Vex and the Badminton Club Pt. 01

It is an undeniable fact that a young man, having reached majority i.e. 18 and with a healthy libido capable of multiple erections each and every day which can be, and no doubt are, masturbated up to five times a day producing a good quantity of thick spunk, but not having had the benefit of anything more than some finger fucking and finger sniffing thereafter, is in need of an older woman to teach him, giving him the benefit of her sexual experience, and showing him the ropes, although she may prefer to tie his wrists behind his back with a stocking or even handcuffs while she sits on his face and comes in his mouth several times a session. You wont find that in the foreword of any Brönte sisters novel, well maybe Jane Austen…

And so to the subject of our story: School had been hell for Vex, well, senior school had been, junior school was memorable mainly due to a couple of teachers, one, Katherine who had taught him over two years, allowing him to express himself and who was his first real crush: a tall and statuesque brunette with such a sweet nurse personality. The other was a different kettle of fish: strict and quite stern, enormous breasts and tights that could crush a weightlifters head, but who, as the year wore on gained his respect and devotion as she worked so incredibly hard to get him, and others who were willing to learn, through the entrance exams in order to get to a better school.

When she had popped into his fantasy dressed in a black basque and lace top stockings, with black pvc ankle boots and an incredibly hairy fanny he had wanked himself to an amazing orgasm, the cum shooting up to his chest almost hitting him in the face. Miss Tynish had featured quite often in his fansies after that, but his devotion to the memory of Katherine never faulted not for one minute (well, except during the Miss Tynish wanking sessions!)

In case you were wondering, Vex wasn’t his proper name but a nickname he’d had since his first yearat senior school, and was thinking he might dump it as he went on to goodness knows what, more education or work, he hadn’t yet decided. But for now his school days were rapidly drawing to a close, barely a day away, and he could hardly wait.

What had disappointed him since his birthday had taken him past the age of eighteen was his total failure to get laid. He’d tried it on with several girls and barely got to the aforementioned sniffing of his fingers, never mind tasting cunt juice straight from the fuck hole, so to speak, which was what he wanted more than anything. Well, as much as he also wanted to spunk his load into a nice tight cunt.

Lunchtime was almost over, and classes had been fairly loose and unregulated since the exams had been concluded. He thought he might go down towards the girls P.E. block to see who was around, you never know, he might get lucky.

As he approached the corner of the building a teacher came around and he almost collided with her. Hebowled on past, turning on his right heel, in order to apologise. As he turned towards her he recognized her as his erstwhile art teacher Miss Hill (he had dropped the subject some years ago) and waited for her to compose herself before blurting out an apology.

“That’s ok Vex, looking forward to tomorrow?”

Vex was taken aback that she even knew him, never mind remembered his nickname.

“Yes Miss, very much so.”

“I was talking to a mutual friend last night who was asking after you. How fortunate I’ve bumped into you.”

Almost literally, thought Vex, but who could she be referring to?

“Sorry Miss, but I’ve no idea who you mean.”

“Oh, I think you’ll remember her, she taught you in junior school.”

What? And she still remembered him, that was years ago!

She stepped to the side, out of the general flow and hubbub of kids and teachers and he walked over to her, as much to hear her clearly as anything else.

“She was asking how you’d done, but I had to tell her I was none the wiser. She said you were one of, if not her favourite pupil, and had often wondered how you’d progressed.”

Vex thought that if she knew she might be somewhelmed as, although he’d loved his formative school years the last few had been a living hell.

“Sorry Miss, but who is your friend?”

“Do you remember Katherine? Katherine Faucette?”

The name hit him like a cricket bat 🏏. Katherine had never left his memory, he thought of her with such fondness, and since his very first erection had wanked himself as often as possible fantasising about her.

Miss Hill continued to speak but he hardly heard her.

“Well, do you play?”

“Sorry Miss, play what?”

“Badminton, Vex, I play with Katherine and her friend two or three times a week. In fact we’re playing tonight if you’re interested.”

Vex hadn’t played for a couple of years, not since a disastrous campaign of evening badminton sessions had totaly failed to get him laid, although in the last few months his friend Mike, since turning 18 had managed to get off with a freckle faced little vixen called Cat, who he had successively introduced him to tea time after school sex sessions before her college lecturer parents arrived home. Jammy bastard, Vex had never forgiven him for not sharing, as he was sure she’d have been up for a bit of spit roasting, but the greedy cunt had refused to broach the subject with her. Vex was certain she’d have been enthusiastic, after all she never objected to him shoving his hand up her skirt and into her knickers in the scrum in the stairwells between lessons, and had giggled all the way through the blindside fumblings.

He clenched his eyes shut dispelling the memories.

“Well,” said a somewhat bemused Miss Hill, “if you’re interested we’ll be in the girls gym at 5. Maybe we’ll see you there.” she concluded before turning on her heels and striding away.

Vex walked away, thinking shehad sounded a bit miffed that he wasn’t in the least enthusiastic about going to Badminton that evening, and he cursed himself at his clumsiness when talking to her. She’d always been quite nice to him and had even said she was disappointed he was dropping her subject, but even though he enjoyed drawing he’d never like the feel of pottery clay, not that he’d told her that.

He spent the rest of the afternoon in a daze, Should he go or not? It would really be his last chance to see Katherine, as as of tomorrow he would have no contact with their mutual friend Miss Hill. In fact, Miss Hill was as of Easter Saturday gone, Mrs Crosby, but Vex had completely missed the rings on her hand.

He’d already decided to skip the last day, all the shenanigans and nonsense wasn’t his thing, he was far too mature for that, so going to watch some women, real women rather than girls as they throw themselves around a Badminton court in tight T shirts and short pleated skirts might not be a badway to spend an hour.

He decided to skip the final period, the Physics master spent more time fucking killing them with tobacco smoke than teaching them anything, so, having said goodbye to some of his classmates, but certainly not all of the gits, he left at 3, jumped on the bus and surprised his mother in arrival home early. He ate alone then quickly showed, dried his shoulder length blonde hair, changed into his jeans and favourite shirt, and left at ten past five.

The school was all but deserted when he arrived, altogether more peaceful than two hours previously. He walked into the girls gym block and looked through the glass window in the door.

A redhead and a brunette, had their backs to him, and another brunette, an older lady and the fair haired Miss Hill, or rather Mrs Crosby, with Another older lady with salt and pepper hair sat at the side.

He opened the door, disappointed he couldn’t see Katherine’s short almost boy like haircut, and stood with his back to the wall, the game progressing at the far end.

After the point finished Mrs Crosby spotted him and called a time out. He couldn’t hear what she said but the brunette turned to look his way.

His heart skipped a beat as he saw her, straight brown hair just past her shoulders, longer than she wore it when he knew her, seemed to sway in slo mo as she turned to face him, a general smile spreading across her mouth. He couldn’t help but notice how she had become even more alluring in the intervening years, her breasts, not huge but still very nice and full, strained in her white T shirt, damp with sweat, her blue pleated skirt pushed up at the back by her firm bottom.

Time seemed to stand still as she ran towards him, a girl-like squeal emitting from her open mouth. She reached him and his world seemed to turn upside down, what day was it, was it even day, or night, or was he even there? Perhaps he was dreaming. She reached him and embraced him in a hug which pshed her breasts into his chest.

Looking over her shoulder he could see Miss Hill, or rather Mrs Crosby walking towards him, she was talking but he couldn’t hear anything only his heart beating in his head.

Katherine broke the hug and held him at arms length, her hands on his upper arms.

“Vex?” she asked. She then repeated it and he came out of his trace like state.

“Er yeah?”

Katherine turned to face her friend. “He certainly wasn’t called Vex back then.”

“Nickname darling.” said Miss Hill “You know how these boys are.”

Katherine turned back to him. “Vex it is then.”

He wanted to protest, he had planned to drop the nickname once he moved on, but it seemed churlish to say anything right now.

“Don’t I get introduced?”

Vex looked up just as the redhead came into view from behind Katherine. She was quite stunning with slightly oriental eyes but lovely general lips, a bit like a young Kate Thornton, a British tv personality, but,it later translated, much more intelligent, and introduced as Hannah.

The badminton resumed but without Katherine, as she and Vex stood outside of hearing distance chatting like old friends as she linked his arm. She seemed generally pleased to see him, and he, well he was just in awe of her, a thirtysomething beauty who was interested in him? Who’d have thought?

The game finished and as the ladies began to get their gear together Katherine left him standing by the door as she rejoined her friends. The two older ladies were first to leave, and both in turn winked and smiled at him as they passed, and he was sure the second to leave whispered “Call me.” What was this, the Cougar Badminton Society? She was certainly attractive enough, jet black shoulder length hair, full figure with nice shaped but definitely powerful legs displayed by her short gym skirt, but maybe just a bit too, shall we say, mature for him. At any other time he’d have been flattered, but he wasn’t thatdesperate. The words had hardly flashed through his brain when he realized that HE WAS THAT DESPERATE! He pressed himself against the wall so he could look up the steps hoping for a glimpse of gusset up her short skirt. When she reached the top she turned left and stopped and turned her head to glance down to see if he was looking. Well, he was more than looking, he was staring up at her. Her left hand held her car keys and she very deliberately dropped them, bending over to retrieve them she half turned her hips then slowly ran her hand up the outside of her thigh pushing the hem of her skirt up, and up, showing him her black knickers. He was thinking of launching himself up the stairs to ask for her number, wondering whether she had a hairy clunge, a very immature schoolboy term for the minge, thinking that he might just escape with his life if she sat on his face (but what a way to go!), when Katherine called his name. He snapped his head around to see Katherine waving from the farend of the gym. He turned his head back up the stairs, but she was gone, and so was his chance of being taught how to pleasure a woman, a real woman who knew exactly what she liked and was unafraid to ask for it. Damn! She’s definitely said “Call me” as she passed by, but how would he get her number? His cock had begun to harden and he cursed his luck when Katherine called him again. Fuck, the brunette with her hairy fanny, in his mind at least, lips spread as he licked her to a massive orgasm, suddenly disappeared in a snap of Katherine’s fingers.

“You were miles way.” she chided, a quizzical look on her face, “we’re heading back to Hannah’s for a drink, are you in?” she asked him.

“Er, I was just going to get the bus home.” He was floating here, thinking that he should head home and wank his cock to an explosive orgasm, then glanced up to see her looking at him with a look on her face which could only be described a combination of aghast and outtrage.

“I mean, isit far, can I get a bus home, cos you know…” he trailed off, and closed his eyes at his sheer gaucheness.

“It’s not far and its near the bus route.” said Hannah a smile on her face as she Shook her head almost imperceptibly. Vex didn’t miss it and blushed.

“You can come with me,” said Hannah “and Katherine can go with Jan.”

It was the first time he’d heard Miss Hill’s first name or rather misheard it: Jane she might be but she certainly wasn’t plain.

Jan and Katherine started off across the gym and Hannah went after them, leaving their bags behind. Vex stood, nonplussed and said “Er, your bags Miss.” to no one in particular.

“Be a good boy and fetch them.” said Hannah as she went through the open door, disappearing up the stairs, the other two Already out of sight.

Vex was miffed, Boy? Boy? He was a man, a fucking man, the cheeky cow! Deserves to be bent over and fucked hard up the arse, calling him a boy. Well he would throw the bags in the boot and fuck off for the bus. The fucking bus, he was a real man, yeah, getting the fucking bus, a bus wanker, for fucks sake! His anger and outtrage evaporated into the reality that to them, these three successful women, that he was still a boy despite what the law said, despite being over the age of consent by six months.

He picked up the bags and headed towards the door. The stone stairs were step and by the time he reached the top the three were nowhere to be seen. He turned right and as he passed the end of the P.E. block they came into view. Two classic sports cars were parked side by side, one parked facing in, one out, the drivers doors adjacent to each other, the boots opened.

“What kept you?” snapped Hannah.

“Sorry, I didn’t know where you were parked.”

She shot him a fierce glance and raised her eyebrow.

“Sorry…Miss.” he stammered, which seemed to placate her as she pursued her lips and nodded in the direction of Katherine and Jan.

“ThoseTwo in here,” she pointed at the soft top orange MG Midget, “and Jan’s in there.” There was a British Racing Green Triumph Spitfire Mark IV. Nice.

Bags in boots, he got in the passenger seat beside Hannah, as she gunned the throaty engine into life and pulled away, leaving Jan to reverse out. She turned left through the school gates and accelerated up to speed down the step hill, pulling up at the traffic lights at the foot.

“She’s expecting great things of you,” she said turning to him, then glancing in the rearview mirror and waving at Jan’s car behind, “I do hope you don’t disappoint her.”

Vex blushed again, what the fuck was going on? He didn’t have much time to ponder it as, true to her word, about four hundred yards on she turned left into a short cobbled lane, the gabled end of a row of houses on the left and a terrace of three cottages on the right. Hannah pulled in front of the middle cottage and moments later Jan went past her, turned around in the tight lane and parked back to back with the MG.

“Get the bags darling.” she ordered him, as she walked to the front door unlocking it and walking inside, followed by Katherine, who smiled kindly at him, and then Jan who left hers in her boot. He stepped in and Hannah extended one finger, keys dangling from them. “Lock the car.”

By the time he has done so and he was inside the house they had disappeared. There were Two doors, a closed one to the right and an open one right ahead, from which he could hear voices.

He walked forward and half stumbled over three pairs of trainers. Obviously this was a house where outdoor shoes weren’t hurt insides and he unzipped his short boots and kicked them off. Thank the lord he’d put decent socks on!

He went into the room, a sitting room with a wood burning stove in the fire place, stairs up into the roof space to his left and a door mysteriously opposite, presumably the kitchen, from which he heard laughing and the hollow ring of emptyglass on glass. He walked gingerly towards the kitchen when Hannah’s head appeared in the doorway.

“All locked?” he nodded in confirmation muttering yes. “Put the chain on the front door then come in here, there’s a job for you.” With that she disappeared and he turned back to put the security chain on the door.

When he got back to the kitchen he found them leaning against the counter and the sink.

“There’s a bottle in the fridge and a corkscrew in the drawer.” said Hannah.

He squeezed past them in the galley kitchen and opened the fridge. There was a bottle of white wine in the door, he took it out and closed the door, only to find that Hannah and Katherine had gone back into the sitting room, leaving Jan leaning with her bum against the counter.

She reached down and opened the drawer next to her. He looked down and took out the corkscrew. To say he was out of his depth was an understanding.

“I do hope I wasn’t wrong about you.” said Jan.

“Regarding what?”

“Your suitability.”

“For what?”

“Not what, but who.”

He looked sharply at her. She raised her eyebrow, and said “Suitable for Katherine.”

He was crestfallen. To think that her friend had introduced them and yet now is telling him that perhaps he’s not good enough for her!

He pulled the cork out with a pop, and prepared to pour the wine.

Jan picked up the first glass and saluted him mockingly.

“Listen, if she decides that you and her aren’t suited then I’ll give Phil a call.”

“Who’s Phil?”

“Well I saw her say ‘call me’ to you and you never took your eyes off her as she left the gym.”

Vex blushed.

“She’s not Katherine but she will take you to places you Couldn’t even imagine.”

“She’d have me for breakfast.”

“I think you’d find you’d be eating her before breakfast darling.” she said with a smile on her face, and turned away, heading into the sitting room.

Vex finished pouring the wine,as his cock hardened and strained in his pants, picked up the two remaining glasses and went into the living room. As he entered Katherine stood and turned away, saying something to Hannah that he couldn’t hear, then walked away and up the stairs. Maybe Jan was right, maybe she’d already decided. Fuck! And he hadn’t even so much as kissed her!

Vex handed a glass to Hannah, who took it and said “Katherine will have her’s upstairs.”

Vex glanced at Jan, who flicked a finger towards the stairs, and nodded her apparent consent, or assent.

Vex didn’t need to tell twice and set off towards the stairs. As he stepped on the bottom step Katherine disappeared from view. The two women began to chatter ignoring him completely. As he reached the bedroom door he pushed it open and stopped dead in his tracks.

Katherine stood with her back to him and was lifting her white T shirt off, pulling it over her head she dropped it on the carpet, exposing her plain white bra. She reachesed down and unbuttoned her blue pleated skirt, unzipping it and allowing it to drop to her ankles. Her knickers were plain white. She surprised him by clicking her fingers and holding out her hand. The penny dropped and he left forward to give her the wine. She took a mouthful, and changed it to her left hand. She clicked her fingers again and pointed down. Vex instinctively knelt and she steadied herself using his head. He took her skirt as she stepped out of it. She said just one word “Socks”, and he began to remove them. Her toes were painted bright green, and he had no idea why but he bent down and kissed each toe. Why did he do that? He had no idea, but it just felt right.


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