Veronica's House Pt. 03

Dear reader, this is the third part of a multi-part tale and while it can be read as a stand alone story it would make sense to read the two previous chapters first (if you haven’t already that is).


James discovers much more about how things work in the house.

Day four: Monday

The next morning I was determined to make my farewells to Veronica and head home. However, when Anna heard this she had other ideas.

“Oh no,” she excerpted, “you can’t go home straight away, you have to stay for the morning-after-party ritual and see what happens in the play room, then have breakfast, then chat with the Mistress, then you can go, not before.”

Why oh why, I thought to myself, is Anna so keen to have me stay, and why do I find her so persuasive?

“You won’t really understand this house, us, unless you see that, and I want you to see, actually see for yourself, how we volunteer agree to submit to the Mistress.” Anna continued, in a softer voice, and looking down at her feet, “and, if you don’t I’ll be in trouble because I know the Mistress really wants you there.”

And there it was, the emotional blackmail again, the woman who had been so kind would be punished for my actions and I couldn’t have that, could I?

“Okay then I’ll come to see what happens in the play room, I suppose it can’t hurt. But then I’m saying my goodbyes and going. When does this ‘event’ start?”

“Well, in only about 15 minutes actually, it is always eight the morning after. We all have to line up, naked, either side of the corridor leading to the playroom for inspection and questioning by the Mistress. You’ll see for yourself, now, quickly get ready and get dressed, we can’t be late or it will be my arse, literally!”

Then, much to my Surprise (although I am not sure why anything surprised me by this point), Anna fitted a narrow black leather collar to herself.

We made it to the naked line-up by eight, just. I was in the clothe I’d arrived in just three days earlier (it felt like a lifetime ago) and Anna, and all the other women (who were all wearing collars identified to Anna’s) were naked and lined up either side of the corridor just as Anna had said, backs to the wall. Right on eight Veronica walked in. However, gone was the smart but demore clothes I had seen her in to date, now she was in what I could best describe as full BDSM mistress attire – knee-high black patent leather boots and a leather and studs one-piece bodice that pushed up her breasts and barely covered her nipples. In her left hand she held a three-foot cane with a black handle. In short, Veronica looked stunning and as intimidating as hell.

As she walked past Veronica smiled at me in a way that I can only describe as wicked. I stood there, dumbstruck, next to Anna at the end of the line of women next to the door to the playroom, at the far end of the corridor. When she got to the end of the corridor she turned, and in a commanding voice said, “All those who were disciplined last night, turn and face the wall.”

Anna, Vanessa and two other women all turned and faced the wall. You could still see that they had red arses from the paddling they had received. Veronica then turned to the woman who admitted at dinner that she had not completed all her jobs, and said: “Sam, I believe you have something to say to me?”

“Yes Mistress,” whispered Sam, looking only at her feet, “I didn’t finish all my jobs yesterday, I’m so sorry.”

“Mmmm,” grew Veronica, “not as sorry as you will be. It’s 25 and ten for you.”

At this point I remembered thinking to myself that this scenario, this submission, was strangely attractive to me, I was drawn to it in a way I could not quite understand, and Then I remembered what Anna had said, “Mistress thinks you are a subbie,” or words to that effect. It was slowly dawning on me that maybe, just maybe, she was right.

“Anna,” barked Veronica, loud enough to makeme jump.

“Yes Mistress,” Anna replied, still facing the wall, in a voice full of regret, “I stubbed my toe and swore, I’m sorry.”

“Yes, I know you are, no harm done and no intent on your part to disrupt the evening, you may turn back around.”

Anna replied, in a voice that clearly expressed relief, “thank you Mistress, thank you,” she gushed as she turned around.

“Zoe, you also have something to say to me?”

“Yes, Mistress,” replied Zoe in a tone that suggested she knew her fate and could not alter it, “I was clumsy, dropped a tray of drinks and disrupted the evening, I’m so sorry.”

“It’s 20 and six for you I’m afraid, perhaps it will teach you to be less clumsy in future,” pronounced Veronica. Zoe just nodded slowly.

Veronica then walked the short distance back down the corridor to stand in front of Vanessa. “Vanessa, Vanessa, Vanessa,” she murmured, “what am I to do with you, hmmmm? You have something to say to me too I think, yes?”

Unlikethe other three, Vanessa looked Veronica in the eyes, and, incredibly, rather than do what the others had done, began to defend herself against what she knew Veronica was thinking. “I was moving as quickly as I could I…”

Veronica, staying eerily calm, simply said, “25 and eight.”

Vanessa, underdeterred, continued, “I was entitled to be there as…”

Veronica again simply said, “30 and nine.”

“…as much as anyone, I…”

Veronica, “35 and ten.”

By now the other women as casting dismayed glances at each other and Vanessa, but Vanessa was on a roll, seemingly unable to hear herself or her Mistress, “I don’t see why I should be singled out…”

Veronica, in a slightly louder voice, and in a tone that would cut ice, “40 and 20.”

By this point a number of the women’s mouths, Anna’s included, were actually hanging open, a reaction I turned out to be correct in guessing means that this was a much greater punishment than usual. It did however, finally, get Vanessa’s attention, she looked momentarily stunned, then her mouth too dropped open, and she diverted her gaze to the floor.

Now, while I didn’t (yet) know much about what even 20 paddles and six strokes of the cane felt like, I could well imagine that more than twice the strokes would be likely more than twice as bad, I felt distressed on Vanessa’s behalf, and perplexed as to why she had brought this on herself.

In the heavy silence that now hung over the hallway, Veronica turned and went back to the playroom door. She stood there facing us all for a moment, before saying, in an impatient tone, “well, you all know the drill, after you Vanessa,” and with that she opened the door behind her and stood aside. Vanessa went first, followed by Sam then Zoe. The other women followed, then me, Then Veronica who closed the door with a heavy and slightly ominous sounding thumb.

The room was large and windowless, with a black rubber floor and white walls. The lighting was subdued, but there was more than enough to see that the room had quite a lot of furniture in it, albeit furniture that I had never seen before, and could only guess as to its purpose. Immediately in front of us, almost in the centre of the room, was a type of rounded seat benchmark, in leather, about a metre high, with struggle timber legs extending out from underneath at a 45 degree angle. All four legs had anchor points at 100mm intervals along their entire length. This item, I was later to learn, is called a spanking horse.

The walls, while white, were largely obscured by what was hanging from them; all manner of whips and canes, paddles, ropes and chains. There were also many objects I did not recognize.

Assembling smoothly and efficiently either side of the spanking horse, in manner that indicated a well-practised ritual, the women stood perfectly still, hands claped behind their back, heads down and eyes on the floor, their only clothes a leather collar. Veronica taped the end of the horse with the cane she still held, and Zoe stepped forward to stand facing the end of the horse, Veronica behind her. It seemed to me that the victim receiving the lowest number of stokes was to be punished first.

It seemed to me more than a bit tough that Zoe was to be punished so harshly for simply being a little clumsy. I felt sorry for her and she going get 20 and six, unless I intervened. Did I dare When Anna had so forced informed me that this was very unwise indeed, for everyone?

Taking my courage in both hands I stepped forward from behind Veronica saying, “Veronica, please can I say something?” Veronica raised her eyesbrows in a surprised and amused fashion and took a step back. At the same time I noted that all the women, Anna in particular, had tensed up and were looking at me as best they could without moving.

Veronica laughed, “Oh James, you do surprise me. And I can see that the girls, Anna especially, really want to tell you to shutup, but they can’t because they know the cast-iron rule in here, that they are not to speak unless I speak directly to them, and they know if they did their arses would be toast. It’s never happened, they’ve never broken the rule so I don’t know exactly what I’d do if they did, but it would probably mean something like 20 and six every day for a month! But James,” she continued in a soft tone and lower voice, “you are my guest, not one of my slaves, so you and Anna have no need to fear, there will be no punishment for you for speaking. So tell me, what would you so much like to say?”

“Well, Veronica,” I mumbled nervously, “I think it’s a bit tough that Zoe is to be punished so harshly for simply being a little clumsy. I feel sorry for her and would like to suggest that you Consider not punishing her, or at least not so harshly.” At this there was a sharp intake of breath from several of the women, much to Veronica’s amusement.

“Well James, there is rule here, rarely usedI might add, that if one slave wants to take the punishment for another then they can. However, as we have established, you are not a slave. But James, once I have brought a slave in here they are always punished, nothing can be done about that. However, I suppose I could review the punishment. What would you suggest? But, before you answer, let me say that I am thinking of a number, and if you suggest something ridiculously low I will increase the strokes above what Zoe is currently sentenced to, but if you suggest a number higher than I’m thinking she will get more than the lowest she could have gotten. So, are you sure you want to play this game? Because you know, you hold Zoe’s arse in your hands now, so to speak, hmmm.”

Well, I thought to myself, this is unexpected. “Can I ask Zoe what she wants me to do?”

“Oh no James, no, you’ve rolled the dice now you must choose.”

“Alright then,” thinking now that I had made a big mistake speaking up, “I would suggest ten and three.”

“Well guessed James, exactly the numbers I was thinking, you’ve saved Zoe some pain. But I will only agree on one condition, that you deliver eight of the ten paddle strokes.”

“Why Veronica, and why should I agree?”

“Why because it would amuse me, that’s why and because if you don’t Zoe gets the original twenty anyway.”

Snookered, I Thought. “Very well,” I replied. “I suppose you will show me how with the first blows?”

“Yes, James, I will indeed. Now, Zoe, you know the drill.”

“Yes Mistress, no restraints please,” whispered Zoe. Who then proceeded, at a nod from Veronica, to mount the horse.

Veronica noted my confused expression and explained that, “each girl is asked if she wants Restraints or not, the deal being that no restraints means they will only get the number they were told, and may even get one or two less if I’m in a generous mood, but only if they are very still, if they move, or make excessive noise, the last stroke doesn’t’t count. So they could be better off or worse off, depending.” Diabolical, I thought.

“Here James, hold this,” instructed Veronica and she handed me the cane she still held. She then went and got a heavy looking round paddle from a rack on the nearest section of the wall.

“Okay James, watch how I do this, especially pay attention to how hard I hit and that I am trying to follow through as if her arse was 50mm at least further away than it is. You will do the next eight, on alternating cheeses. And, one more condition, if you think that you can give her just soft taps to help her out, think again. If you do that then that one won’t count and you will have to do it again and again until I’m satisfied. Of course that means Zoe will end up with more strokes rather than less, which I think was your aim, yes?” I just nodded, snookered again.

Veronica now took a small step back from Zoe, hefted the paddle in her right hand a couple of times as if judging the weight and steped through with her right leg while her arm landed the paddle with a loud smack on Zoe’s left arse chef, eliciting a sharp exhale of breath from Zoe.

“One,” pronounced Veronica, to which Zoe immediately said, “thank you Mistress.” Veronica delivered the second stroke, and Zoe duly replied, “two, thank you Mistress.”

“Right James, your turn.” She handed me the paddle and took the cane. I positioned myself close behind Zoe, and following the instructions as best I could landed the first blow on Zoe’s left cheek – smack!

“Three,” said Veronica.

“Thank you Mistress,” said Zoe.

“Not bad James, that one counts but I think you can do a bit better, so harder this time or it won’t count.”

My heart sank, harder than that! But I resolved to do my best, as I could see no way out now. I backed up a little further, practiced my aim to her right cheek and then stepped through quickly bringing my arm through as hard as I could – smack! I heard Zoe exhale loudly, and saw Veronica smile.

“Four,” she pronounced, with Zoe immediately answering, “thank you Mistress.”

“You know James, I think you’re really getting the hang of this. The next six in your own time please.” I delivered the next six in the same manner, with the same results.

Veronica then gave me the paddle and took the cane and delivered three strokes with it, which elicited a little cry, as opposed to a exhaust of breath, each time from Zoe.

Then it was Sam’s turn. Veronica delivered each paddle blow just as forcibly as that she delivered to Zoe. By the time Sam had had her 12th blow she was wedding, and by the 25th the tears were streaming down her cheeks. I must have looked aghast, because Veronica commented, “Oh James, I hope you don’t think Sam here is crying because of the pain, do you? Because that’s not it, not it at all, oh no. Sam is crying because she knows she is here now because she has disappointed me, and it’s that knowledge that makes her weep, not this paddle,” she said as she held it up a hand’s breadth from my nose.

“Remember James, they are my slaves and live to serve me, to make me happy, making me happy make them happy. Now, the cane on the other hand,” she said as she put down the paddle and picked up the cane, “the cane is another matter altogether, the cane will make the strongest weep, especially the strongest who know they have disappointed me.”

“Now James, I have another deal for you. As you seem to think I am too harsh, and you like to try and save the girls some pain, I propose that you give naughty Sam here some of the strokes of the cane she is due. Now, before you object, hear me out. I propose that if you deliver four of the strokes I will reduce her punishment by two, so if I give her the first two to demonstrate, then that would mean she would only get six instead of eight. What do you say?”

Well, I thought to myself, how could I refuse and still help the poor woman? “Okay,” I said, “I’ll doit.”

“Very good,” Veronica replied, a smile on her lips. “So, stand back James, and pay attention, same rules as before.” And with that she gave Sam two strokes of the cane that made Sam gasp each time and resulted in angry red stripes across her arse. “Did you see how I landed the stroke evenly across her arse, contacting both cheeses at the same time? How I didn’t allow the end to wrap around her hip? And how I didn’t withdraw the blow after it landed?” I had noticed all that and felt unable to do anything but nod.

I found the idea of ​​being spanked and could myself strangely sexually exciting, and it made me wonder all the more what it would be like to be the one on the benchmark. I felt an erection growing, much to my embarrassment, and I am sure that Veronica and a few of the other women noticed. In fact, I think I saw Veronica gives a wry, all-knowing smile.

“Alright then, your turn James.” Veronica handed me the cane and stood back behind me and to my right.

I grasped the cane in both hands, took a step forward so I was parallel with Sam, laid the cane on her arse to find my range and exact target, drew it back behind me as far as I could, and swung it with considerable force – crack! The cane landed exactly in the middle of her arse, right on target. Sam gave a little shriek and Veronica, smiling broadly said, “that was excellent James, excellent. Please continue.”

I delivered the next stroke in the same manner, just above the first blow. Veronica then instructed me to change sides from where I delivered the last two strokes. Sam’s arse was now not only very red, but also sports eight discernible dark red stripes that reached across both chefs. Veronica seemed pleased, sidling up to me, putting her arm around my waist, and whispering, “oh James, you are so good at this, a natural even.”

Veronica instructed Sam to get off the horse and nodded to Vanessa who stepped forward. “No,” into Veronica, forcedly, “you don’t get to choose. I’m going to town on that back-chatting arse of yours, it’s restraints for you!” Vanessa nodded to Veronica who mounted the horse and Veronica went about fitting leather cuffs to her wrists and ankles and clipping them to anchor points on the legs ensuring that she was stretched out tight enough that she couldn’t do more than wiggle her hips.

“Now James, look at that fine arse there ready for a beat. In fact, it really begs for a beating, all that back-chatting me in the hall. I just won’t have that, as Vanessa knows all too well. Well, if she has forgotten I’m going to remind her, and you’re going to help me.” What could I say – I know now that there was really nothing I could do to stop it, only, perhaps, lessen the number of strokes.

Veronica continued, “I have another deal for you, but I’m afraid I can’t be as generous as before, due to the nature of Vanessa’s crimes. I propose that you give naughty Vanessa here most of the paddle strokes she is due, and mostof the cane strokes due. As she broke the cardinal rule of back-chatting her mistress, and in the punishment corridor no less, I intend to ensure she gets a lesson she won’t soon forget. I mean, with only three cane strokes Zoe will be fine by tomorrow afternoon, and Sam with six strokes will be fine in two to three days, but with 20 cane strokes, after 40 paddles, Vanessa won’t be sitting properly for most of the next week. I hope this gives her more than enough time to learn the error of her ways.”

“So James, I propose to reduce her sentence to 18 strokes of the cane if you agree to deliver half the paddles and 15 of the 18 cane strokes. I’ll give the first three cane strokes to demonstrate how I want them delivered. What do you say?”

Well, I thought to myself, how could I refuse and still help Vanessa? I nodded, and said simply, “Okay,” wishing there was a way out for both Vanessa and me.

Veronica then picked up the paddle and proceeded to give Vanessa’s backside 20 of the heaviest blows of the morning so far. After the twentytieth Veronica paused and slowly turned to me, saying, “over to you, you know the drill.”

By this time Vanessa’s very heavy breathing had subsided into quick panting and the occasional moan.


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