her driveway where her neighbors might see her.
she soon discovered that she had only thought she was embarrassed. Charlie stepped behind her, firmly grasped the spaghetti strap on the left side of her dress…then ripped it off…He repeated His action on the right. Then yanked the dress down her body, leaving her naked and the dress in a puddle around her feet.
vickie could feel the blood rising in her face. she was mortified to say the least. Visions of her neighbors looking out their windows and seeing her hogtied naked in public raced into her head and refused to leave.
Charlie ambled slowly up to the front door. He took His own sweet time getting her keys out and fumbling through them to find the appropriate one. To vickie, it seemed forever; she could not see where He was. For all sheHe had just walked away from her, leaving her like this until some passerby took goal on her.
vickie trembled with a torrent of emotions, not the least of which was lust… her nipples were achingly erect and she could feel the slickness of the nectar of her pussy between her tights. she felt one of His hands on the back of her head… the other she saw out or the corner of her eye as it reached under her neck to free the collar from its attachment to the tool box.
“Come with Me, bitch.”
she compiled, having no choice in the matter as He was keeping the lean short and tight. They climbed the steps onto the porch and approached the front door which He opened. He entered the house, vickie in tow and shut the door behind them.
“On your knees, bitch.”
vickie hesitated slightly, trying to decide how she was going to kneel without falling with no help from her hands. Too long…. She had taken too long… His hand shot across the space between them and grabbed her hair. He jerked her forward by the hair until she lost her balance, then pulled sharply downward forcing her to crash to her knees. Not releasing her hair, He slapped her sharply across the face with his free hand.
“When I tell you to do something, it means right now. Do I have your attention yet, cunt?”
“Yes, Sir.”
“Stay right here. Do not move.”
“Yes, Sir.” Another slap shocked her face.
“you were not told to speak, bitch. Remain silent until you are told.”
He left the house, leaving the door open.. vickie could not see out of the door from where she was, but she heard Him walking across the porch, then down the steps. There was a sound, as of a door opening, then other sounds, like He was rummaging around looking for something. A truck door slammed shut…. Steps again approaching, the house door closing, the sound of a deadbolt being thrown.
Once again, He came into her view. In one hand He held her purse, which he casually flipped to the sofa. The other hand held a black briefcase, which He placed on the end table next to the sofa and opened.
He extracted from the case a set of cloverleaf nipple clamps and approached her. she was eager to feel His hands on her body, even if, no especially if, those hands were bringing her erotic pain. He did not disappoint… He lifted the heft of her left breast in His right hand…then pinched her nipple, hard, between his thumb and his third finger. She gasped. His look told her that another such sound would bring punishment down on her.
He opened a clamp …. Then placed it around her left nipple and closed it slowly, just firm enough to hold it in place. … His actions were repeated for her right breast… this time; she was able to suppress her gasp of pain/pleasure when he pinched her. Both clamps were now in place, not too tight, but tight enough to hold….
vickie breathed a sight of relief… the clamps were not too bad…nice, in fact… a dullache that translated easily into lustful pleasure. He reached for the chain connecting the clamps. She knew what was coming, but could not escape. … His hand closed on the chain. .. she froze …. He jerked sharply down and vickie could not stop her scream from escaping. Another tug …. Again she screamed.
He took her lean in his hand and jerked her to her feet. …she was quickly passing from lust to terror as He slapped her again. He dragged her into the kitchen, where he shoved her against the counter in front of the sink and pushed her head down hard, forcing her to bend at the waist with her face over the sink. With a quick and practiced hand, He tied her lean to the facet, and then backed away from her.
She heard the sound of a zipper, then felt Him step up behind her. … “Spread’em, bitch.” He gave her an assist by kicking her ankles apart until her feet were more than shoulder width apart. vickie was crying. she didn’t think she wanted to play this game anymore. He showed no sign of caring.
When she was spread, He grabbed two hands of her hair and pulled Himself sharply forward, His now exposed cock slamming into her pussy. He pounded her mercilessly, each thrust harder and deeper than the one before, every thrust accompanied by a fierce pulling of her hair. When He was finished, He stepped back, then walked away, leaving her sobbing and chained to the sink.
vickie didn’t know how long she had been there. It could have been an hour; it could have been only 10 minutes. … It seemed an eternity. she was tied, helpless, violent, raped. The counter was uncomfortable against her body. The sink offered no place to rest her head. The tie wrap holding her wrists was chafing her, maybe even tearing the skin. There was no one there to comfort her, no one to release her.
From time to time she heard Him rummaging around in the house behind her; perhaps carrying things in and out. Once, He had turned on the TV, but only for a minute before turning it off again. vickie didn’t know whether she wanted Him to come back, and perhaps rap her again, or to leave her here, where Renea could find her in the morning. she only knew that she had never been more frightened in her life. Or … truth be told … more aroused.
vickie heard Him re-enter the kitchen…once more he stepped up behind her. resigned, she spread her legs, expecting him to once again rape her… but his hand reached for her pussy, not her hair. she was relieved; but only until he used that hand to gather moisture from her cunt and use it to lube the entry to her ass.
Recent He grabbed her hair with both hands. Again, He jammed his engaged cock into her body, but this time into her ass. He pounded her furiously; fucking her ass hard and deep until she felt Him cum again, and again He walked away, leaving her tired, aching, sore and violent.
More time passed. Maybe she cried. she may have even slept a little, she wasn’t sure, she didn’t remember. her whole world consistent of the ache of her nipples from the clamps, the chafing of her wrists by the tie wrap, the fatigue of her legs and back from her awkward position and the dull throb in her rapid ass and pussy.
vickie was started into awareness by the sound of footsteps approaching her. she cringed against the sink in the dread that it might be He again … or that it might NOT be He, she was no longer certain which it was.
It was Charlie. He pressed against her and leaned over, unclipping the lean from her collar. He pulled her upright by her hair, and turned her around. He reached for the nipple clamps again and she cringed. But he did not pull the chain; instead releasing the clamps, which brought a rapid rush of blood back into her nipples; at the same time excitingly painful and wonderfully erotic.
“To your knees, bitch.”
vickie dropped instantly. she could see that He was naked, His cock again erect, as He stood in front of her.
“Suck my dick, cunt.”
She leaned slightly forward to take His cock into her mouth. He let her lick and suck as she choose for a minute, then she felt his hands around her head…at first passive, then grabbing fistfuls of hair. He skull fucked her. No gentle, loving blowjob, this. It was not what He wanted from her now. He wanted to rape her mouth hard. And He did; pounding into Her throat deep enough to gag her on every stroke, without regard for her comfort. Finally He reached His limit, and vickie felt His semen rushing into her mouth and throat. She choked and gagged, as He was still holding His cock in her throat. When His orgasmic spasms stopped He withdraw from her mouth and stepped back.
He took her face firmly in one hand, leaned over and kissed her passwordately.
“Now, girl” He said, standing again, “you ARE my bitch.”
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