Velvet Gloved Fist – Pt. 01

A Tale of an Upscale Dominatrix 

It was quiet in the house as Sonya let herself in, her arms filled with shopping bags, with more set to be delivered to the house over the next few weeks, and locked the door behind herself. She dropped her keys in the bowl on the entryway table and hung her purse on the coat rack, dug out her wallet and removed the black credit card she used today, and slide it into her pants pocket. Checking her phone one more time, watching the survey video that’s streaming real time from her basement, before making her way through the modern, open concept house and into her bedroom. Once there, she deposited her carefully chosen treasures from today’s shopping excursion onto her king-sized bed to be dealt with later.

Sliding her feet out of her high-heeled shoes, she carried them with her to the walk-in Close, depositing them on a shelf, before striping out of her clothes and pulling on a royal blue silk robe. The color is one of her favorites,as it adds an enchanting contrast to her pale skin, black hair and periwinkle blue eyes. Sonya transfers the credit card to her robe pocket, then take a few moments to freshen up and add a layer of berry red lipstick to her full lips, before making her way out to the kitchen.

Once in the kitchen, she took a couple of bottles of water from the refrigerator and carried them with her to the stairs to the basement. Turning on the dim lights, she made her way down the stairs. She stood for a moment and allowed her eyes to adjust to the low lighting. She heard a slight shuffling sound from the corner of the room and her mouth curled up into a grin. Making her way closer towards the corner, Sonya leaned against the wall, arms crossed under her chest, making her bountiful cleavage even more pronounced.

The shuffling noise Sonya had heard was Patrick, Her slave, or more accurately, her client, sliding down to a sitting position in his cage. Granted, there’s not enough room for himto get comfortable. He’s quite the pitiful sight, with his knees to his chest, the leather sensing deprivation hood lacened tightly to his head and an adult diaper being the only things on his otherwise naked body.

Taking one of the water bottles, unscrewing the cap, taking a deep drink, she then steps forward and pours the rest of the cold water left in the bottle over him. Causing him to startle and scream as he happyly attempted to stem the chilly wet tide with his hands to keep it off his skin. She pulled a chair over and sat while she waited for Patrick to calm himself once more. Once he’s quietly, she took the key ring from the hook that’s on the wall next to the cage and unlocked it while also pushing a dry towel into his hands. 

She watched Patrick gingerly unfold himself from the cage and stand in front of it. She tapped his hand three times to let him know to knee, which he did immediately. Unlacing the leather hood, she slid it off his head. She helped him standand walked next to him as he got the blood flowing through his limbs once more. Sitting him in the chair she’d just vacated, Sonya hands him the other water bottle, and he takes several sips to slack his thirst, while slowly towel himself off. 

She turned a couple floor lamps on to slowly get Patrick’s eyes used to the light once more. Sonya kept quiet as she moved about the room, and waited for him to speak to her first, so she knew he’d come all the way back into the present moment. 

“Goddess, how long have I been down here?” He asked her in a slightly husky voice.

“You’ve been down here and locked in your cage for a total of four hours. How are you feeling? This has been the longest session you’ve been locked up to date,” she told him.

“My legs are a little stiff and sore and my feet fell asleep there towards the end, but otherwise, I’m well. Thank you, Goddess,” he admitted to her.

She smiled at him as she slipped her hand into her robe pocket, bringing out his sleek black credit card and holding it up to show him. “I bet once you receive the bill from this, you may be a little more than simply stiff and sore. I believe you’ll actually feel some pain from the pinch I just put on your wallet.” The look of almost near panic that crossed Patrick’s face is something that Sonya would cherish for some time to come. 

He dropped to his knees, “Goddess, please, may I have my credit card back?”

“If you crawl to me, kiss my feet and grovel well enough, I may think about it,” She told him.

“Goddess, please, have mercy on this practical excuse for a slave,” he said, crawling his way across the cement floor towards her. “I know that you are a beautiful Goddess and wouldn’t wish to totally destroy me.” He whimpers pathetically, before placing kisses all over her feet.

Sonya looked down at him, seeing his sweat-dampened hair, pale skin that seemed to glow in the dim light and the adult diaper sagging around his waist, and wrinkled her nose. 

“You are nothing but a worm at my feet. Get up, clean yourself and get dressed. Once you’re more suitable to be within my presence, we’ll talk about it again. You know where the shower is, and your clothes are folded right where you left them,” she continues as she removes his collar from around his neck. “Meet me upstairs in the kitchen once you are finished.”

She left Patrick to do as instructed and went back upstairs. Once in the kitchen, she began collecting fresh herbs from the kitchen window sill garden, rinsing and drying them before finely dicing them and placing them in separate small bowls. She did the same with the fresh spinach, onion, red pepper and Gouda cheer block from the refrigerator, before taking a few eggs with a splash of milk to mix in a bowl to begin an omelet for our lunch. As she set that in a pan on the stove to cook, she tossed a mixed green salad together with a light oil and vinaigrette dressing. 

Just as she plated everything to bring to the kitchen island, Patrick emerged from the basement. Immaculate business suit back on and in place like armor, his thick silver flecked hair combined neighborly into place, posture straight and jaw set. 

Shutting the basement door behind him, pulling his shirt sleepe cuffs from the edge of his suit jacket sleeves, just so, and straightened his tie. Sonya could already tell that he’s spent the time cleaning up, trying to distance himself from the version of himself that she’d first discovered in her basement upon returning, but she won’t allow that to happen. 

In the four years that he’s been a trusted “advisor”/client of hers, she’s never once made a homemade meal to share with him, but it’s time that they sit down, and check in with each other for ongoing consent within their dynamic. And sitting down over a homemade meal will assist in giving his subconscious a little nudge towards lowering any emotional shields. There is something deeply ingrained in thehuman collective subconscious about the breaking of bread together and peaceful negotiations. Anyone who believes there isn’t an ongoing collaboration between a Dominatrix and her client wouldn’t last long in the business. 

As the aroma of the freshly cooked eggs and vegetables hit his nose, he turned those sharp, steely gray eyes of his towards her, eyesbrows lifted in an expression of surprise. She smiled calmly and gestured towards the stools at the kitchen island. 

“Please, have a seat and join me for some lunch,” she said as if it was nothing out of the ordinary. “Would you like a glass of Chardonnay?”

“Yes, please.” He said smoothly, making his way over, and sitting down, as she placed a plate in front of him. Setting her own plate down next to his, she moved to get two wine glasses and the wine from the Refrigerator. Popping the cork, she poured them both a glass. Sitting herself down next to him, her silk robe flashing a great deal of her shaped legs. She handeed him a glass, and raised her own in a toast, “Bon appétit!”

Touching his glass to hers and taking a drink of wine, all the while, holding her gaze with his. 

“Please, eat and replenish yourself,” she says. 

Patrick picked up the fork and cut a piece from the omelet before placing it in his mouth and chewing. As she was watching him closely, she caught the flicker of surprise that flashed Through his eyes that she could cook very well. 

Sonya asked him about how things are going at work, and he told her about the quarterly shareholder’s meeting coming up. There’s an easy back and forth between them. As she has a double Master’s Degree in Business Management and Business Finance, she can keep up with what he’s saying quite easily. 

“Patrick, you’ve learned to trust me to know what I’m doing when it comes to spending your money for a good cause and towards the advancement of your own success, yes?” She knows that she’s putting him on the spot, but this isImportant. “You do realize that your good reputation is also tied to my own report, yes?”

She didn’t look away as his eyes searched hers for any signs of dishonesty or subterfuge. “How much?” he asked simply.

“All told, approximately half a million dollars. Maybe slightly less,” she says calmly, still holding his gaze. 

She watches as first his face flushed red, then turn pale, “I’m not going to be able to hide that much money from my wife, Goddess.” 

She shrugged her shoulders, “Call me an independent consultant for the next three months.”  

Narrowing his eyes at her for a moment, “Fine, but let’s keep the spending down to less than fifteen thousand a month, shall we? It will make life much easier for me, which I’d much prefer that it did become easier, Goddess.”

“Fine, but this was necessary. You will see once things play out during the next few months.”

“Fine. You may keep the black credit card, Goddess.” Patrick said.

“Perfect,”Sonya calmly said with a slight upward curl of satisfaction on her full lips

Setting his empty plate in the sink, taking out his money clip as he came back towards her, slipping five one hundred dollar bills out, he placed them on the kitchen island next to her wine glass. Taking her hand in both of his, kissing the back of it in devotion, “Until I see you again, Goddess. Please, treat yourself to Something nice.”

Sonya cares the side of his strong jaw, with affection. “I’ll walk you out.”

Walking him to the front entryway, he collected his keys and mobile phone from the bowl and placed them in his pockets. Opening the front door, she watched as he made his way to his Bentley parked in the side driveway. Once she sees him drive off past the curve in her drive, she shuts and locks the door, as well as turning on the security system. 

She pushes the intercom button that’s part of the security panel setup that runs to the apartment above the garage. “Angel, areyou there?”

“Yes, I’m here,” was the reply. “Would you like me to come down?”

Smiling, “Yes, please. Meet me in the kitchen,” she says.

Angel is wearing an ankle length khaki, backless, sundress and flat sandals. Her long locks are coiled on top of her head in a messy bun, held in place with a small, decorative, piece of metal shaped in a crescent moon, several colorful beaded necklaces and bracelets adorn her beautiful dark skin. Her tall, willowy body, graceful in its movements and her warm brown eyes are dancing with happiness and curiosity as they come to a rest upon me. 

“How did everything go today?” she asked Sonya in her lilting Trinidad accent.

“It went well, he only bulked a little bit over the amount I had to spend, but I still have possession of his credit card. And speaking of…” Sonya picks up the cash that Patrick had left her and take three of the bills and hands them to Angel. “A little bonus.” she adds with a wide smile.

“Thank you! Anytime that you need me to come over and babysit for your clients, just let me know.” 

Laughing, “I hope that it won’t become necessary. It’s much more fun when I’m here with my clients, rather than running errands, but today was an exception. I really do appreciate your willingness to help.” Stepping forward, she gives Angel a hug. 

“No problem, my friend. I was happy to,” She tells her with a squeeze. “Now, I must make my way back over to my house. The twins will be coming in from school in a few hours and I need to mentally prepare myself first.”

Laughter bursts out of both of them as she walks her friend to the door. “Take care, Angel.”

“You, as well, my friend.” She says in parting.

Once back in the house, she resets the security system, before she walks back to her bedroom and begins unpacking and putting away everything that she’d brought in earlier. She’d have to wait a week or two for the rest of her purchases to come through, but it would soon be all worth the inconvenience.

It’s Patrick’s day to visit Sonya, and she’s looking forward to seeing him again. He is one of the few men that is a challenge to her. Wickedly smart, he doesn’t suffer fools well, and he pushes her to be a better Dominatrix.

Getting herself ready, she has on a black latex bra and short shorts, over the knee black patent boots, and an open kimono type red silk robe with a large black dragon embroidered on the back. She pulls her dark hair into a loose bun, adds black eyeliner, mascara to her eyes, and a deep red lipstick to her lips.

Once the door, she greets him warmly, “Welcome, Patrick, please come in and begin preparing yourself.”

Once the door was closed behind him, he bends at the waist, taking her hand in both of his and placing a kiss of devotion on the back, “Yes, Goddess.”

Removing his keys and phone from his pockets and placing them in the bowl on the front entryway table for the duration of our session, befor he moved towards the basement door to prepare for their session. 

As Patrick was in the bathroom, removing his suit and placing it on the valet chair that she’d placed there for her client’s ease, she uses the time to light a few candles around the space to give off a soft glow and release a sensitive aroma. She switches on Igor Stravinsky’s, The Rite of Spring: Part Two, The Sacrifici, to play through the sound system. The dramatic and stirring music, a great accommodation for what she has planned for her client.

Patrick emerges from the bathroom naked and knees on the square of rug that she’d placed on the floor for the express purpose of having his collar placed on at the start of a session and to be removed at the end. Walking towards him, with the wide, metal spiked, leather collar in her hands, she buckles it around his neck. She then hands him a pair of ear plugs to put in his ears, and places the leather sensing deprivation hood over his head before lacing it upsnugly, and tying it off with a bow. 

Helping him up, she moved him over to the chains hanging from hard points in the ceiling. Placing wrist and ankle cuffs on him, she attaches the wrist cuffs to the chains, before attaching a spreader bar between his feet and attaching it to his ankle cuffs. 

Standing in front of him with a sexy smile, she tells him, “I’ll see you on the other side.” 

She slides the blindfold down over his eyes and snaps it to the hood, so his senses are completely cut off. Now, the only input he will be getting is from what she will be doing to his body for the rest of the session.

She takes the leather cone-shaped piece that has sharpened metal studs on the inside and snaps it around his testicles before she begins adding on the metal weights to stretch his balls. Taking a pair of cloverleaf nipple clamps, she places them on his nipples. She could hear his soft moans coming through the hood and smiled to herself in satisfaction. 

Shebegins with a pair of suede heavy floggers and uses them on his upper back, before moving to beating his ass with them. With each strike, the weights attached to his balls swung wildly, causing the spikes to bite into his balls as the swinging weights pulled on them all the more. Once she stops with the floggers, she could hear his grunts coming from beneath the hood over the music. 

Walking around the front of him, Sonya sees Patrick’s raging hard on, despite the torture he’s taken to his balls. She sets the floggers down and take up a short bat or horse crop in her hand, She brings a stool over in front of and slightly to the left of him and sits down. She took the tip of her pointed fingernail and ran it across the leaking slit on the head of his cock and watched in amusement as it bobs at her. Closing her fist over the top of his head, she gives it a quick, hard squeeze, before lightly rubbing her fingertips around and around, teasingly. Biting her bottom lip, as he began tomindlessly pump his hips in search of more of her touch, which caused the ball weights to begin swinging, once more.

She took his cock in hand, holding it in a tightly grip, making it clear to Patrick that he isn’t to move. She gives him a sharp tap with the crop, right on the underside ridge at the head of his cock. He jerked in her hand, causing the ball weights to swing freely again. Sonya can hear high-pitched while sounds coming from under his hood, now. She gives him a few moments to collect himself before giving him another sharp tap, this time to the underside bottom of his shake, right above where the leather was wrapped around his balls. This time, she receives a shriek that makes its way past the padded leather of his hood, which has her rocking herself a bit against the stool in her own arousal. 

She takes the pre-cum that was leaking from his cock, and rubs her thumb up and over the head of his cock. Around and over again, she slides her thumb over the flushed purple bulbous head of his cock. She took him firmly in hand and stroked exactly three times before a large stream of cum shot out from him onto the concrete floor in several spurts. Guttural moans are coming from under the hood, now. She keeps a firm hold of his cock until he’s calmed and settled once more. 

Standing, Sonya walked to the bathroom and washed her hands before returning and removing the ball weights, nipple clamps, and the restraints from the chains and spreader bar from Patrick. Unsnapping one side of the blindfold from his hood, she stands next to him as his eyes adjust to the light. She has him sit on the stool as she unlaces the padded leather hood and removes it. 

“You have a mess to clean from my floor, slave. I want you to lick it up. Every single drop.” She told him in no uncertain terms.

“Yes, Goddess,” he meekly agreed. 

He crawled over and licked the floor as she watched closely, making sure that he did the job to her satisfaction. 

“Good, slave. You have pleased me well today. It’s time to remove your collar.” She told him as their time had come to an end.

“Yes, Goddess,” he said as he moved to knee, so she could unbuckle and remove his collar from around his neck.

“You may clean up and get dressed. I’ll meet you upstairs.”

As Patrick got himself ready to return to running his multinational corporation, Sonya went upstairs to make a few phone calls. 

She’d just finished her last call when she heard the basement door shutting, indicating that Patrick was ready for their session debriefing before it’s time for him to go. She waited for him to make his way into the living room and sit next to her on the couch.

“Thank you, Goddess,” he says as he takes a deep drink of ice water that she had waiting on the table for him.

“How are you feeling?” Sonya asked him.

“Reinvigorated, Goddess. As if the weight of everything that was before today has been lifted, and I can re-enter the fray at my full strength.” He speaks openly and honestly with her. He knows that she’d accept nothing less.

“That is wonderful to hear.” With generic curiosity, she asked him, “Is there anything that you would change about today’s session?” 


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