
It had been a very long year.

She had known, of course, when he’d offered her the deal that it would be. Even after having him routinely withhold orgasms from her for the entire course of their relationship except on rare, ecstatic occasions, she still had not been prepared for withstanding a full twelve months not just without cumming but without receiving any sort of pleasure from him or from herself. She wondered, many times, why she had agreed to it, but he had promised her some sort of period of being able to get herself off as much as she wanted to after she’d done it, though she didn’t know how long that period would be or how long she’d have to wait for it.

More importantly, she knew he wanted her to make it through the entire year as proof of her devotion to him. She did her best to prove that every single moment, but she knew he thought she still had a ways to go as far as being a perfect slave for him, and she dearly wanted to achieve thatgoal.

He had certainly received plenty of pleasure during the year, of course–practically every time she saw him involved a blowjob. She certainly couldn’t complain about that–while it had greatly heightened her frustration, in a way it made her feel better than getting any pleasure herself would. Much as she craved it, she also loved the idea of ​​giving it to him without receiving any. It made her feel so much like his.

It had been two days now since her year was up, and this was her first time seeing him. She was hoping against hope that something was going to happen, but she had no idea what her chances were. She had agreed to a year, yes, but there was nothing to stop him from extending it beyond that if he wanted to, and he had never exactly been fair to her.

He had an important meeting that night, and had let her accompany him as he prepared for it to “keep him company.” She was very excited because she hoped that he had just a bitMore than that planned.

They were alone in an empty room adjacent to the room where the meeting was to take place. He was sitting across from her, looking gorgeous in his glasses (which were always enough to push him way over the top from even his usual extreme sexiness for her) and a black suit (seeing him dressed nicely was another thing that acted as an instant turn-on). Just staring at him sitting there was enough to make her overwhelmingly horny. Even when he wasn’t doing anything with her at all, just his presence was enough to set her off.

He suddenly stood and approached her. Her heart was beating fast. Was something actually going to happen, at long last?

He grabbed ahold of her shoulders, gripping them tightly, and pulled her up roughly to standing. Heart beat faster, faster, faster. Him being forced with her combined with the idea that maybe he was finally going to use her somehow were enough to make her pussy throw madly.

He pushed her against the wall. She could feel the hardness of his cock pressed against her and whimpered. God, if he didn’t do something to her now she didn’t know how she would even survive it. In this whole year she had never stopped aching for him for even a moment and he was making it so much worse now.

“I’m sure you’re absolutely desperate for my cock right now, aren’t you, my little slut?”

It always seemed so strange to her that he asked her question like that when he knew the answer damn well. But she supposed he just liked hearing how much she needed him, hearing her admit what a slut she was for him. It must make it so very clear to him how completely she was his.

“Of course sir. You know I’ve been desperate for your cock all this time, and you’re making me even more desperate with what you’re doing right now.”

“Well, maybe, maybe, maybe your Master will be kind enough to let you have it, if you do a good enough job begging him,” he said. He was rubbingup against her now, still holding her firmly against the wall.

God, the feeling of his cock rubbing against her that way. She wasn’t sure how he could even expect her to form thoughts coherent enough to answer him, but she wanted him in her so badly that she did her best anyway.

“Oh god sir, please please please let me have your cock in my pussy. I’ve been needing it so bad and it’s been so long. You know what a dirty slut I am for you and you know how I want to be full of your cock all the time and it’s been so long and I’ve just been losing my mind the whole time. And of course what would really be best about it would be knowing that I’d be giving you pleasure–I know that that’s the really important thing. Please please please sir.”

“I wasn’t so sure about it until you said that last bit. I must admit, you manage to be a very good slave for me sometimes. You are absolutely right–my pleasure is all that matters. Any pleasure you ever receive is completely accidental.”

He pulled back from her, pulling her shirt over her head and then reaching down to quickly remove her skirt and panties. She felt so much more turned on now, standing exposed before him this way. She hoped more than anything that the sight of her wet pussy was pleasing him.

To her great surprise, he suddenly began to rub her clip. He so rarely let her have any pleasure without him getting it too, and god after a full year she had forgotten what being touched there even felt like. She moaned loudly and opened her legs to him, beginning to buck her hips just a moment later.

He laughed. “So very, very wet for me. So very, very slutty–just how I like you. Even though I would of course use your body whenever I wanted to whether it made you feel good or not, knowing what a filter little cockslut you are pleases me very much. It makes me feel so good to own a slave who is so horny for me all the time. Especially when I can torment you by withholding pleasure from you for so long–it’s terribly amusing to know how much you’re struggling, how desperate you are. It feels so good to exert so much power over you.”

“It’s been so so hard but really I love it too sir. It really does show me how much power you have over me and you know that makes me feel better than anything.”

He stopped rubbing her then. She was aching from the sudden lack of stimulation, but she knew it would be just a moment before he was fucking her, and knew how much better that would be–both because nothing felt better than his cock filling up one of her holes and because, as she’d just told him, being able to give him pleasure was what she wanted more than anything.

He pulled off his pants and boxes then and her pussy throbbed unbearably at the sight of his cock. She spread her legs even wider for him.

He laughed again. “It still never ceases to amaze me exactly how slutty youare,” he said. “You would just be filled up with my cock every second if you could, wouldn’t you?”

“Oh god sir that would feel so good! I wish I could have that so much, but getting to have it in me at all is going to be so amazing too.”

He took hold of her shoulders again, holding them so tightly, making her feel so completely powerless against him as he held her firmly against the wall.

And then his cock inside her oh god his cock inside her after what felt like an entire life without it. She had always known how amazing it felt, which was why she had wanted it so much for the past year, but she did not remember it feeling this good.

She wanted to wrap her arms around him, but with him holding her in place she couldn’t do anything, couldn’t do anything at all but just stand there helplessly, feeling as if she existed for no other reason but this, surrendering herself to him completely.

He began thrusting into her harder than she could rememberhim ever doing it before. He was so thin and did not look at all powerful, but the force with which he was holding her down combined with the hardness of the fucking made it so clear to her how much he was. Being full of him would feel so good no matter what, but knowing how strong he could be made it even better. It felt so unbelievably good to be taken by a man who could overpower her so very easily.

“Do you Know how lucky you are that I’m giving you the honor of letting you have my cock in you right now?” he asked. “Do you know that I could keep withholding it from you for as long as I wanted to–forever, if that was what I wanted?”

“Yes sir, I know that very well! Thank you so much sir! I do feel very very lucky right now.”

“I can’t believe how wet you are,” he said. “I’d always known what a dirty whore you are, but right now you are reminding me exactly how much of one. Tell me how good it feels to be fucked hard by me right now, whore.”

“Oh sir, itis not even possible for me to put into words how good it feels,” she said honestly. “Nothing else could possibly feel as good as being full of your cock, being full of it in whichever of my holes would please you most at that moment. And how you’re pushing me down so hard against the wall makes it feel so much better. I love it so so so much when you make me feel completely helpless, when you remind her how weak I am compared to you.”

She was still not thinking very clearly but had a very important question she wanted to ask him.


“What is it, slave?”

“I was just wondering if fucking me this way is pleasure you too. You know that is really what I want more than anything. I hope so much that I am!”

“Yes, you are pleasure your Master very much right now,” he said. “You should be quite proud. It has made me so happy to be able to leave you desperate and struggling for a year, but I must admit it is very pleasant for me to be filling up one of yourslutty little holes again at last. I hope you remember that your holes are really all you consist of. You are absolutely nothing but a set of holes, and those holes exist entirely for my pleasure.”

“I could never forget that, sir! I know that better than anything!”

He was still pounding into her pussy so incredibly hard, so much harder than he usually did, and it was actually starting to become painful for her. She had wanted his cock so desperately, and she still loved having it fill her up, but being rammed into by something so big and powerful over and over was beginning to become too much to bear.

“Sir…I don’t want to complain of course, but my pussy is starting to hurt. Could you maybe…try to fuck me not quite so hard?”

He pulled back out of her for a moment and slapped her hard across the face, looking more than a little angle. “What the fuck are you doing complaining to me, you stupid bitch? Do you think I care if your pathetic little cunt hurts? Do you think that matters? You told me how fully aware you are that all that matters is my pleasure, and I was proud of you, but now you’re certainly not making me too confident that you actually know it at all.”

She quickly felt incredibly guilty for daring to question him. He was absolutely right, of course–how she felt didn’t matter at all, the only thing that mattered was him. How could she have been so stupid? She rushed to apologize.

“I’m so sorry, sir! I definitely shouldn’t have said that. Yes, of course I know that all that matters is your pleasure. I don’t know what I was thinking of. It was just hurting a lot and I forget for a moment that I only exist to be used by you. I’m very sorry, sir. Please don’t be mad at me.”

He still looked angry and for a long moment just starred silently at her. She was growing increasingly nervous that he was not only going to stop fucking her but would do something to punishher in some way.

Finally he spoke. “Really right now what I should do is stop fucking you and spank you for daring to be so disrespectful, but since using your wet, slutty fuckhole is giving me so much pleasure I suppose I won’t—for now, anyway. But you better not fucking dare to question me again.”

“I won’t, I promise. Please let me give you more pleasure, sir.”

He pushed his cock back into her and, somehow, started fucking her even harder than he already had been. Her pussy was starting to hurt more and more, but as she had promised she did not say anything again. She just stood there and did her best to remember that she existed to be used by him, existed to please him no matter how it made her feel.

He laughed. “You know what, slave?”

“What, sir?”

“It actually feels even better for me now, knowing I’m hurting your pussy. You know how much pleasure it always gives me to hurt you, because of how much power it lets me have over you, becauseof how it reminds you that you are absolutely nothing but my property. But being able to hurt you and have my cock filling you up feels even better than just beating you does. I’ll have to do this more often.”

“Yes sir, you definitely should do it more if it pleases you. I’m happy to be in pain if it pleases you. I’m happy to do absolutely anything if it pleases you.”

“You are making up just a bit now for how bad you were a few minutes ago,” he said, and she was very relieved to hear him say it. “But to please me more, I want you to tell me all about how much I’m making your cunt ache.” All the time he was speaking he was pounding into her, pounding into her so, so hard, holding her down against the wall all the while.

“God sir, you’re making my pussy hurt so much right now. If I didn’t know how much it was pleasing you I wouldn’t be able to take it. Your cock is so big and it always makes me feel so full but you’ve just been fucking me so hard this time. Having something so massive just pounding into my hole again and again is really quite painful, sir.”

“God, it makes your Master feel so good to hear you say that, slut. Filling up your cunt would already feel so good, and reminding you that all you are is my fucktoy would already feel so good, but it’s so much better when I’m getting to hurt you.”

He kept ramming his cock into her and she was really having a more and more difficult time not protesting that it was too hard, too painful. But at the same time the feeling of having him inside her, when she’d wanted it so badly for so long, felt so very good. And of course knowing that she was pleasing him felt even better than that. It was a confusing mixture of feelings.

“Mmm, I think I’m about ready to fill you up with my cum now, my little whore. How would that make you feel?” he asked.

“So so so good sir! Oh god please fill my pussy up with your cum. I want it so so much and it’s been so long. Please sir.”

He dug his fingernails into her shoulders and held her against the wall particularly hard as he came. She moaned as he did, being so grateful to have the feeling of having ultimately pleased him after not being able to do it for so long.

“On your knees, whore,” he commanded, and she instantly dropped to them.

“Lick me clean.”

She licked all along the length of him, loving the taste of his cum mixed with all her wetness.

“How was that, slut?”

“Oh, all of it felt so good, thank you so much sir. But…sir?”

“What now, bitch?” he asked, an edge in his voice.

“It’s just that…I didn’t get to cum, sir. And it’s been so so long. Can you please please let me finger myself now so I can? You could watch and I would put on such a good show for you. Please sir.”

He kicked her hard. “What the fuck did I tell you about complaining to me about anything? Why is it so hard for you to manage to beobedient at all?”

“I didn’t mean to be disobedient, sir! It’s just that god, sir, it’s been a year, and I’ve just been aching to cum for that whole time.”

“And what exactly makes you think I would probably give a fuck?”

“Well…nothing sir, I was just hoping you would be able to have some mercy on me. I’ve been very obedient by not fingering myself without your permission for all that time, haven’t I?”

“You think you deserve a reward just for being fucking obedient? That is the bare minimum that I expect from you. That is the most basic requirement for being my slave. Do you really think you deserve a reward just for being doing how I expect you to?”

“Well…no sir, Not really. I’ve just been so desperate and it would feel so good.”

“I think my stupid little slut needs to realize how lucky she is that I let her have any pleasure at all and shut the fuck up,” he said, kicking her again, evenharder this time. “Maybe I would have let you cum at some point soon if you hadn’t dared to ask me for it, but just for that, it won’t be happening for quite some time. I hope my stupid fucktoy can see now that there are repercussions for her actions, always.”

“Yes sir,” she said, unable to conceal the disappointment in her voice.

“I have to go now,” he said. “It’s time for the meeting. I want you to stay in here, kneeling on the floor like this, thinking about what you did and how disappointed I am in you. I’ll be back for you later and figure out a further punishment for you then.”

She stayed in the kneeing position as he’d ordered, feeling another peculiar mixture of feelings. She was incredibly afraid for having upset him, but at the same time there was a little part of her that was happy to be punished by him, happy to have such a clear reminder of how much she belonged to him, and of course as always she was unbelievably happy that she had gottento have him use one of her holes. All these thoughts swirled around in her head as she waited for him to return, wondering what he had in store for her next.

The time she was waiting for him felt much longer than it possible could’ve actually been. But the combination of thinking about her guilt from disappointing him (just as he’d instructed her to do–she hoped he’d be happy to see that she was at least being obedient about that), and her nervousness about what exactly he was going to do about it made what must have in reality only been half an hour or so seem to stretch on and on.

There was something else too. The longer he made her wait the hornier she got. She just kept thinking back to how good it had felt when he’d taken her, and aching more and more for a long-denied orgasm. And, yes, she had to admit that the very fact that he was about to punish her made it even worse.

He had to know she was getting more and more desperate, didn’t he? What ifhe waited even longer than necessary just to make her suffering even worse? It wouldn’t surprise her at all if he did.

She was getting increasingly tempted to just finger herself and be done with it. Yes, she had survived an entire year without doing that, but these last few minutes had been harder than any point during that time. Now that he’d given her such a vivid reminder of how pleasure felt After half-forgetting, it felt damn near impossible.

It was risky, of course–she couldn’t imagine the trouble she’d be in if he came in and caught her. But she was so close to the edge already that she was sure it wouldn’t take her long at all to cum, making it seems like the chances of getting caught were small enough that it was worth taking the chance. But really she knew that it didn’t matter if he caught her or not–if he didn’t she would end up feeling so guilty that she’d surely confess. She had never been able to keep secrets from him, even when whatever she’d done ended upgetting her in very big trouble. So she pushed the idea out of her head before she could be stupid and act on it.

Finally he returned. Her heart was pounding as furiously as it had been just before he’d fucked her, but this time it was with nervousness rather than anticipation.


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