Vegas Birthday Weekend Ch. 02

This is my first attempt at a multi-part story. As my name indicates, all of my stories have a basis in truth and the events have actually happened in my life. That being said, I do want my stories to be entertaining, so I add a little “twist” or “spice” to the reality. I always appreciate feedback and comments at the end. Bonus if you can guess what’s “truth” and what’s the “twist”.

For this one, each chapter will fall under a different category as that’s how the actual weekend in Vegas played out.

Chapter One was about our first night in Vegas (Exhibitionist) in front of the large windows of our hotel suite. Chapter Two may not appeal to true/hardcore BDSM fans – but I think it’s pretty realistic for a couple that was adventurous back in the day.



For the week leading up to my 30th birthday, I was working at a conference for a client in Las Vegas. My fiancé, Sherri took a couple of personal days from her job and decided to fly out to meet me there. The plan was for her to fly out on Thursday spent the weekend in Vegas, celebrate my birthday on Sunday and we would both fly back on Monday together. We booked dinners, bought tickets to shows and everything was set to celebrate when she arrived.

On our first night in Vegas, Sherri gave me a series of Birthday cards that each had a different note on the front. “Open first”, “Open Thursday night”, “Open Friday night”, “Open Saturday night”, “Open Sunday night” and finally, “Open Monday”.

The first card told me that each consecutive card would have a special “sexy birthday gift” for me. On the first night, I opened a card that read “Tonight, we’ll let Everyone know it’s your birthday!” That lead to a night of sex in front of the large windows of our hotel suite. Our every action was in full view of a few other hotel rooms including the attendees of a bachelorette party who watched, clapped and even took a few pictures.

Day 2 – Friday:

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock reminding me that even though it was my birthday weekend, I still had one more day of work. As my eyes blinked open, I saw that Sherri was already awake and reading in bed. Thanks to jetlag and time zones, she had awakened earlier than she had planned.

She had on a long cotton sleep shirt and her hair pulled up in a messy bun.

“Good morning Sleepy! How’d you sleep?” she asked.

“Amazing. After last night, I slept like a rock. That was incredible.” I reached over and started to run my hand up her bare leg, wondering if we had time for a quickie before I left for the conference. Sherri, however, grabbed my wrist and moved it away from her.

“Nope. Not right now. I’m a little sore and you have to get to work. Plus, I have a lot more planned for the weekend, so we don’t need to rush anything.”

I milkly grumbled and shuffled off to the bathroom to get ready. About half an hour later, I was shown, shaken, dressed, and packing my laptop bag for the day. Sherri was still reading in bed but had kicked off the covers so I could see her bare legs bent in front of her as she leaned back on the pillows.

“I’m hoping we wrap up around one today.” I said. “By the time I say goodbye to everyone and walk back it’ll probably be between two and three o’clock.”

“Don’t worry about it. I found a few stores that I have to go when they open” she smiled. “For some more birthday gifts for you. I also have an appointment at the spa at 1:30, so grab lunch with people if you want. We have a show and dinner tonight, right?”

“Yes.” I replied. “Tickets to a magic show at 7:00, then dinner after at the Asian restaurant.”

“Got it. Love you. See you later.”

I gave Sherri a kiss and started to walk out when she called over, “Here, babe! Take a last look before you go!” Sherri shimmied up her nightshirt andgave me a clear view of her pussy. She was trimmed into a dark triangle that was significantly darker than the hair on her head.

“Thanks!” I replied. “At least that gives me something to look forward to later today.”

The day went as planned. I attended meetings, led a few seminars, and finished up around 1:00. I did end up grabbing lunch with some colleagues before eventually making my way back to our hotel. It was just after 3:00 and when I got there, the room was empty. I remembered that Sherri had mentioned running some errands and then a spa appointment, so I decided to throw on my own bathing suit and go hang out by the pool for a couple of hours before we were scheduled to head out to dinner and a show. Before I left the room, however, I did notice several bags from Sherri’s shopping excursion that day. There were some from stores I recognized that she liked, but also a few from the “Déjà vu Boutique” and some high-end lingerie stores. Resisting the urge to peek in the bags and ruin any potential surprises, I left the room.

Over the next few hours (no need to recap the mundane parts of the story) Sherri and I both got back to the room, showed, dressed, and got ready to head out for the night. There had been no further previews or hints about that night’s birthday “gift”. I was ready in the living room of the suite, waiting for Sherri. As I looked out the window that had showncased our activities the night before, I noticed something I hadn’t seen earlier in the daylight (and neither had the housekeeper, obviously). On the central window, was a clear imprint of Sherri’s hands and tits from the night before, from when I had fucked her from behind against the window.

Her sweat must have mixed with the dried cum on her chest, creating the perfect medium to leave evidence of our frolic. My thoughts were interrupted when Sherri entered the room asking if I was ready.

I turned to look at her, and the image was stunning. Sherri was wearinging skintight leather pants that hugged her every curve. Her black siletto pumps had tightened up her calves, thighs, and ass so that she looked like a black, marble sculpture. She was wearing a low-cut red tank top that showed her modest cleavage but showed off her amazing shoulders and neck. She was covered by a half-length, fitted cheetah-print blazer that had red cuffs to tie the whole look together. She had her long blond hair pulled back into a tight ponytail and was wearing more makeup than usual, with a smoke eye and dark red lipstick.

“You look amazing” I started. “Did you buy that today?”

“Yeah. I found a great store and bought a bunch of outfits for the weekend. In hindsight, I should have bought another suitcase to bring it all home. You ready to head out?”

“Yeah. But before we go – check it out.” I said as I pointed towards the window.

Sherri obviously blushed when she saw the residue we had left behind on the window.

“Oh, that’s kind of embarrassing.” she said.

“That’s embarrassing?” I questioned. “What we did in the window was ok – but leaving evidence behind is embarrassing?”

“Well, yeah. One was in the moment. Now, after the fact, it seems dirty!”

We continued to banter for a few more seconds then started to work our way down to the show before dinner. Everywhere we went, Sherri turned heads. She looked like a tall, blonde goddess (or maybe an amazon) as she stood an inch or two taller than my six-foot frame in her skin-tight leather and heels. The magic show was fun, and we went to an upscale sushi restaurant for dinner where our table overlooked part of the casino of the hotel.

Sherri and I started people-watching as activity was starting to pick up in the casino. When one woman caught her eye, Sherri asked,

“Is she a hooker?” I looked in the direction she indicated and saw the woman in question.

“I don’t think so” I replied. I think she’s just a slutty visitor.” This brief conversationion kicked off what turned out to be a fun game for us for the rest of the weekend. “Hooker or Slutty Visitor” – where we would try to determine if certain women we saw were one or the other.

Now, as much fun as we were having at dinner, there was some serious underlying sexual tension throughout the night. I knew there was another card for “Friday Night” and I had it tucked in the pocket of my sportscoat. But Sherri had given me no indication of when I should open it. After dinner, we wandered through the casino and were deciding what game we wanted to play. Sherri was more into slots, while I wanted to head to the crabs table.

We split up and eventually Sherri found me at the tables after losing some money on the slots. She stood by me as we won…then lost money on crabs. As the next game started, I tried to be subtle when I asked, “So, do we want to stay down here or head up now?”

Sherri laughed, gave me a kiss on the lips grabbed my ass and ground her hips againstme.

“You’re so cute. Here’s the thing. SOME of your gifts, I need some time to put together, so why don’t I head up and get ready – you stay down here and gamble for a bit. Unless I text you otherwise, plan on coming up in 45 minutes. When you get upstairs, open your next card. Sound good?”

Without waiting for an answer, Sherri gave me one more kiss, deeper this time, working her tongue into my mouth in view of anyone who looked. After that, she gave me slight slap on the ass, and started heading towards the elevators.

I set an alert on my phone and went back to the crabs table where I got on a little bit of a run. A little while later, I got a text on my phone that said, ‘Need 15 more minutes. Wrapping your gift now. Come up at 12:30.’

Thanks to a second alert at 12:25, I started heading up to the room. I could feel the card in my pocket and my cock pushing against my slacks as I thought about what might be waiting for me upstairs. When I got to the room, the lights were off in the living room and the doors to the bedroom were closed. Through the glass of the doors, I could tell that the TV was on and from the sounds coming through, it sounded like Sherri had started an adult movie in preparation of my arrival. There was also a note on floor in front of the doors that read, ‘Open your card, strip down to your boxers, then come get your gift.”

I reached into my pocket and tore open the red envelope marked “Friday Night”. In it was a card with Darth Vader that started playing the Imperial Theme when I opened it. Written inside was the message, “Welcome to the Dark Side. Enjoy your toy. Unwrap your gift before you use it.”

I undressed as quickly as possible and throw most of my garments on the neary chair. I opened the French door to see my gift for the night.

The curtains of the room were closed, but the room was being lit up by the light from the television. As I assumed, Sherri had put on a porn movie and the sounds of sexwere already filling the room. But the sounds and sights of the movie paled in comparison to what awaited me on the bed.

Sherri was laying on the bed with her arms and hands tucked behind her back. She seemed to be naked, but her breasts and chest were wrapped in some sort of pale pink tape. Her shoulders were exposed as was her toned abdomen. Her pelvis was wrapped in similar material, covering her from her hips to about mid tigh. Her legs were bare to her ankles where a pair of padded pink ankle cuffs had her lower legs tied together. Her hair was still back in a ponytail, and her lipstick had been refreshed to an even deeper shade of red. She had on a black sleep mask over her eyes and was huskily breathing, causing her bound chest to rise and fall.

As if all of that weren’t enough, there was writing scrapled across the top of her chest which said, “Jason’s Fuck Toy”. On her stomach was similar writing, “Unwrap your gift” with an arrow pointing to her covered crotch. Sherri must have used the mirror for the writing, because it was uneven and some of the letters reversed. Regardless, I appreciated the effort and got the message.

As I approached the bed, I noticed one final thing; a gift bag was next to her with “Accessories and Instructions for Use. Please Open and Read First” written on it. At that point, I’m not sure what had me more stunned, my gorgeous fiancé bound and laying on the bed in front of me, or the amount of time, thought and preparation she had put into all my gifts. (Ok, it was the bound on the bed part, if I’m being honest.)

As I moved the bag closer to open it, I saw and felt Sherri twitch a little as she realized I was now standing close to her. It was then that I realized that Sherri had somehow handcuffed her hands behind her back with a set of pink handcuffs that matched those around her ankles. I opened the top of the bag to see a folded sheet of paper that said “Read Me first” on it.


Happy Birthday! I am your personal toy for the night. Use me however you see fit. Just like your favorite nerdy action figures, I come with a few accessories that are in the bag, too. A few rules:

  • If you hear “purple platypus”, or I raise 3 fingers in the air because I can’t speak, please stop what you’re doing.
  • No Anal! (Sorry, babe, still not into it, even on your birthday.)
  • All the accessories are approved for use – so don’t be afraid to use them.

Love you,

Your Birthday Fuck Toy”

When I finished reading, I put the note down and started digging through the bag. It became obvious that Sherri was fulfilling another fantasy of mine – some light bondage and control for the night. We had played Around before, tying each other up, using blindfolds and even light spankings at times. There were times when each of had taken and surrendered control to the other.

This time, she had definitely surrendered to me and purchased acollection of ‘accessories’ for me to use. I found an arousal lotion called “Tickle her pink”, a small red and black flogger, a set of nipple clamps with silicane pads on the ends and a chain linking them together, a vibrating cock ring, a pink feather on a stick, some flavored lubricant, and the remaining roll of the pink bondage tape she was partially wrapped in.

I stood up and looked down at my bound fiancé, “Babe. This is incredible. Are you sure you want to do this?” I confirmed.

Bound and blindfolded as she was, she turned slightly to her side and looked in my general direction. “Use your gift, Jay” was her only response.

I was now hard as a rock and as much as I wanted to rip the tape off Sherri and start fucking her, I wanted to tease and torture her first. I took off my boxes and straddled her torso on the bed. Her head was slightly elevated on the pillows and took my cock and started to rub it over her lips. Every time she would try to move to lick it or take it in her mouth, I would move it away quickly. After a few minutes, I took my cock in my hand and slapped her lips and cheats with my stiff unit.

“Beg for it, babe. Beg me for my cock in your mouth.” I ordered.

Sherri was still trying to reach out with her tongue to lick me, but I had pulled away enough that she couldn’t reach.

“Please, Jay, I want your dick Your mouth.” Sherri moaned. I slapped her mouth a bit harder with my dick.

“First, call me ‘Sir.’ Next, I told you to beg.”

“I’m sorry, Sir. Please, may I have your cock in my mouth? Let me suck it, let me lick it. Let me suck your cock until you shoot your hot load into my mouth.”

I shifted forward and guided my dick back to Sherri’s waiting lips. When they came in contact with my head, she opened her lips and let me slide into her waiting mouth. Because her hands were still tied behind her back, I was able to control the motion, sliding my cock in and out as she worked to lick and suck as best she could. Every time I would shift forward, she would close her mouth and start sucking to trap me in her warm mouth. Her tongue was lapping up and down my shake, coating it with her spit on every thrust.

Changing the pace, I pushed into her mouth and felt her throat open slightly. I pulled back a bit and then paused, leaving her with her mouth completely full of my swollen manhood. Sherri bobbed her head as best she could and swirled her tongue around the shake of my cock. I could feel saliva starting to drip down her chin and coat my balls that were pressed against it. Sherri was moaning around my cock, making visas with her mouth bringing me closer to coming. In order to prolong my pleasure, I abruptly pulled out of her mouth, leaving Sherri to search for my cock with limited mobility.

I once again took my cock in My hand, this time rubbing and smearing her lipstick across her lips and chin. Grabbing my phone, I opened the camera and took what would be the first of many pictures of the night. I was about to resume my position when I remembered the couple we had watched from our window the night before.

I stood up and moved Sherri so that she was laying across the bed with her head hanging off the edge. I removed her blindfold so she could watch as I approached and slid my dick back into her widely opened mouth. Having never tried the position before, it was a mix of awkward and incredible. Because of the new angle, Sherri’s mouth felt completely different, with her throat opened wide for my cock. Her tongue and lips were at the opposite place of what I was used to and the entire sensing of thrusting in and out was electrifying. That being said, it took some time for us to reach any sort of rhythm. Even when we did, I felt like I was making contact with Sherri’s teeth a little too often, which was Ruining the experience slightly.

I pulled back out of Sherri’s mouth and paused while she took a few deep breaths.

“Please, sir. I want to make you come. Tell me what to do to make you come.” Sherri while. She was really playing up her role and giving me an incredible rush.

“Roll over” I ordered. Sherri twisted and turned but I had to help her until she was laying on her front. I reached down, found the release tab for her handscuffs, and released one of her hands. “Now, get on your knees.”

Sherri’s ankles were still connected, but I helped her shift off the bed and on to the floor, so that she was kneeling in front of my erect cock. As she leaned in to take me back in her mouth, I grabbed her ponytail and held her back.

“Before you start, I want to be very, very clear. What are you tonight?” I asked.

“I’m your personal toy, Sir.”

“Is that it?”

“No sir. I’m your personal birthday fuck toy.”

“And what do you want?”

“I want to suck your cock until you exploit down my throat, Sir.”

“Then make me come.” I pulled Sherri forward by her hair and she swallowed my length instantly. Now able to use her hands, she had one wrapped around my ass while she used the other to alternate between struggling my cock and playing with my balls. She released my cock and started sucking first on one, then the other of my testicles. She continued to stroke my cock the entire time before moving back up and taking me in her mouth.

I feel my balls begin to contract and I pulled her forward on my dick. Normally, I would warn her of the coming flood, but in the spirit of the night, I didn’t. Instead, I started shooting spurts of cum directly into her mouth and throat. Sherri gagged with her mouth full of cock, and cum shooting down her throat. She began to swallow, but trails of cum leaked out of the sides of her mouth to her chin, dripping down to the floor. As my cock stopped spasming, I pulled out, dragging it Against her lips and chin, further marking her with my fluids. I told Sherri not to move and I took more pictures of her cum-covered face.

Dropping the phone, I helped Sherri back up on the bed. She positioned herself so that she was leaning against the pillows on the headboard. I handed her a bottle of water but told her not to wipe the cum from her face. Her chest and hips were still bound in the shiny tape and I decided that while I waited for my dick to recover, I would finally unwrap my gift.


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