John just sat there aching as Sarah slowly played with him. The expression on her face was that of some sort of dark pensiveness with which John had most recently become acquainted. Sarah almost felt sorry for him as she looked down at his poor little balls and his helpless body. Sarah began to wonder if this was as far as she should take it. After all, several crushing blows to the nuts would render Any male helpless and certainly would have been enough revenge for his breaking up with her 6 weeks ago. She was slowly twisting her index finger and thumb around his soft manhood, falling even deeper into the ponderings of John’s immediate future when the phone suddenly rang.
“BRRRRIIINGGGG!!!” Her telephone ringer was like a cacophony of electronics products all rolled into one receiver and it had caught Sarah off guard. She leaned forward to John and said, “I’ll be right back,” playfully tapping his nose with her finger each time she said a word. John exhibited not even the slightest amusement and instead resorted to a sight.
Sarah went to the opposite side of the room and picked up the phone. She glanced at the caller ID just before opening communication by depressing the “talk” button.
“Hey girl,” Sarah answered. It was her best friend Amber. Obviously followed by salutations on the transmitting line, Sarah immediately sensed that something wasn’t right in Amber’s voice.
“What’s a matter,” Sarah questioned sincerely?
As Sarah talked on the phone and paced back and forth, John turned his head so that he could see her. He still couldn’t believe that she was dressed so provocatively, and as much as he didn’t want to be, he was getting turned on by her appearance once again. She looked so dominating atop her 4-inch patent leather heels and he just loved the way her legs glittered in the sun when she passed in front of the bay window. John knew he had touched those legs a thousand times before and was sure that he must have taken them forgranted because he would now give anything just to feel them. It was a simple chaos whirling around in John’s mind of jealousy and admission as he hated her for dressing like this only after they broke up, but couldn’t resist it in any case. He also longed to squeeze her breasts but knew if he got the chance he would squeeze them so hard he’d hurt her. He was getting more mad by the second just thinking about it and concocted a variety of scenarios for how he would make Sarah pay once she released him.
John was started by the sound of the portable telephone hitting its docking station. Sarah turned around and looked at him in utter disgust. The once devilish smile was now replaced with an elementary wicked star as she propped her breasts up while crossing her arms in front of her. She walked around to the front of the bed and asked John very poignantly, “Do you have anything you’d like to tell me?”
“Huh,” John answered in bewilderment?
Sarah then kicked her long shaped right leg up above her head as if she was doing a split while standing and let her foot come crashing down about two inches away from his unprotected balls.
“I said, ‘Do you have anything you want to tell me?’ Do you have anything you want to confess,” Sarah continued more decisively?
John nervously lifted his head to see her shiny knee and shin pointing directly down to the patent leather pump she wore just inches away from his balls. The pointed siletto heel was squashing the bed linen into the mattress. He honestly didn’t know what she was talking about, and in fear of saying the wrong thing John replied to Sarah’s question with a question so as to limit his search, “What do you mean?”
“I mean,” Sarah began derogatorily, “is there any major event that you lied about when we were dating?” Her voice now graduated to a roar, “ANYTHING THAT YOU DIDN’T TELL ME?”
Immediately John realized that it must have had something to do with the phone call Sarah just received, and so again instead of answering her question he asked in a trembling voice, “Who was that?”
“Listen hear Johnny boy,” Sarah changed to a cutesy yet sarcastically young voice and leaned over as if to divulge some secret, “I’m only gonna ask you one more time, and the best thing you can do to save yourself is to tell the truth.” Sarah then leaned back up and reassumed her previous towering position, “So, let me ask once again, ‘Do you have anything you’d like to confess to me?”
John’s mind darted one way and then the other when the obvious answer was right in front of him. He thought of this answer for only a brief second but then countered the thought in his mind thinking to himself, “It can’t be that, there’s no way, she never knew About that, and no one who could tell her ever found out.” Although his rationalization though, there was no other thing in particular that John had done since he’d met her, (that she hadn’t already confronted him about), that would qualify for this sort of reaction. John decided that no answer would be foolish but brutal honesty would be stupid, so he attempted to find something else that would hopefully pass in humiliation.
“Ok, ok,” John began, “I suppose you found out that I used to go through your panty drawer and use your nice silk panties to masturbate with.” Sarah’s expression didn’t change, which afforded him neither validation nor falsehood. Noting this, John continued to apologize, “I’m sorry, I just couldn’t resist. You know how I love the gleam of your legs when you rub cream on them, and I suppose some of that shiny affection carried over into admission for your silk underwear.” He paused ever so briefly only to resume, “Why, did I accidentally ruin one? I’m sorry if I did. I’ll buy you another one. I promise.”
John’s speech became choppy as he verbally demonstrated his excuse, but something about Sarah’s silence led him to believe that he probably wasn’t on the right track.
“Ok John,” Sarah replied evenly, “I gave you a chance to save yourself, but it’s obvious that you just don’t care. And it’s also obvious that you have been lying through your teeth!”
Sarah stopped for a moment and then continued, “That was Amber.”
As soon as John heard the name he knew exactly what it was about, but he didn’t utter a word as he was almost in shock from the fear of what she might do. Slowly as if revealing some conniving plot, Sarah confronted John. “Amber told me that apparently that night a couple of months ago when I was sick and couldn’t go out with you guys to the Martini Bar, Scott was also out of town. She said that ya’ll met up at the bar alone, and that Scott was not there as you had told me. She also told me that you got her drink and she felt like you took advantage of her. She said you wouldn’t leave when you followed her back to the apartment and practically insisted on having sex.”
Feeling that now would be a good time to defend himself, John interjected, “Baby, please, don’t believe a word Amber says. You know she’s crazy. You remember what happened at the beach that time. You know, she borrowed your bathing suit and didn’t give it back, and then when you asked her for it, she denied you ever gave it to her until she found it in her own garage a couple of weeks later. She probably doesn’t even remember that night. I’m telling the truth, we didn’t have sex. Please babe, you gotta believe me.”
“Wow,” Sarah stated calmly, “you really do believe your own bullshit, don’t you?”
John attempted to defend himself once again, “Babe, please I’m tel—.” But John was unable to say another word before Sarah stealthily pulled off the high heel on her foot closest to his balls, and with the Shoe in her hand, slapped the toe of it as hard as she could down onto his exposed nuts. At the same time she also screamed, “SHUT UP!!!”
“THWAACKKK,” the collision made an awful sound and John immediately tensed up againstHis restraints. The veins in John’s neck were popping out and his face was turning red as he began to cought. John’s hands were squeezed into tight fists and his browser was wrinkled as his eyes tightly shut. He exhausted while grinding his teeth and keep trying to close his legs as far as he could.
“UNNGGGHH,” John grunted several times, but failed to make any sensitive statement before Sarah opened her mouth to talk once more.
“Oh I hate you,” she said coldly. “I should have known you were a prick on our very first date when you were checking out the waitresses legs.”
John sat there writing in pain, unable to respond and still breathing heavily while rolling his head around as if being mobile would lessen the disappointment.
Sarah then spread her legs and stand on the bed so that her left and right feet were on the outside of John’s thighs.
“You want me to untie you,” she said, and then repeated her proposition, “Is that what you’d like?”
“Yes please,” was all John could beg.
“Sure, I’ll untie you,” and if you can get away then I guess our little party here is done. But as soon as she made that statement she took her dominant right foot and swung it back, bending so far at the knee that the siletto heel lightly tapped her own ass. Instantaneously she then swung it forward so that the sharp toe of her high heel nearly ripped his sac; not to mention that his two balls were crushed to opposite sides abruptly.
“OH SHIT,” John screamed in agoy. He followed with the same line again, and again, “Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit,” as if he were stuttering the phrase.
Meanwhile Sarah untied his hands. Instinctively John shot his hands towards his balls in an immediate effort to protect them, but Sarah kneeled down and caught both hands by the wrist forcing them to return to their original position on the bed. She got down on her knees which were placed now between John’s legs and rammed her knee full force into his balls.
“Go ahead,” Sarah invited sarcastically. Then while ramming her dominant knee into his groin again, she continued, “Go ahead and leave. I thought you wanted to be untied so you can leave.”
John was clearly too weak in his present state to fight with her and submitted unwillingly as Sarah began to tie his wrists back to the bed gain with the Velcro straps.
“Uh-huh,” Sarah stated, “that’s what I thought. Girls can always win a fight against a boy if they know where it really hurts.” With that comment she dominated his balls in her right hand.
“But you know,” she started again, “there is one other thing that I believe will hurt as well.” Sarah then leaned over and started to blow him again. John’s attempts to resist the natural urge which was making him hard were futile. And so with just a few long licks up and down his shake while one of her hands was gliding just below her mouth and the other was cupping his balls he became hard as a rock. Sarah noted thatHis balls felt bigger and tighter than ever before, and his penis seemed ready to rip out of its own skin. She knew it must be causing him so much pain not to cum and was enjoying every second of it. She then got on top of him and sat down on him so that her warm body enveloped his swollen cock. She followed by riding him slowly with the palms of her hands pressing much of her body weight down onto his stomach, just below his belly button. Sarah cocked her head to the side and said, “Now I get to go as fast or as slow as I want. Now I’m on top.” She seemed to emphasize any first person reference to herself while saying this.
“I can go fast like this,” she swiftly raised and lowered herself on him rapidly. “Or, I can go slow like this,” she immediately stopped and just ground on him in large circles. “Or maybe you prefer to feel it go in and out,” Sarah rose up so that only a part of his tip was in her and then fell back down making his dick essentially shot into her. “I like thein and out,” Sarah replied as if she was talking to herself.
John could feel his dick thrust into her and lifted his hips off the bed every time she went up as it felt like she was going to slide off of him which would make her falling down on his hard cock very painful.
Sarah then spoke to him once again, “But it seems like this when we were dating. And it seems like there was some reason, but I just can’t remember what it was.”
“Buh…buh…be careful,” John strained out as he kept thrusting off the bed every time she would get to the top.
“Oh, that’s right,” Sarah said, letting his dick slide just outside of her and back between her buttcheeks, but forward of her asshole. Then suddenly she began putting her full weight onto the tip of his stiffness as she continued with the statement she had started, “you were always afraid I’d slide out and bend your little dick as I came back down.”
Abruptly she fell down and his cock was crushed into himself. It felt to John like it was going to bend over onto itself and just crack in half like a dry twig.
“OOOWWOWWCH,” John cried. His hard cock felt like it had been broken, but luckyly it slide back under her ass. John was more angry than before as he contemplated the possibility that she could damage his goods permanently. And with this realization he began to roll his hips from side to side in efforts to throw Sarah off of him. But Sarah just responded by covering her mouth and giggling like a little girl while enjoying the show being put on by her helpless captor.
“Of course maybe I should get some pleasure out of your pain,” she continued as she lifted up again and used her delicate hand and french-manicured nails to glide him into her again. She then brought her legs forward so that her feet were on the outsides of his shoulders and laid down so that her back was covering most of the bed between his legs. This was bending John’s cock back down into an awkward and painful positivityon. If his cock was soft it would dangle between his legs naturally, but to have his erection bent backwards was awful.
Sarah moaned as if she was enjoying it while simultaneously letting her fingers explore her cliporis. John, instead, was moaning in agony and in the rhythm of Sarah’s hips which kept constantly jolting his cock back farther again and again.
“Oh, oh, mmmm…” Sarah was in ecstasy. John regretted that now her fingernails were raking the base of his shake while she played with herself. Sarah teased John that she was giving him an opportunity to blow his load, but she knew that he couldn’t. She lamented louder now in contrast with John’s sufferings when John felt her body becomes tense and her fingernails dig into him.
“UUGUUGUUGGGHHH,” John winced!
“OOOOHHOHHH,” Sarah wailed!
John could feel her pulse from the inside squeeze him repeatedly while she maintained her orgasm. Then seconds later she relaxed and had broken out into a cold sweat.
“No please, please, PLEASE don’t do this to me,” John pleased, “my balls are so full of cum they feel as if they’re going to pop! Please change positions and let me cum, I can’t take it any more. I’m begging you.”
Sarah didn’t acknowledge John at all, but rather laid there in pure ecstasy as she was smiling in her own mind at this sheer power she had over John. But Sarah didn’t rest much longer before she heard a wrapping on the door.
“THWACK, THUMP, THOMP!,” the sound of the knocking echoed down the corridor in her small apartment.
“Oh thank god,” John muttered, “Scott’s finally back.”
Sarah sat up and rested on her elbows looking at John nearly dumbfounded. John replied to her silence with a confidence that he hadn’t expressed since she had tightly immobilized him to the bed: “You’re gonna get it now Sarah. I can’t wait for him to come in here. Just how do you think you’re going to explain this?” John spoke these words angrily, but without yelling or raising his voice. Sarah just got up slowly and shrugged as if nothing was amiss.
Then with similar conviction as before John turned to face her on the side of the bed as she was putting her heels back on, “And just you wait until I get out of these restraints. Then you really will be my bitch!” John emphasized this last word to make a point. He even accented it with a cocky grin. Sarah paused as if a lighting bolt had shot up her spine for an instant when she heard herself being referred to as a “bitch” again. But then she quickly continued straightening herself up to answer the door.
Sarah walked into the bathroom leaving the door open and looking in the mirror so that John could see her reapplying the thick red lipstick as well as lightly placing her hair. She also ruffled her breasts so that they were at attention and would expose the most possible cleavage. She then reached down and squirted a small amount of lotion onto her fingers and rubbed it into her cleavage so thatit was still as shiny as her silky legs. Following that, Sarah turned the light off, walked out of the bathroom, and wandered towards the bedroom door. John hated himself for admiring her ass as she began to walk away, but his lack of release gave him no choice. Suddenly, though, Sarah turned around and leaned onto both of her hands which were firmly pressed against opposite sides of the door trim. As her head peeked into the room, she looked coolly into John’s eyes almost as if she were squiting but without any wrinkles. She then proceeded in a voice that could only foretell cruelty, “And just who’s side do you think Scott is gonna be on when he finds out that you fucked the girl he’s still dating?”
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