Veronica's Secret

Once every month for two years, Veronica Andrews, a model housewife and mother, escaped from the cage of her family responsibility to feed her sexual hunger in secret meetings with a man who understand her needs. She was married to a man who did not. Her breadwinner husband worked hard to provide for her and their two young children, but he had become emotionally and sexually distant after four years of marriage. As time went on, she became resentful of his coldness, but like many other women raising a family, she decided to sacrifice her needs for the greater good. The problem was that Veronica’s desires were like whispering demonstrations in her soul, constantly roiling her mind with dreamy visions that grew ever more semiconductor over time.

Two forces were influencing this neglected housewife to seek out ways to bring her fansies to life. One was her younger sister, Emily, a free-spirited libertine who pursued the many opportunities the Portland nightlife had to offer. She wouldRegale Veronica with stories of her exploits with numerous men, often relating graphic details in a low voice to keep imaginer listeners from overhearing. Veronica was envious, wishing that she could have just a tasty sample of such sensitive pleasures.

The other factor was the internet. Ronnie spent hours surfing sites that illuminated the darker sides of sexuality in which she had an interest: BDSM, kink, Domination/submission, and prostitution. The more she learned, the more she wanted to experience. She was angry at her husband, who never recognized her need for a man strong enough to take control and make her submit by acknowledging his power over her.

Eventually, curiosity drive Veronica to check out an alternative dating site where she found several ads for local men that got her attention. She resisted making contact with any of them until she came upon the profile of a man who fascinated her so much that she broke down and sent him a message. The note was flattering, written in a respectful tone means to show her admission for this thirty-year-old Type A who advertised himself as a Dominant. He responded a few days later, asking Veronica to describe her most intimate desires so that he might have a better feel for what she was seeking from him. The lonely woman opened up with details that she never thought she could tell anyone. His replies showed an understanding of her situation, causing her to pour out even more.

Initially, the faithful wife felt pangs of guilt over her secret connection with another man, even if it was just an online thing. But the Dom soon turned this around for her, allowing her to see how ‘cheating’ could be a turn-on, a sinful act that can raise the excitement level.

One evening, after a few glasses of wine, Veronica shared with Emily about This undercover online linkup. 

“Why don’t you meet with him?”

“Oh my god! How could I do that? That would be going too far.”

“For Christ’s sake, Ronnie, your husband screws you three times a year. Your vibrator is your best friend, and that isn’t getting you to the mountaintop. You need something real, girl, and it sounds like this guy knows what he’s doing. You should hook up with him. You’re forty-two now, and you aren’t getting any younger. Get it while you can, sister. Does he have his own place?”

“Well, yeah, I mean, I guess so. Shit, Emie, how could I ever do that?”

“The same way you do anything else. You go and do it. Look, Archie goes out of town three days every month to those sales meetings in LA, doesn’t he? Go meet this guy, fuck your brains out, and I’ll watch the house and kids while you’re gone for a few hours.”

“I don’t know, Emie, I don’t know if I can do that. I’ll think about it, but I can’t see myself doing it.”

Ronnie obsessed over Emie’s idea for two straight days, hardly thinking about anything else as she began to lean towards her proposal. Finally, she sat down at the computer to type.


I know I have stated that I wanted online communication only, but I now feel I want to go further. Our discussions have opened my eyes to what is possible. I am asking if you would share some of those possibilities with me. I am inexperienced, but I am a good student who wants to learn. I want to submit to you. I want you to take control of my sexuality. I am terrified of this, but I trust you, and I would like you to take me to a higher plane. My husband goes out of town near the end of every month. I would love to meet with you, to surrender to you, to give myself to you. I want this even if the depth of the connection lasts for only a few hours. 

My god, Sir, I am shaking all over while I am typing this. I am scared to press the send button, but I will. I look forward to your response.



For two days, nothing came. Veronica was depressed. She had gone too far. Then, after dinner the second night, she received his reply.






She had gotten an answer, the one that frightened her the most. Veronica panicked, running into the bathroom, turning on the shower to cover the sound of her crying. The tears released a lot of tension inside her. She was fearful but determined to go on. 

In the next ten days, the two exchanged many emails, ironing out the details. Questions were asked and answered. They made plans to meet on the last Sunday of the month at 10 pm. Emily agreed to babysit the kids who would be in bed by that time. The dutiful wife would be kissing her husband goodbye at the airport at five o’clock. The adult plans were falling into place perfectly. At nine o’clock Friday night, Veronica checked her inbox to find the anticipated email waiting for her.


Veronica Abigail;

These are your Instructions for our first session on Sunday, July 29. You are to follow these Instructions exactly as I am giving them to you. Do not deviate from them in any way. I realize that you are new to this, so I will make this set easy to follow. You will demonstrate your submission to my authority by obeying them to the letter. 


You have my address. You will knock twice on my front door at Precisely 10 pm. If you do not arrive on time, the door will be locked at 10:01, and you can go home. After knocking, you will enter and deadbolt the door behind you. Walk down the hall and come into the living room on the left. 

You will see a wooden chair. You are to take off your clothes and place them on the seat of the chair. You will leave on the black panties and the black high heels. You will be wearing nothing else; nothing in your hair, no perfume. When you have stripped down accordingly, you will go over to the couch. You will stand eighteen inches from the center cushion. You will see ablack blindfold on the couch. Wrap it securely around your head. You will then lace your fingers behind your back and patiently wait for me to come into the room. When I do, you will remain silent until I give you permission to speak. 

The only piece of jewelry you will ever wear in my presence is your wedding ring. You are not to remove it.

I will give you more Instructions During the session. You will follow any commands I give you without hesitation. 

You will address me as “Sir.” 

Upon reception of this email, you will send a return email consisting of two words only: “Instructions received.”

I look forward to this session with you.

That is all.



“Honey, I need to go to the store real quick. We’re out of red wine, and I feel like I want a glass or two tonight.”

“Ok, no problem. I’ll be here.”

Veronica raced to the supermarket, where she pulled out her cell phone in the parking lot.

“Emie! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! I got the Instructions I was telling you he would send me. Fuck! My god! It’s unreal! I don’t know if I can do this! I am scared shitless! What should I do?”

“What do they say?”

“It’s a bunch of orders I’m supposed to obey. If I don’t follow them perfectly, he will punish me in some way. What am I going to do?”

“Read them to me.”

Veronica read the Instructions to her sister in a frantic voice.

“What did you do?”

“I sent an email saying: “Instructions received.”

Emily burst out laughing on the phone. “Well, shit, Sis, it sounds like you’ve made up your mind.”

“Emie, I’m fucking scared!”

“Look, Ronnie, if you decide you’re going to chicken out, let me know an hour ahead of time; I will go in your place. I would love to meet this guy. But seriously, go! You will have a good time.”


Sunday, July 29, 2018, 9:59 pm

Veronica stood at the door as the last digit onher cell phone clock changed to 9. With one long minute to go, she took several deep breaths to calm herself. The moment this sex-starved woman had been waiting on for years had arrived. She was going through with it.

One second after 10:00 flashed on the screen; Veronica rapped her knuckles hard two times on the oak door before twisting the doorknob to go inside. She immediately turned to make sure that she locked the door behind her. Her heart pounded with anticipation as she walked down the hall. The anxious girl found the wooden chair and began to undress, folding her clothes nearby on the seat of the chair. She had on her best heels and her black panties made of the finest silk. After positioning herself eighteen inches from the center cushion of the white leather couch, Veronica picked up the black blindfold and wrapped it around her head, shutting out all light. She then put her hands behind her back and waited.

And then she waited some more. Michael was toying withher. He knew every minute would feel like an eternity, so he delayed ten minutes to increase the tension. Veronica could do nothing but wait.

Finally, he came into the room. In short order, the blind woman felt his presence. She was shaking as he leaned down to kiss her on the mouth, sliding his tongue in, swirling it around in soft sensitive movements. The pleasureable feeling calmed Veronica’s nerves while raising her level of arousal. The submissive felt the power in his kiss, surrendering to his lead. Her magical mystery tour had begun.

As the Dom pulled back, she heard his voice for the first time. “Kneel before me.”

Ronnie dropped to her knees. “The only thing I have on is a pair of tight cycling shorts. The material is smooth satin. Would you like to feel it, little girl?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Indulge yourself.”

Veronica moved her hands to his thighs. She let out a gasp when she felt the large well-developed muscles. Her hands moved with caution until she came to his bulge, straining against the thin clothes. Her head was buzzing from the heat of the moment. She was glad he was giving orders because she was incapable of making any decisions. The awestruck submissive fondled his cock like she was touching the phallus of a Greek god. 

“Perhaps you might like to touch with your lips.”

Veronica moved her head forward to press her lips on his crotch. She stuck her tongue out slightly, licking lightly at the twitching bulge under the material. There was no thought in her actions, only the pure joy of enjoying a man’s hardness. 

“Pull my shorts down and worship my cock with your mouth,” he ordered her in an authoritative tone.

The words alone made her quiver. In her wildest fansies, she had never imagined a man giving her such commands. Her panties were now wet with her juices. She felt like she might orgasm spontaneously from the intensity, which increased as she slowly slip his shorts down to his ankles.


Moving her fingers back up his legs with a light touch, she arrived at his throbbing manhood, caressing it lovingly with adoration and awe. On her knees, blindfolded, she rose to move her lips around the smooth skin of the head of his cock, licking the rim in circular motions, smiling when she heard the low moans escaping from his lips. Time stood still as she saved her man with the slow password she craved to give.

“Stop. Lean back on your knees.” He sat on the couch in front of her, slanting down to kiss her again before removing the blindfold. Michael backed away, gazing into her eyes for the first time. She was mesmerized. The Dom reached for the leather collar he had brought out, fasting it around the neck of his sub. A metal ring hung down from the center of the collar. He adjusted it to be over the midline of her neck. Veronica smiled.

“Whenever you wear this collar, you are in submission to me. It is a symbol of your surrendering your will to me. Is that understood?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“We shall lie on the blanket covering the floor. We shall make love slowly, taking the time to give to each other as we experience each other for the first time. Give yourself to me as I give myself to you.” He stroked her cheek softly, looking into her eyes with a commanding look. “You are not to orgasm. I want the desire to build inside you to the bursting point. I I want you to need release so bad that you are willing to beg for it. You will not come without my permission. If you feel it rising close to the point of no return, you will tell me. Is that understand, Veronica?”

“Yes, Sir.”

He led her to the center of the thick blanket, pulling her in close, holding and kissing her. She responded with welcome touches to his body. Their tongues slithered Against each other in a password dance that soared their spirits into a shared ecstasy. Fingertips brushed with the lightest of pressure over receptive skin. Veronica had never experienced such unhurried lovemaking. But when he suddenly pinched and twisted her right nipple, she disengaged, crying out in pain.

“Sir! Fuck, Sir, I’m going to come, Sir, please stop!”

He released her nipple. “You will not come, little girl; you will not come. Put a stop to it now!”

Veronica shook all over, the vibrations keeping the floodgates from opening. As she calmed, Michael touched her clip, rubbing across it in a circular motion.

“Sir, Sir, I can’t take it! My god, I can’t take it! Sir, please, rub it, Sir, please touch me more, Sir, please! Fuck, I want it so fucking bad, Sir! Please!”

“No, Veronica, no! If you come before I tell you, we will stop for the night…”

“No! Sir! Don’t stop! Please don’t stop! I couldn’t take it! Please, Sir! Don’t fucking stop!”

“Then don’t come.” He paused, struggling her face and her hair, giving her a minute to get herself together, before recovering the sensitive stimulation. It went on. He slowed her down before hitting the throttle, then letting off the gas, over and over in a cycle that repeatedly brought her to the edge, before backing off again.

He pulled her wet panties off her. “Spread your legs. Your Dom is going to mount you.”

Veronica opened her legs wide. She felt him slide effortlessly into her. An orgasm was again imminent.

“Look at me! Look into my eyes! I am your Dominant. You will demonstrate obedience. Hold on, little girl. Look directly into my eyes as I fuck you.” 

Veronica did as she was told. The hypnotic power of his eyes stopped her swelling tide. Even her subconscious belonged to him now. She could only receive, waiting for his permission to do more. He began to screw with more energy, slamming into her pussy with brute strength. She took it, keeping her eyes focused on his, drawing on his resolve to keep the fucking going to a state of exhaustion. The fire was raging inside both of them. Still, he kept going, staking it higher and higher.

“Veronica, when I start rubbing your clip, you may come. I will join you. I am ready now too.”

He slide his fingers down to her swollen organ, rubbing it with firm pressure. She immediately erupted into an orgasm more powerful than any she had ever thought possible. Screeching and screaming at the top of her lungs, Veronica let loose with everything she had. Grimacing in ecstasy, she swung her hands wildly, thrashing about, twice hitting her Dom in the head, before digging her nails into the flesh of his shoulders. She felt his semen spurting inside her vaginal oxygen as he began to grunt loudly from the orgasm tearing into him. 

They had both given every ounce of energy they had. The couple collapsed into a heap of heavy breathing sweat-soaked flesh. They soon fell into a state of unconscious bliss. 


Veronica hobbled through her front door at 4:30 am, waking Emily, who had fallen sleep while watching a horror movie called “The Lighter and theScissors.” 

“How did it go?”


“Jesus, Ronnie, what did he do to you?”

“Oh. I’m not sure, Emie, I can’t seem…” The exhausted woman laid down on the sofa and was gone in a few seconds. Emily drew a blanket over her.

“Ok, Ronnie, we’ll talk tomorrow, for sure. I want to hear all about it. Goodnight, Sis.”


The sessions became a regular monthly event. Both Veronica and Michael anticipated their meetings with enthusiasm, planning and plotting to make each one more exciting than the last. The Dom became very fond of his student, watching her coming to life with increasing confidence in her sexuality. The submissive was over the moon, enthralled with the scenarios that her Dom introduced to her. The once-a-month sessions balanced out her life, allowing her to continue being the dutiful housewife and mother while giving her an outlet for her voracious sexual appetite. 

Within a few months, the connection deepened to the point that Michael gave Veronica her own collar, made of poisoned sterling silver with a gold ring an inch in diameter in front. Tears rolled down her cheeks the first time he fastened it around her neck. She agreed to wear it whenever she was in his presence. Two months later, the Dom was elevated to the status of Master, Veronica readily consenting to grant him that authority over her. She was now required to address him as Master and Sir in every meeting and email. The necessity of doing this excited her, a fact that surprised her because before learning about D/s, she would have thought it demeaning.

All twenty-three sessions that followed the first one were memorable, but some stood out more than others. There were a few, Veronica told Michael, that she would remember after being dead a thousand years. One of them was the twelfth session in June.

Michael had asked Veronica to make a list of fans that she thought had no chance of ever coming to life. She came up with several, submitting them to the Dom by email. He never discussed them with her afterward, so she assumed that he agreed with her judgment that they were impossible dreams.

The Instructions he put together for June were short, with little detail. Veronica was told to arrive at 10 pm, enter, walk into the living room, and await further verbal commands. She was to wear a sexy dress with black underwear beneath and black high heels. Easy enough.

At 9:55, Ronnie got out of her car. She stopped quickly to check out the Harley Davidson Screaming Eagle parked at the top of the driveway. Motorcycles made her dreamy. She wasn’t aware of Michael owning a bike, but she made a mental note to bring the subject up after the session. A few minutes later, the submissive star walked into her Dom’s living room, positioning herself in the center of the blanket. Michael was sitting on the couch.

“We are going to satisfy two of your fansies tonight. You had stated that you have conjured visions about being a prostitute. Tonight you will be one. I have proved two clients for you, who will each pay for one hour of your time. You will satisfy their needs. I will watch and ensure your safety, guiding you if needed. Now, as you may know, prostitutes rarely use their real names, so for tonight, you are Vicky. You will, of course, like a true professional, treat these encounters with complete discretion. Are we clear, Vicky?”


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