Vic's Wife

We had it all arranged. Vic would leave the door unlocked and slightly ajar. Not enough to be noticed by anyone outside, but I could tell. He had put a little liquid Benadryl in her fruit juice just a while ago, so the effects should be taking effect any minute now. Not too much, just enough to lull her into a nice little, cozy nap. When she was sleep, Vic would ring just once on my cell phone. That was my cue.

I hurried over once the call came through. Timing was very important you see. I had a lesson to teach this bitch, and she was going to learn it well. I smoothed my trench coat down after stepping out of my car. I had checked to make sure my makeup and hair were just so. Can’t have the neighbors thinking a crazy wild woman was coming to visit, now can we? I grabbed my case and closed the car door softly.

I stroke up the front walk to their door and acted like I was ringing the doorbell. I waited a few moments and then gently nudged the door open with my foot to make it looks like, for anyone who might be looking, the door was opened for me. I walked into the somewhat darkened house. I knew exactly where to go and what had to be done before I could start in on the “fun” stuff. I turned to the left and walked down a narrow hallway into what Vic had described as their “passion-less pit;” their bedroom. It was at the rear of the house, and that is where I found her…the bitch, lying on her back, snoring lightly, with one arm thrown over her head. She looked so innocent, lying there so serenely. But I know differently. I know of the years of mental games and physical/sexual deprivation she put my Vic through. I know, because I was there, watching from the sides, content until now to stay there and console Vic whenever he got the chance to slip away to see me. Now was the time for a “wakeup” call, literally, for Ms. Carla.

My first thought upon seeing the “wife” for the very first time was: “She’s cute. Too bad she’s such a bitch…I wonderWhat happened to turn her so sour?” Oh well, these were thoughts to ponder at a later time. I had a job to do and I intended to do it well. Vic deserved that. Heck, I deserved it. Carla certainly could use this as her last chance, too, if she had even an ounce of sense in her brain, I thought. I set down my case and opened it. I had several items stored within that I intended to use…if not all, then at least a good portion of my “tools.” First I removed four extra-large silk scarves. I carefully slipped her hands through the pre-tied loops on two of the scarves, tightened them a bit and then secured the opposite ends to the headboard so her hands were both directly above her head. I proceeded to do the same with her legs/feet, gently but securely tying them to the footboard of their California King sized bed. Such potential, this room…and such a waste, I mused. It could be transformed into a sizzling haven of sexual pleasure and outright sinful lust, but instead, was decorated with only the sterile and uniformly in mind…neutral earth tone colors, stainless steel, and glass. Cold and lifeless. Mmmmm, just imagine what I could do with this fantastic bed. Some bold colors, warm woods… Yes, the perfect set-up for an evening of light bondage and intimate sex play….But I digress.

Next, I proceeded to remove my very sharp razor. No, not to cut and maim someone, but rather simply to Expedite the removal of all these unnecessary layers of clothing that Ms. Carla was so fond of wearing. I had to take a deep breath and exhaust slowly to contain my excitement. I had never done this kind of thing before and found it to be totally liberating in a strange, perverse kind of way.

I slipped the edge of the razor under her T-shirt and found the material cut very easily and fall away from her chest. Next, off came the shorts. Thank goodness she was wearing Spandex; it made my job easier, but man, with a butt like hers, I wouldn’t be so anxious to stuff it intoa tight little number just to have the neighborhood ogling my cellulite deposits. I was surprised to see she had on a matching push-up bra and string bikini panties — blue and white nylon and lace. It was almost a shade to mutilate them, but I was a woman on a mission. I took the razor to both sides of her panties and gave it a gentle flick and the gossamer material divided easily. Next I gently lifted up the straws of her bra, flicked the razor, and again the material separated like a breath of air. One more slice at the side of her cup and there she was…naked as the day she was born.

I stood up and considered my handiwork thus far. Carla really wasn’t a bad looking chick, thin with a big butt and slightly generous thighs. She obviously didn’t shake her public area because it looked somewhat reminiscent of an untamed jungle. Too bad, I Thought. A neatly trimmed pussy goes a long way in telling your partner that you care. Her breasts were nice though, I had to admit; nicely rounded with some general pinkish brown nipples. For her age of 36, I noticed, there wasn’t a whole lot of drop either. I caught myself wanting to lean over and suck her left nipple just to see how prominent it would stand out. “All in good time,” I reminded myself.

Opening my case again, I located another silk scarf, and this one I proceeded to tie over Carla’s eyes. I couldn’t have her see me, at least not yet, until maybe after I’d accomplished my purpose. Having thus prepped Carla to my satisfaction, I proceeded on to Phase 2 of our plan.

Perhaps this would be a good time to tell you a bit about myself now. I’m a divided woman, 48 years of age, with very short auburn colored hair. Some days it almost looks spiked, and on other days gracefully feathers around my face. My gray-blue eyes are probably one of my finer features, which I love to frame with blue eyeliner and blue mascara. I’m of average build, 5’4″, 135 pounds, 36C, with perhaps a not-too-shabby figure, if Ido say so myself. I’m no supermodel for sure, but I’ve heard no complaints over the years, and I’m definitely no slouch either.

I’ve been on my own now for almost a decade, during which time I’ve come to the conclusion that life is short…too short to waste on pretend and games. I know what I like and I know what I don’t want. I met Vic by accident when he and I literally collided during a biker’s rally in Las Vegas. I was visiting there with some girls for an “all chicks, no dicks” weekend, and he was there on an annual bike run. My mind was obviously a thousand miles away as I was bee-bopping down the strip, way too excited just being in Las Vegas, when all of a sudden I ran full-throttle into what felt like a mountain of leather. Strong arms wrapped around me to prevent my inevitably crash and fall, and when I caught my breath, I looked up into the saddest, sweetest set of brown eyes I’d ever seen. The arms were attached to a ruggedly handsome, yet boyishly cute face.The goatee’d mouth grinned at me and words were spoken, but for some reason, I couldn’t hear them. Mesmerized I was. All I could do was stare dumbly up into his eyes. Mmmmm, his eyes were what captured me. I could get lost in his eyes and dropped in those pools of coffee colored irises. The mouth moved again. I wanted to kiss those lips. They were so inviting. I couldn’t tear my eyes away from them. I closed my eyes, tilted my head towards him with my lips slightly parted, when one of my friends shook my shoulder and broke the spell. “Hello……Earth to Mindy. Are you okay sweetie?” It was Jill, my long time best friend. I opened my eyes again, and realized I was still encased in those strong leather arms.

“Ahhh, huh? What’d you say?” I asked the mountain.

“I asked If you were OK. You almost took a bad spill there,” replied leather man.

“Oh, yeah, I’m perfect…er, well, I mean, um…” God, I thought, I’m a blubbering idiot. Great impression you just made on the Stone-Cold-Steve-Austin-ish hulk here. Talk about wanting to melt into the sidewalk!

“Yes, I’m OK. Thanks for catching me,” I finally managed to blur out. The arms still did not release me, and strangely enough, I didn’t mind. It felt good actually. Safe, yet dangerous at the same time. I suppose it was the smell of leather and man that brought out the primitive nature of my personality. I just couldn’t act like my normal strong, confident self. Instead, I wanted to bear this man’s child and ride off into the sunset. It was Jill who finally broke the spell by clearing her throat.

We both jumped apart and grinned sheepishly at each other. My mountain recovered first and introduced himself. “I’m Vic. Nice to meet you…” he said questioningly, waiting for me to supply my own name in response.

“Mindy, Mindy Sherman. This is my best friend, Jill. We’re here for a great-escape weekend. We’ve just arrived in town and I guess I’m a bit in awe of everything yet. I’m so sorry,I wasn’t watching where I was going…” Gawd, the words wouldn’t stop now. Someone just shoot me, please. I don’t know what it was about him, but I knew in that instant we were in for some interesting days ahead. Little did I know that I was about to be swept off my feet.

“Well, Mindy, Mindy Sherman, please allow my clumsy bulk to make it up to you by buying you, and your friend, a bite to eat. I’ve just arrived in town too, and could use a bit of refueling myself.”

Jill was about to mutter a polite refusal when I blurted out with, “We’d love to, wouldn’t we?” Jill knew when she was fighting a losing battle, so she made up some lame excuse about a powder room and fatigue, and evaporated into the casino. Vic linked his arm through mine and escorted me through the doors. We sat and talked, ate and drank, for what seemed like hours. I could tell him anything, and Vic admitted he felt the same.

It was by mutual, silent agreement that we headed upstairs to Vic’s room. When we entered the elevator, Vic pulled me back into his embrace and leaned over to give me the most tender kiss I’ve ever experienced. His lips were soft and moist, a complete opposite of what one might expect from a seasoned biker. The kiss deepened, our tongues exploring each other’s mouths, and it wasn’t until the elevator doors opened again that we broke apart. I was quivering down to my core. I ended up spending the entire weekend in Vic’s room, doing nothing but talking, eating, and the enjoying the most fantastic sex ever. We talked about our hopes, our dreams, and our regrets. Vic had been married for 14 years to the same woman, and had, up until that point, been totally faithful. He confessed it had been over a year since he and his wife had any kind of physical contact. I could tell it hurt him to confess this; after all, what kind of man is he, that his wife no longer desires or wants his kisses and cares?

I was giddy with love and lust, and added to this was thebonus the fact that Vic actually lived in Southern California, just under 15 miles from where I lived! I would see my Vic again…and frequently if I had my say about it.

That was three years ago. We’ve been a steady item ever since. Vic often goes for bike rides during the evenings after work and on weekends, and always ends up at my place. We fit together like a pair of gloves. Even after three years, he still manages to make me wet just by seeing him stride up my front walk. I still get a thrill when he sweeps me into his arms and kisses me senseless. My body accepts his, readily and greedily. We fit together so naturally. My stomach does flip-flops whenever I see his naked body in front of me. I start salivating when I see his thick, hard cock and I can hardly wait until he’s undressed before I start to devour him with my mouth. His turgid member stalls at my womanhood with renewed vigor each time we meet. I love the way we move together, his body and mine melt as one. His thrusts are returned by mine, our sexes fuse together in spiritual union. I just cannot get enough of Vic.

This brings me back to why I am here today. I have been with Vic long enough and know what a cold, loveless, passwordless existence he has with Carla. It hurt me deeply in ways that even I couldn’t understand. So we designed this plan, a last-ditch effort, to see if there was anything left to salvage of this charade marriage of theirs.

I began phase 2 by removing my trench coat. I was wearing nothing but black sheer nylons, a garter, and what I refer to as my “CFMH’s” or my “Cum-Fuck-Me-Heels.” Next, I produced a long elegant peacock feather from my case. I was already getting moist between my legs, and knew that soon the evidence of my arousal would be evident to anyone viewing me. I guided the feather over Carla’s breasts and nipples, and watched the nipples grow turgid. Amazingly, the more I ticked, the longer they got. They must have stood up at least ¾ inch after a minute of feather play. I wet my fingertip in my mouth and traced her areola, wondering if it could possibly grow any more. I wasn’t disappointed. I moved over to the other nipple and gave it the same treatment. Carla moaned a little in her sleep and slightly arched her back. I took this as a very good sign. I slowly trailed the feather down her chest and belly, circled her navel and tickling her inner tights. Carla began slowly undulating in her sleep. I teased her legs and pubis, also gently blowing on her pussy lips. In spite of being tied up, Carla tried to part her legs more. I knew I had to speed up the process a bit and get her “going” before she became fully cognizant and oriented again.

It was at this point where I allowed myself to finally taste this woman lying in front of me. I first licked her nipple, and seeing it respond to my lips, I licked and sucked, gentle nipping and tugging with my teeth. I crawled on the bed and straddled Carla. This enabled me to tease both nipples, first the right, then the left, and back again. I licked and sucked them until they were both proudly standing at attention again. Then I snaked my tongue in between her breasts and left a saliva trail down her chest and belly. I felt her quiver slightly and a low moan escaped her lips. I traveled further south to her hairy patch and nuzzled my nose in her fur. My tongue sought out her labia and parted them. I could smell her musky odor and knew she was getting aroused. I explored deeper and found her honey spot…her clip, already hard and prominent. I was pleased to know that I could have this effect on her. I lashed my tongue over her lips and inner thighs, and started probing with my fingers. I licked my finger and slowly inserted it into her now very wet gash. I wiggled it a bit and decided she had room for another finger. With two fingers inside Carla now, I proceeded on with my tongue action. I later her outer and inner lips, sucking one lip and then the other into my mouth, licking and sucking alternatively. Carla was started to gyrate a bit and was becoming more and more aroused. Then, suddenly Carla tensed and sharply inhaled. I could tell she was now nearly fully awake. I didn’t allow her any slack, but continued my onslaught with my tongue and dove directly for her straining clip.

“Who? What? Oh God, Help me! What’s happening to me? Vic? Help me, Vic!” Carla started crying. She strained at her binding, unable to move more than an inch in any direction. She took a deep breath, getting ready to scream, when I cupped my hand over her mouth.

Whispering deeply to her, I said, “Don’t make any noise and you won’t get hurt. Do you understand?” Carla nodded vigorously, still whimpering. I rather liked my role as aggressor and was really getting into character now. I have long fostered a fantasy of being with another woman and a man, and I know Vic was lurking somewhere close by, so perhaps this would be my fantasy-cum-true today also! I rembodied my hand from her mouth and heard Carla draw in a long breath. I took the wind out of her sails (so to speak) when I trailed my tongue down her jaw and neck though. I lightly flicked the tip of my tongue around her earlobe and then trailed on down to her breasts again. I could tell she really was getting aroused when her nipples hardened once again. I licked and sucked her tits, teasing the nipples, and nipping at them with my teeth. I lifted myself up onto my hands and slowly lowered myself so my own breasts were brushing up against hers. Carla inhaled sharply again as she realized, possibly for the first time, that it was a woman sitting on top of her. I rubbed up and down, our breasts meshed together, nipple to nipple. Oh my god did it feel great. I loved that her nipples were so hard and erect, poking into my own soft breasts.

I reached down with one hand and slowly started stroking her pussy hair and lips again. Carla’s breathing became shallow and fast. I’m really getting to this bitch, I thought. She’s getting turned on by me, and she absolutely knows I’m a woman! I plunged a finger deep inside her suddenly, causing her to tense and stiffen. I inserted another finger and then another. With three fingers pumping her tender womanhood, I clnched onto her left nipple and bit a little harder than before. Carla squealed. Ahhh, I though, she likes it rough too. I sucked and nipped at her nipples some more, fingering her faster and faster. Carla started bucking up, trying to maneuver my fingers so as to manipulate her needy clip. I chuckled to myself. “Nice try, Carla, but you are not in charge of this party.” I let her go on wiggling.

Feeling thirsty now, I began to lick and kiss my way down her body. My tongue finally found its reward. Carla was so wet now and straining Against my mouth and tongue. I licked around her clip, her lips and hair, inner tights, even down to her ass, but never hitting the magic button.

“Tell me Carla, what is it you want right now?” I demanded.

“Nothing,” she replied shakily. “I just want this ordeal to be over. Please don’t hurt me.”

“Liar!” I screamed. I slapped Carla’s pussy.

She squirmed some more and whimpered. “Tell me what you want!” I demanded once more.

“I, I….I don’t know what you mean,” she cried.

“Carla, I’m only going to warn you this one last time. Do NOT lie to me. You will not like the consequences,” I threatened.

I licked up and down her slit. Carla was literally shaking now. My tongue circled around her throbbing, straining clip. I flicked it a few times with the tip of my tongue, and Carla nearly screamed out with her frustration. She was so close to cumming, but I wasn’t about to let her achieve release. Not yet.

“Tell me, Carla. Tell me you like it. Tell me you want more. Tell me you want your pussy eat by another woman!”

“NOOOOO,” she cried. “I don’t! I can’t! I won’t!” I slapped her pussy once more, harder.

At tHis point, I abruptly got up off the bed and went over to my case of goodies again. It was at this point that I noticed Vic standing in the doorway of the bedroom. I smiled broadly, noting the appreciated eye he was giving me and my “costume.” I also noted the huge woody he had sporting under his trousers. I motion to him that he should make himself comfortable and remove his clothes…join the party, so to speak. Vic lost no time in shedding the superfluous clothing. He crossed the room silently, and sat in the chair, allowing him a bird’s eye view of the proceedings. I turned my attention back to my case, and this time removed a huge, black dildo. I also brought out a bottle of warming lotion. I squeezed a bit of this lotion on the head of the dildo, decided I liked the flavor, and smeared some on my nipples too. I went over to Vic and stood in front of him, offering my tits to him. He licked and sucked my nipples until they were squeaky clean. I almost came right there on the spot!

“Wha……? Who’s there?” Carla cried. “What’s happening?”

“I’ll ask the questions, bitch!” I replied. “Now tell me, Carla, tell me what you want.”


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