The night is dark other than the light from the full moon. A tall man rides in the gondola down the canal. The evening breeze flickers the torches at each Venice villa. The gondolier pulls up to a large villa with candles in every window. The tall man steps out and approaches the door. When he enters and climbs the stairway to the ballroom. Inside, the patrons turn to look.
He is dressed all in black. The man, whose long black hair is tied back in a ponytail, wears a tricorn hat with a plume. He is wearing a black and silver brocade doublet with long velvet sleeps over a black ruffled shirt. His face is covered with a full face mask. The right side is red and the left side is silver. It does have curls of each color over the other half. All you can see are his dark eyes. He wears long black trousers with cavalier boots. Over all that he wears a mantle cloak over his shoulders.
However, as the ball guests wear formal attire and masks for this masquerade ball, he also wore his mask to hide more than his identity. Around his waist he wore an Italian rapier along with a parrying dagger. The swordsman clearly wasn’t dressed in formal attire, nor was he wearing white face or powdered wig. The impression is that of an English nobleman or a swordsman for the king of England.
During the renaissance period of Italian and English history, was a time called “Libertine” which was a time of debauchery and sexual freedom. This is the time when the masquerade balls in Venice among the titled and in England during the reigns of James I, Charles II, and James II, were a time of sexual freedom among the aristocracy and the titled. The men and women could experience the sexual freedom of the masses and hide themselves behind their masks. Now there are special masquerades held by those who still follow this spirit of libertinism and debauchery in Europe.
The guests watch as the swordsman strides further into the room. Everyone takes a glass of champione as the Master of Ceremonies brings all eyes forward to watch the scantily clad young women come forward to stand. One begins juggling flaming torches and the other girl begins contorting her body into impossible positions. The swordsman moves away from that to the long table where there is fruit balanced on the body of a naked girl. She is sprinkled with sugar and dripping in chocolate.
Some are politely picking a slice of orange or strawberry off her body, dipping it in the sugar or chocolate and eating it. The swordsman, without removing his gloves, reaching for a slider of strawberry which he dips in the chocolate dripping down her side. After eating that, he bends over to take another slice of strawberry but this time he takes if with his lips and then licks some dripping chocolate before eating the strawberry.
“Would you care for more champione Sir?”
“Aye,” replacing his empty glass and taking another.
“Ladies and Gentlemen please enjoy our new attentions.” Swinging metal rings are lowered from the ceiling, each with a scantily clad young man or girl on it. The rings spin as the figures ride, kicking their legs. Masked men begin to reach up to pull bits of clothing off the girls as the masked ladies are doing the same with the young men.
Clowns on stilts begin to walk among the guests as the music begins to play. There are a harpsicord, a violent, a string bass being played by two ladies and a gentleman dressed in formal black attire. Couples begin to dance as the curve to the dining room is lifted. Some drift into the dining room to eat. Some men are trying to pull the young girls off the rings. “Gentlemen, please. Removing clothes is acceptable but please allow them to remain on their rings to entertain. Dinner is served in the dining room. There will be more entertainment to follow dinner.”
The swordsman enters the dining room but chooses to sit away from the others. He speaks to no one as he eats his dinner. Gradually after dinner, guests drift back into the main hall to dance, stroll the balcony or watch the entertainment. The swordsman strolls out on to the balcony to smoke his pipe and avoid the others; they are not why he is here. He sees another man in buckled shoes and hose with breaches walking towards him with a long pipe to light. He turns and walks away. He isn’t here to light some aristocrat’s pipe.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, please see the entertainers on the main stage.” The guests began milling to the front where the flame thrower and the coordination were preforming. They have left and now are two scantily clad women who are wearing collars and masks over their eyes. They are bound on stage by men wearing face masks and red capes. Each man is binding his girl in a way which lifts her off the platform and leaves her hanging from the ceiling.
One is bound with her arms over her head, the wrists bent behind her head. There is a rope to balance her across her chest and another under her breasts. Her left leg is bent at the knee across her right leg and rose there. Her right leg is bent at the knee but rises up into the air as she hangs with her torso face down, placing her right lower leg in the air.
The second girl has her wrists bound to her ankles, left wrist to left leg and right wrist to right leg. Her heels are resting in her palms. She is in the air by ropes which lift her up by binding at the top of her buttocks and more rope lifting under her buttocks. This leaves her at an angle that allows her head to hang down. After her binding is finished, he throws back his cape and reveals he is nude. He proceeds to put his hard cock in the girl’s mouth. She gags as he holds her head still, fucking her mouth roughly. “Ladies and Gentleman, please give a hand to our expert ropers. The show is not over. It is almost the magic hour but we have a special surprise for you. Behold the slave girls.”
With that said, women in formal attire and masks lead outfour slave girls by the leashes attached to the collars around their necks. The girls are dressed transparent nightgowns and masks. Men and women reach for them to fondle, kiss and attempt to remove their flimsy nightgowns. “Please Ladies and Gentlemen; these girls will be available upon the magic hour as will the young men and women entertaining you on the rings.” They began to notice the rings have lowered slightly, yet not within reach.
The slave girls are placed in leather cuffs which buckle around their wrists keeping them on the tables they have been placed on. They are unable to free themselves from the tables and must remain on their knees as the cuffs are attached to the very end of each table. This puts the girls down so low to the end of the tables they are on their forearms on the tables and on their knees.
“The Magic Hour is nigh, Ladies and Gentleman. Those girls are for you pleasure. Please feel free to use them any way you wish as they are unable to escape their restraints. We have a new one for you tonight. She is tall, blond and well endowed. She will also be free to purchase at the end of the evening.”
Everyone turns to see who is coming out from behind the red curtain. As the curtain parts, a man, in a red cap and mask, leads out a girl. Her lean attached to her collar. She has long blond hair with blue tips, the color of the sea. Her face is painted. Her lips are painted soft lavender. Her amber eyes are accentuated with long lashes and lavender eye shadow. The rest of her forehead, upper cheese and nose are painted the color of the sea which matches the ends of her long hair. Finally there is a ‘V’ shaped design in purple crosses her forehead with the point coming down her nose.
She is wearing heels which match the blue shade in her hair and face. She has long legs and her breasts are round and large. Her areolas are large but not extremely dark. But her nipples themselves are already hard, standing out as if begging tobe sucked. “This is our beauty of the night Ladies and Gentlemen. Please enjoy those on the rings, and the slaves on the tables. Just remember that this beauty is our auction prize at the end of the evening. The Magic Hour has arrived.”
The rings are lowered so that the young men and women can step off as costumed men and women begin gripping for them and pulling them to them for service. As the men and women Begin pulling down those on the rings, costumed ladies lay back in large arm chairs to pull up their skirts. The ring boys knee down to lick and suck the already damp pussies and nibbled on the clients of the women who have been waiting all evening. It doesn’t take long before the ring boys are fucking one costumed middle aged woman and licking the pussy of another.
The same happens with the young ring girls. One was being fucked in her mouth and her pussy. Another was being fucked in her ass. The third was getting double penetrated in the back and mouth fucked in theFront. Her squeals were muffled like the others. The fourth was being fucked in her mouth but her pussy was being licked and sucked by a man in a royal blue costumed with buckles on his shoes.
Some men pry apart the legs of the slaves on the tables to begin mounting them with a roughness found in men of title when dealing with those beneath their station, causing the slaves to gasp and scream. A few of the men have released their cocks to shove into the wet waiting mouths of the table slaves, causing them to gag as they were deep thrown from the start by the forcefulness of the upper class.
The swordsman pushes his way past the throng. He glances at the girls on the tables, running his fingers down their backs lightly but pushes on past to watch where they lead the girl with the blue painted mask. Her breasts were much larger than the other slave girls in the room. She had long legs and walking in heels made her taller than most females in the room other than those in theVery tall white powdered wigs. The swordsman didn’t like the white powdered wigs. Though it was the fashion, he felt it made men look weak and the women in white makeup look older. The older women looked extremely aged under the white makeup.
He followed from a distance as the blue painted beauty was lead down a hall by her leash and into another room. He stopped, realizing that there was a balcony in that room and that there had to be access to the balcony by the winding staircase. So he bounded up the stairs, taking them two at a time. When he reached the top he quietly walked down the hallway, peering into the cracked doorways. He finally found the doorway which led to the best view of what was happening on the floor below. He slipped in quietly and stood in the shadows but he could still see what was going on. There was a circle of light in the middle of the floor and a group of men in their capes and hoods sat in chairs around that ring of light. Other men dressed the same,stand behind in the dark.
She is lead to the center where there sits a high back chair. After being released from the leash, she walks up to the back of the chair and putting her hands on the back, she stretches one leg out to the side and pulls it back in. She stands, and then twirls around, finally sitting in the chair with her legs together. She puts her hands on her knees and as she opens her legs wide for all to see. Keeping her hands on her knees, she bends forward and lowering her upper body down, her salacious breasts hang as she moves her upper body from side to side before rising back up into the chair.
She pulls her legs in together and swings her head around allowing her long blond hair to swing in a circle. She bends forward, side to side and backward with her head and hands claped behind her head. She swings her legs to one side of the chair and lies back on the seat. One leg is out straight and the other is bending with the knee up. Her head falls below theseat with her hair brushing the floor.
When she raises, she swings her right leg over the back of the chair, which turns her body so that she’s facing the men behind her. She swings her head and long hair around for them before standing up out of the chair. She swings her body to face the front again and then after picking up the chair spins twice to remove the chair off to the side.
She strictly walks back to the center where she kicks her right leg up so high that it’s straight against her face. After lowering her leg, she slowly goes down into a split where she lays her naked body out in front. While in the split, she puts hand over the other as she slides her upper body down to the floor. She rises up to lean her upper body over each of her legs before pulling her legs inward and swinging to face the men behind her once again. She Then raises both straight legs into the air before opening her legs so that the men can see her pussy, which by now is wet and glistening. She pulls her legs back together and rolls her body to the side so she’s resting on her knees.
She crawls on her hands and knees to the side, where she rises up on her knees and separately moves her upper body from side to side. She then crawls back to the center where she strands straight. She turns to bow to the men behind her and then turn to bow to the men in front of her. The costumed woman steps back into the light to attach the Leash to the blond with the blue painted face’s collar. She leads her out of the light and over to the side. The gentleman in the center chair rises. His face masked. He simply states “This beauty will be auditioned off after she has been enjoyed by you gentlemen.”
The swordsman calls from the balcony “I’d like to be the first to try your beauty, if I may, Sir.” Not wishing to call attention to the face that he has recognized the man’s voice and knows him to be high ranking Bishop in the Vatican.
“Of course, of course. She is a beautyto behold isn’t she? I will have the lady meet you downstairs with her and show you to a private chamber.”
“That would be most agreeable, Sir,” with that he quickly exits through the doorway to leave the balcony and anxious down the staircase. When he reaches the foot of the staircase, she stands before him in her leash and collar. The woman hands the leash over to the swordsman and then leads the way to the private chamber. When they enter, she stands by the doorway, “When you are finished with her please bring her back to the room where you saw her, Sir.”
“Aye, understand m’lady.” He takes the leash and leads the beauty further into the room. She follows him into the room. “Remove your shoes.” She does and then stands before him naked with her small feet, one over the other. “You have very small feet. Let me see your hands.” She places her hands in his. “Yes, very small hands indeed.” He removes her collar, “Now knee.” She knees before him in only the collar. He proceedsto look around the room at the furniture. He sees a table similar to the one in the main room with the buckled cuffs which are attached to one end.
He proceeds to take her hair in one hand and rolls it up around his fist. She follows her hair as she crawls across the floor. He pulls her hair up so she stands. “Get on your hands and knees on the table. Put your hands at that end,” pointing to the cuffs. She crawls up and inches down until her wrists are able to be buckled to the table. Once there, he buckles her wrists in, making sure they are tight but not cutting off circuitry.
He checks out what’s hanging on the wall. He sees several whips, floggers, dilettos, pliers, billhook, tongs, axe, hammer, adaze, nippers, shears, and a saw. He realizes that these would most of these would be used for torture and death of a person. He also found jars of olive oil on a small table near the wall. So he took down a diletto and opened the jar of oil.
He smeared some oil on thediletto and then using his fingers he aroused her pussy by playing with her clip. Once she had become wet, he began massaging between her lavender pussy lips. Moving in and out he brought her to orgasm. Her squeal loud and her body shuddered. He didn’t penetrate deep since he knew they weren’t told if she was virgin or not.
He got her soaked and then inserted the diletto into her pussy. He pushed it in but no further than his fingers and moved it in and out of this tight pussy gradually picking up the temp. When she had come to orgasm twice more, he stopped using it. He put the diletto aside and took down one of the floggers. He swung it hard and she cried out as she felt the sting of it on her butt cheese.
He continued using it until her ass was bright red. Knowing she was now ready, he hung it back up on the wall. He unbuttoned his trousers to release his cock which had grown long and hard for his time with her and her orgasmic squeals. He unbuckled her wrists, freeing her from the table. “Get down and follow me. Stand in front of me wherever I stand.”
“Yes Sir.” She climbed down off the table and followed him to the bed which was by the window. She stepped in front of him as he stopped in front of the foot of the bed.
He pushed her down on the bed. She glanced down and realized his pecker had swollen in arousal as she fell back on the bed. “Roll over and get on your hands and knees.”
“Yes Sir,” as she rolled over onto her belly and then rose to her hands and knees. As he climbed on the bed, he pushed her down onto her forearms which brought her ass up high. The beauty felt his fingers massaging her butt cheats to take the sting out of her ass, and then felt his fingers around reach for her pussy and his thumb touch her clip. He quickly realized how sensitive her clip was when she jumped a bit when he touched it. He played with her clip bringing her to orgasm again and making her pussy wetter than before. He smoked the head of his pecker on her ass cheats and then inserted the head into her opening.
He took her by the hips and pulled her towards him as he shoved his long thick dick inside her pussy. This time he pushed in as far as he could. He went in hard and fast, causing her to scream. He thrust in and out of her tight flower before pulling out to see blood on his pecker. He was pleased to be the one to deflower this beauty. He fucked her hard and violently but she rode it with him. He felt her body bucking against him as she trembled and squealed with each orgasm she felt. He drove her to the edge over and over until he felt his own cock swelling and jerking inside her warm wetness. He erupted into a fountain of warm cum flooding deep inside this beauty.
He pulled out and was surprised to see her turn around just as quickly to suck his cock clean. Then she tucked his pecker inside his trousers and buttoned them back up. He didn’t expect that from one who was a virgin, believing a virgin wouldn’t beso trained yet. He slipped of the bed. “Get down and clean yourself up. There may be a bowl of water on that table.” She walked over to the marble topped table which had a white ceramic bowl with pink flowers. Inside the bowl was a white ceramic pitcher with the same pink flowers. She lifted the pitcher and poured water into the bowl. She used a small hand towel to wash her pussy and then dried herself off with another towel.
She returned to him when she was finished. He hooked her lean back onto her collar and led her out of the room. He led her down the stairs to the room where he had seen her take while he watched from the balcony. Most of the men were still sitting in the room apparently waiting for their return. “How was she Sir?”
“She was excellent, Sir. She orgasms easily and quickly. She has a very sensitive clip. However, I wasn’t aware that she was a virgin and deflowered her.”
“I wasn’t either but that is of no matter to the rest of us. You may go enjoythe other girls while this beauty is sampled by the other men in this room.”
“I’d like to mention, Sir, that I have an interest in bidding on her sale. I’d like to request that her body not be damaged by the weapons I saw on the wall in the room we were in.”
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