Vee Pt. 03

I was bouncing a very tightly bound Vee up and down on my cock. I was fascinated watching her tits bounce up and down when I suddenly thought of an idea for a very different fucking machine. This one moved the woman not the cock.

By the next day, I had sketches for it. It had to be safe but it had to look as though it could destroy the victim’s fanny. I planned to take it to the munch we had discovered in Caerphilly as long as I could get Vee to agree. At the moment she had no idea about this fledgling idea in my mind.

The main safety aspect would be taken care of by firstly mounting the hydroulic ram under the seat to lift Vee off the dildo, not to drive it into her. Her own weight was easily sufficient to impale herself over and over again.

I wanted a minimum 14-inch dildo and I I wanted it to appear to Vee watching herself experience this monster fucking in a mirror as though she was getting the lot.

I know with her being quite small her virginal canal is only about 6 inches deep. I have to be careful with her, I have, so her lady tells her, bruised her cervix in the past by being a bit over rough with her. It’s hard not to grin like an idiot when you are told on a joint visit to the doc that you are getting in too deep and bruising the bottom of her primary love tunnel. Not that the doc put it quite that way. I managed to wipe the grin off and assume a suitable concerned expression.

Anyway back to the apparent destruction of Vee’s fanny by my monster dildo machine, I need to employ the illusionists, smoke and mirrors!

What if I have the dildo mounted on a passive air ram with a fairly large air reserve, I thought? A simple adjustable mechanical stop would increase or decrease maximum penetration. Adjusting A flow restrictor In the tube between the air ram and the air tank would make her grip the dildo. I hoped that would make her cum quicker and more often. I’d need to see that to assess if it, erm, improved her experience.I could make it appear that I drop my little tart 14 inches or so onto a big brutal 16-inch dildo. With no harm to befall her.

I would mount the dildo on a spring, in this case, an air spring to compensate for 12 inches of this movement and she would be getting machine fucked to a real depth of between 4 inches and potentially far more than she could take.

I would probably adjust this on the fly starting at an inch or two then closing the compensating stroke down until she felt the slightest disappoint and then backing off an inch depending on if I got a green yellow or red response.

I found the heart of my system on eBay. I was pretty surprised to find a self-contained power pack on there that gave me the oil flow rates I wanted without going for an accumulator. I found a second-hand flow bypass leaver I paid 5 quid for that, I was the only bidder. It was near enough to go get it myself.

The seat ran on two 2-inch stainless steel rods. Again on the bushes, I made by laminating 2, 25mm thick PTFE sheets on either side of the seat to give me a good smooth almost friction-free travel of the seat. Eventually lifting my poor defenseless tightly bound damsel in ecstasy up to 16 inches.

I became quite the showman, I even bought a fake Moustache to twirl for when we took it to Caerphilly

The only hydroulic ram, a 32mm x 400 stroke cost me less than 150 quid including delivery and the air ram, a 40mm bore x 400mm Stroke cost 110 quid. That had a stainless rod. I had to go for that as I was unsure of the corrosive qualities on my little tarts quim juice. It’s not corrosive at all, I like to drink a glass of it at breakfast every day. Sorry slight mistake there I’d like to drink a glass of it at breakfast every day.

I spent another hundred and twenty quid on steel PTFE and a bit of phosphor-bronze but I had an 1800 mm length of 60mm diameter Nylon66 rod in the garage at my place and the 25mm thick PTFE sheet. I had my trusty HarrisonStudent centre lathe and a Tom Senior vertical mill. It was good to get them working again. A hidden benefit was Vee encouraged me to take the package my employees were offering, retire early and spend the rest of my life with her. All the bits, clevises, indexing controls etc I made myself.

The power pack came with a suitable hydroulic valve I had to make a linkage to the indexing controller I built onto the seat support. That operated the pump/evacuation valve on the power pack. I also put two normally closed solenoids on the return pipe to the power pack tank. No power equals no movement of the chair.

Later I wired up an emergency stop button circuit with three key-matched lock-in buttons on the circuit one key was on my keyring. I have never operated that machine without it in my direct control. One of the spares is in a key safe fixed on the machine. The others are in Vee’s safe at home.

Four weeks later I was very pleased with the basic working seat I had. Theram drive it up, it didn’t come down on its own at first but when I loaded the seat with a bag of builder’s sand it worked as well as I had hoped for.

After I left it running overnight to run it in, I made my twin support shakes and PTFE linear bearings, they would prevent any uneven loading on the seat jamming the travel. They just needed a bit more of the overnight bedding in process. Then it ran as smooth as silk.

I had problems when I added the dildo and the stroke compensating air ram and its con rod. I had made do with two pieces of 13 mm steel rod screwed together. Its screw joint offered a lot of resistance in the PTFE linear bearings as it wasn’t aligned well enough. The tool bed on my Harrison is getting a little wound.

I thought about how much this cost, I was spoiling the ship for a penny worth of tar. I bought a length of 16mm heavy stainless tube and turned and welded studs for the ends to make a decent one-piece con rod.

I then made another clevisto mount it to the base of the unit.

I simply cut the black Nylon66 rod down to two feet long turned the main shaft down to 40 mm and formed a spherical end. I used my hand grinder to linish the sphere into a passable bell end. I turned out very well, I had enough rod to make three dildos so I did.

I settled on the pressure in the air tank by trial and error. The tank, an air brake tank from a lorry, I found at the local scrap metal merchants. With 12 lbs per square inch in it, I could push the dildo head back with my little finger until it hit the sliding stop on the con rod.

Then the passenger was taking whatever the driver set it at. I had it ready for flying trials. I just needed my test pilot.

Poor girl, Her eyes were wide with fear. Just trust me I said as I sat her on the seat and positioned the dildo so it just entered her quim. I’d told her I wasn’t going to fasten her in so if it became intolerable she could stand. That relaxed her a bit.

I stopped and started the machine, adjusting the stroke every time. When pleasure started to become a little bit of pain for Vee. I marked her maximum depth of penetration on the indexing link rod.

Later I engraved a line with a V through it so I immediately knew where the limit was. When I showed the machine with Vee as the gaged victim I have never taken it within an inch of that.

When stood immediately adjacent to the machine at work on my woman I could see the dildo stop and start as she increased and decreased her grip on it but when the dildo hit the bottom stop on the spring she shuddered as it invaded deep into her pussy. When I stand four feet away the illusion is complete and I know what is happening.

The next time Vee saw it, the works were enclosed in a timber case and heavy black leather restraint straps with roller buckles were fitted. I fixed her in position. I had set the dildo relief travel to within 15mm of her maximum. I made sure the dildo was well-lubed and pressed the start button.

Then I placed the mirror. She went nuts looking at herself being impaled on my machine. It only took a couple of minutes for her to cum the first time. I got two more out of her before she shouted “RED”.

I was worried it had hurt her but she said it wasn’t pain.

“The flare on the bell end of the dildo is so intense on my G spot I had to call stop!”

“Do you want me to reduce the flare darling?”

“Don’t you fucking dare! A little bit more lube could be handy.”

Not a problem pet. I’ll drill up the centre of the dildo, and add a little pump and reserver. If I can find a pump my lady’s seat will be ready tomorrow.”

So if I gaged you and just let it run how would you cope? Vee shuddered. I don’t think I could. Please don’t ever leave me on it alone. That’s when I resolved to put some emergency isolation on it. One she could reach if she needed.

I had made a little film on my phone and with Vee’s agreement I sentit to Mistress K of the Caerphilly munch. I was just messaging to say we were both looking forward to bringing it down to the munch one month when it was convenient for her and her man, If she would like us to. I got a reply “can you bring it next week, please, I would love to see it in the flesh, if you pardon the pun.

Vee said say yes. We will have to clean your van up. Bugger that! I said we will hire one for the weekend. Imagine my old banner breaking down on the Brecons with this in the back.


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