Vanessa enters the lift of the Brazilian hotel where she has been passing her holiday, a wonderful stay just in front of one of the most beautiful Brazilian beaches. She is a really charming woman with long and curly black hair which surroundings a lovely face with bewitching chocolate-eyes and sensitively protruding lips, which enchant lots of admirers especially when she pouts. Actually, what astonishes the most is her skin: quite dark for a white woman, it actually seems silk.
Another strength is her decollate, with a thin neck becoming gracious shoulders and ending in definitely big breasts. The roundness of her bosom is recalled a bit below, in her hips, which, when she walks, she moves in a particularly seductive way.
However, the most tempting part of Vanessa is her brain. If her being attractive, in fact, is due to her appear, her playing cat and mouse with the others is an exclusive characteristic of her mind. She is always the cat, and enjoys this role much morethan any other.
Promising and denying, giving and taking away a second later, caressing and slapping almost at the same time are oppositions only for other people. For her, they are activities which harmoniously follow each other. The final aim, for Vanessa, is always the same: fulfilling her own whims, the goal which makes her totally happy.
The Brazilian holiday is a gift from Arthur, an English entrepreneur in his seventies, who has been spellbound by Vanessa’s elegance and sensitivity since the day they knew in London two years ago. Since then, they have met various times. The last one was in a Japanese restaurant in the City, where Arthur offered the woman a really interesting deal.
How all of it started
“I love you — Arthur told her while tasting London’s best sashimi — but I know that I’m 73, and you’d never consider me for more. You’re about 40, but I see how boys of 20 and men of every age look at you… What can I hope? I can’t keep up with them. Butit’s good for me, anyway. I will be happy just seeing you happy, this is the only form of love I can experience with you. Your beautiful smile will light my life up. I’d like to buy you all the things you like, to give you at least a bit of that pleasure I cannot donate to you in other ways. I see you like beautiful dresses, trendy jewels and other things which underline even More your beauty. I’ve been financially lucky, so please take from me all you want. I want in exchange nothing, it’s only a homage to your class and vitality, what I love of you. Your friendship would be the best gift I might receive in this stage of my life.”
Vanessa was pleasantly surprised by the proposal, and obviously accepted. She loved Arthur too, in her way. Seeing a powerful man ready to satisfy her many whims, just to see her happy and satisfied, fed her self-confidence. As soon as Arthur concluded his proposal, under the table of the restaurant she cared Arthur’s calm with her high-heel sandal, which Arthur had given her as a present a week earlier. Then she went up to the thigh of the man. “I accept” she told him sensitively.
Arthur was enchanted by those brown eyes and dark skin. That evening, she wore a black silk shirt which revealed a golden necklace just ending at the beginning of her big breast; a chignon on her head magically evidened the gracefulness of her face and the lusciousness of her gaze.
Arthur felt totally lost in that beautiful woman.
“I really love you, Vanessa,” he said. Vanessa’s foot went up and slightly touched Arthur penis, which was hard like marble. The man was obviously nervous.
“Ohhh… You might be 73 but now you seem 20…” she said maliciously looking at his eyes highly. This turned it on in a visible way, and at that point Vanessa started touching Arthur’s penis with her siletto, and a bit more strongly.
“Ouchh…” Arthur moaned with pain. She laughed and hit the man a second way. She loved seeing the weaknessof the men in some moments.
After a last kick, she stopped and sensitively smiled. “You will get used to my whims… and I spared your balls, it could have been worse.”
Arthur nodded touching with his hand his aching parts. “It hurts, but I will cope with it. I will do everything for you, Vanessa.”
“That’s the only way of loving me – Vanessa said taking his hand — and I see you are capable of it. But believe me, we’ll become friends, we are already friends, Arthur. This is my way of loving men, and you have understood it.”
She then received a message.
“Men?” Arthur asked curiously.
“Sam, a boy I got to know yesterday. He’s here, out of the restaurant, I told him to pick me up at this time, but we don’t have finished dinner yet.”
“Tell him to come in, I will be jealous but I imagine I must get used to this too…”
“He can wait. I prefer to have dinner with you alone… If he wants to see me again, he must know who I am in full, and learn to wait.”
“But it’s raining,” Arthur tried to convince her.
“Doesn’t matter, he will dry off. Let’s finish dinner.”
They continued to eat and drink, chatting and laughing. Vanessa gushed joy from every centimeters of her beautiful face. Her eyes looked at Arthur sometimes with empathy, other times with detachment, other with threat. It was that uneven behavior which made Arthur fall in love over and over.
After about forty minutes, Vanessa sent a message to Sam, which hadn’t written other messages.
“Is he still there? – Arthur asked — or did he leave?”
“He’s there, for sure.”
And in fact Sam answered that he was still waiting out of the restaurant.
“I go, it’s time to torque Sam in person, not only at a distance.”
“Poor boy… I envy him, and sincerely hope that the shoes I bought to you will also hurt him.”
“Who knows? Perhaps he will enjoy the best part of me, this night… – she whispered maliciously — will put his handson my tits, screw me up like a bull… make me scream…”
Arthur put his hand on his eyes desperately: “You perfectly know how to make me suffer.”
She stood up and caressed his nose with a finger. Arthur saw Vanessa in all her charm and class. The black miniskirt completed her look that evening. “She is as enchanting as nobody else,” he thought while she walked away on her high-heel sandals which that evening had given him a form of pain so mysteriously delicious.
The party
Vanessa looks at herself in the lift’s mirror, and perfectly understands the fat man who is close to her. There are no other people, and he is staring at her totally enchanted. She wears a long silk red dress which adheres to her body perfectly.
She sees in the mirror the curves of her hips and of her breast and Likes herself. By turning around, she also sees the shape of her buttocks, evidenced by the dress which cares them softly, and thinks: they also challenge gravity; and her gaze goes down to her siletto sandals, the same which tormented Arthur at the restaurant. She also wears a golden parure of necklace, earrings and bracelet which makes her face and body shine wonderfully.
Vanessa is totally dressed with Arthur’s gifts, her stylish watch and Prada bag included. In fact, just ten minutes earlier, before leaving the room, she sent him a photo of her look for the party. “I only wear you this night”, she wrote. Arthur shivered with love. “You’re astonishing. It’s my honor,” was his answer.
Before the lift’s doors opening, the fat man gets the nervous to say: “You’re so beautiful madam, may I know you? I’m Andrew.”
Vanessa looks at him and smiles. “Don’t you think it’s too easy, Andrew? Try something more demanding. I come with sacrifice and suffering.”
She takes from her bag a small box of drawing pins and gives it to the man. “Put them into your underpants now and come back to me in fifteen minutes, and we will see. And don’t cheat, Iunderstand if you put them ten seconds before…”
The man is surprised. “I don’t like this stuff.”
“Good! I love men doing things they don’t like for me… Otherwise forget me. There will be other women at the party.”
The doors open, she gets out and is directly in the hall of the hotel where the party is happening. Andrew sees from the back the magnificent scene of Vanessa walking slowly on her high heels, her hips moving sensitively within the red silk of her classy dress, her earrings swaying and shining, and all of this persuades him to go to the toilet and put the drawing pins exactly where she said.
Vanessa walks gracefully looking at the other people and intercepting male and female gazes which demonstrate pure admission to her. Some of the men she got to know on the beach or at the bar look at her particularly astonished.
She is not alone in Brazil. Giorgio has come with her. He is her Italian service, who usually associates her carrying her luckgage,organizing things, etc.
Giorgio is totally fallen in love with her, and also a nice guy, who never stops showing his devotion to her. Usually Vanessa allows him to sleep in her room, sometimes on the floor and more rarely in her bed, so he can assist her in every moment. This time, however, she has preferred to be alone, so Giorgio sleeps in another room. Vanessa put his penis in a chatity device and keeps the key in her bag. Giorgio asked to be freed, but Vanessa wants to play with his impatience.
Giorgio has in fact sent several messages since the afternoon, but she has ignored them. The device is new, and slightly different from the others. It is smaller, so will compress Giorgio’s cock much more. Furthermore, it has small metallic tips which, in case of erection, will remind Giorgio of who is in charge.
Vanessa told him of the party, as she wants to have fun with him. Giorgio usually gets hard as soon as he sees her, and the metallic tips will do the rest.
When Vanessa spots him in a corner of the hall, she understands that the fun is coming.
“You look splendid, do I need to say so?” he says thrilling.
“You don’t need, but if you say so it’s definitely better,” she answers smiling and hugging him.
Giorgio returns the hug. “I confess that I actually knew your look. Arthur forwarded me the photo you sent him.”
“Ahhh, and you jerked off on it?” she asks ironically.
“If you free me I’l do it immediately… You enthrall me so much, Vanessa.”
“You will have time to do it…”
“Are you freeing me? – he asks anxiously — I sent you some messages…”
“Probably, it depends on you… But first let me check. Never trust a man. Come here…”
Giorgio steps ahead and Vanessa, unexpectedly, hugs him sensitively. In doing so she touches with her thigh Giorgio’s genitalia, and under his pants she feels the metallic device she ordered him to wear.
“Good boy, you’ve kept it,” she says looking at his eyes tenderly and caresing his neck.
“You have the key, I can’t take it away…”
“Who knows? You men are so nervous, when it’s a matter of sausage…” Vanessa says while caresing Giorgio’s chest through his shirt.
“Uhm… sorry Vanessa… you are getting me… horny… No, please… you know that this chatity belt is really painful if you… turn me on…”
“I Ignore me, if you can,” Vanessa whispers in Giorgio’s ear, continuing to cares his neck, and face, shoulder and chest.
“Ahhh, please… take it off!”
She is pitiless and goes on. Giorgio starts suffering more and more. She laughs and eventually stops.
Giorgio is bent for the pain.
“Oh, don’t exaggerate. You perfectly know what men endure with me.”
“Yes, but you know being in chatity makes me crazy.”
“That’s why I put it on your salami… How do you feel?”
“Dependent on you… Totally dependent. It’s so strange…”
“Good… Have you found a quiet place where to go and play? Do you remember I asked you?”
“Yes Vanessa, I spotted it. There is a small swimming pool and a bed and some couches far from here. We can go there. Are you going to free me before?”
“We will see, my service. As ever, it depends on you.”
A sort of lament interrupts their chatting. They turn and see Andrew, the fat man in the lift, red in his face and suffering. “Please madam… I put them…” he stammers.
She looks at her watch. “It’s only five minutes, Andrew… I said fifteen.”
Than she explains to George: “Andrew is a nice man I met in the lift, he put drawing pins on her cock for me…”
“Hi Andrew, you know how to hit Vanessa’s heart.”
Andrew continues to moan: “Please madam, can I call you Vanessa? I’m not used to this, it’s an atrocious pain!”
Vanessa looks down at Andrew’s crotch and feels strangely pitiful: “You can call me Vanessa. I found a nice place out there where to play together, follow me and my boyfriend Sergio. You will discover new things…”
Andrew follows Vanessa and Giorgio, who is telling her that actually the place was found by him.
“I know — she answers — but I own every part of you, also your ideas. Are you forgetting it? I won’t uncage you, if you behave this way,” she said squeeze a bit the testles of her service while walking.
Andrew Followed the two. The ‘atrocious pain’ he feels between the legs because of the pins does not prevent him from becoming aroused while watching Vanessa’s hips moving slowly in her silky red dress and seducing Giorgio. She desires her and fantasizes about himself hugging and caressing her. Something between his legs begins moving, so the pins have now a bigger surface where they can sting painfully. And they do, making the man walk a bit strangely.
However, Andrew does not know that all of this is only the beginning.
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