Veronica's House Pt. 02

Dear reader, this story is a continuation of Veronica’s House Pt. 01. So, while this part can be read on its own it will make more sense if you read Pt. 01 first.


Days two and three of James’ introduction to BDSM

Day two

I turned up the next day – Saturday morning, 10 am as instructed, heart in my mouth. The house was one of those big impressive places, on grounds, a couple of kilometres from the centre of small town 90-100kms from the city – a well-to-do community where the rich and/or famous come to spend their weekends riding their horses and showing off their sports cars. I parked my car on the carefully tended gravel drive and, leaving my bag, knocked three times on the large impressive door.

Veronica opened the door. She looked stunning in black high heels, snug fitting black slacks and a very form fitting white lacy shirt. She showed me around the house, and introduced me to her friends as we walked. They are all women between 20 and 35 and are wearing very little, swimmers, high-cut shorts and simple cut-off tank-tops, that sort of thing. In my navy-blue cotton dress pants, polo shirt and boots, I felt rather over-dressed. Although I noticed I was no more so than Veronica.

After showing me what appeared to be most of the downstairs area, which was all very large and stylish, Veronica led me back to the foyer, and, leaning in so she was within five centimetres of my ear, whispered, “Now I’m going to hand you over to Anna, to show you around further and get you comfortable, while I attend to some tasks and go out briefly to run an errand. Remember, you said you were open-minded, and I do so like open-minded, so don’t disappoint me now.” And with that she called out for Anna, who duly appeared from around the corner.

“Anna, this is James, James, Anna.” Anna and I nodded to each other. Anna appeared to be in her early thirties, about 156 centimetres tall with rather a nice figure and the most beautiful pEach and cream complexion.

Anna showed me around the house, including upstairs and where the guest room was, and told me of the household routine, the rules, how they must do whatever Veronica says they must, or else. The way she put “or else” made me raise my eyes, but I didn’t comment. Once I’d had a chance to absorb my surroundings, and the information provided, I began to notice how attractive Anna was, and just how short her shorts were. At one stage, on the way up the stairs, Anna caught me looking at her gorgeous arse and stopped, pouted and wiggled it at me. I didn’t know where to look! After almost two hours Anna took me back to the foyer. The only door off the foyer that I hadn’t seen behind turned out to be Veronica’s office, which was where Anna took me next.

“Anna, James, welcome. So, James, have seat. Thank you Anna, that will be all,” said Veronica, dismissing her. Veronica asked my view of the house, the women, particularly Anna, and if I had any questions. “Don’t be shy James, you can ask me anything, I won’t be cross I promise!”

“Well Veronica, I, I,” I stuttered, “I can’t quite work out what the relationship is between you and the women here. Are they employees?” I asked, as I studied the mysterious smile on Veronica’s face.

Veronica looked down, took a deep breath, looked up and said, “Well, yes, Actually they are employees, of a type anyway. They live here and do all the tasks I ask of them and in return I take care of all their needs. With so many people living here, in such a big house, there are many types of work, from basic accounting to cooking, to house and grounds maintenance and many things in-between, so all their skills are continuously used and sharpened. Of course, like any job or any role there are consequences for bad performance.” And there was that mysterious smile again along with a wicked glint in her eye.

“Oh, okay” I replied, not feeling much the wiser. “So how long have they been here?”

“Ah, well, I’ve had staff here for more than a decade and several have been here with me since the start, so 10 or 11 years.”

As I asked my questions, about the running of the house, how many lived there and what they did, Veronica poured me glass after glass of very good wine, before, after several hours, saying, “You can’t drive home now, please, stay the night, I have plenty of room, I insist. We’ll all have a nice dinner together and you can get a good nights sleep before leaving, if you choose to leave tomorrow that is,” she said with a sly smile.

My memory of the dinner that night is rather hazy, due the mental overload and the amount of wine I consumed, but as far as I can recall there were about eight of us, who apart from me were all female, and we ate some sort of roast with vegetables. I also remember that all the women were much more formally dressed than they were earlier in the day.

Before it was late, Veronica asked Anna, who was one of the diners,to show me up to my room on the second floor. She left me for an hour or so to let me get settled in and, just as I slipped under the covers naked – I don’t usually sleep in anything at all, and forget to pack something for my trip – Anna came back and slipped into the bed. She wore nothing more than skimpy black lingerie, “Whoa Anna,” I exclaimed, a little started, “should you be in Here?”

“Mistress, I mean Veronica, said she thought you might like a little company tonight, she thought you liked me, you do like me don’t you?”

“Well, ye ye yes, of course,” I stuttered, “but you don’t have to do this, whatever this is.”

“Oh but I want to, I want to share your bed, oh please let me, it’s so long since I’ve been with a man.”

I quickly said, “I’m not wearing any pyjamas you know.”

To which Anna giggled and replied, “All the easier for me then.” It didn’t seem right somehow, but I was soon hard as hell and horny as a toad, and at the first touch of her oh-so-sOft hands on my cock I was a goner. I wanted to resist, really I did but…

Little did I know at the time, but Veronica, Anna’s ‘Mistress,’ had instructed Anna to come to me in my bed and make sure I was “happy,” and that Mistress had plans for me and wanted to ensure that I stayed as long as I could. Anna had been quite willing though, in fact she saw having me as a ‘reward.’

Day three: Sunday and the ‘formal’ dinner

The next day dawned warm and bright with Anna bringing me fresh orange juice in bed, wearing only the skimpiest summer bathrobe. When I got up and started getting dressed Anna shook her head and offered me a lightweight summer bathrobe, saying “No, silly, you’ll be over-dressed, you’ll see, it’s much less formal than dinner.” When I looked dubious she insisted, “You’ll be fine!” So Anna led me down to breakfast wearing nothing other than the skimpy bathrobe.

Breakfast was indeed much less formal than dinner. Everyone, including Veronica, was lounging around in bathrobes (very short ones – I didn’t know where to look!) on sofas and easy chairs in the sunroom where toast, fruit and cereal, tea and plunger coffee were set out.

I’d met most of the women the day before and was introduced to a few others, whose names I promptly forgot, simply replying to their ‘good mornings’ with “hello, nice to meet you.”

Then Veronica pounded on me, springing out of her lazy chair like a cat, wrapping her arm around me and saying, “You must join me over here on the sofa, under the window and look out at the view of the garden, and tell me all about your night and your impression of us.”

“Well Veronica, I, I,” I stuttered as we sat down in the morning sunshine, “I can’t work out what the relationship is between you and the women here. You said yesterday that they were employees “of a type” but now it seems to me that that can’t be true, after yesterday when they were all wandering around the house in very little during the day, andNow skimpy bathrobes at breakfast!” I paused, and looked at Veronica, who had a mysterious smile on her face. “So, if I have a single question, my question is, just what is your relationship with these women, Anna in particular?”

Veronica looked down, took a deep breath, looked up smiling and said, “Well, the truth is that they are my slaves, and I am their mistress. Anna, is just one of them, both different and no different to any of the others. You’ve met most of them by now I expect.”

I’m not sure exactly what words I was expecting her to say, but the word “slave” wasn’t one of them. I must have looked shocked, because she hurriedly added, “Oh James, don’t look so shocked, none of them are here against their will, and any of them can leave at any time. Perhaps James,” she paused and gave me a searching look, “we should continue this in my office, this way please.”

Veronica took my hand and led me into her office, where she went on to explain that all the women lived there to serve her, that she was bi-sexual, how the ‘girls’ as she called them were often naked around the house, at her command, and how, if they we not well-behaved, they were likely to be punished. I was also told that the women are all expected to comply instantly to any request and if they didn’t that Veronica would take her disappointment out on them immediately and that this didn’t count as punishment – they all I knew the actual punishment would be the next day.

“Oh, don’t worry James, I don’t expect you to be naked” she said, when she saw the worried look on my face. “Though I’m sure most of the girls wouldn’t mind.”

My mind was reeling, but I mustered enough sense to ask, “So, how many women, slaves I mean, are in the house?”

“Eight at present,” replied Veronica. “Most are straight, straight as a die actually, but a couple are bi and one is a lesbian, but it really doesn’t matter, they all have to do what I command regardless of their orientation. For examplele, last night I told all the girls that they are to do anything, and I mean anything, you ask them as if it was me asking. So be sure to make use of them, I want you to feel at home.”

“But why” I asked, perplexed, “would they do ‘anything’ for me and why do they allow you to punish them and not simply leave?”

“Oh James,” Veronica surprised, “you have so much to learn about what it is to be a submissive and a slave, and a dominant for that matter. For now, let’s just say that my slaves generally enjoy serving me, and, despite the fact that I punish them for their various misdeeds, I really do actually care for them and so would never do any of them any real or permanent harm, and most of them, in their own way, actually quite enjoy being punished.”

Enjoy being paid! There was an idea to ponder. Little did I know at the time that I was to learn this to be true for me.

I spent the remainder of the day in the house helping out with some small jobs, like putting away some groceries, getting some down from high shelves, assisting in the putting up of some new shelving in the pantry (actually I did most of that job myself, watched by Anna), and watering some of the large impressive garden.

The dinner

That evening, Veronica had informed us earlier in the day, there was to be dinner in honour of a visiting mistress and that all the women had to wear black lingerie, except Anna, who would be serving in only an apron. Not being a ‘slave’ myself, and having only the clothes I happened to bring with me, I was dressed in black dress trousers and a black shirt and shoes.

Dispite the, to my eyes, bizarre spectacle of women dining in lingerie, served by a woman in nothing but an apron, the dinner was quite formal, with all 11 of us seated around a large oval table. Conversation mainly consisted of everyone talking about what they had done that day, to the delight, satisfaction, or for one poor unfortunate (who didn’t complete her allocated jobs for the day), announcement of Mistress Veronica. To this poor wretch Veronica indicated that she should remind her of the matter tomorrow.

Earlier in the day Anna had informed me that a visit from another mistress usually means that the visiting mistress would assist in punishing any of the slaves that took a step wrong that evening. “Oh don’t worry James,” said Anna, upon seeing my worried look, “that just means five to 10 paddles for each offence, no biggy, unless of course Mistress decides it was deliberate or rude, then the real punishment happens tomorrow, and that’s the usual 20 and six, but could be more, depending on the offence.”

I was starting to feel rather nervous at this point, although I didn’t know what “20 and six” means, I had rather a nasty suspicion that it was going to be something rather rather painful!

“Umm A-A-Anna,” I stuttered, “when you say 20 and six, what exactly do you mean?”

“Oh, I’m sorry, you don’t know do you, no of course you don’t, how silly of me. Well, 20 and six is ​​the basic punishment here, you can’t expect anything less. Twenty is the number of strokes of the paddle you get, on your bum of course, and six is ​​the number of strokes of the cane you get, also on your bum.”

Of course, I thought to myself, of course just like every household, not!!

After dinner we all retired to the locke where we were all permitted to Drink what we liked and engage in conversation with whomever we choose. Anna was still in her apron, which was tied at the back, string hanging down between her sweet arse checks, and was serving drinks. At one point she stubbed her toe on a sofa, and swore and hoped up and down for a moment. We all noticed, especially Veronica, who did not seem impressed with the disruption, and proceeded to give Anna five paddles whilst she bent over and touched her toes.

Another woman got paddled, five times each by Veronica and the visiting mistress, whilst on her hand and knees, for spilling a whole tray of drinks, with Veronica telling the poor woman that she would continue her punishment tomorrow, and that if she forgot the women was to remind her.

One woman (whose name I was later to learn was Vanessa) was too slow getting off the sofa when asked by Veronica, and when told to anxious shot Veronica a surprising look. This got her ten rather hard paddles whilst bent over the arm of the sofa she was so slow in leaving, five from Veronica, and five from the visiting mistress. Veronica made a point of telling the woman to remind her in the morning of the incident.

Finally, the evening ended with us all farewelling the visiting mistress, an old friend of Veronica’s apparently. Anna, minus the apron and so now naked, then took me back up to my room, and explained that she needed to tell me something.

“I wanted to tell you that There is a room in the house, out on one wing that you have not yet been shown, that they call the ‘playroom’. Well, they call it the ‘playroom,’” she said, all serious (although it was, I have to admit, a little difficult to take her seriously when she was stark naked), “but really, it is the punishment room. You remember the girl at dinner who didn’t get her jobs done, and Mistress was annoyed with her, Sam?”

“Yes, I remember” I said. Of course I remember, the poor woman looked frightened merely by Veronica’s announcement.

“Well, she’ll be taken there tomorrow.” Anna paused for what seemed like ages, before going on. “Sam will be given, I would imagine, rather more than 20 and six for her laser. I mean, partly because of the laser, but partly because she has been here more than long enough to know what is required of her, and knows what will happen if she does wrong.”

“Oh dear, poor Sam,” I said, not knowing what else to say.

“Oh no, don’t feel sorry for Sam, she know the rules, and she likes living here so…” Anna finished with small shrug.

“Maybe, do you think, if I asked Veronica not to…”

“Oh no” interrupted Anna, with a little squeal that putting her hand over her mouth couldn’t quite stifle, “you mustn’t, she’ll be so cross with you, and me, you mustn’t.”

“Hang on,” I said, “Veronica can’t do anything to me, I’m her guest and she has no hold over me.”

“Well, no, not to you she can’t, but believe me, you still wouldn’t want to say anything, but she could, would, punish me for, as she would see it, not explaining sufficiently to you why you mustn’t interfere.”

“Okay,” I replied, fearing to ask any further questions, but knowing I must, “just what is it that you need to explain so I can make sense of this, this, situation?”

“Well, all the girls signed up for this, I mean, literally, signed a paper, saying they accepted this as one of the conditions of living here, after spending a few days here and having it all explained to them. And we are all, generally, very happy here. Because, you know, we are all subbies, in our own way anyway. That’s why we all call Mistress…”

“Whoa,” I interrupted, “you mean to tell me that you all actually like being beating!”

“Well, I wouldn’t exactly say we ‘like’ it, but yes, it is something we accept and there is actually something to like about it, but it’s hard to explain.”

By now I was bordering on outtraged. “Well, I can tell you Anna, I can’t imagine, in ANY universe, that I could possibly ‘enjoy’ any such thing,” I thundered.

“Well, actually, you know” said Anna, now looking rather coy, “Mistress thinks, I think, I could be wrong, but I think she thinks, that you might actually be a subbie yourself.”

I was gob-smacked. I was at a total loss for words. One day you are doing a stranger a small favour in the street, and before you know it you are in mad-house where people think you are someone who likes being beating! It was too much, way too much. “Look, Anna” I told, “this is just so much, too much, to process, I’ll talk with Veronica in the morninging, and say goodbye. Could you leave now so that I can have a think and try to process what I have seen and heard?”

Anna looked like she was going to cry, and this started me a bit, I couldn’t work out what I’d done.

“Anna, what’s wrong?”

“Oh, James”, she whispered, “please don’t send me away, Mistress will know, and I’ll be punished because I was given the task of making you happy again tonight.”

“Well, Anna, we can just tell Veronica that you made me ‘happy’ if she asks…”

“Oh no, no no, you can’t lie to Mistress she ALWAYS knows when you lie and then the punishment is much worse!! Please let me stay here with you, please!”

Well, I was stuck wasn’t I. I didn’t want Anna here because she had been ordered to be, I couldn’t send her away or not let her make me ‘happy’ or she would be punished, and that would be on me. “Oh, well then, alright Anna, you can stay. What did you have in mind for my ‘happiness’ tonight?” Beaming now, Anna straddled my chest, slid down and took my instantly hard member in her mouth. This time I didn’t even both trying to resist.

I slept well that night, exhausted by the psychological demands and newness of the situation, although I did have some strange dreams!


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