This is the continuation of the story of Vex, a young man barely six months over the age of consent who was identified by Jan, his former art teacher as a possible partner for her friend Katherine who was then introduced to a new world of Domination and submission, obedience and humiliation, and of course some amazing sex with some beautiful mature ladies. All sexual activity described herein in entirely consensual in nature.
Vex’s mind had been a whirlwind for the last few weeks, the sex had been amazing but quite demanding and he was totally totally consumed by the three ladies Katherine, his Mistress, Hannah her friend and housemate and Jan a newly married woman who didn’t count having her cunt licked as being unfaithful but who was keen to have come licked out of her cunt as often as possible.
Thursday was one night when Vex was not ordered to attend Hannah’s cottage to serve the Ladies so he took the opportunity to go for a drink with his two best friends. He’d be at a bit of a loose end this coming weekend as Katherine and Hannah were going away on Friday morning for a holiday, occasionally to see some Abba Tribute band but really it was just a fortnight away on the vino. It had been booked for months and although Katherine wanted to cancel Hannah wouldn’t hear of it. Vex had expected to be given to Jan but her and her husband were also away, at some art and literary festival, the opposite end of the cultural spectrum from an Abba taxe, which left Vex to wank himself to his heart’s content until next week.
In the pub the young guys sat in their usual seats and it was best to reserve a table as it got busy on a Friday when there was a band on. As they sat waiting for the entertainment to begin Vex went to the bar to get his round in. As he stood waiting his turn he caught sight of a woman, perhaps in her forties, with long straight hair stood to his right.
She was more handsome than beautiful but tall and elegant. She smiled at Vex and he returned her smile. She half turned and spoke to the man stood behind her as she waited to be served. Her companion was shorter than her, short haired but about her age if not a little older. He looked at Vex and whispered to her but Vex had looked away as the barmaid took his order. The couple exchanged places at the bar and as Vex pocketed his change and picked up the three pins she sidled over to see where he was sitting, around the corner from where her husband was trying to get served.
Vex put the drinks on the table and as he sat the woman said “Is this table free?” waving her hand at the small round table adjacent to Vex’s seat on the daybed.
“No, I don’t think so.” said Vex.
“Oh I see.” and she turned away. Vex realized his mistake and said “I’m sorry I mean it wasn’t took.”
They both laughed and she began to remove her coat, a long black vinyl raincoat, folding it over the chair opposite. Vex glanced at her and although he didn’t think she was as pretty as his Mistress, Miss Hannah or Madame Jan he immediately realized she had a fantastic figure. She was very tall and added to that by wearing three inch heels, silver strappy sandals and light grey tights.
Vex who knew fuck all about stocking or tights mere weeks ago had learned a lot in the interim from the three ladies and had been sent on several shopping trips to purchase mainly stockings for them to wear usually during his worship sessions. Vex estimated that they were 15 denier and that they were probably, rather disappointedly, tights rather than stockings.
Under the coat she wore a grey knitted dress, patterned and long sleeped and quite demore but with a scoped neckline. Good job it wasn’t lower thought Vex as her tits would have really challenged it given they were full and round. Vex looked her up and down as she smoothed the dress and estimated her figure at 38D-25-36. The dress ended mid thigh and Vax admitted her legs which were very very shaped.As she turned sideways on Vex could see the beautiful curve of her thighs against the dress and her gorgeous arse and tiny tummy. It wasn’t washboard flat but just a hint towards her age. She really had a gorgeous body and Vex mused over the old advance “built for pleasure not speed”. He smiled at the thought of pleasure her and tore his eyes away from her arse and legs as she cought. He looked up at her and she smiled, which he returned, and blushed having been caught ogling her.
Just then the lucky bastard with her arrived with the drinks. He handed her a glass of white wine and she took a sip and handed it back to him. She directed him where to sit and he acknowledged it with a whisper. Vex closed his eyes and tried to replay what he’d said in his head: did he really say “yes Mistress?” Fucking hell he was even imagining femdom moments where they didn’t really exist.
Since the morning in art room when Jan had strapped the double ended dildo to his face and then rode theenormous cock while the cockhead was in his mouth, before wanking herself to another rather quick orgasm, followed by ordering him to lick the come off the enormous realistic cock. He had knelt in front of her while she held the dildo near the strap and as he went to lick it she slipped the cockhead into her cunt and snapped at him to “suck my cock slut.”
There had been several evenings with Katherine and Hannah since then and at each one they had ridden his face both with and without the dildo. Both ladies had several orgasms and after each they had put him over their knees and spanked his cute bottom often making him lick the cock clean of their delicious come. There had also been a weekly visit by Jan, who always arrived with a cunt full of come, which delighted Hannah and made Katherine smile sly as the naked and cock bound Vex was ordered by Jan to knee, remove her knickers and beg his Mistress Katherine to allow him to perform clean up duties for Madame. At the point inthe evening where Jan was about to leave, Jan put him over her knee and as she spanked his bottom he was ordered by Katherine to lick the rest of the come out of Jans knickers, while simultaneously counting the strokes.
Of course they edged him each and every night, and on the nights that he stayed over they didn’t allow him to come at all, tying his wrists behind his back, ordering him to knee at the side of Hannah’s bed as they licked and caressed each others lithe bodies. Without doubt they were absolutely gorgeous in every way, but their bodies simply did not match up to the lady in the pub.
As she went to sit to the right of Vex she held turned her back to Vex and he could see the zip which went the length of the dress to the waist, and Vex immediately imagined being ordered to unzip it with his teeth. She sat and in crossing her legs left over right Her dress rode up her thigh giving Vex, and anyone else near by a good look of her tremendous legs. She seemed to be teasing Vex as she stretched her left leg horizontal. Vex couldn’t take his eyes off her leg until she cought again and he looked up into her face. She looked stern but as their eyes met she smiled which seemed to be mocking him, but she closed one eye, Vex thought it might be a wink but she held her eye shut then licked her top lip and then her bottom lip. “Fuck me!” thought Vex “that was something else!” Oh so sensitive and Vex thought she would make SOME DOMME!
She turned to the man with her, as Vex looked down at her left hand to see she wore two rings on her third finger, one with several diamonds and a plain gold band, her wedding ring. To think that her grogeous body was wasted on her husband, but, Vex conceded he seemed nice enough, clean saden and pretty handsome without being arrogant. He clinked glasses with her and they took a sip.
They began to chat and Vex turned back to his two friends who discussing sport and what they might do this weekend.
She touched Vex’s arm to ask him about the band but he didn’t really know anything beyond that they played classic rock. Vex apologised for the lack of information and she held his gaze with that sensitive smile before licking her upper lip and bit her bottom lip. Vex felt his balls tingle and his cock began to harden. He breathed in deeply though his nose which she couldn’t fail to notice, before she turned back to her husband.
The band began, and boy were they loud, but as the first song abruptly ended Vex
clearly heard her husband says “is it definitely him?”
“Maybe I should find out.” she replied as she stood and smoothed down her dress.
The band started up again just as she said something to Vex but he couldn’t hear so she bent over towards him. He turned his head so she could speak directly into his ear: “I noticed you looking at me. Are you interested? If you are you’ll find me very demanding.” Vex’s balls tingled and his cock began instantaneously began to harden again.
The song stopped abruptly, Vex didn’t know why, but he was held in her gaze as she stood up. She looked down at Vex and with one eyebrow raised said “Very demanding. It’s a lifestyle choice.”
It took Vex’s breath away and she turned on her heels heading towards the Ladies.
The only thing Vex could mouth was “Wow!” as he turned away not wanted to antagonise her husband.
She came back from the Ladies and before she took her seat she said to her husband “Another drink I think.”
Vex was certain her husband replied “Yes Mistress.” and he stood to go to the bar.
She half turned to Vex leaned over and asked him “Would you join us for a drink?”
Vex kind of mumbled his thanks but he was drinking in a round with his two friends.
He had to lean into her so she could hear him over the band. She smelt divine and he had to control the urge to kiss her ear.
“Why don’t you go to the bar with him, tell him what all three of you want.”
Vex stood and stepped past her and as she sat down she brushed against him. Again, that disarming smile but this time with a lick of her newly glossed lips.
Vex went to the bar and told her husband what she had said and what the round was. Just as Vex got there the band ended their first set amid raucous applause and as Vex picked up the three pins her husband said “You seem to have made an impression.”
Vex half turned and gave him a quizzical look but it was met with a smile, a smile without a threat, without concern and he walked back to the table to give his pals the drinks.
He sat closer to her this time and raised his glass to click with them.
“Thank you er…” he didn’t know their names, but offered his
“I’m Vex, it’s a nice name.” he said with a shrug.
“Hello Vex, nice to meet you.” She said rather theatrically momentarily turning to her husband and winding, unseen by Vex. She turned back to him “I’m Andrea.”
They clinked glasses again andVex proffered his across the table to her husband. No name was immediately forthcoming and Vex said “Andrea and?”
Andrea looked directly at Vex, raised her eyebrow, leaned into him and whispered “Andrea, Miss Andrea and slave.”
Vex’s breath caught in his throat and he took a gulp of beer. He looked back and they were deep in conversation. As Andrea had her back to him Vex couldn’t hear what she said, and her husband appeared to say little.
She turned back to Vex, momentarily turning to say to her husband “Well let’s ask him.”
“Would you like to come for a drink with us Vex?”
“Er yes.” he replied and gestured at his friends.
“Just you and me Vex.” she flicked her hair over her shoulder “and my slave.” which sounded like an Afterthought.
The drinks were swiftly finished and Andrea ordered her husband to go and flag down a cab. She stood and went to the Ladies and Vex made his excuses to his friends and went to the Gents.
Vex was just aheadof her as they left their respective toilets and Andrea caught him up and grabbed him by the sleepe of his shirt directing him to a high table by the door. There was nobody within earshot.
“I need to tell you Vex that we do not have what you might call a conventional marriage. Behind closed doors he is my slave, but I’m looking for a second slave. Is that something that might interest you?”
Vex swallowed hard and looked straight into her eyes and said “Yes Mistress Andrea.”
She smiled and held his stare, while looking over his shoulder. She could see her husband trying to flag down a taxi without success so far.
“So what did you think when you saw me?”
“I thought that you were tall and quite struggling.” he said diplomatically, after all it wasn’t until she removed her coat and waved her husband indicating she had found a seat that Vex had had a good gawp at her and decided she had a fantastic body.
“And when did you decide to come for a drink?”
“Well, once I heard him call you Mistress and you replied calling him slave then I thought you might be very interesting.”
“Are you submissive Vex?”
“Miss Andrea.” she said
“Yes Miss Andrea.” she said
“Yes Miss Andrea.”
“I hope you are obedient because I cannot allow a disobedient slave to remain in my house.”
“Yes Mistress, I’ll be very obedient.”
“Yes Mistress I promise.”
“If I decided to accept your service there will be a slave contract to sign of course.” as if such thing was commonplace. He didn’t have a slave contract with Katherine and wondered what it would involve.
“Ok, so my final revelation before we leave. I didn’t find you by chance but I’m so glad I did. Kath told me where you’d be.”
Vex froze. “Kath? my Katherine?”
“Well she’s hardly yours, as I understand it you very firmly belong to her.” She whispered. The sweet smile and raised eyebrow made his balls tingle as Andrea leaned her head in to kiss him on thelips.
She looked over his shoulder to see her husband waving frantically at her and she took Vex by the arm and they went outside, Vex holding the door open for her. She smiled in appreciation.
Her husband went to the nearside and opened the back and front passenger doors and got in the front as Andrea got in the back. Vex was unsure of what to do but Andrea waved at the far side “In the back with me.” she said with a smile.
As Vex got in her husband gave the driver the address and they set off.
Andrea put her hand on the top of Vex’s leg and squeezed firmly, then leaned over into him. She hadn’t fastened her trench coat as they left the pub so in the back seat of the taxi she was able to inch up her dress further and further up her right thigh until the lace tops of her hold ups came into view. Vex was transfixed. She whispered in his ear “Go ahead I won’t bite.”
Vex put his hand on her leg caresing the lace sticking top as his cock strained in his pants.
He continued up her thigh and as he slipped his fingers over her silky knickers she pushed his hand away to avoid the driver being alerted by her little moans.
Vex looked out of the window, his mind a whirr. After a few minutes he focused again but had no idea where they were, only that it was across the river from where he lived. Andrea’s husband said something to the driver pointing ahead and he pulled in and stopped.
“We’re here, come on, he’ll get this.” said Andrea to Vex. They got out as her husband paid the driver and he went round to the passenger side. Andrea linked arms with him and set off, leading him up the impressive drive. The house was detached and double fronted, the drive lights turning on as they approached them. As they reached the door Vex heard the car door slam shut as Andrea got the keys out of her handbag. “Once inside you will call me Miss Andrea. Well, until you learn to worship me. Perhaps I will allow you to call me Goddess. Hmm.” She unlocked the door and he followed her inside.
Before her husband had closed the front door behind him Andrea was passwordately kissing Vex.
She held the kiss for a minute then pushed Vex away.
“This slut has made a solemn promise to serve and obey me.”
“Very good Mistress.” her slave replied.
“I’ll have a glass of Pinot Gris. You two can remove your clothes immediately” and with that she pushed Vex down. He obediently got on his knees as her husband went into the kitchen.
Andrea walked away disappearing into the adjacent room shrinking off her black trenchcoat on top of the kneeing Vex. He stood and picked up the coat, just as her husband appeared with a solidary glass of white wine on a small silver tray. He was completely naked. His cock was erect and he absentmindedly wanked it back and forth a dozen times with his free hand.
“I suggest you hang her coat in there,” he pointed to a room with his impressive erection which was on the opposite side of the hall, “and then present yourself naked in here. Make sure you’re hard. She likes to be appreciated.” He smiled and disappeared into the lounge.
Vex went the other direction and found himself in an office, a door inside the office was ajar. It was a cloakroom with toilet and handbasin. He found a coat hanger and hung Andreas coat up, then quickly disrobed, leaving his clothes in a heap on the floor. He had a semi just at the thought of being naked in her presence, something he loved doing with the Badminton Ladies. A few strokes of his cock and he was fully erect and he stepped out and across the hall. He heard her voice and knocked on the door. She glanced over and waved him in then said to her husband “full serving uniform, and make it snappy.”
Vex had no idea what she meant but her husband bowed to her then turned and walked past Vex.
She clicked her fingers and pointed at her feet as she crossed her legs her strappy sandal hanging from her right foot.
Vex stood in front of her and she wagged a finger at him “When you enter a room I am in you will go to where I tell you and immediately get on your knees, which is where you belong in this house accidentally, and if I enter a room you are in you will immediately knee. Is that understand?”
“Yes Miss Andrea.” replied Vex as he knelt at her feet.
She took a sip of wine then held the glass towards Vex, who took it and held it by the base and stem in both hands as Katherine had taught him, and not by the bowl so as to not warm the wine.
“Your Mistress has told me all about you, your training and your service and we discussed how I can take your training to the next level, to get you to where she requires before she returns home.”
Vex gulped, he knew that Katherine and Hannah were away for at least a week, well a week plus the following weekend, so it was ten days before they returned. How long was he expected to be here?
She clicked her fingers and Vex handed her the glass. She clicked her fingers again and pointed at her foot, her toes painted a dark purple. Vex instinctively leaned down and kissed her toes and as he reached the hallux she murmured “Continue up. Each kiss needs to overlap the last.”
Vex felt his heart miss a beat and his erection twitched in appreciation in anticipation of kissing the full length of her grogeous shapely leg.
As he reached the hem of her dress Wondering where he was to go next, she uncrossed her legs. Vex hoped she would spread them over the arms of the chair but she crossed them the other way, flicking her other foot in his direction. Vex moved back down to begin kissing the other foot as she continued to sip her wine. Vex reached the hem of the dress again just as there was a gentle knock on the door behind him.
Vex went to turn his head but she slapped his face gently to make him face her and held the glass above his head saying “Fill me up slave.” Now that would be worth seeing, thought Vex.
Once both hands were free she stretched out her legs and put both palms on the outside of her thighs and inched the hem other dress higher and higher until her stocking tops came into view. Vex was transfixed as the straws of her purple suspender belt came into view. The front strap was of course slightly loose and Vex was amazed to see a side strap as well as a rear strap, clearly a six strap suspender belt which he had only ever seen in a jizz mag before but which he thought was marvellously sensitive.
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