Vanessa's Painful Whims Ch. 03

Tom is really handsome, Giorgio and Andrew must accept it. So, they have to cope with what it’s happening in front of them: a black boy of about 25 with a perfect, well-built body, flirting with Vanessa, who smiles, touches her hair, flatters and jokes. Tom is overtly astonished by her. He wears a tight running vest which reveals his very big shoulders and strong biceps. Also his pants are very tight, and show the impressive muscles of his legs and a kind of bulge between the legs which lights up Vanessa’s fervid imagination.

Vanessa has told the two men to remain distant to not disturb, and so they do. She would involve them later. They can only watch the two charming beauty chatting, and Vanessa sometimes caresing the biceps of the boy while smiling. Later, Tom hugs her. When his big hand touches Vanessa’s back, passes a finger along her silk dress and then up to the naked and sensitive shoulders of the woman, they feel upset and jealous.

After about fifteen minutes,she signals the two men that they are allowed to come. When they arrive, the boy knows everything of both men, even the most intimate details.

“Vanessa told me that you’re wearing a cage around your cock… Ouch, it must be terrible,” Tom says to Giorgio, obviously embarrassed. Then he looks at Adam: “And that you like to put drawing pins in your underpants, just to please your beautiful madam, wow… You’re courageous men…”

“Yeah and look at these — Vanessa goes on showing her shoes to the boy — Giorgio licked them so carefully… Watch the silettos, they shine! He is such an attentive service!”

Giorgio and Andrew are obviously embarrassed, but Vanessa and Tom goes on.

“You’re a lucky woman, so beautiful and homaged… I feel like … I can’t keep up with you.”

Vanessa looks at the boy sensitively: “You can – she says while caresing his big arm — I find you so sexy! – Then her hand goes to the bottom of the boy, which Vanessa finds really hard – Probablyyou might be hired for different purposes…” she whisper turning.

“To tell you the truth, I find you astonishing since when we have seen on the beach. You had that white swimsuit… oh my god! I said to my friends: who is that lady? And my friends started chatting you up, do you remember?”

“I remember, be sure… Nice guys, however…”

“Better than me?”

“Might be,” she laughs.

He hugs her, and his enormous hand makes Vanessa’s shoulder even smaller. Giorgio finds the scene unbearable, and feels humiliated. Vanessa realizes it and pushes her head on Tom’s muscle chest, to unchain her service’s jealousy.

Even Andrew looks down embarrassed. He can’t see Tom’s hand totally covering Vanessa’s shoulder, or passing through her curly black hair. Now the boy is caresing Vanessa’s back through the red silk dress. Vanessa knows male jealousy and enjoys the scene.

“I think Giorgio and Andrew are jealous of you,” she says to Tom, humiliating the two men in front of the boy.

“You shouldn’t,” Tom says.

“In fact, Tom is so different from you. What he can give me is out of your abilities. You will never be allowed to such things, men. However, let’s go out. I, and repeat ‘I’, have spotted a nice place far from people. We can stay there and chat together…” she believes sensitively scratching Tom’s bicep.

“Yes, good” Tom says.

“I hate you,” Giorgio whispers to Vanessa.

“I know, and you can’t imagine how much this turn me up.”

“Giorgio and I can remain here…” Andrew tries.

“No no no — Vanessa objects — Come with us. I want you to be consumed by jealousy, men.”

Vanessa and Tom laugh and go. They are ahead, walking while hugging and chatting. Giorgio and Andrew follow, red with jealousy. “I hope he has a small cock – Andrew says — Otherwise, we are lost.”

“We are lost in any case. Vanessa loves this kind of hunks. I would do everything not to see this,” Giorgio says pointing at Vanessa and Tom now hand in hand.

Finally they arrive in the same place as earlier. Vanessa is clearly in charge: “Ok boys, I want you in underpants in one minute. The game begins.”

In less than a minute the three men are in underpants. Vanessa walks between them sensitively, sexy on her silettos, caressing Tom’s chest and squeezing a bit Andrew’s balls. She seems a sexy general among her soldiers.

“What’s the game?” Tom asks.

“Fulfilling my whims, as ever…” she answers.

“What are you whims?” Tom asks, again caresing her hips through the silk of the red dress.

She smiles, puts her hands on his big chest and kisses him extensively. “This was my first desire since I have seen you on the beach,” she says after the kiss, without moving her hands from the boy’s muscular chest.

“Oh my god, I’m losing my brain, Vanessa, you’re dangerously hot – Tom says enchanted — I’m 23, and you scare me a bit…”

“Don’t worry Tom, let your instinct go and everything will be good. What are you feeling now?”

“I feel that I want to be yours, and fulfill all your caprices…”

“You’re on the right side of the street — she says — My caprices are many, we will have fun together, don’t tremble now…”

“Ok… What’s the next whim?”

Vanessa presses her head on Tom’s chest, to calm him down, and lets her finger go Through the boy’s body. “Another whims I have is to introduce Andrew to the joy of the chatity device with the metallic pins.”

Andrew swallows frightened. Vanessa goes slowly, swinging in her beautiful long red dress and walking on her silettos, in front of Andrew. She makes the device dangle in front of his eyes.

“This is what I’m expecting from you, baby.”

The man is terrorized.

“Don’t be worried, my little big Andrew — she says sweetly — you will be safe. This device will prevent you from getting hard just warning you at the beginning of any erection. These pins will punch your penis,and it will return calm.”

Vanessa kisses Andrew’s cheats and puts her lips a couple of centimeters far from Andrew’s mouth. “May I put it?”, she asks pouting and caresing his chest.

Andrew is totally enchanted by her, and cannot say no. “Yes, Vanessa,” he answers not managing to detach his eyes from that seducing woman.

Vanessa puts patiently the first piece of the device, While Andrew tries not to see what’s happening down there. Slowly, she adds the second, and locks the device. “Good boy…” she says, and touches Andrew’s internal thigh and balls. After about ten second of sexy massages, Andrew shouts with pain and knees at her feet.

“Good, it works well, it’s the right size. Stay there Andrew. I have noticed you get hard when you see me with Another man and are jealous. This will be your punishment and my pleasure this night.”

Andrew is sobbing for the pain. “I’ll do it, Vanessa.”

“I want to know you better – Vanessa tells him while caresing his shoulder — Tell me what you are feeling in your head.”

“I … only hate when you and Tom… when he hugs you, and touches your dress, and cares your skin…” he hardly manages to say, starting crying like a baby.

Vanessa cares his head: “Don’t be desperate, Andrew. You are ok with us. Only obey me, and you will be happy.”

“Tell us another whim you want us to satisfy,” Giorgio says.

“It regards you, George. I want you to wear your chatity belt again. I know it’s small and have metallic pins, but your suffering will make my night more pleasant.”

Giorgio is devastated, and sobs too, but staggers: “I’ll do it.”

Vanessa puts the device on Giorgio’s penis, and the two keys in her bag. After it, she “Tom, you must know that Giorgio’s erogenous area is just under his balls, and before the anus. If I cares that point, he becomes crazy!”

“No, Vanessa, not now…” Giorgio begs.

“Oh Giorgio, you know what happens in me when you begs…”

“Please, the pins will sting my penis…”

“They are there just to produce pain, sweetie. Let them do their job…”

Giorgio tries the last chance: “Please Tom, tell her not to do it.”

But Vanessa has started moving sensitively her hand along Giorgio’s internal thigh, up to his balls, and then to the weakest area. “Resist, Giorgio, you can avoid the erection, if you want… Defeat me, if you can.”

Giorgio closes his eyes to resist but Vanessa is unstoppable, her hand is so sweet while revolving around the erogenous point. It takes a few seconds, and Vanessa sees the penis of his service starting swelling. Sadistically, she whispers in the ear of her service with a sexy tone: “Good boy, show me how much you’re suffering for your whisical Princess…”

At the same time, Vanessa’s finger presses the magical point and immediately she sees Giorgio’s penis going up fast, then Giorgio screaming for the intense pain and finally the cock returning flaccid.

Vanessa exults: “I won, my service!” she says caresing his face.

Then Vanessa goes back to Tom: “You can’t imagine how powerful I feel when I do this. Men feel that I’m in power and are terrified. It’s a wonderful sensing… Would you wear this device?” she adds maliciously.

Tom surprises her: “Yes, if this is your desire.”

“I will decide, never feel safe with me”, she replies smiling.

“Are there other desires we must fulfill?” asks Tom, always in underpants.

She sensitively puts her arms around Tom’s neck: “Suuuure… and it regards you, big boy…”

“What must I do for you?”

“It depends on your… small warm? Or big trunk? Actually I’ve not seen it yet… only imagined. It seems encouraging, but who knows? If it’s small, you’ll wear the device with the sadistic pins. If it’s big…”

Vanessa drags her hand into the underpants of the boy and starts caressing his penis. She smiles and says to Giorgio and Andrew: “Woooow. Tom won’t wear the device!” Then, she takes his underpants off and leaves the boy totally naked, and showing a really big penis.

“What a piece of meat – Vanessa says looking radiantly at Tom’s jewel and then at the eyes of the boy — Screw me up, big boy, this bed seems perfect for us. This is my whim. Devote yourself to my pleasure, which is a bit complex.”

“I’m here to make you happy,” Tom says lying on the bed naked.

“Good, big boy. Giorgio already knows how it works. Me and you alone would be good, but consider that my pleasure doubles if when I have sex with a man there are other men around us suffering for me. Seeing them multiples my orgasm. So, Giorgio and Andrew come here too. I want you to get hard While Tom screws me up. And now it’s your turn, big boy, let me dream. But be careful, I have these — and Vanessa shows two drawing pins in her hands– If I feel that you’re disappointing me and working badly, I will mince that beautiful piece of meat. In a second you’ll become my service and will give me the phone numbers of your friends who chatted me up on the beach.”

She lies down under Tom and kisses him thoroughly.

“I will do whatever you want, I’m crazy for you, Vanessa, sincerely,” he says.

She cares him everywhere. “Undress me, big boy, at the party there were at least twenty men who dreamt of it, and you are the elected…”

Tom patiently undresses Vanessa. She takes his head with her hands and pushes it down towards her lap. Vanessa puts her beautiful legs around Tom’s neck. The boy sinks into that paradise and kisses Vanessa slowly between her legs. This turns her on immediately. So, Tom starts licking her in depth and she becomes crazy, starting moaning and crying out. Toms introductions His tongue into Vanessa, who moves his hips first slowly, than gradually faster and faster, whining: “Ohhhh big boy, go on and never stop, otherwise I grind your piece of meat, you know?”

Tom, partly for the fear, partly because he likes it, keeps on and on.

“Come here Giorgio,” she says, then grabs Giorgio’s tests. Giorgio groans for the pain but also for the pleasure, because Vanessa now alternates grips and cares, while moving faster and faster while she is penetrated by Tom’s tongue. Vanessa feels a shiver of pleasure coming from where Tom’s tongue is working and starting invading her entire body. She knows she is cumming, so also grabs Andrew’s balls and closes her hand around it. Andrew groans for the pain.

She keeps on tightening Tom’s neck with her legs and pushing the boy’s head to go deeper.

The perfect combination between Tom’s tongue and George and Andrew’s suffering is proving fruitful. Vanessa feels the wave growing and growing. “Again, again — she says — big boy, you’re such a big boy…” she grosses, and finally she explores in a violent orgasm which scatters the pleasure wherever across her body. She moans, shouts and cries together, tighteningher legs around Tom’s muscular neck and almost strangely strangling him. Then, gradually her body slows down while Tom goes up by kissing her body from the paradise he visited up to the face, without neglecting a sole centermeter of it.

“Ohhhh mamma mia — she whispers — big boys, you’re all big boys… Three big boys all for me… thanks god!” And she stops talking.

Vanessa stays still on the bed, her eyes closed, her curly black hair covering a great part of her face, her beautiful body just shocked by the huge quantity and quality of pleasure which crossed it so intensely, as a form of electric power. The three men are around her, looking at her silently.

“Vanessa, are you alive?” Tom asks.

Finally, among the curly hair a smile appears on her beautiful face. She opens her Sensual eyes and looks at the three men in turn. “Thank you boys…” She grabs Tom shoulders and press her body on his. “You’re a bull, Big Boy 1, many compliments… And also you, Almost Big Boys 2and 3, you have been fantastic. Do your penises are still there with you?”

“I think so,” they answer together.

“What an orgasm, babies… Very very good…”

She rests for a couple of minutes, chatting with her three men.

After this, she says: “Giorgio knows me well, I always require the second shot. Tom, please remember — she says lifting under the boy and caresing his muscles – after the first orgasm, I become more demanding, and I’ve always the drawing pins in my hand, so don’t disappoint me. You must keep the level of the first shot. Scrap the vegetable diet, what I need is meat, now,” she says, and grabs Tom’s huge cock.

“I hardly can take it with one hand,” Vanessa tells Giorgio and Andrew enthusiastically, while the two men pretend Not to understand her.

Then she whispers in the boy’s ear: “Come in, let me continue the dream… You are so hard, big boy…”

She arouses Tom by massaging his balls and then introduces his cock within her paradise. Tom starts moving with a regular rhythm, which she seems to appreciate. She clings to Tom’s wide shoulders and follow his rhythm, letting him decide the time of that wonderful dance. Vanessa sees her red dress on the bed and thinks about Arthur, another man who is fulfilling her many whims, at her feet and ready to do anything she desires. She feels her earrings and necklace following the unchained rhythm that Tom is dedicated to her, and thinking about Arthur serving her financially increases her pleasure more and more.

Then she sees Giorgio and Andrew: they are red in their faces, she understands that the devices are doing their job. So she looks at them sensitively, showing the two men the intense pleasure she is feeling thanks to Tom’s violent shots.

“Ooooh men, look at me … and suffer for me… while I’m enjoying this black stallion… ohhhh…”

The two men can’t avoid her eyes, which brim with pleasure. When Tom bites and sucks her ear they become even more aroused: their can’t control their cocks, which swell regardless of the metallic tips of the devices.

Vanessa, always clung to the boy’s muscle body, sees them put their hands on their genitalia for the pain they are experiencing, and also understands that it will be useless, as they will always suffer for her, and be devoted to her.

This multiples her pleasure, just now that the electric shock is coming back, as she feels. The wave comes unstoppable, and wipes everything else out. Vanessa feels her body totally invested by that immense pleasure and finally detonates while Tom’s cock erupts like a volcano inside her. She does not think about anything, only enjoys the pleasure, putting herself in Tom’s big hands and body. While Tom, clutched to her, gradually slows down his rhythm, Vanessa enjoys caresing his strong body. It’s wonderful to feel his muscles under her hands while the pleasure still crosses her body and mind.

She takes his hand, smiles at himand kisses his lips morbidly. “Wow big hunk, you did your job perfectly…” she says. They hug and Vanessa loves being totally covered by that huge and strong body. She also tells Giorgio and Andrew to come closer to her.

All of the three men embrace her, paying homage to her beauty and superiority. She kisses and hugs all of them.

“Each of you did a great job, and contributed to the final result… I went into ecstasies because of each of you, and I find this wonderful.”

She sees strange movements and moans in the lower parts of the two men and understands: “Ohh, men, you are getting hard again, and are caged…”

“We are the two who didn’t cum, Vanessa, and are in bed with you. What else may happen to us?” Giorgio says in a hushed voice.

“Would you like to cum?” she asks sexually.

Giorgio is desperate: “My penis is almost in pieces, but it’s getting hard again, I don’t know how… I beg you… free me. Actually I don’t know if I can cum…”

Andrew is ruined by the pain too, his face is emaciated and his begging eyes ask for goal: “Vanessa, you turn me on as no other woman, I believed to die with that device, and now I’m going to get hard again. I’m frightened of that fucking pain. But staying in bed with you has that effect, and I can’t do anything…, please, before it’s too late!”

Vanessa and Tom laugh. She is completely satisfied by her two orgasms and feels pitiful.

“Giorgio, take my bag,” she says.

Giorgio runs to the bag, he has understood that something is happening.

When Vanessa takes the two keys from the bag, they both hope for the best.

The first is Giorgio. He knows that, when she wants, Vanessa can be the sweetest woman on the planet. She opens the device, take the first part away, and Then the second. Then take Giorgio’s crashed penis in his sweet hand. Giorgio reveals and feels the world around him again. Wearing the device has a strange effect on him, he can also think about Vanessa, because she has the key. Now he is a complete man again.

Vanessa looks at his bad penis and take care of it, and this reinvigorates her service. With her fingers, she cares the cock and massages the parts which look more in bad shape, blushed or stung.

“Ohhh, my small friend — she whispers seductively — Has Princess Vanessa was too nasty this night?” She plays with the penis, and when she kisses its tip softly, Giorgio thinks that it’s the best moment in his life. Vanessa looks at him and smiles sweetly: “Would you do it again?”

Giorgio looks at Vanessa, at her malicious eyes and seductive lips. He is still inebriated by her kiss, and has no doubt: “Yes, even in a stronger way, if this is your caprice.”

“Good boy — she says giving a last care to his balls — Wait and you will be rewarded… Come on, Andrew.”

Andrew has the same fate. “This was your first time — Vanessa says pulling the last part of the device out — so probably a bitMore painful…”

“I believed to die… I tried not to get hard, but watching you enjoying Tom that way, it was impossible. And when you looked at me, everything became out of control. So every twenty or thirty seconds those fucking tips stung my penis, but I obeyed you, and kept on looking at you. Believe me, I’ve found my place in the world, tonight…”


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