Veronique Goes Sailing Ch. 06

Ryker put the phone on speaker, then hushed us all as the phone started to ring.

When Ethan picked up, Ryker introduced himself and mentioned they had met at the volunteer fire brigade party two months before. Ethan said he remembered him, and Ryker told him that he and some friends were at Valerie and Tony’s riding out the storm.

“We are cooking up a feed of seafood tonight. And wondered if you and Sacha would like to join us, say, 6:30 tonight?”

“I’d love to,” replied Ethan, “but I’d better ask Sacha.” And we all heard him partially covered the mouthpiece and yell that Ryker had asked them to dinner.

Although quite muffled, we heard a woman’s reply that she wanted to talk to Ryker.

When she came on the phone, she asked, “How come you are over here?”

“And it’s lovely to hear your voice too,” Ryker laughingly replied.

“Sorry, It’s been a horrible day, I thought our house was going to be blown away last night, and we have been cleaning up waterdamage and stripped tree branches all day. I’m just surprised to hear from you.”

Ryker answered, “We’re staying at Valerie and Tony’s tonight and thought you might have borne the brunt of that weather and would like a night off and have dinner with us, as I’ve been sailing down at the Mercs and landed last night with a load of seafood that needs eating.”

“My husband is nodding his head like a bobblehead toy, so I guess the answer is yes, we would love to. What time should we come?” we heard Sacha reply.

“I’ll pick you up between 6:15 and 6:30. You’ll be drinking, so you don’t want to drive.”

“What about getting home? You’ll be drinking, won’t you?” she inquired.

“Rex and Sally are here, and as he doesn’t drink. They can run you two home as you live quite close to them. Don’t dress up; just jeans and a T-shirt, that’s all we have on.” And he hung up.

But as he hung up, we heard the start of an objection from her; obviously, the news that Rex would beHere had thrown a doubt or two in her mind.

Once he was sure that Ryker had hung up, Rex piped up, “We will need to get a couple of drinks into Sacha to loosen her up, but she’s difficult. I’ve only seen her drink one glass at any of the parties we’ve seen them at.”

Sally commented that it is because she tells me she quickly gets light-headed and is afraid of losing control, so she’s Always careful.

Ryker went over and talked with Rex. I heard snippets about the tasty cocktails that they could serve. Then Rex left to get some booze, glasses and extra chairs from their place. With the kids from the beached boat, there would be twelve of us for dinner, so there were a few things Valerie was short of.

Ryker called out, “Tony, can I borrow the van? I need to get stuff from the yacht, the Scallops, Paua (Abalone), and booze.” He then asked Aaron, “Can I take Nique out to the yacht while you gut and clean the snapper?”

Aaron nodded his agreement but asked, “Whydo you need Nique?”

“I want to download the photos she took and finish showing her the ones from the beach. Also, I can do with someone to hand stuff into the dinghy, and she’s a damn sight better-looking than you!” He replied.

On the drive over the hill to Schoner Bay, Ryker elaborated on what he intended to happen that evening. He explained that over the months of working together, Ethan had opened up to Rex, that he wanted to see another man fuck his wife but didn’t know how to go about it.

Ryker started explaining, “That’s Rex’s version, but I actually think Rex probably put the idea in Ethan’s head, but that is all irrelevant anyway. Rex has been trying, but he’s like a bull in a china shop and has only managed to put her guard up and make her wary of him. I had a good talk with her the last time I was here and sowed some seeds in her mind. I think I may manage to break her resistance tonight, but I don’t want you to sit there, getting upset and thinking we areforcing her.”

I could see all sorts of issues with him interfering with a marriage.

“Why do you need to break her down? Surely, if she wanted to play around, she would do it. It seems to me you should leave them and their marriage alone.”

Ryker laughed; he leaned over and punched me softly on the arm, “I knew that would be your reaction, which was why I wanted you away from the others to discuss and explain.”

“Look, I have messed around with half a dozen married couples over the last three years. The second I met Sacha, I read her like a book. And just in case you think I had any preconceived ideas, that was before I even heard Rex’s side of things. I didn’t find out what he had been up to until the end of my last visit.

“Anyway, during our conversation, she quizzed me about the rumour that Sally had slept with four of us the night before. It seems everyone knows everyone’s business on this island. She was very obtuse in her questions, sex obviously disturbed her, but I could see the excitement behind her eyes, so I pressed her about how she would like that. I worked on her all night whilst we danced, and near the end of the evening, I got her to admit that she had dreamed of things like that happening to her when she was younger. But she was emphatic they were just – in her words – dirty filter dreams and would never let that happen.

“As you can imagine, I took that as a real challenge, and I think I can get her willingly onto that table tonight. However, if she doesn’t let herself go, I won’t force her, nor will I allow anyone else to push her.

“But I have a problem: she’ll never do anything in front of Ethan, so I need one of you girls to keep him out of the way.” Ryker held his hand up when he saw my hackles go up.

“I’m not asking anyone to sleep with him, and I think it should be Sally, not you,” he said, looking me in the eye. “She needs to get him out of the way, take him outside, or hide him in one of the bedrooms. As if Sacha starts to let her guard down, I know she will not entertain anything if he is standing around watching her.”

 I interjected, “So you’re the big white knight that will race her off into the sunset, fucking her silly and fulfilling all her dreams!”

Ryker roared with laughter as he pulled the van next to the dinghy and jerked on the hand brake. He turned to face me, “Nique, you’re wonderful. Yes, you are probably right. I do get a big kick from awakening the tiger in a sexually frustrated woman.”

“What do you want me to do? I’m unsure I want to help you lead this innocent soul astray,” I answered.

“I do have a specific task for you. I want you to look after Rex.”


Again Ryker held his hand up to stop me from arguing. He saw my hackles rise. I would certainly not have Rex pawing around me again; lunchtime today was definitely a one-off.

“I just want you to keep him in check. Valerie has told me all about today’s lunch and says you handled him better than many women twice your age could have. Nothing surer he will try and get involved, and he will stuff it up for all of us. Rex must be the last guy if Sacha goes past the point of no return. In fact, I would rather he was not involved at all. I believe he will listen to you. He’ll get stroppy if any one of the guys tries to stop him. I want this to be a really good experience for Sacha and Not marred by anyone acting crude or Rex starting a fight.”

Ryker opened the van door, “Let’s get the dinghy in the water. We need to pick up some stuff, then get back to the house; there is a lot to do.”

As we rowed to the yacht, I took in the day around us. The wind had fallen away, and the cloud had lifted to show patches of blue sky.

I piped up, “Aren’t we fortunate to be here? Look at This day; we don’t need to wear masks. Thank God we don’t live in India, Brazil or any other countries where Covid is walloping them.”

Ryker turned his head, “God haslittle to do with it. Are you religious?”

I heard a disappoint tone of bitterness in his retort, “Not very; my mother and father took me to church almost every Sunday. So most of my friends are from our church. But I stopped going about two years ago when I started the sixth form. It’s funny; my mother and father have not been that often since, either. My mother has started opening up to me, something I’m a little uncomfortable with. In one of our discussions, she told me my dad just went to church to give me a good grounding in religion so that I could make up my mind and to give me a good set of morals. They stuffed up there; look what I have been up to in the last four days.”

“There is nothing wrong with your morals. You have not hurt anyone. I would say you have the highest morals of anyone in that house we have just left. You’re young enough to be untainted by what life throws up.”

Embarrassed, I tried to divert his attention, “You don’t seem to have a very good opinion of religion?”

“I’m not a fan, no, but my main issue is with the people like Sacha’s mother, who are all bitter and twisted and use religion for their own ends. For example, she has installed in her daughter the belief that anything that gives pleasure is evil and that she will go to hell if she enjoys herself. How fucked up is that? Anyway, enough of all that; you have turned out alright. The church has not managed to fuck around with your mind too much.”

When we reached the yacht, we climbed aboard, and Ryker went straight to the computer to download the photos. Once he had the photos downloading, he asked me to get specific items out of the freezer while he got some bottles from under the seat where he stored all the booze.

Then from the live bait tank, he took some Paua and Scallops. He said he had dived for these while Aaron and I were on the beach. “Your job when we return will be to make some fritters with these.”

We set everything we were taking withus on the transom, then he got in the dinghy, and I handed everything to him. Once loaded, we returned to the cabin to look through the photos.

“These are bloody good. You have a good eye, Nique.” And he thanked me for taking them.

As he scrolled through them, a photo of me lying between Valerie and Rex appeared on the screen. Valerie and I were looking over to the table where Sally was being fucked. The stupid, lascivious look on my face brought home to me just how turned on I had been watching Sally getting fucked.

“Oh God! Look at the expression on my face. How embarrassing!” I blurted out. “I don’t want to be part of anything tonight. I want to be there and watch, but no way am I going to get my clothes off.”

Ryker smiled at me, “Good. That was another of the reasons for getting you out here to talk. I don’t want you involved, either. I see Rex eyeing you up every time you walk across the room. He is hungry for another go at you. I trust Tony, but I see hiseyes follow you around the room. And there will be three extra guys there tonight, who I know nothing about.”

He seemed to think for a minute, then, “I’ll give you my camera, and that will give you a reason to walk where you want, and you can use it as an excuse to foil anyone trying to bed you. But be careful; you are young, and some guys can be real bastards when their cocks Take over their brains, especially when alcohol is involved. So try and keep Aaron, Tony or me close by all night.”

“I’ll be OK. I have you guys and Valerie to look after me,” I retorted.

“What if we are indisposed? Valerie has her eye on one of the guys from the stranded yacht. I can see all the signs. She will almost certainly grab one or the other for a quick bonk at some time this evening, and Aaron, Tony and I may be in another room.”

I looked questioningly at him.

“Look, I want this to be very special for Sacha tonight. So I was hoping that if I do get her to live out one ofHer dreams, it will be Tony, Aaron and me that are with her.”

Jealousy bit into my stomach at the thought of Aaron with another woman. Ryker saw the sulky look on my face. “Sorry, but Valerie told me you were the one that insisted Aaron fucked Sacha at lunchtime; I thought you may like watching?”

“I don’t want him to! I was jealous about him going with Sally this morning, but When it all started, I got turned on and wanted to see him with her. It was different. You should have seen her, Ryker; the second they had her on that table, all awareness left her eyes, and she just became immersed in orgasm after orgasm. It looked like she was drugged. I never knew you could come more than once. Then I realized she would hardly even know it was him and suddenly wanted to watch him with Another woman. But I have seen that now. I may feel different later, but as I don’t know Sacha, my answer is, No!”

Ryker calmed me down, “I just wanted to know if you were okay. I will not ask Aaron then.”

He finished scrolling through the photos; there were a lot with Rex and me, then ones with Aaron and me. I felt ashamed; I would like to have seen them privately, on my own. “I’m embarrassed to see those. I don’t know how I did that. Can I have the photos, then trust you to destroy them?”

“Yes, I’ll burn them to a thumb drive. Can I show them to Valerie and Tony, and do you want Aaron to see them?”

I hesitated as a photo showed Valerie kissing me and caresing my breast with Rex pinching my nipple. Then another one showed me with my dress spread wide open, Valerie still kissing me and now freed my breast from the push-up bra. Rex was pinching the other, now exposed nipple and fingering me through the beautiful blue crotchless panties. I hadn’t realized he had been doing that so early in the piece; I must have been out of my mind.

“I need to think about what I want to show Aaron. Maybe some of them? Can I sort through them later and decide?” I asked.

“I’d like to show them to Valerie and Tony.”

“Yes, I’m okay with them seeing them, but not Rex. I don’t want him ever to see them or, more importantly, get a copy of them.”

“Good, I agree with that. It’s just what I would have suggested,” said Ryker.

He started copying the files to a thumb drive. “I’ll take this ashore, show Valerie and Tony when we go to bed tonight, then give you the thumb drive. You will know then that you have the only copy.”

“Except for the ones on this computer.”

“Don’t worry; I will keep them safe. I’ll only keep a couple. I have several photos from the past two years that must never see the light of day.”

We had to wait for about ten minutes until the photos were all copied across before we could row back ashore.

Ryker asked me about my being uncomfortable with my mother opening up to me, “I would think you are bloody lucky having a mother like that.”

“Yes, but she’s been commenting on what she and my fathergot up to before I was born. I guess she thinks that will make us best friends and I’ll open up to her. But I don’t want to know about her past. I have an idea she and Dad may have done that BDSM stuff from some of the little snippets she has dropped.”

I hesitated for a second, “Can I ask you about that? BDSM, and why would husbands want to have you make love with their wives?”

“I’m not any sort of expert, so these are just my observations. I have chased married women since my late teens, probably because of my upbringing and losing my mother as I did. So I do have some theories. But you are asking about couples fooling about; I’ve only been involved with half a dozen of these, and only in the last couple of years.”

“They range from women that have been virgins when they were married and want to know what they have missed out on. To women that did fool around a lot before they met their husbands, I guess they’re bored and want some of the excitement and action from their youth back in their lives. So why do the men go along with it? I don’t understand. Half the men out there fantasise about watching their wives, but 99% would never take the first step as they are far too jealous. I guess that I get to meet the one per cent that arn’t jealous.”

We hit the shore, tied the dinghy up, got everything into the van, and climbed in the front.

I stopped Ryker from starting the engine, “Before we go, will you tell me about BDSM? I want to know what you do with the women and what part the husbands play?”

Ryker looked over and asked, “How much do you want to know?”

“Everything, how do you meet them, how do you find out what they want, where does it take place? Aaron tells me you are building a dungeon. I have a million questions.”

He told me to wait a minute and called Aaron on his mobile, “Aaron, can you get the crayfish cooking… Oh! You’ve already started. Okay, then you need to search out the following,” he read out a list of food items from memory and told Aaron that any items he couldn’t find in Valerie’s pantry, he would have to go get them from the shop. Aaron must have asked to speak to me as Ryker handed over the phone.

The first words he asked me were, was I all right? “Yes, of course I am. We will be home in about half an hour. I’m just asking Ryker some questions. I’ll tell you about it When I get back.”

Ryker looked decidedly uncomfortable and said, “I don’t talk about this stuff with anyone.”

“You have talked to Aaron.”

“In absolute confidence and under the threat of death if he lets anything out that will cause a scandal.”

“Well, I’m not asking to cause anyone harm. I can ask Aaron, but I’d rather hear it from you than second-hand. You can threaten me with death if you want. I won’t tell.”

Looking at his watch, Ryker started by explaining that it would take more than half an hour to answer all I had asked. But he would tell me something about the latest couple he saw.

“My business landed a new client a few months back. I usually don’t handle much fieldwork these days, but this was a big one. The husband is a well-known public figure, and you have probably never heard of his wife, but she is very prominent in some circles. I’m not going to tell you their names or precisely what they do, and you must promise me that if I do let slip anything in the telling that gives you any ideas, you must ignore it. Absolute discretion is needed.

“This couple wanted my firm to put together some plans for a holiday retreat up north. To get an idea of ​​what they wanted, I went to their home in Remuera and took a tour around every room in their house, asking questions. I did this myself because the prestige of landing this contract was worth even more than the actual job, and it will bring us a lot more work.

“When the three of us got to their bedroom, I measured the size and asked if they wanted their holiday one smaller, larger, or kept much the same. Did it work for them? What would they change? Then they did the same with their ensuite bathroom and separate walk-in wardrobes. In her closet, I was after the size; how many clothes and shoes she had so I could work out the shelves and drawers, etc.

“On one of her shelves, in plain view, was a selection of sex toys. Some were quite extreme: vibrators, butt plugs, anal beads, nipple clamps, paddles, and restraining cords and cuffs. Do you know what all those are?”

I nodded my head, “I can guess. Not sure how you would use them all, but I have an idea from their names.”

“Well, the wife hung her head in embarrassment and exclaimed that she should have hidden all that stuff. But I could see she was feigning embarrassment, and she was actually very excited.

“Her husband looked to me and asked what we should do with her.”

Ryker told me he never saw this one coming. He told me she was in her early forties, attractive and in a profession that you would not expect to dabble in BDSM or fool around. He said he was worried about mixing business with pleasure and so was cautious and throw it back on her husband.

“‘You know her better than I; you chose a punishment.’

“We’ll call him Bruce. He took her out to the bedroom, walked her to the window, had her bend over with hands on the windowsill, told her to look at the view, and lifted her dress right up onto her back.”


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