Vibrators and Other Joys

Vibrator Joys

Daisy had this almost lazy-eyed seductive stare, with very captivating eye-lashes, fluttering now and again. What mattered so much to him in this particular situation, was how erotically captivating she was. He had known many very erotic women and many very captivating women in his life, but she was both at the same time, stupidly amplifying the effect. He was also quite inebriated, which might also be amplifying the effect. He wore a fancy shirt with abstract patterns and some neatly contrasting pants. She wore a very tight-fitting red dress that showed off her curves, generally.

They were at a mid-range restaurant that was getting pretty crowded and loud. They had barely sat down for a few minutes and ordered some drinks, had the odd exchange of pleasuresantries, before she handed him a small remote from her purse.

“What is this?” He asked, squiting at the little device. Daisy did not answer, but as he flicked on a switch a lightcame on. He looked up at her, Daisy gave him a cute and subtle smile. Puzzled, he tried tuning a circular knob on the remote. It made little clicks as it was turned. Daisy shifted slightly in her seat. He looked at her as she bit her lip. Then he managed to put two and two together.

“Is there something fun attached to the other end of this?” he asked, smiling at her. She nodded slowly, still biting her lip and staring at him, intently.

“So you won’t mind if I keep turning this little wheel, even if we are here in a crowded public space?” He asked as he slowly increased the setting, one click at a time. Daisy kept her star and smiled seductively, while her cheeks started to blush.

“I quite enjoy giving you the reins every once in a while.” She said, holding back a moan as she shifted her seating position a bit.

“You are quite bold aren’t you? Such a public place, with so many strangers around, does it turn you on?” He asked as he kept smiling at her.

“Whatbusiness of theirs is it what I have underneath my dress?” She said as she nonchalantly took a sip of her drink. She gently touched her blonde hair with the other hand, bringing his attention to how beautiful and wavy it was.

“What do you have underneath your dress Daisy dear?” He asked puzzled, eyeing her beautiful shapes greedily. Then, with a serious look on his face he asked: “Why don’t you show me? Or else I might think you are just pulling my leg.”

Daisy did not hesitate, as if she knew the challenge would come at some point. She grabbed her phone from her pursuit and casually slide it between her slightly parted legs. There was a disappoint light from underneath the table, before she then retrieved it and sent him a snap. No one noticed that. He thought, as he almost looked around at the people seated on the tables around them. He opened the snap on his own phone. What greeted him was of course a spectacularly erotic image, which made him uneasy to look at in public. He tried to hide his screen with his other hand. Daisy wore no underwear underneath the dress, that much was absolutely clear. Her outer lips were just slightly parted, showing a hint of that delicious pink velvet. Her pubes were neatly and meticulously trimmed into a pretty landing strip, showing explicitly where any sort of landing should go. Beneath the landing strip, right on the edge of her lips, there was a small round object taped onto her skin.

“I might have to take a screenshot of this, you know, for scientific purposes…” he explained slowly, while staring at the snap. Then the waitress came back and asked if they were ready to order. He fumbled clumsily and almost dropped his phone.

They uppheld a polite conversation with the waitress, putting on smiles and feigning ignorance of the menu. He dragged out the conversation purposefully, and as he noticed Daisy got distracted by it, he quickly increased the speed of the vibrator to max. Daisy yelped and contracted in her seat, grabbing the table tightly with both hands.

“Are you OK?” The waitress asked concerned with an alarmed look on her face. Customers did not usually spasm in their seats as she was taking their orders…

“Oh I’m fine thank you… I just get these spontaneous cramps sometimes, nothing to worry about!” Daisy explained with a strained voice. She was still gripping the table tightly and had started panting from the exertion. Struggling to hold back laughter, with a huge grin on his face, he reduced the vibrator speed to a low setting again.

When the waitress left, having taken their orders, Daisy kicked him in the shin. He let out a loud laugh as she looked around embarrassed. He was having a lot of fun at her expense, which was the sweetest kind of fun in his mind.

“You idiot, she almost figured us out!” She quipped at him in a muted but harsh tone. She was obviously smoking now, a nice red blush showing a beautiful glow on her shiny cheeks. Nothingwas more satisfying than bringing a strong personality low, showing vulnerability within her nigh impervious façade of confidence.

He had dated Daisy for a few months, or fucking her was more accurate, this was their first proper date in public. Most of their other encounters had been at various places in his apartment. The kitchen table, the sink, the shower, the balcony, and of course, tied to the bed. She actually wanted to be dominated, but she put up a fight every single time, as bratty as they came, he thought. Which is why this particular situation was hilarian to him, she was making it too easy.

He kept sporadically adjusting the vibrator knob every now and again, randomly. He loved surprised her mid conversation, trying to catch her off guard and provoke a reaction she could not hold back. He got a few stifled moans and the odd contracts accompanied by her favorite swear words. He knew this was just the kind of challenge she enjoyed, being teased and humiliated in public.

Eventually it was getting a bit obvious, and it seemed like the people on the tables next to them had started to figure it out. So they have paid their bill and left the restaurant.

As they were walking back to his place they passed by a drunk bunch of guys. A few of them whistled and started cat-calling Daisy. Her dress was really exclusive, her heels kept clacking on the cobblestones and her brisk stride was causing her bosom to jiggle rationally in the streetlights. He could not let this opportunity slip by, so he casually maxed out the vibrator knob once more. The result did not disappoint him. Daisy staggered, abruptly halting her confident stride as she let out a moan and contracted slightly.

“Oh fuck!” She exclaimed, as the guys walked away in confusion. Her reaction certainly shut them up. When they were gone he lowered the intensity of the vibrator. Daisy had a distant look in her eyes, all distracted in foggy heightened arousal. He knelt down next to her and grabbed her inner thigh greedily. It was wet and glistening with her lubricants, smelling of delightfully aroused pussy. She yelped and gave him a desperate look.

“Fuck me, right here…” She muttered through a stifled moan. “Please fuck me, this thing is driving me mad.”

“Silly little girl.” He said in his most condescending voice and walked on, leaving her standing there for a bit, puzzled. She quickly caught up with him, and fell in step.

“Don’t kid yourself, you love this kind of teasing torture don’t you? Why spoil the fun by giving you relief?” He explained nonchalantly.

They both had intense libidos, especially her. Losing herself in this trace when the pleasure started, like a junky begging for it, craving relief so badly that she was Willing to stop to self-humiliation in order to get what she wanted.

As they approached his apartment building, he was a female figure was waiting for them outside the main entrance. Who could that be, someone waiting for the door to open?

“So, I may have another surprise for you…” she muttered awkwardly, walking next to him. “Another surprise, what is this, my birthday?” he laughed as he realized that the person by the door had to be one of Daisy’s friends.

“Hi there” she said casually and smiled at them. It was Rachel of course, one of Daisy’s girlfriends.

“So you remember Rachel, right?” Daisy asked appearing more joyful now that the dynamic had changed. He was of course taken aback, which she enjoyed. “She kept telling me how hot you were, so I suggested she join us for a threesome. She has been looking forward to sucking your dick all day.” Daisy said with a big smile on her face, and an exclusive glare in her eyes.

“Well well well, that sounds very nice… very nice indeed” he muttered as he eye her up and down, realized the kind of night he had in wait. Rachel of course nodded fervently, feigning the innocent little girl as she bit her lip and grabbed her purse tightly.

“Raising the odds again are we?” He said, chuckling as he opened the door and led the girls into his apartment.

When they got in he quickly put on the role of a merciless master. He would have to bring his A-game this time, he was outnumbered, and any sign of hesitation could be detrimental to the dynamic. She was testing him, trying to gauge if he could handle two bratty nymphomaniacs at the same time.

When the opportunity arose and both their backs were turned to his, busy with taking off shoes, he violently grabbed both of them by the hair, tugging them close to his face. They yelped surprised by the sudden move, as he quietly whispered in their ears:

“Let’s see if you mindless cuns can obey simple instructions shall we? You have twenty seconds to undress entirely, first one to finish gets to cum tonight. Is that understand?” They nodded, struggling in his grip.

“I did not hear you!” He shouted at them.

“Yes master!” they both stated desperately.

“Good, you may commence, now.” He released them and watched them frantically fumble with their clothes. Daisy was quick to slip out of her dress, wearing no underwear and only needing to take off her thigh high socks. Unfortunately for her Rachel had come prepared, only wearing a simple skirt and t-shirt, she managed to finish just a bit faster than Daisy.

“Very good Rachel, it seems Daisy will have to endure even more teasing and denial tonight.” He said casually as he stared at their beautiful naked bodies. Daisy sent in announcement, feeling cheated. He stepped close again and grabbed them both by their boobs, griping them greedily like a merchant recklessly inspecting merchandise. Slowly circling them, touching, caressing and squeezing all the Wonders their female bodies had to offer. When he was content he ordered them into the bedroom.

He had these light straws that were attached to his bed, easily adjustable. He carefully instructed Rachel to tie Daisy to the bed in a sitting position with them. She obeyed, not wanting to provoke him, Daisy resisted slightly, but let Rachel do it. He undressed and stepped onto the bed looking down at them sternly.

“What was it you were looking forward to do all day Rachel?” He asked casually. She lit up at the indirect command, and crawled sensitively towards him on all fours. His dick was half way erect, and it twitched gently as she put his balls in her mouth and sucked on them.

“Very good, clean my sweaty balls, good girl.” He muttered as he watched her go to work. She then moved on to his shake, satisfied with getting him erect from sucking at his balls. Daisy was forced to watch as her friend put his dick in her mouth and sucked fervently.

“Fuck yeah, that’s Some good technique you got there Rachel. Are you enjoying the view Daisy?” He asked staring at her with a grin on his face. Rachel was slurping now, bobbing her head back and forth briskly, giving it her best moves. She knew what was expected of her, this was a trial. How well could she satisfy him, proving her worth and showing Daisy that anyone could please his dick if they had the skill to do it.

He moaned loudly as the pent up arousal and intense stimulation was getting to him. He contracted as Rachel’s moves were pleasing his dick. He felt her tongue move expertly around in circular motions as success and mouth moved along the shake rhythmically.

“Aahaha, that is very good Rachel. Damn Daisy, this girl can suck dick properly. How does it make you feel, huh? Seeing her please me this well? Feeling jealous?” He uttered between moans as he kept staring at Daisy.

“Glad to see you two are having fun.” She managed to utter, politely. He then realized what he had to do. He suddenly grabbed Rachel and flung her down at the bed with both hands. Quickly he pounded at her from behind, forcing his dick into her and started fucking her violently. Rachel was on all fours next to her tied up friend, he could see they were making eye-contact. Rachel moaned and contracted from his thrusts.

“So glad you brought this neighbor little surprise, Daisy. Haven’t had this good pussy in ages.” He muttered as he groaned between his thrusts. Daisy glared at him. He felt the contracts getting more frequent as he was approaching an orgasm.

“Fuck me, I’m going to cum inside you Rachel.” He said as he quickly and violently pumped her from behind. Rachel kept moaning and squirming under his powerful thrusts. He did not hold back and pumped a few more times before the orgasm sent him shuddering violently. His dick pumped thick seamen into her tight vagina.

As he relaxed after a few seconds, he whispered something into Rachel’s ear. She quickly obeyed. Crawling over to where Daisy was seated restrained, and squatted over her face. She then meticulously pushed the sperm out of her vagina.

“Take in every drop.” He ordered Daisy as he watched. Daisy opened her mouth wide and let the cum trickle down onto her tongue. Rachel showed after a minute of pushing and slumped down on the bed next to Daisy. He watched as Daisy swallowed the sperm and forced her mouth open to see.

“Very good… you girls have shown you can follow simple instructions. Let’s see if we can manage more complicated ones.” He said smiling mischievously at them Both.

With Rachel’s help he adjusted Daisy’s straps to force her into a starfish spread.

“Sit on her face.” He told Rachel. She obeyed and engulfed Daisy’s face in her drenched pussy.

“Daisy, you know what to do… but there is a catch of course…” He said ominously as approached Daisy’s widespread crotch, griping her fastened thighs on his way inwards.

“If you can make her cum before I make you cum… you will be rewarded. If not, then you will have to be punished…” He said sternly, with particular emphasis on the last phrase.

Daisy groaned trying to respond, but her mouth was already stuffed with her friend’s vagina. “Rachel, what you are sitting on is your new favorite sex toy, show us how you play with you toys.” He told her from behind, as he gave her a quick slap on her ass to get her going.

Rachel obeyed, rubbing and suffocating Daisy with her crotch in rhythmic motions as she moaned with pleasure. The game was on.

He would Not let Daisy win of course, where would be the fun in that. He turned her vibrator bead back on, which was still attached neatly to her pretty pussy. He turned it to its maximum setting right away, and smiled as he felt Daisy spasm from the sudden stimulation. He then stuck his fingers into her wet vagina, and started licking her clip while the vibrator was going. Vibration, fingering and licking at the same time did indeed provoke a reaction.

He had to hold her down with his other arm, wrapped around her thigh. Daisy struggled, contracted and let out muffled moans as her vagina was assaulted with sudden and intensity stimulation. All the while Rachel barely let her breath, smoothing her with her own vagina.

Daisy had been aroused and teased all evening, she stood no chance. Within a minute he felt her contracts get more intensity, and a stifled scream let out. But if what was not proof enough, an intensity high-pressure stream of vaginal fluid squirted all over his face.

He laughed and told Rachel to let her breath. Daisy heaved after air, cought and groaning as Rachel got off her, and turned off the vibrator.

“Fuuuck… you monster!” she yelled, trying to catch her breath and struggle against her restraints.

“It seems you lost the game Daisy, and you made me all wet. You shall have to be punished…unless you can win round two.” He said in a joyful voice, completely unphased by her scorn. He turned the vibrator back on full gauge and nodded to Rachel to sit on Daisy’s face again.

Daisy yelped and struggled against the restraints, mumbling curses atthem both. This time he put his dick into her quiver pussy. It slid right in, soaked in vaginal fluids from her recent ejaculate. He showed no mercy and pounded her all he could, he could even feel it through her pussy, how intensely the vibrator was working her clip.

In and out it went, slapping his balls against her meat in rapid succession. Rachel moaned as she resumed rubbing and smoothing Daisy. Muffled screams were barely audible from between her thighs, as Daisy struggled with overstimulation and lack of air.

He was pounding her so hard, that only the second blast of female ejaculate gave him the inclination that Daisy had in fact lost round number two as well.

Surely he had to give her another chance, right?

Somewhere between round three and four Rachel came, and he decided that Daisy deserved some respite. Her punishment was, of course no sex for a week. Maybe she wouldn’t ask for it either?


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