Vegas Twelve to One, Daunting Odds

Chapter 1: Introduction and background

Greetings. This is a true accounting of my recent long weekend in Las Vegas. It has been transcribed from the daily journal I was required to keep of my servitude along with additional documentation I was provided with afterwards. It was put into a story format at the request of my dominant, Sir Michael. The dialog is as best I can recall at what was said at the time, some of conversations therefore are paraphrased when I cannot recall the exact words. This is not good reading for the faith of heart.

I am Bobbie. In addition to Sir Michael and me, there were others participating in the weekend activities but by agreement I do not know their identities. Hopefully, you know my servitude history from reading Eight Days in a Binding Contract, a similar journal of a real week I spent as a bond submissive in 2023, my first experience in such a life. If you have not, doing so may help make better sense of this journal and in it you can view the extended contract that sets out the permissions, desires, limits, and safety parameters we agreed upon then and would govern this weekend too.

And if you have read it, you may recall that I was a 46-year-old straight male who spend a total of eight days in San Diego exploring my fantasy of bondage, discipline and forced sexual use by others via my best friend, a 48-year-old gay man and some of his gay friends. That narrative ended with the mention that Sir Michael and I might want to do this again. We had recently been discussing in earnest just how and when such another trip to his home could occur and what it would entail. We were at the point of looking at potential dates in July or August of 2024 when another opportunity presented itself for my fans and gyms to be fulfilled in a better Venue a little sooner.

I am still the COO for a manufacturing company in North Carolina. I needed to attend a trade show in Las Vegas, May 7-9. During one of my regularphone conversations with Mike I mentioned I would be in Vegas. As best friends dating back to college, we had met up at other conferences in Las Vegas in years past as it is a short, cheap flight from San Diego to Las Vegas for him and he gets to visit with friends he has in the area as well as enjoying the Vegas nightlife and shows with me on my company tab (most nights I am entertaining customers and vendors and Mike tags along, we have a great time).

One of Mike’s buddies who lives in Vegas and his partner enjoy a Dom/Sub BDSM lifestyle. Sir Michael had discussed with him ideas for my servitude and discussion while he was planning my previous San Diego trip. I had been ultimately subjected to many of his friend’s suggestions. Sir Michael had then shared my journal with him afterwards, so he knows my story. Upon learning I was traveling to Las Vegas, Mike let his buddy know I was coming to town.

His friend and his partner own a large estate home in the Vegas victory. The home has a substantial, well-appointed playroom, i.e., dungeon, that they and their friends use to enter themselves. Mike, while not into the BDSM lifestyle, had on previous occasions stayed at their home and had seen the dungeon, telling me about it to tantalize me. His friend reminded Mike that they still have a tight circle of gay Dom/sub couples who usually in pairs of three or four, meet up at their home about once a month for a week of BDSM debauchery. Mike was told it is usually quite a party, often with different themes, but regardless include bondage, discipline, and sex. He suggested Mike should bring me and I could be their featured entertainment for the weekend. They would match the weekend to align with the completion of my trade show.

Sir Michael made the offer to me. I did not give an immediate yes to the invitation. It sounded excited but the number of people that might be attending was large, about eight to ten men along with Sir Michael and me, maybeEven more, an overwhelming number. I was also not sure what being the ‘featured entertainment’ might entail, but I could visualize everything from bliss to horror. But in the end, especially since Sir Michael thought this would really be perfect for my ‘warped fansies,’ as he put it, and that he would remain in charge of me as outlined in our contract, I agreed.

In the time between the San Diego trip and the Las Vegas trip not much had changed in my life, I am still happily married to a wonderful woman. She is not into bondage and certainly not into discipline and torture, but once or twice a year she will indulge me by securing me to the bed or wrapping me in stretch-wrap and then sexually playing with me. This has happened twice since San Diego, and both times were fantastic. Otherwise, I satisfied my urges with Secret self-bondage, or by watching BDSM videos and reading stories on-line, none to excess. Most of my phone conversations with Mike, usually about twice a week areNot about BDSM, but just our lives in general, although talk about our sex lives, wants and desires creep into our chats occasionally. Health-wise Sir Michael has remained extremely healthy and ‘undetectable.’ Over the course of the past year, my health and fitness has also remained excellent. I have lost about ten pounds, now weighing in at 171; not bad for my 5’10” height. The weight loss is attributed to both my diet and daily trips to the gym each morning before work. I still have all my hair. Both Mike’s and my careers continue to be successful and fulfilling. I still contend with the high stress of running a business. My bondage fans remain my release.

Chapter 2: The Palace Signing

{Thursday 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm}

I had a successful trade show. Mike had flow in on Tuesday, part way through the show and had checked in at his friend’s home. He made it downtown to meet up with me on Wednesday for one of my ‘dinner and drinks’ meetings along with a few others frommy company staff, sponsored by a vendor who wanted to be a supplier to us. This means the vendor team was picking up the tab, nice for all of us. We then when on to catch a comedy show. At the conclusion of the evening Mike made final arrangements for picking me up at my hotel on Thursday afternoon to take me to his friend’s home. I would be flying home on Sunday.

During the Expo/Conference I also had been doing my best to follow my pre-instructions given to me by Sir Michael, specifically to avoid large meals, especially one’s with fatty meats, i.e., forgo the big steak and order chicken or fish; skip the dairy and spicy foods. Eating vegetables and fruits was encouraged along with beans and whole grains if I could. I was also to take a fiber supplement like Metamucil. They actually make orange flavored Gummies that are pretty good. Apparently, all these things help regulate and minimize bowel activities which make anal play more pleasant for the top. Obviously, during my stayhe planned to be using my butthole again.

I was picked up around 4:00 PM by Sir Michael in his rental car. While the true adventure wasn’t to begin till later in the evening or the next morning, I was handed a blindfold and told to put it on. I was not to know where the home was located, not for the protection of the owners, but to support my fantasy and desire for anonymity. It was about a half hour drive from the hotel. As we drove our conversations were mostly about my business at the conference and we didn’t talk about the weekend to come until we were almost at the villa. That short discussion was that I would meet and visually see our host and then the three of us would go over addendums to the ‘contract’ and discuss house rules for me and what in general to expect. As we nearly our arrival, I was instructed to take off the blindfold so I could see the house as we approached.

Wow. This was quite a home. It sits on what I guess to be about five to seven acres of ground. There were other homes neary, but also on like sized lots so you could not really see one home from another. As you drive up the driveway, the land around it was beautifully landscaped, of course in a desert climate style, but still with very lush gardens and trees. Sir Michael points out the trees and plants as we go, proud of his knowledge, “That’s an African sumac, that’s bay laurel, these are date palm trees” and so on about other plans, some sprouting beautiful flowers. The home is palatial. It sits about two-thirds back on the lot with the drive splitting as we approach, with one leg heading to the four-car garage on the side of the house and the other to a circle ending by the front entryway. The circle has an extremely landscape fountain area in the middle of the loop. The home is a tasteful Mediterranean style with numerous arches featured in its stucco walls and a low-pitched terra-cotta roof. It’s big, with balconies and mosaic touches that scream wealth. This is dEfinitely a multi-million-dollar home by my estimation. I’m told in addition to the master suite, it has five additional bedrooms suites, each with their own bath and small sitting areas. I won’t get to see any of these during my stay.

We are met at the door by Sir Michael’s friend. He gives his friend a hug and then introduces me to him. “This is Bobbie, I also call him Bitch, Cunt, and Pussy. You can call him whatever you want, it’s your home,” he said with a laugh. There is not a return introduction of his friend to me. I didn’t know what to expect appearance wise of his friend, as I hadn’t given it any previous thought. I would guess he was just a little older than us, in his early fifties. Fit, tall, maybe six feet, reasonably good looking. Dressed in slacks and a white golf shirt. A Successful, distinguished look about him.

His friend says, “Lets head to my office.” and we entered. The foyer itself is amazing with an arched two-story high ceiling with exhaust trim and decorations. I am walking through the main house which is of an open floorplan design. It is breathtaking, both the building features and furnishings, stunning yet not ostentatious. I have been fairly successful in my career and as a result have a very nice home, but nothing like this. As we move further within, beyond the main gathering areas, I can see a huge open kitchen area also well suited for entertaining. Through the windows lining the dining room and pool table/game area you can see the backyard where there is a lavish swimming pool surrounded by a large patio area with lots of blind chairs, a couple of gazebos and a cabana, obviously the area where their outside entertaining occurs. It too is lush with desert greenery.

We reach his office which has both his desk and a work/conference table. I’m told to take a seat at the table, and I do. There are three sets of papers which are sets of Sir Michael’s and my original contract now with a set of addendums I was to consider and agree. I am told to pick up my copy and I recognize the first page of the document. There has been a minor change, an addition two lines at the bottom, ‘Amended’ and a date.

A Servitude Contract

Enter into between

Sir Master Michael



His Bitch, Bobbie


on this Friday, May 12, 2023


Thursday, May 9, 2024

Mike and his friend picked up their copies too and Sir Michael went over the changes. He advised that the contract, as originally written, that I had previously agreed took up the bulk of what I have in front of me. It was the last two pages that have the amendments that we need to go over. He asked first if I have any questions about the main document which I did not, so he directs me to the last two pages, which are as follows:


Section 11 (Add) The parties agree to extend the contract effective time period to include Thursday, May 9, 2024 to Sunday, May 12, 2024.

Section 14 (Add) The locations to be used shall also include the property and home of a friend of the Dominant located in the Las Vegas area.

Section 15.10 (Add/Strike) The Submissive shall service the friends or guests of the Dominant at any location of the Dominant’s choosing. The Submissive may (strike ‘will’) be bound/restrained/blindfolded during these encounters.

Section 15.12 (Add) Under his supervision the Dominant may use others to secure the bonds.

Section 15.14 (Add) The Dominant may elect to use his guests to be the near-by watch of the Submissive while he is bound, gagged or in restrictive sleeping or be watched via attended monitors.

Section 15.18 (Add/Strike) The Submissive may (strike ‘will’) be bound, restrained and blindfolded during these encounters and this is by the Submissive’s expressed request and consent.

Section 15.19 The Submissive will take a daily regime of 40mg Cialis (Tadalafil) to help assure he can be rigid when required.

Appendix 1 Obedience: (Add) The Submissive shall address the Dominant as Sir Michael or Master. He shall address the dominant host and any dominant guests as Master or if appropriate as Mistress. He shall address the submissive host and any submissive guests as Sir, as the Submissive is subservient to them.

Appendix 1 Sleep: (Add) During the May 9 to May 12, 2024 period of this contract it is likely that the Submissive will be bound for its entirety and will need to be available to service and be used by the Dominant and his guests at any time during the period; therefore, the Submissive will be allowed to nap while bound during times of inactivity without penalty.

Appendix 1 Food: (Add) As the Submissive is expected to be bound the entire May 9 to May 12, 2024 period, he will be fed in place with foods deemed acceptable by the Dominant and suitable to keeping the Submissive’s colon more usable by tops.

Appendix 1 Personal Hygiene: (Add) The Submissive accepts being assisted in maintaining his personal cleanliness by the Host’s own submissive and others.

Appendix 1 Hosting: (Add) The two hosts of the May 9 to May 12, 2024 period activities want and expect no payment or gratuities for the use of their home, facilities, equipment, or toys other than the permitted sexual use and abuse of the Subservient by them and their invited participants, so long as such is acceptable by the Dominant and within the terms and rules of the Contract.

Appendix 2 Activities Acceptable: (Add) The following items are added to the list as they were voted to be added previously:

Towel whipping

Simultaneous oral and anal sex by two or more users

Appendix 2 Activities Acceptable: (Add) The following items are added as they were previously move to the list from the ‘Activities Not of Interest’ list to the ‘Activities Acceptable’ list by the Dominant as permitted:

Ball spanking

Ball torture — modernate

Cock worship

Daily diary

Penis torture — moderate

Public nudity and/or visible bond

Public servicing

Lavatory attendant (piss only)

Rimming — giving

Weight control

Appendix 2 Activities Acceptable: (Add) New:

Bound in pool

Sexual interactions with trans-women having male genitals

Appendix 2 Hard Limits (Add) New:

Caning via Rattan cane and similar canes

Conclusion 22 (Add) We the undersigned have read and understand fully the provisions of the original contract signed May 11, 2023 and agree that it remains enforce as written with the above listed amendments on this Thursday, May 9, 2024. We freely accept the terms of this contract and the amendments and have acknowledged this by our signatures below.

The Dominant:

The Submissive:

The Host:

(Note: The entire original contract can be found in the publication Eight Days in a Binding Contract by Bobbie)

Sir Michael went over all of the Amendments with me. Many of them were self-explanatory and were of no issue. The changing of ‘will’ to ‘may’ regarding my bondage was mainly to address me being blindfolded. There were going to be a lot of activities occurring around me and Sir Michael wanted me to see them. I would have to sacrifice part of my fantasy of always being blindfold while being used to satisfy the pleasure of my master which was for me to be a voyeur of the bondage and sexual use of others in the dungeon. I would still be bound and forced to service.

Although I do not suffer from ED, I was reminded I had taken this dosage of the generic erectile aid Tadalafil in San Diego with no ill effects, only positive ones. I was to take it again so I would more readily obtain an erection when they wanted me to be hard.

I would be fed, but it would be lite meals, I may be a little hungry, but I’d have to deal with it.

Sir Michael explained why the new items were added to the Acceptable list. I was told that there is a beautiful pool here and that the party guests often use the pool during these weekends. If I was to be of service as Sir Michael wanted, there may be times when I needed to be there. Plus, they thought I would enjoy the pool too, but as I would be bound for the weekend, they needed this allowance added.

Regarding the trans-women, over the years in my phone chats with Sir Michael, I had occasionally asked questions about this unique lifestyle and if he ever been with someone of this life choice. He recalled my inquiries and figured it might be interesting to possibly have me check it out for myself, up close and personal. On one of his previous visits here, the hosts had introduced him to a friend that is a trans-woman. She occasionally comes to their play parties. An invitation had been extended to her and while not confirmed, may come for part of the weekend. This was something new for me to fret about as it gets close to the no women line in the sand of my Hard Limits. I have never had intercourse with any other women besides my wife and didn’t want that to change. This addition had me pondering, but with a little coating, I finally agreed to it.

Sir Michael also remembered I didn’t want to be able to be caned because the whip marks on the butt might remain for weeks and I could not return home with such scaring, so he added that to the document.

After finishing his review of the changes, Sir asks if I have any other questions. I nod no. His friend then says I have one, and he directs the question to me. “Are you sure you want to do this, give yourself up to us in servitude with all that that requires for the weekend?” “Yes, Master” was my immediate reply. Now, I have a suggestion for all that are reading this, when a practicing BDSM Dominant asks you that question knowing he has a dungeon at his disposal and likeminded friends coming to ‘play’, listen for subtext. I didn’t give as much weight to the comment as I should have.

In the end,all of us signed the amending document.

The Host then went over the general plan for the weekend. First, I would be introduced to his partner tomorrow morning as he was currently still at work and would be returning late. He serves as a sub in their Dom/sub relationship when they are playing, which they do on the weekends. During the week they maintain an equal relationship. They have been partners for many years, and this works very well for them. I would be served a lite dinner and then moved to the dungeon. We would have a general tour of the playroom and other areas. After the tour my servitude would begin.

Regarding their planned use of me, all I needed to know about the details is that their play parties are commonly active all night and day long for the whole weekend and that it a would begin Friday afternoon and end Sunday around noon when I would be readied to head out to the airport for my mid-afternoon flight. As I would be serving as the ongoing entertainment for the party, I should expect very little sleep. Also, that I should expect that the terms and rules of the Contract would be followed by any participants but also assume I’ll be used to the contract’s fullest allowances as he assumes was my desire and kink. Why else would I have signed it? Not necessarily a comfortable or reassuring thought. I’d be safe under Sir Michael’s watchful eye, but these guys are practicers of BDSM and likely know how to push the limits of a bound submissive to their satisfaction and pleasure. I figured I had a painful weekend ahead of me. His closing remarks gave me a little mental relief. He said when he read my Epilog chapter of my Eight Days journal, he saw that I was surprised that I was whipped and paddled more than I thought I would be and sexually used less than I Thought I would be. He said that this weekend would likely have a different balance, but still, expect both.


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